ECW title is what the IC and US title used to be

Big Daddy Fool

One Man Rock Band
Everyday there is one or two threads about how the IC and US title no longer mean anything in the WWE and the reason is simple the ECW title. Right now the ECW title is effectively a mid-card title despite what the WWE wants us to think.When the ECW title was created it started off as a credible title with the first three champions being RVD, SHow and Bobby Lashley. Then the WWE decided to shift the programming direction of ECW, by pissing the old and making it developmental tv permanently separating the new ECW from the old one.

Now ECW is a place for up and comers and mid card veterans, which were the people who used to be competing for the IC and US titles. With Raw and Smackdown being dominated by Main Eventers, ECW is the only program devoted to mid-card feuds. If there were no ECW title Christian and swagger would fighting over the IC or US title. Let's face it the mid-card titles of old have been replaced by the new mid card title the ECW title.

Agree, Disagree?
Disagree.....The ECW title is about as worthless as the TNA Legends title. Its basiclly there to make ECW look like an "official" Brand as a matter of fact I would go as far as saying the FCW championship had more value than the ECW belt. Lets face it ECW is nothing more than A place they put talent Creative can't come up with an Angle for and the only reason the Entire ECW roster isn't released is because Vince doesn't want TNA to have them.
I agree. he IC and US titles used to actually mean something. I can remember classic feuds like HBK/Ramon and Savage/Steamboat. Of course there are many others, but point being is that we used to look forward to matches involving these titles... when there was matches with these titles. And as far as ECW, I find it an insult that they even use that as a name. This new ECW has no similarities to the original ECW. There is nothing "Extreme" about this ECW. I personally think that they should rename the brand so that the original ECW stands alone.
ECW is a damn joke, when we all saw ONS, we all wanted to see this full time, but WWE's spine off is lame, making the title have less meaning then it already has.
I agree with the belt now being the new mid card title and I don't like it there, but its the only place it belongs. The title started big with Big Show and RVD and stayed somewhat big with Punk, Kane and Hardy, but the Swagger victory really makes the title seem second rate. Cody and Ted have been around longer and would be more credible if they won, though it wouldn't make sense. Even Henry, Chavo and Morrison winning the belt gave it some credibility, but Swagger has that jobber look to him to me, and he was only wrestling four months on TV until he won one of the "three top" titles. Swagger may have been undefeated, but even Goldberg didn't get the wcw title that fast.

With the wwe and world titles around, the ECW title can't be equal. There would be way too many high ranking titles that would only give more top title reigns to the main event wrestlers that most of us feel have too many title reigns in the first place. They need to get rid of the C show completely or have ECW be independent compared to raw and smackdown and not have their wrestlers show up randomly, or it will always be the C show with the way its treated, and a third separate brand with separate world/intercont/tag/women title is way too much. 3 brands are too much and 2 and a half is weird. 2 brands work.
youve GOTTA be kidding me! the ecw title AND brand is a waste of friggin time.. always HAS been always WILL be.

for all you "die hard ecw marks" who were crying when they went under and vince brought them back.. just remember you ASKED FOR IT! remember that old saying "be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it".. well there you go!

the ecw belt isnt a WORLD TITLE anyway so who friggin cares? just wait til the wwe unveils its new show that gonan feature all the OTHER talent who cant get any airtime.. its gonna be like ecw-lite.

you cant even COMPARE the ecw title.. the original one or the current one.. to EITHER the I-C belt or the U.S. belt.. the other two are MUCH MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than the ecw title could EVER hope to matter HOW crappy the rankgins are for either one of them.
The old NWA TV Title, despite only being defended on tv, had more meaning than the IC, US and ECW belt combined.

I remember Mike Rotunda was the champion for months. The crowd, and myself, were actually pumped when Sting won.
i wouldnt even rank the ecw title alongside the european belt... hell, even the WWF WOMENS TAG TEAM TITLES had more prestige and meant more than the ecw belt does.. EITHER form!

face it, ecw just sucks... vince saw a way to make some money off of the marks who wanted it back, so he re-created it into what HE wanted it to be.

i never EVER liked ecw to begin with so i dont really give a crap what happens to it.. tho i think they should move nattie, tj wilson (tyson kidd) and steve lewington (dj gabriel) over to RAW so that theyd have some competition.

of course, nattie vs beth would be a SHOW STEALING MATCH UP and hook tj back up with harry smith (dh smith) and let the STAMPEDE BULLDOGS run thru that stupid legacy group... and give lewington the I-C belt.. MAYBE then the title would mean more
i wouldnt even rank the ecw title alongside the european belt... hell, even the WWF WOMENS TAG TEAM TITLES had more prestige and meant more than the ecw belt does.. EITHER form!

face it, ecw just sucks... vince saw a way to make some money off of the marks who wanted it back, so he re-created it into what HE wanted it to be.

i never EVER liked ecw to begin with so i dont really give a crap what happens to it.. tho i think they should move nattie, tj wilson (tyson kidd) and steve lewington (dj gabriel) over to RAW so that theyd have some competition.

of course, nattie vs beth would be a SHOW STEALING MATCH UP and hook tj back up with harry smith (dh smith) and let the STAMPEDE BULLDOGS run thru that stupid legacy group... and give lewington the I-C belt.. MAYBE then the title would mean more
For someone that apparently "don't care about ECW" you look more like someone that was raped by ECW...

You had your expectations high that's the case.

ECW serves the purpose for what it was created. To showcase great talent, young and newcomers or talent that need some fresh air on their careers. And guess what? ECW did it.

ECW did it with Matt Hardy, Mark Henry, Finlay, Snitsky (if WWE had in mind to put him against Cena, that tells you something about someone that was jobbing for decades before he went to ECW) oh, and it did his job by putting over great talent as Morrison, Punk, Kingston...

So... tell me one simple thing. If ECW was created for that purpose, and did that purpose, I guess you can tell them they did a good job, but I guess, it's more cool to go to Wrestlezone's forum and bash about anything you think will make you a real smark! :)
The ECW title hasn't been worth a thing since they took it from RVD. Big show as big a name as he is, he was never extreme and will never be, and Bobby Lashley having that belt annoyed me almost as much as when Vince had it, Lashley was a good worker but he should have had the IC or US belt. The only person left in the entire WWE that could bring some form of prestige back to that title is Tommy Dreamer and that's only if he holds it for a long time and defends it in hard hitting battles. P.S the new silver design is the ugliest belt I've ever seen
I'm not sure how to respond to this thread...the ECW title was revived because the brand needed a world title of some sort for the wrestlers to contend for. If the brand had no top title to contend for their wouldn't be much of a reason for feuds to start up. It doesn't have as much prestige or value as the other world titles but that is a result of poor booking and general lack of interest. I think that being an ECW champion means more than being IC or US champion. I'm just saying.
There are a lot of ECW haters out there and that's too bad. I for one enjoy ECW and see the title as a US or I-C title in the fact that it kind of tells us who the WWE is trying to have as the next break-out star. Is it the old ECW, no but the old ECW started off showcasing not only violence but great wrestling (do we forget Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, Rey and the luchadors?). This ECW is starting to showcase new talent and good wrestling. I TIVO all of the shows and I watch the most of ECW wrestling and the other 2 is for the Mic work. Take this week, Tyson Kidd is an amazing talent and I see classic matches with Evan Bourne in his future. I'd take that over Vladimir Kozlov vs anyone anyday. And the ECW championship match was the best overall match I've seen on TV for any brand in a long long time. Swagger will be a major player for years to come unlike some idiot calling him a jobber. The ECW title means something so get used to it. If you don't like the new ECW and title, don't watch and stop complaining. It's better than TNA and means more too.
it is a mid card title but i think thats okay and it has kind of takin the place of the ic belt. I think there is some very good wrestling on ecw right now but i do miss old ecw but i knew when it was recreated it would be wwe versibon i still surprise that ons was as much like old ecw as it was. but i think it job and it as beatin tna rating also.

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