Ecw is falling apart

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Dark Match Jobber
Rvd - suspended
sadu's status is unknown
Paul heymen just turned on RVD , Basically selling out to ECW. why would they have him turn on RVD and why would they make BIG show the champ he does not attract the ECW audience. Paul heymen was the one crashing raw and he suddenly changed his mind.

ECW doesnt have the same extreme matches like it use to. Vince is turning it into a 3rd brand of WWE wrestling.
if anything give the belt to someone that can be the face of ECW. such as the Sandman. or push someone like they do in the wwe. push a ecw start dont throw the belt on a wwe superstar to pull more wwe viewers this is ECW and its turning into WWE.

as far as the whole interbrand matches. they need to slow down with that and let ecw build its on foundation. yeah the wwe may help but it makes the ecw fans sick to see thw wwe wrestlers on their show. let it be ecw adn ecw alone. if wrestlers are drafted over thast fine, but atleast put a logical reason behind it.
Maybe they have only given the title to Big Show as he generates massive heat

Then at a PPV have Dreamer beat him for the title ?
In order for something to "fall apart" it must first be "together"...

A "brand" that has 10 wrestlers and replaced Velocity is hardly "together"

Give it time and ECW will either disappear, or get really good...
Blame RVD!

It just goes to show what a big mistake it was to make RVD the main eventer on ECW. Sure, he has the name recognition, but he is champion for less than a month and he has already disgraced himself and the company, not to mention letting down the fans.
the title should have went to sandman.. to hell with big show.
Didn't Big Show and Big Guido go at it in the battle of Royal. I am not suggesting give it to Big Guido but Show also feuded with Dreamer, I think that Dreamer might win the title. The only thing was that Dreamer is the one who has been with ECW the longest and he has only got the title once so I dont know if Heyman will give it to him it's not part of his underdog gimmick
I'm pretty sure that the strap will pass to Dreamer, or possibly to Sabu within the next couple monthes. Apparantly Sabu is still going to get pushed so its possible that he benifets from RVD's misfortune. On the other hand, giving the title to the heart and soul of ECW for a run might not be a bad thing at all. Dreamer was looking to only play a small in ring part, but they decided he was necessary to stabilize and establish the new brand. I'd love to see him get a chance to have a good title run in ECW 2.0.
Zoltaire said:
I'm pretty sure that the strap will pass to Dreamer, or possibly to Sabu within the next couple monthes. Apparantly Sabu is still going to get pushed so its possible that he benifets from RVD's misfortune. On the other hand, giving the title to the heart and soul of ECW for a run might not be a bad thing at all. Dreamer was looking to only play a small in ring part, but they decided he was necessary to stabilize and establish the new brand. I'd love to see him get a chance to have a good title run in ECW 2.0.
Sabu I can see winning the ECW title, but not Dreamer. I see Dreamer being involved in a match here and there, but I can’t see him being a full-time wrestler considering his neck problems. If he is not going to be full-time, then I don’t see any reason to give him the ECW title.
Yea, I know he wasn't planning on returning in a full time capacity. But it seemed like they've been putting him in the ring alot. I wasn't sure if he was looking to move backstage just because he saw it as time to gracefully transition to a new role in his career rather than hanging on forever like some guys do or it was injuries. If he's having problems with injuries, its will definately be Sabu if the change the belt in the next month.
peopleschamp said:
Blame RVD!

It just goes to show what a big mistake it was to make RVD the main eventer on ECW. Sure, he has the name recognition, but he is champion for less than a month and he has already disgraced himself and the company, not to mention letting down the fans.


they were planning to build ecw around RVD and he decide to drive with weed in his car what a stupid move

what do you expect wwe to do let it slide pff

as far as big show getting the title so what it's about time they started making big show out to be a monster instead of some big idiot big show has been coming out and just hurting people he will no doubt be one of the top heels in ecw

paul heyman is gonna come with the rvd let us all down shit to explain his actions

anyway quit blaming vince or paul blame rvd he fucked things up by doing something dumb you dont ride dirty
ecw needs more than one hour and on a channel that would give them more freedom to do what they do best
that plus taking more ppl from tna
tna sucks
SinisterEdge said:
ecw needs more than one hour and on a channel that would give them more freedom to do what they do best
that plus taking more ppl from tna
tna sucks

TNA does not suck. They display moves that Vinnie Mac is afraid to have his wrestlers use. You will never see moves like the Canadian Destroyer or the Muscle Buster, and you will not see one of the many big guys in ECW hitting a plancha like the 280 lb. Samoa Joe does. Instead, we're subjected to boring kicks and punches and the obligatory "big boot" from dullards like Mike Knox. If you think TNA sucks, you obviously have never seen the X Division. They own pretty much everyone's ass in all of WWE.
i suppose with rvd gone, we LUCKILY dont get to see cena vs edge vs rvd, as it was pretty boring stuff. hopefully when rvd comes back he wont have to feud with them clowns
SinisterEdge said:
ecw needs more than one hour and on a channel that would give them more freedom to do what they do best
that plus taking more ppl from tna
tna sucks

That's obvious but give them time, the only reason an hour isn't good enough is because you guys are used to 2 hours, ECW used to be an hour but w/o so many damn commercials. Heyman obviously needs creative control but he will have it eventually, at least i hope
realblackhart said:
That's obvious but give them time, the only reason an hour isn't good enough is because you guys are used to 2 hours, ECW used to be an hour but w/o so many damn commercials. Heyman obviously needs creative control but he will have it eventually, at least i hope

Vinnie Mac is a control freak. He will never release his iron claw grip from any of his enterprises, ECW included.

Even if he did, ECW has been tainted with the WWE style of wrestling - the fact that "no rules" matches are the exception and not the rule proves this, along with rudimentary styles used in the ring. I mean, come on, four consecutive body slams (as used by Show last week and Mike Knox this week) is supposed to pass for extreme? Give me a break!

ECW has sunk into the abyss, and in its place is the minor leagues of "sports entertainment". Instead of pushing guys like Stevie Richards, Balls Mahoney and CW Anderson, it will instead serve as the proving ground for newcomers like Mike Knox and Fertig The Vampire - if Vinnie likes what he sees, they will get "the call" to come to the big leagues, either Raw or SmackDown! Oh well - we'll always have the memories.
I am not really a big fan of ECW. I mean I do like it. I like the high flying crazy dont give a damn if I get hurt shit but for some reason I never really got into it. Maybe its cuz I never got to see it here in Jacksonville, FL but from what I saw on old tapes of ECW, Vince Mcmahon needs to get the hell out of there cuz he just fucking everything up. I think the only reason why its still getting ok ratings is because people are watching it hoping its gonna change and get better but they get dissappointed every time and sooner or later the ratings are gonna go to hell. Vince needs to let Heyman get all the control over it and I think the ratings would be through the ruff. But lets face it Mcmahons ego is way to big to let that happen so we gotta just watch ECW sink into the ground and that sucks cuz I was looking forward to watching it now that its on national tv. But who knows only time well tell and hopefully for the love of god will get better.
I'm not really sure why so many people are complaining. There have been 4 episodes of ECW, and honestly its pretty easy to say that each show has been better than the last one. The show isn't perfect by any means but maybe you all should chill as it hasn't exactly been a trainwreck either as we've seen progress towards it becoming a pretty good program.
Listen, I was unable to watch the original ECW at the time because I don't think it was broadcasted over here in the UK. There is one thing I will say though. I assume that this new ECW makes a complete mockery of what ECW is supposed to represent. Now matches have to be billed as 'Extreme Rules' matches in order for them to present matches that ECW lived on. There wasn't any other match in ECW. There were all 'Extreme Rules'. Why put the belt on Big Show? Yeah sure it generated heat, but unwanted heat. Heat that just makes fans want to turn off their TV sets rather than watch on. Heres hoping it goes somewhere soon, if not, ECW and its legacy will fall into an abyss.
Zoltaire said:
I'm not really sure why so many people are complaining. There have been 4 episodes of ECW, and honestly its pretty easy to say that each show has been better than the last one. The show isn't perfect by any means but maybe you all should chill as it hasn't exactly been a trainwreck either as we've seen progress towards it becoming a pretty good program.

You're not going to say that Episode # 4 was good with a straight face, are you? It was dreadful. Two squash matches and a main event wih The Big Slow - winning the ECW Title, no less? And besides, despite its "Extreme Rules" (that term sucks) billing, how often did they use weapons anyway? RVD could have done the Five-Star Frog Splash onto the chair, but we didn't even get that. There was no Sabu, and anyone that was connected with the original ECW was forced to job to the newcomers / defectors. The opening match featured the boring Mike Knox. I can go on and on about why the show was weak, but I will mention its one saving grace: the crowd. This was the first time ECW On Sci-Fi was shot before an ECW crowd, and it definitely was nice to hear some of the classic chants (I for one completely agree with everything they said, especially the Knox chants). Unfortunately, it's back to the boring SmackDown! audience after this - hopefully they will pick up the slack with quality matches this week, or else I'm just giving up on ECW altogether.
cant really blame paul heyman. hes trying to save ecw from falling apart (again).. without sabu and rob, dreamer and sandman are the only ones eligible for the ecw championship. sandman's won the title too many times before, and dreamer's not as popular with the fans as big show is. at the moment, that is.

but i agree that wwe should let ecw grow on its own. u see wrestlers from wwe all the time in ecw, so in some ways it is becoming a wwe program.. thats not what ecw is about. they should have their own roster to fight in their own rules
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