Ecw.... 8/29

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..... Pyro goes off.... ECW is underway!!

Joey Styles - Welcome everyone to ECW!!!!

Tazz - And what a show do we have tonight...

Styles - Tonight ladies and gentleman RVD is set to defend his ECW Title against Justin Credible...

Tazz - And Extreme Rules action is back!!!

-- Paul Heymans music hits.... And he makes his way to the ring...
Heyman - Ladies and gentlemen.... Tonight is a very special tonight... As you all well know.... Theres a numerous amount of Extremists that deserve an ECW Title shot.... So I've decided to start an Extreme Championship Tournament.... As a matter of fact.... The first match begins.... Right now....

- Kevin Thorn slowly makes his way to the ring..... He then waits to find out who his opponent is.... And the Sandmans music hits!!! Thorn looks pissed!!!

Match One
Extreme Championship Tournament
Kevin Thorn vs Sandman

- Sandman comes into the ring swinging his Kendo Stick.... But Thorn quickly slides out.... Sandman then gets distracted by Areial... And Thorn attacks Sandman... He has the advantage for awhile... Doing moves including a Fall Away Slam... A modified Chokeslam... And a Stalling Vertical Suplex... But outa nowhere Sandman starts firing back with Left after Left after Left.... He then props Thorn on the Turnbuckle and gives his a Franksteiner.....1....2.... No only a two.... Sandman then slides outside of the ring and grabs a Garbage Can.... He Throws it in the ring.... But from behind Areial starts biting his neck.... Styles calls Areial a sick, freaky snout.... He throws her off of him and then Thorn gives Sandman a devastating Clothesline.... Thorn grabs a chair and knails him in the skull.... he then slides Sandman in and covers him... He only gets a 2 count tho.... Areial throws in Thorns Cain.... He swings but misses! Sandman hits a devastating DDT.... Sandman then hits a number of punches.... He goes outside to get his Kendo Stick.... He knails Areial with it... Fans start chanting Holy Shit!.... Sandman goes for the White Russian Leg Sweap... But Thorn starts to bite Sandman.... Sandmans bleeding from his neck.... Thorn then hits his version of the Outsiders Edge.... But he only gets a 2!!!! Thorn then looks pissed..... He props Sandman on the top rope.... He goes for a Super-Plex.... But Sandman pushes him off!!! He then hits the Rolling Rock.... He covers.... 1....2....3!!..... Sandman advances!!!

Winner - Sandman

-After the match.... Sandman celebrates with a couple of bears.... While Thorn looks on pissed off.....

....Backstage RVD is shown getting ready for his match.... Sabu comes into his locker room.... Sabu tells RVD that they might be friends.... But after he wins the Extreme Championship Tourney... He's putting there friendship aside... And he's taking that Title away from RVD.... He then walks out.... RVD simply says.... Doubt it...

..... Cm Punk music hits and we're underway for the T.V Title defence.....

Match Two
Television Title Match
CM Punk vs. Danny Doring

Match gets underway with Doring getting some cheap shots in on Punk.... Doring gives Punk a sequence of moves including a good looking Piledriver.... He covers him and only gets a 2!.... Doring then goes for a Neckbreaker but Punk revereses it and gives a Thrust Kick.... Punk then waits for Doring to get up... And gives him a Springboard Clothesline....Punk then whips him into the corner... Runs and boots him in the face.... Doring is laid out.... Punk climbs the top rope and gives Doring a Leg Drop.... He covers for the 2!!! .... He then gives him a Combo of kicks.... But Doring then blocks a kick... And goes for the Bareback... But Punk reverses it into his Guolltine Choke.... Dorings taps out....!

Winner - Cm Punk
-After the match... Punk is in the ring celebrating..... Suddenly a man in a hooded sweatshirt runs into the ring.... He attacks Punk.... He gives him a Tornado DDT.... He then goes outside... Grabs a chair.... And knails him with it.... He then puts Punks head on the chair... He climbs the top rope.... And stomps right on his head... Punk has a dazed look in his eyes..... Styles and Tazz both go Who the hell is this guy..... He then takes his hood off.... Its Aj Styles!!!! Styles then talks smack to Punk as he lays in the ring laid out.... Crowd boo's Styles... While the other half is in awwe....

-Paul Heyman is showed backstage talking to some guy... You cant see him tho.... He says he was the guy that brought ECW to the top.... Thats why he added him to the Extreme Championship Tournament... Then the camera fades away from the locker room....

Tazz - Wow Joey who the hell was that?

Styles - I dont know Tazz.... Whoever it is supposedly brought ECW to the top....

(Tommy Dreamers music comes on)

Tazz - Well I guess we're going to find out right now...

-Dreamer makes his way to the ring..... Paul Heymans music then comes on.... He stand at the top of the ramp...

Heyman - Hey Tommy..... Remember me? You know.... Im starting to get a little sick of people tellin me.... Oh Paul you turned your back on ECW.... Well guess what.... I went back in time.... And I got my new insurance policy.... A true extremeists.... Lets just say.... He's Awesome....

(Mike Awesomes music hits.... The crowds in shock.... He looks determined..... Him and Heyman shake hands and Awesome makes his way to the ring...)

Match Three
Extreme Championship Tournament
Tommy Dreamer vs Mike Awesome

Tommy Dreamer gets to the attack as soon as Awesome hits the ring.... Tommy whips him into the corner and starts unloading left and right on him....... Awesome quickly gets the advantage back.... He starts pummling on Dreamer... He hits a huge spear.... Awesome makes his way outside.... He grabs a table.... A trash can lid... And a No Tresspassing sign.... As Awesome trys to get the table in the ring.... Dreamer baseball slides it into his face.... Dreamer then gets the Trash Can lid... He clobbers Awesome with it atleast 6 times.... Dreamer then slides the table into the ring.... He props it in the corner.... He then gives Awesome a Dreamer Driver.... He covers him... But only gets a 2.... Heyman then quickly runs down to the ring.... Dreamer is distracted by Heyman.... Awesome thn gets up... And cracks Dreamer in the head with the sign.... He then gives the Awesome Bomb taunt.... Awesome picks Dreamer up.... But Dreamer gets out of the posistion and does a School Boy.... 1.....2..... No.... Heyman pulled the ref out!!! Dreamer then grabs Heyman.... Awesome makes his way up... Low blows Dreamer... He then picks him up into an Awesome Bomb.... He runs... And Powerbombs Dreamer through the table that was in the corner.... Awesome covers him...1...2....3!!!!

Winner - Mike Awesome

-After the match.... Awesome is in the ring celebrating.... Heyman is in the ring staring at Dreamer who's laid out.... Heyman then points at awesome... And screams Thats right... Thats right.... Next ECW Champion.... They leave the ring as Tommy slowly makes his way to his feet....

Styles - Wow Tazz... What else can happen here tonight.....

Tazz - Who knows.... But I just recieved word that Mike Knox, Test and Kelly are about to come out here....

Styles - For what?

*Test music hits and Knox,Test, and Kelly come out.... Test and Knox are holding there Tag Belts up high..... Knox grabs the mic....

Knox - You know what.... Me and Test.... We're kind of getting a little pissed that we're the Tag Champs.... And we dont even have a match.... But someone like Justin Credible gets a title shot.... What the hells that about....

- Knox then glares over at the announcers table.... He then whispers something into Test ear.... .Test and Knox slowly walk over to the announcers table.... With smiles on there face....

Joey - What the hell do you guys want....

- Tazz stands up and Test says what are you going to do little man.... He then shoves Tazz face.... Tazz attacks Test... But soon after that the 2 on 1 factors starts to kick in.... They do a number on Tazz.... They clear off the announcers table.... They give Tazz a Spike Powerbomb through the table.... They then leave to the back....

* Tazz gets up.... And Joey tells Tazz to go backstage and get medical treatment.... He says that he's goin to the back... But its not to get help.... He says he's going to make a phone call.... Tazz then walks to the back....

Styles - Well I guess I'm goin solo.... It doesnt matter our next Extreme Championship Torunament Match is next....

* Backstage Heyman and Awesome are celebrating his victory... Awesome says it feels great to be in ECW again..... Heyman then says now that Dreamer is out of the picture... Next weak its going to be Sandman who gets takin out.... Awesome just says... That gonna be Awesome.....

*Hardcore Hollys music comes on....

Styles - Well I guess the next match is underway.... And the first competitor is Hardcore Holly.....

-Holly awaits to see who his opponent is going to be.... And its Sabu!!! Fans go nuts for Sabu....

Match Four
Extreme Championship Tournament
Hardcore Holly vs Sabu

Holly looks suprised but not intimidated... Match begins with Holly getting the quick advantage... Offence swings back and fourth.... But then Hardcore takes complete advantage with a Tilt-A-Whirl Slam.... It didnt take long for the weapons to get involved... Hardcore grabs a chair from the time keeper.... He swings it at Sabu.... But Sabu ducks and then hits a Spinning Wheal Kick to Holly with the chair bashing off of Hollys face.... Sabu then waits for Holly to get up... He throws the chair at him and it sticks to his head!! Holly is laid out inside of the ring... Sabu goes outside and slides a table into the ring... Sabu slides into the ring but Holly hits him with a dropkick.... Holly then grabs the chair and knails Sabu with it.... Sabu is out.... Holly then sets up the table... He sets it up and picks Sabu up.... He whips Sabu off the rope... And trys to Back-Body Drop him through the table... But Sabu reverses it and gives him a devastating Tornado DDT through the table... Sabu then see's his opening.... He grabs the chair and climbs the top rope...... Arabian Facbuster!!!!!! 1.......2.......3.... Its over!!!

After the match.... Sabu taunts a bit.... Then makes his way to the back... As Holly is still out cold....

Winner - Sabu

*In the back we see Sabu walking to his dressing room.... He then gets attacked from behind.... Its Mike Awesome!!! Awesome is attacking after Sabu had a brutal match.... He throws Sabu through a glass window!!! Sabu is knocked out.....

Heyman than makes his way to a beat up Sabu... He says if Sabu was smart... He'd lose next weaks match unpurpose.... Heyman than tells Sabu to think about it as Awesome screams... Styles refers to Awesomes yelling to a constipated Hippo....

*In the back we see Kurt Angle making his way to the ring... He looks determined....

Styles - Well it looks like Angle is in the Tournament...

*Angles music hits as he makes his way to the ring....

-While Angle is in the ring getting ready... The Big Shows music hits.... Its Angle vs Big Show....

Match Five
Extreme Championship Tournament
Kurt Angle vs Big Show

As Big Show steps over the top rope... Angle like a cat attacks Show.... Angle gets a couple of blows on Show but Show pushes Angle off of him.... Angle then gets up and gets on the attack again.... This time teetering Show a bit.... He then goes for a Belly to Belly Slam.... But Show head butts Angle..... Show then mounts an offence by throwing Angle around like a rag doll....Show then gives Angle a Final Cut... But he only gets a 2 count.... Show then whips Angle into the corner... He gives him a few thumps... But at the last one Angle moves out of the way... He then gives Show a couple of left and rights... He then props Show on the Turnbuckle... Super Belly to Belly suplex!!!....1....2.... No Show kicks out....Angle then slides outside and grabs a chair.... He swings at Show but Show chokes Angle right before it hit him... He then picks Angle up for the Showstopper... But Angle flips to Shows back.... Angle Slam..... Angle pulls the straps down.... He locks him in the Angle Lock... But Show quickly kicks Angle off.... As Show gets up... Angle goes for another Angle Slam... But Show isnt letting him... He pushes Angle to the ropes... He locks in a Cobra Clutch.... Cobra Clutch Backbreaker!!! Show then pulls his straps down.... He grabs the chair.... He goes to hit Angle with it... But Angle gets a drop toe hold.... Angle Lock!!!!.... Show again kicks him off.... This time Show... Real slow to get up... Gets knailed in the back of the head!... He's still up.... Angle hits him one more time.... He's still up!!!.... Angle then drops the chair... Goes behind Show... Angle Slam onto the chair!!!!! 1......2.....3!!!!! Angle Advances!!!!

Winner - Kurt Angle

*After the match Angle celebrates a bit... He then walks back to his locker room.... Show then gets up... He looks pissed... He grabs the ref... Chokeslam.... The Big Show has snapped!!!

*Styles - Big Show has snapped ladies and gentlemen.... What a night tonight has been.... And we still have our Main Event for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship... Its going to be Justin Credible... Taking on the ECW Champion... RVD.....

- Camera zooms to the back... Big Show barges into Heymans office... He grabs him by the throat... Awesome then is about to attack Show but Heyman screams no dont do anything Mike.... Show then tells Heyman he wants a Title Match next weak... He says he doesnt care if he lost tonight... And tells Heyman that if he's a smart man... He'll give him the Match.... Heyman says you want... You got it... Show lets go off Heymans throat... He then looks at Awesome... And says I'm going to enjoy whoopin you ass too.... Show leaves as Awesome says to Heyman... What the hell was that?

Styles - Well ladies and gentlemen Tazz is back

Tazz - What'd you think Joey... Im not going to miss the ECW Championship Match....

Joey - Tazz.... Who did you go to call?

Tazz - Well Joey you and everyone else are gonna find out next weak.... I got a little something to say to Test and that Gene Snitzky rip off Mike Knox... You too chumps made a huge mistake.... Next weak I'm callin you guys out... And I dont want a wrestling match.... I want a fight.... Haha But I wont be alone this time.... By the way Joey why didnt you help me...

Joey - What did you expect me to do?

Tazz - Haha I'm just kidding Joey... But believe me... These guys are gonna get whats coming to them next weak...

Joey - Good.... Lets get to the ring where its time for our Main Event....

Main Event
ECW Championship
Justin Credible vs RVD

Both RVD and Increble are in the ring... The match begins with a Collar and Elbow Tie up... But Credible knees RVD.... Credible then whips RVD into the corner... He gives him a couple of shoulder thrusts... He then taunts... But RVD comes firing back... He gives him a series of Multiple Kicks.... But Credible catches the last kick.... But RVD hits his modified Enzuguri... RVD then taunts to the crowd a bit.... Credible gets up kick tho... Gives RVD his Tornado DDT..... 1...2... No RVD kicks out.... Credible then picks up RVD and hits a couple of moves on him... Including an Snap Suplex....Neckbreaker... and An elbow drop off the top rope.... He then attempts to whip RVD into the corner... But RVD reverses it... He then hits his patnent Shoulder Thrusts..... He then clims the Turnbuckle... Gives Incredible his Martial Arts Kick.... Incredible is laying in perfect position for the Rolling Senton... RVD notices it and gives it to him... He covers him but only gets a 2.... RVD then climbs the rope... He goes for a Cross Body... But Incredible gives him a Superkick... What a move... He covers him...1....2.... No RVD kicks out... Where did he get that from.... Incredible slides outside the ring.... He grabs a Trash Can... As he goes to hit RVD with it... RVD jumps up... Gets a Van-Daminator with the garbage can to Credibles face.... RVD see's his opening... Climbs the top rope... Five Star Frog Splash!!!! ... 1.....2.....3!!!! RVD wins!!!

Winner - RVD


*After the match RVD gets up.... Hes attack by Awesome! .... Awesome delivers an Awesome Bomb onto the Garbage Can.... Awesome then starts to taunt.... Out of nowhere Sabu is shown on the top turnbuckle with a chair.... Awesome turns around... Sabu knails a missle dropkick with the chair to Awesomes face.... Out comes Kurt Angle..... Angle gives Sabu the Angle Slam.... Angle starts to taunt towards the crowd.... But from the other side of the crowd... Comes the Sandman.... Sandman knails Angle in the head with the Kendo Stick..... Sandman is left standing in the ring... Here comes Show... Sandman swings the Kendo stick at Show... But Show just grabs it... He then pulls Sandman towards him.... Showstopper on Sandman... It looks like a bomb went off in the ring... And Big Show is the bomb!!!! ....Is this a sign of things to come.........


Confirmed Matches for next weaks ECW....

ECW Title Tournament Matches

Kurt Angle vs Sabu

Sandman vs Mike Awesome

ECW Title Match

RVD vs Big Show

Also Tazz's confrontation with Test and Knox....

And more on the AJ Styles CM Punk situation....

Well everyone once again this took extremly long... So everyone who reads this please leave input on what you like and disliked.... And also rate from 1-10

I'm going to give this a 9/10! I really liked it, and it was nice how you kept it really consistant. Matches were good and it's good that they're a bit longer now.
Flames Out
wow....10/10. thats the best one ive ever read! no shit!...
Damn I didnt know it was going to be good... Thanks... Anything you guys really liked or disliked?
i havent got a bad word 2 say about often is it that i dont badmouth something?! lol. that was awesome....wish u were writing for SD! and Raw...they could use u there at tha moment.

*EDIT* 4 to go!
nice...I like the AJ run-in wearin the hoodie...theres these guys in an Indy fed up here that call themselves The hoodz and its a dope gimmick...always thought it would be cool to be used by an invading or returning wrestler...nice.

I would have liked a kevin thorn push...but against Sandman,fuck're jobbin'..LOL.

Overall I like the idea of a title tournament with all the old school dudes. The Mike Awesome return was unexpected. (I immediately thought Douglas)

The matches were ok, could have gone more in depth, but its just a show, not a PPV-so everything really flowed and got each individual angle across well.

The ending was great...Angle gets "knailed" with the kendo stick.LOL. Sick way to end the show.

Cant wait for the next one, looks like summore good matches and Im interested to c what happens with punk/Styles.

I really like the idea of the Styles-Punk angle and Mike Awesome's return to ECW what I disliked Justin Credible getting a title shot-9/10
LOL I knew someone was going to say that.... The reason for that is I didnt want it to really seem like he could lose his title.... But I like Justin.... He's just not well used on TV... Thanks for the rating tho...
nice ECW show man! I got one going myself at the moment. Some different story lines but same superstars and plot. I love how much you're hyping the tourtament. Can't wait for the next episode.

9/10, I like the fact that there are more mtaches then storylines(something the wwe should pick up on IMO). And you can't go wrong with a Championship Tournement. Great Job
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