ECW Quarter Finals: The Undertaker vs. Yokozuna: Last Man Standing

The Undertaker vs. Yokozuna: Last Man Standing

  • Undertaker

  • Yokozuna

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The Undertaker vs. Yokozuna

The Following matchup takes place in Philadelphia, PA in the ECW Arena. All matches take place under Extreme rules unless otherwise noted.

Last Man Standing.
No Pinfalls, no submission. The rules are simple, you must beat your opponent so badly that they are not able to make it to their feat after a ten count. A ten count is negated if the aggressors attacks his opponent while he is on the ground.
Looks like you got a bad draw IC25.

At the risk of being glib; the dead man has a history of sitting up and rising to his feet after phenomenal beat downs, whilst Yoko (as was said in the Yoko>Taker thread) often struggled to get up inside the ten count at the best of times.

I’d probably write this off as the worst match of this round, but that irrelevancy aside, I’m voting Taker.
This is a goddam shame. I understand the randomness of it all, but I was totally prepared to take the 12 out of 16 chance I had that Yokozuna would get a great draw in the stipulation and defeat the Undertaker.

Alas, I cannot. As I mentioned in my position paper, Undertaker has a tremendous, even insurmountable advantage in any match that requires an opponent to simply get up. Taker can do that, and well. Yokozuna, well, cannot.

As much as this pains me to say, I think Yoko gets up a few times - but eventually just cannot. And it's crap.
It could have been worse IC. He could have gone out last round to Triple H simply because no one who voted saw any of his prime work.

I'm not gonna lie though, I probably would have voted Taker in most of the other gimmicks as well. You left out the fact the Yoko was scared shitless of Taker when they first met and needed the help of about 124 other guys to beat him. The Last Man Standing gimmick just makes it easier to vote Taker.
This match could almost be billed as a comedy match. Taker's trademark move is sitting up. The only, and i do mean only, way yoko has a chance is if you're allowed to be making contact with your opponent during the count. Yoko is just completely out of his element here. Taker knocks yoko out with some form of submission, or simply clotheslines him to death, leading the the inevitable ending.
I'm so high on 'Taker right now, this match could be a "be Yokozuna and win" match, and I'd still give my vote to the deadman. That the gimmick gives him the clear advantage is rather a moot point, I suppose. Still, it'd be entertaining watching Yoko break down as he batter the crap out of 'Taker only to see him rise back up. I mean, it's not impossible to see him win this, but I only ever remember 'Taker failing to sit up once. And I don't think Yokozuna is composed of three guys and a steel cage.

Is he?
Any other stipulation. Bar maybe a ladder match would be an advantage to Yoko. But alas this stipulation is all Taker's. I doubt he'd lay 'Zuna out for the count. But what would happen in this match is what I like to call the turtle effect. Yoko get's on his back and can't get back up.

I think this would be an excelletn match up. I always enjoyed the matches that these two had with one another. Undertaker was always the one guy that no matter how dominate a heel Yoko was, he scared the shit out of him.

Yoko would actually probably dominate this matchup early on, but he's going against a guy whose gimmick is sitting up. The Undertaker couldn't be kept down for ten if a ton of bricks was lying on him. This match would simply go on too long and in the end, the big guy wears down and simply can't get back up.

I enjoyed reading all of IC25's post with Yoko and he made some pretty interesting points, however, he didn't really dive into the Yokozuna spending most of his career terrified aspect of the match, which I think from a psychological standpoint, would have a huge impact on the match.
When it comes to Last Man Standing matches, the guy with more stamina usually has an edge over his opponent and Taker definitely has more stamina than Yokozuna. The only thing Yokozuna has over Taker in this match is power, he may be able to destroy Taker, but the Deadman will keep sitting up at the 9 count and will eventually wear down Yokozuna. Taker wins by choking out Yokozuna with that new finisher for the 10 count at 24 minutes.
Undertaker would beat Yokozuna pretty handily in this matchup just because once Yoko is down, I think he would maybe have to go 5+ seconds before he gets up. Yoko is too big to win in this match, if it was a match where you needed a pinfall then it would be Yoko, but it's not so I'm going with the Deadman.
there is just no way Zuna comes through in this, if not just for him becoming too winded, after getting up 2 or 3 times. He wasnt, and wouldnt be real adept at getting up regardless of the match, and Undertaker is one of the all time greats and getting up off the mat. I cant pick anyone really to go over taker in a last man standing match. Taker is just way too strong, and Zuna is at such a huge disadvantage in amatch were the basis of losing is being able to get up over and over. He would just wear out. Much sooner than Taker
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