ECW is gonna be dead this time next year

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Getting Noticed By Management
I sincerly believe that by this time next year if not within next 9 months ECW will be dead because it isn't really ECW and when it goes to Hammerstein the crowd fuckin buries everyone WWE which makes Vince look like a deusch bag!

Other than that lets look at the facts.

1. The ECW originals besides RVD and to some degree The Sandman are nothing more than insects being fed to the likes of The Big Show, Test, Striker, Dupree, and other established WWE guys who all hate the ECW lifestyle, don't do extreme matches PERIOD and are clearly identified as WWE guys plain and simple. There isn't one ECW fan on this god damned forum that can honestly say that they used to watch the original ECW and today tune in to "ECW" and don't feel the same way. Secondly there is no place for guys like Balls Mahoney anyways because his whole gimmick was swinging that damn chair! Well since there are no extreme matches.....exactly why have Balls.

2. Why the hell has Tommy Dreamer lost every match since ECW started?! I mean he was clearly the only guy who believed in ECW and lo and behold the guy is like 0-40! Why the hell did ECW even come back? I mean I realize they wanted to be able to take some guys off SD and Raw to where they could blossom more. But send them back to OVW for christ sakes! Fire Dupree and Striker buddy no one cares about who used to teach history! They are both pieces of shit! Oh but go ahead push some more for Rene to show his dick Vince yeah make him drop that towel you homo! What is that crap?
Are we reduced to watches Dupree strip tease every week now? I want Dreamer to be going against Show like it is meant to be! Sandman for the title! FUCK anybody who is ECW should go for the title

3. CM Punk is clearly the most hyped guy in the make something of it and have him do the Raw and Smackdown invitational where he can take on the likes of Lashley, Finlay, Jeff Hardy, Shelton, etc. This would add to the show but then again what do I know I got the Foley thumbs up pic as my member image.

Man ECW sucks and at only one hour whats the point anyways...stick a fork in it dude.

WWE does NOT need three freakin shows in one week it gets old by Friday.
I mean I cant even watch all of Raw the main event I'm on Cartoon Network or watching the game or something it is just too much "wrestling" in one week
As of right now is ECW is set to run on sci fi through 2007. In other news ECW's house shows are no more.

source: Wrestling Observer

In a bit of breaking news, WWE has made the decision to have no more ECW house shows taking place after the end of November. Also, has pulled the listings for all scheduled ECW house shows for December and beyond. Rest assure, the television tapings will still continue. Also, the ECW wrestlers' feuds will be taking place on RAW and SmackDown brand house shows.

No reason was given for this sudden change, but it can probably attributed to the dismal attendance that ECW house shows usually draw. ECW house shows tend to average a paltry amount of people for WWE standards - usually 1,000 or so on average. On the other hand, RAW and SmackDown house shows tend to draw 3,500 or so on average.
Idk how long Ecw will last but I for one will not be watching it.

I dont wanna see any of their wrestlers. Being an old time fan I never even liked Sandman or dreamer but id rather watch them than test and rene dupree. I like CM punk but they dont have anybody worthwhile for him to feud with.

I miss the classic ecw matches sabu and funk, bam bam and TAZZ the tag team divsion with the elimnators and the gangstas. THe music for wrestlers sucks, tazz sucks as a annoucer it feels too much like wwf and doesnt have that grimey and gritty feel.

Ecw just sucks.
I havn't watched a single show of this 'new ecw' for the simple matter that its not ecw. The basis in its brilliance was that it was a low budget, high impact wrestling show which took the wrestlers that nobody wanted and made them into big stars, while being the most innovative, hardcore show out there. With this new show, as much as you would want to fake it, its not low budget. When the hell did you ever see fireworks for entrances in the old ecw... Also the integration of raw/smackdown into the main events on a regular basis. I realize now that they are really not doing it anymore, as they wanted to peak interest, but to me all they were saying was that ecw sucks and their wrestlers can't draw, not the image your trying to pass on vinnie mac. Then their are those crappy stars that wwe has no idea what to do on raw/smackdown, such as Stryker, Dupree and so on, but they have to much of an upside(whatever that means) to outright drop, so they put them on Ecw. What is that... these guys are taking away from the establishment of a whole new generation of ecw stars. People like Mike Knox and CM Punk are not able to get the showtime they deserve b/c a 1 hour show is being taken up with epic battles between Holly/Test and so on. Seriously, if wwe lets Heyman run the show on his own(which won't happen with Stephanie coming back) then the show might become watchable again, but I believe that its just going to get worse, and won't be around by 2008.
tjhere said:
I sincerly believe that by this time next year if not within next 9 months ECW will be dead because it isn't really ECW and when it goes to Hammerstein the crowd fuckin buries everyone WWE which makes Vince look like a deusch bag!

Other than that lets look at the facts.

1. The ECW originals besides RVD and to some degree The Sandman are nothing more than insects being fed to the likes of The Big Show, Test, Striker, Dupree, and other established WWE guys who all hate the ECW lifestyle, don't do extreme matches PERIOD and are clearly identified as WWE guys plain and simple. There isn't one ECW fan on this god damned forum that can honestly say that they used to watch the original ECW and today tune in to "ECW" and don't feel the same way. Secondly there is no place for guys like Balls Mahoney anyways because his whole gimmick was swinging that damn chair! Well since there are no extreme matches.....exactly why have Balls.

2. Why the hell has Tommy Dreamer lost every match since ECW started?! I mean he was clearly the only guy who believed in ECW and lo and behold the guy is like 0-40! Why the hell did ECW even come back? I mean I realize they wanted to be able to take some guys off SD and Raw to where they could blossom more. But send them back to OVW for christ sakes! Fire Dupree and Striker buddy no one cares about who used to teach history! They are both pieces of shit! Oh but go ahead push some more for Rene to show his dick Vince yeah make him drop that towel you homo! What is that crap?
Are we reduced to watches Dupree strip tease every week now? I want Dreamer to be going against Show like it is meant to be! Sandman for the title! FUCK anybody who is ECW should go for the title

3. CM Punk is clearly the most hyped guy in the make something of it and have him do the Raw and Smackdown invitational where he can take on the likes of Lashley, Finlay, Jeff Hardy, Shelton, etc. This would add to the show but then again what do I know I got the Foley thumbs up pic as my member image.

Man ECW sucks and at only one hour whats the point anyways...stick a fork in it dude.

WWE does NOT need three freakin shows in one week it gets old by Friday.
I mean I cant even watch all of Raw the main event I'm on Cartoon Network or watching the game or something it is just too much "wrestling" in one week
first i would like to say there could never be too much wrestling in one week i could watch wrestling all day long i love it, but back to topic, ecw isn't going anywhere right now on a weekly basis it out rates tna and i think that's all the wwe wants, i do believe there is no reason for it to be called ecw it's not ecw they should have just bought back wcw if all the matches wasn't going to be extreme rulez aka the good old wwe hardcore match ecw was extreme to the core ane gave lighter wrestlers a chance to shine, wwecw is just ecw in name. p.s. a good old wwe hardcore match can't touch a hardcore classic in the ecw old days.
They might get rid of the ECW name but I think they will continue with an weekly/hourly program. I like the new ECW purley because wrestlers are getting a chance that they would'nt on Raw and Smackdown.
showtyme27 said:
first i would like to say there could never be too much wrestling in one week i could watch wrestling all day long i love it, but back to topic, ecw isn't going anywhere right now on a weekly basis it out rates tna and i think that's all the wwe wants, i do believe there is no reason for it to be called ecw it's not ecw they should have just bought back wcw if all the matches wasn't going to be extreme rulez aka the good old wwe hardcore match ecw was extreme to the core ane gave lighter wrestlers a chance to shine, wwecw is just ecw in name. p.s. a good old wwe hardcore match can't touch a hardcore classic in the ecw old days.

Not only is it all WWE wants, it is all that Sci-Fi wants. I also agree that it would have been better of using the WCW name because A) It isn't ECW and ECW's fanbase is so loyal that they will hate anything that is not in the same spirit as the original and B) WCW is more widely recognized by average viewers.

Calling it ECW made people expect so much more than they should have, they really should have known that there was no way WWE could risk letting those guys do what they used to do. They ban moves for being to dangerous, why would the let these guys do some of the crazy sh*t they did.

Expect the show to be around for as long as it pulls in consistant ratings because as long as it does that, Sci-Fi will renew it, but idk how long the branding of ECW will last, even though I don't suspect they will change it other than maybe making the official show name be "WWE Presents ECW"

One more thing, HELL NO could there ever be too much wrestling on TV.
I think Vince should come out on ECW and say it's time for a change and then he would bring out Heyman and tell him that he's Fired!!!! then he would ask the crowd if their ready for the new GM of ECW and bring out Bischoff( think of the shock factor), then Bischoff would say that the first thing he's going to do is re-chriten ECW as WCW and then all the originals would come out and behind them would be a bunch of WCW guys and a huge melee would take place with WCW coming out on top, over the next few weeks the "Extreme Originals" w/ their manager Paul Heyman would try to take ECW back
This new ECW is an abomination. It has been since day one. The One Night Stand PPV was a good idea, but it should've just stayed an idea. One of the last sacred insititutions of quality wrestling in this country has been ****ed out by the McMahon machine and it sickens me to see how low the ECW name has fallen. Talent is wasted, along with airtime. The same mogoloid sons of bitches that are running Raw and Smackdown into the ground are doing the same thing each Tuesday night on SCI-FI. The angles are pointless, the gimmicks suck, and what's worse is that some prime talent is being wasted because of it. CM Punk needs to get his shit together and go work for Dixie Carter. At least he'll have some credible talent to go against. I've been an ECW fan since 1997, but this new show sure as hell isn't ECW. Here is what I can think of off of the top of my head that is wrong with McMahon's latest fuckup.

-Matches are too short
-Matches don't actually showcase the talent (Richards and Credible job?)
-Matches are programmed and scripted for the average WWE mark
-Wrestling isn't the priority (the offense is stunted with few exceptions)
-Gimmicks are corny and hollow (Vampires didn't work when Gangrel did it)
-True wrestling talent is wasted going against WWE table scraps (Test?)
-Legit ECW talent from first run is either too old (Dreamer) or too slow (RVD)
-WWE talent is pushed ahead of the fresh guys (Big Show's fat ass needs to be kept away from ECW)
-DQ's have become commonplace (ECW was never about the schmoz)
-Only specific matches are "extreme rules" when every match had a clear winner
-Movesets are limited
-Entrance music isn't the legitimate old school ECW stuff, but rather the
standard JimJohnston garbage that has been played on Raw and SD
-Commentary is watered down crap
-Taz is a WWE puppet and doesn't have the room to shoot
-Styles is forced to ignore a lousy ass product and tout it as wonderful
-Crowds are too big for the ECW type of atmosphere and should be separate
from the Raw and SD tapings to differentiate the product more
-Because of the limited attendance the arena is dark and you can't even get a
feel from the audience (crowd chants are likely piped in like on SD)

Overall, this sad attempt at ECW needs a complete makeover and facelift. The way it's going now, I HOPE it only lasts a year. This damn sure doesn't need to be the lasting memory of a company that revolutionized American wrestling.
justinsayne said:
I think Vince should come out on ECW and say it's time for a change and then he would bring out Heyman and tell him that he's Fired!!!! then he would ask the crowd if their ready for the new GM of ECW and bring out Bischoff( think of the shock factor), then Bischoff would say that the first thing he's going to do is re-chriten ECW as WCW and then all the originals would come out and behind them would be a bunch of WCW guys and a huge melee would take place with WCW coming out on top, over the next few weeks the "Extreme Originals" w/ their manager Paul Heyman would try to take ECW back

Why are you so smart? If I had to pick any poster here to write for my promotion (if I had a promotion) I think I would pick you. That would be really well done ^^ especially if they could keep it a secret.

Damn, that plus the women's ladder match in the other thread, I like how you think.
jefferson411 said:
Why are you so smart? If I had to pick any poster here to write for my promotion (if I had a promotion) I think I would pick you. That would be really well done ^^ especially if they could keep it a secret.

Damn, that plus the women's ladder match in the other thread, I like how you think.
ha ha... after 26 yrs. I think I may have found my calling
I doubt ECW is going to die.. Theres nothing wrong with it, and Sci-Fi is real hapy with the ratings it gets.. Also when Raw is on the air, they always promote Sci-Fi shows during there commercials, which is bringing in some ratings to those shows.. The reason I believe they took the "House Shows" off the air is due to lack of attendence... I remember reading only about 7136 people were in there one show is Tuscan.. They probably figured they were doing to much to soon.. But when they either get a longer show, or maybe become more adapted.. They'll come back..

As for everyone saying "The New ECW isnt the old ECW".. Ofcourse it isnt and wont be.. Just like the New Dx isnt like the old DX.. When things go away for that long, matter of fact go away period.. Its hard to bring something make it look like it did in its glory days.. Theres nothing wrong with the new ECW, if you like the WWE then I dont see how you dont like ECW, when its basically the same thing.
PauLwaLL said:
I doubt ECW is going to die.. Theres nothing wrong with it, and Sci-Fi is real hapy with the ratings it gets.. Also when Raw is on the air, they always promote Sci-Fi shows during there commercials, which is bringing in some ratings to those shows.. The reason I believe they took the "House Shows" off the air is due to lack of attendence... I remember reading only about 7136 people were in there one show is Tuscan.. They probably figured they were doing to much to soon.. But when they either get a longer show, or maybe become more adapted.. They'll come back..

At Wrestlezone earlier they were saying house shows are only pulling in around 1000, when RAW and SD! house shows pull about 3,500. So by that standard, that would O Face for 7136 people.

PauLwaLL said:
As for everyone saying "The New ECW isnt the old ECW".. Ofcourse it isnt and wont be.. Just like the New Dx isnt like the old DX.. When things go away for that long, matter of fact go away period.. Its hard to bring something make it look like it did in its glory days.. Theres nothing wrong with the new ECW, if you like the WWE then I dont see how you dont like ECW, when its basically the same thing.

I know, and I knew that going into it, that this would very quickly turn into just another brand of WWE that just had more hardcore matches than the other brands. The thing was that for the first month or so we always heard rumors and stuff that "this time Vince is going to do it right" and that he understood for it to be successful it would have to be done like it used to be, that Heyman was going to have complete control. That got everyones hopes up, but I figured it wouldn't last long, and it didn't, and people were disappointed when that never happened. So now, in many peoples eyes, its like if they decided to call the Spirit Squad D-Generation X. It is giving the name to something that is completely different.
ecw gets good ratings wtf are you talking about it's not going anywhere the only way ecw will die is if people quit watching and clearly you guys even though you say you hate it continue to watch
Now vince is cutting back on the # of extreme matches wtf. Y even bother callin it ECW if u arent even gonna to do any Extreme rules matches. Y didnt they just try to revive WCW??? cus basically thats wat this new ECW is right now.
its gonna end soon cuz Vince must really hate the idea he cuts back on everything the ECW wrestlers like sandman and punk and rvd and sabu and the rest of the originals should seriously think about TNA cuz ECW is bsically WWE ppl who will never get a push
ECW wrestlers like sandman and punk and rvd and sabu

Sandman, Sabu and CM Punk were already in TNA.. Sabu actually had a contract in TNA before he came to WWE.. He preferred wrestling in ECW rather then TNA.. The rest just didnt like it there.. As for RVD.. He did get a push and decided to get arrested.. But from what from I have seen in ECW, hes probably going to be the next champion..

Now vince is cutting back on the # of extreme matches wtf.

The meaning of this is Vince doesnt want to see any of his superstars get hurt.. Is that really bad? I mean yeah, I would love to see more Extreme Rules matches.. But there should be a limit.. Im sure we'll see more Extreme Rules matches, but just like once or twice a month..

I honestly think that some weapons should just be allowed to be used in ECW like chairs, and Sandman can use his kendo stick.. It wouldnt really be considered Extrme Rules if they did this.. I mean they use chair shots atleast 15 times on a show.. Why cant ECW just have chair shots legal? Theres really no signifact damage it could do to someone, but just bring in the Extreme concept a bit.
PauLwaLL said:
Sandman, Sabu and CM Punk were already in TNA.. Sabu actually had a contract in TNA before he came to WWE.. He preferred wrestling in ECW rather then TNA.. The rest just didnt like it there.. As for RVD.. He did get a push and decided to get arrested.. But from what from I have seen in ECW, hes probably going to be the next champion..

The meaning of this is Vince doesnt want to see any of his superstars get hurt.. Is that really bad? I mean yeah, I would love to see more Extreme Rules matches.. But there should be a limit.. Im sure we'll see more Extreme Rules matches, but just like once or twice a month..

I honestly think that some weapons should just be allowed to be used in ECW like chairs, and Sandman can use his kendo stick.. It wouldnt really be considered Extrme Rules if they did this.. I mean they use chair shots atleast 15 times on a show.. Why cant ECW just have chair shots legal? Theres really no signifact damage it could do to someone, but just bring in the Extreme concept a bit.

i new all that but i really would like to see them bak in TNA or mayb paulie could save up tons and recreate ECW forreal
PauLwaLL said:
I honestly think that some weapons should just be allowed to be used in ECW like chairs, and Sandman can use his kendo stick.. It wouldnt really be considered Extrme Rules if they did this.. I mean they use chair shots atleast 15 times on a show.. Why cant ECW just have chair shots legal? Theres really no signifact damage it could do to someone, but just bring in the Extreme concept a bit.
I agree with you on that, chairs, kendo sticks, and tables should all be legal in ECW, as for the Extreme Rules matches they should use those when the ECW titles on the line, and maybe for the PPV matches, that way when you see them they become a little more special
well now theres the elimination chamber in ecw thats screams of raw this isnt the same but we have to accept it and should appreciate that we have ecw and not wcw which we will never see again all this new ecw could do is bring the name and legacy to those that dont know they may see it and decide to see what it once was and appreciate the old even more
Let's face the facts. ECW, compared to that of yesteryear, is Crap with a capital C. Extreme? My Ass. Championship? They have 1. WTF? Wrestling? Unfortunately, less and less often.

The bottom line is if Vince wants ECW to be a success, IMO, he's got one damn option. Fake the selling of ECW. Give Heyman back his leather jacket, his chair swingin', extreme SOBs and his low budget television. Fuck, even put it on a different channel. Pretend to know nothing about it. Invade one another occasionally. Let ECW and Paul Heyman's majestic creative powers be inde-fucking-pendant for once.

I'm sorry if I'm going over the top, but quite frankly, I'm pissed. ECW was awesome, period. This stuff was Hardcore. But now, the Innovator of Violence, basically the former KING of ECW is no-where? Some WWE blow-in who wouldn't know Extreme if it hit him in the face is Champion?

Vince, I've got two words for you. And they're not Suck It. Fuck You. You put on the best damn wrestling shows full stop. Yes TNA has potential. Bbut most will admit, WWE is the benchmark. Yet every week you rob us. You rob true ECW fans. Every Tuesday on Sci-Fi you rob us and take us further away from the spectacular, incredibly extreme ECW. Somebody give the guy a good slap and tell him to wake up, or ECW's a sunken ship.

I'm sorry if I've gone overboard, but the anger had to come out somehow.
WWE should have made their staple brands (RAW/SD!) better before relaunching all 3 shows are suffering.ECW was cool when it was just ONS,the novelity is beginning to wear off.
Wow I cant believe how much of hypercrites you all are. First you were all beggin to bring back the ECW, knowing that Vince wouldnt keep it the way it used to be cause frankly that wasnt making the money that it needed to stay on tv when it was on the first time. And I know you are all going to talk about Pauls budget but the fact of the matter is that if people are in demand of a product and a company can see themselves making a nice amount of money off of it then they will market it. ECW is good but not to a large market like the WWE is. ECW focuses on a small percentage when it comes to the wrestling industry.

Back on point, so Vince brings back ECW, but now its not as hardcore as it was before. What did you all expect? I really wish you would all try and look at it from a buisness sense versus a desire. Vince is trying to make the ECW bigger, and maybe later on down the road he will give you all the extreme you are looking for. But he cant just jump into it like that cause some people will be turned off by it. So I think you should all get off of Vinces case cause he is doing what needs to be done.

And no I dont think that ECW will be done by this time next yr, I think it will really start to pick up once they get a couple of PPVs
I usually don't watch WWECW either. I mean, come on for God's sake! Joey Styles, who IMHO is one of the best announcers ever, can't even be himself, and anyone who thinks Paul Heyman has any say at all in WWECW is crazy. Vince should have given Heyman complete creative control, and just kept him as far away from the checkbook as possible. Vince doesn't understand hardcore wrestling. Ideally, they should get one of those dudes from Japan to run WWECW. Now, those guys understand hardcore!
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