Main event the mid card titles


Getting Noticed By Management
I was thinking that with Superstars being a show for either promotion they can showcase title more often. What better way than to showcase the ECW title, IC title, and US title. What I mean by main event the mid card titles is that one of those titles mentioned above should be headlinging the show at least everyother week. It gives proper time on feuds, and allows for more exposure to those titles, and the stars holing them. More title defenses can keep things interesting, and also add some drama.

The other shows can headline their respective world champions as they do now. Superstars should really be a show for these titles. I don't mean that for every single show, but the idea should be clear that this show would be focusing on the mid card titles.
I don't think personally that a title should be defended every other week on Superstars. I think that it would take away from the actual credibility of the belts. I mean if I was to see the Intercontinenetal title defended every week I would get very bored of it. Also, being that there is seperate brands now more than ever, the title belts are pretty much exclusive to that brand. I don't want to see the titles defended every week. I think that it would definitely add some drama to it but I seriously cannot see any champion losing thier title on Superstars.
I really like this idea. I think it would make Superstars a lot more important as a show. Basically right now, it seems like you don't really have to watch Superstars to know what's going on in the WWE Universe. I'm not sure if there have even been any matches that have lead to a feud or have been part of a feud yet, and I think some IC and US title matches would really make Superstars more worthwhile to watch, especially if the title changed hands on the show every now and then.
What about giving each show 2 titles?? Superstars can exclusively have the Intercontinental and United States Title. ECW, with it's own World Title, can be the new home of the Tag Team Titles. As for the two main shows, they each can have a Top Title and a Female Title. It could work.
The 2 belt per show idea isn't bad......I don't know if I agree with the choices for the shows though lol!

Superstars should be just like it was back in the 90's. Minus the jobbers though...I think that the show should highlight some of the undercard talent, and for the Main Event of that show maybe have an IC or US title match. I think that World champions should be on their exclusive shows though. And I think we only need one women's title, and the Cruiserweight title (that no one except me cares about) should be an ECW title.

Here's how I would book the shows.

Raw: World Heavyweight Title, US Title

SD: WWE Title,IC Title

ECW: ECW Title, Cruiserweight or even TV title.

Superstars: Would get a different "exclusive" Championship match, excluding the WWE, ECW, or WHC for the Main Event.

The Tag Team Titles should be Multi-show as well as the Women's Title. I'd do this for sheer lack of division. And one can't say Kelly squared is a wrestler compared to Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, or Nattie Neidhart. And I really don't have to say much about lack of Tag Teams in WWE.

My reasons for leaving out the Cruiserweight title as Multi Brand is this: Most if not all, the Cruisers are considered lower card talent. I'd put them on ECW with some of the other lower card talent, and have occasional Cruisers from other brands come in to challenge. Much like Morrison and Miz were Tag Champs.

The TV title could be exclusive to Superstars but be Multi Brand too. The purpose of the TV Title in WCW was that it was supposed to be defended on EVERY TV show. I'd do that, and not have it done at house shows. TV for a reason you know?

That's my opinion on Superstars and Main Eventing mid-carders.
I don't get the goddamn channel that Superstars is on so I am missing out all the time. I hate Comcast. I have to rely on spoilers to see what happens. It sucks too because I was looking forward to seeing Superstars.
I don't get the goddamn channel that Superstars is on so I am missing out all the time. I hate Comcast. I have to rely on spoilers to see what happens. It sucks too because I was looking forward to seeing Superstars.

I have comcast. I have WGN. I think the homeless guy down the street with a pair of rabbit ears has WGN. It's one of the most common channels everyone gets. Unless of course you aren't from America, in which case, sorry.
I wouldn't have them defend a title every week but probably every other week. Let Superstars continue the mid-card feuds and let RAW, Smackdown, and ECW handle the main event ones. The Intercontinental Championship would be a great title to start because it doesn't get defended on TV nearly as much as the U.S. Title.
I have comcast. I have WGN. I think the homeless guy down the street with a pair of rabbit ears has WGN. It's one of the most common channels everyone gets. Unless of course you aren't from America, in which case, sorry.

08742 - WGN America

Comcast Ocean County - Brick Not Available

Comcast Ocean County - Brick - Digital Not Available

I have 452 Spanish channels though, go me. . .
There should be more tittle matches PERIOD....WWE has what 8 tittles? U can defend one of those every 2 weeks...if there's a new belt maybe WWE could bring back the ECW TV tittle...or the Euro?
That is a two edged sword. It would be entertaining to watch the IC, US, or ECW titles defended at a Superstars main event from time to time. The issue I have with it is with any of the belts possibly losing prestige. Up until Judgment Day, I could've given two shits about the IC title, the low point being the blink-of-an-eye match at Mania 25. So if the idea is to restore credibility to the belts I'm all for it. But if we having many title defenses will water down the value of the belts, then forget it.
The issue I have with it is with any of the belts possibly losing prestige.

That whole "prestige" thing is BS imo....maybe w/the WWE & WHC you might have a point....but with the other 6 I perfer a "fighting champion(s)" than "who?....that belt still exists?". I'm not saying belts should be defended all the time (I do miss the hardcore 24/7 rule tho:icon_biggrin:), but seeing tittle matches seemingly at random twice a month is dumb
I like the idea but also have a problem with the show. I dont have WGN and if you wanted to defend a belt on a show weekly how about bringing back a belt like the TV Championship. They could have a Superstars exclusive tourney to crown a TV champ. I think a TV title would be great since it forces low to mid card talent to constantly be on tv and gain a faster following... or lose it.

If you want to showcase the IC & US Titles on the show then it would be great. It would be greater if it was on a channel that everyone got.
it's to far gone unless they give the titles to hhh or hbk or people like that the us and ic even the ecw championship are gone i dont even think christian can bring the ecw championship back mabey if john cena or jeff hardy wins it but i just dont thing thats going to happen
I for one think that belts should be on the line more often since we have more tv hours of wrestling. Long ago it was fine to wait a month to see a champion put his gold on the line, but now, I like to see fighting champions. See them come close to losing the belt, but pull it out in the end. Plus for mid-card titles, that would work as it would actually be a storyline maybe for the mid-card titles. The more title matches, the better.

Right now what is a real problem is that mid-card titles are not put on the line as often, hell it seemed like from 2007 to now, that almost every time the IC title was actually on the line, the belt switch hands. That right there makes a champion looks bad as he may have had the belt for a month, but lost it in his first title defense.
From a fan stand point, as much as the WWE has 3 belts for RAW and SD (excluding the tag titles) and ECW has it's own the brand extension to me seems to be dead, and that we have to many belts, if the WWE can hold the brand extension then cool, but one thing that gets me down is the fact they unified the tag belts yet have two world titles? I understand the logic in having two world titles gives more opportunity for the main event picture but it seems like with two belts it's clustered up to much, now if WWE joined the the two world titles up (like the tag belts) and defended them on each show it could work, and in doing so have some of the main eventers likes Jericho bidding for a crack at the IC Title, so it's giving it some kind of prestige. But a Jericho, JBL, Jeff hardy, Rey Mysterio title runs aren't going to bring it some prestige, if it's rarely defended in PPV's in meaningless feuds, Go back to Judgment Day 2008 HBK/Jericho (Jericho was the champion) would if of hurt WWE to put the belt on HBK until The GAB and have Jericho win the belt back? even if he dropped it to Kingston at the next PPV?
maybe as fans we want to much, maybe some of us would rather have less PPV's so when the title is defended it feels special.
I like this idea. I just wonder if ECW and Superstars only being an hour will allow them time to properly showcase 2 titles per show.
seriously....... The belts are only prestige challanged do to the fact that someone wins the title does not defend it for months and then loses it its a prop at that point take the ic title for instance they don't build fueds around it until recently anyway.. The titles don't need to be defended every week we should see something from the mid card champion for instance Randy ortons super long run with the IC title how could you not love that he just came out and waved it in everyones face week in and week out "defended" it and kept the damn thing for a long time and it made the title worth a damn at that point keeping the champions on tv in feuds over THEIR title is whats important using them is the main key factor here...period.
Superstars could be just the thing to highlight some titles. Like, for instance, the OP's choices of the IC and US title. I don't like the choice of the ECW title though. They have a show for that already. It's called ECW.

What better way to give prestige to a title than to have it actually defended? I mean, really. When was the last time the IC title was regularly defended? Or how about the US title? Those are barely defended regularly as it is, and people want to bring back more titles. It'd be pointless. You can have 20 titles all you want. But it'll get to the point where they're won by the wrestler, and not defended but once every 3 months or so. Once you get to a certain point there's simply not enough time to showcase the titles. And that is where the prestige starts to wear off. That and if the title is constantly hot-potatoed around.

So. Superstars is where the US and IC titles are regularly defended? Why not. They never get defended on PPVs anyway. At least, not regularly. Throw the Tag Titles on there also. But by regularly defended I don't mean every show. You'd run through your feuds way to quickly, and then you're fucked. Sure, showcase them by having their feuds grown on there for a much longer time then they could possibly get on Raw or Smackdown. By regularly defended I mean once a month, sorta like the "contracts" say. You remember that 30 day clause they bring up whenever it's convenient? Yeah. That one.
What about giving each show 2 titles?? Superstars can exclusively have the Intercontinental and United States Title. ECW, with it's own World Title, can be the new home of the Tag Team Titles. As for the two main shows, they each can have a Top Title and a Female Title. It could work.

After further thought, I would like to add yet another idea. What about having the WWE do to the Mid – Card Titles (maybe even the World Titles as well) what they did to the Tag Titles and Unify them without getting rid of either one?? What I’m trying to say is, have a Unification match for the Intercontinental and United States Titles, but instead of “absorbing” one into the other, keep the option of defending them one at a time. I can see someone like Jericho beating Rey Mysterio first and the MVP (after MVP beats, let’s say, Kofi or Matt or William) in one night and reliving Vengeance 2001. It could work and it could give Superstars the Superstar it needs to push the WWE ahead of TNA in the Thursday Night Wars. Jericho could be the Face of Superstars or whatever. It’s just something to think about. Look at my sig. Now imagine Y2J with the IC and US Titles instead of the WWE and WCW Titles.

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