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E-Fed Initial Discussion Thread

Would you like to be a part of a brand new e-fed on WZ?

  • Yes

  • No

  • What's an e-fed?

Results are only viewable after voting.


Getting Noticed By Management
If there is anyone that would be interested in being in a brand new fed. Please, vote here. This is NOT an application thread for a Staff, that is already been settled. This is for a roster. We need to know if there is an interest in this. Please don't post any profiles of your superstar if interested, we just want to know who would want to be a part of it.

***EDIT: This poll was supposed to be made public to we could see who was interested, apparently it didn't work out that way, lol. So, I ask the people that vote yes, to give a quick reply.***

I want to say thanks for the offer to run the womens division as I will be more than happy to, as long as my character can transend both divisions.

I am on board, but there are still some things about E Fedding that I still don't get like the roleplaying, Im not sure exactly what to do.
If you ever need any tips or anything on Fedding give me a PM or something, I'll have a go at explaining things to you.
I think Jake should join. We would let him have 2 line RPs and he could be like the Great Khali of our fed.
Yeah I'll give this a bash, not done e-fedding in years but what the hey
The only e-fedding I ever did was way back in like 2001 or something like that and I only stuck with it for probably like four monthes.

But if it were on WZ, I for one would love to be involved. I've got enough free time on my hands as it is.
Enforcer, to answer your question with a little more precision...

It could be in like a week although I doubt it.

I would like for it to launch within 2 weeks but it's a long shot at this point.

Most likely within a month.

It depends on certain issues we need to result until then but things are relatively on track.
This is mainly for roster purposes, because honestly, what kind of a show would work without a roster. If and when we get things up and running, we'll send out PMs to people to send in some profiles and stuff like that, and I'll see about working hands on with people to get em a storyline and stuff like that, for the first show. We may do a show with a limited roster as a preview to how it will all be sat up, but, thats still something to be decided on. But we will keep everyone updated once the ball gets rolling. Until then, please, for everyone that votes yet, let us know who you are, because the poll was supposed to be public to we could see who wanted in and talk to them. But it didn't work out that way, Thank You.
It is Public D.C. the only problem is you voted thereby removing your ability to see the names. I don't care either way if this occurs, I won't be involved, if it happens then good, if it doesn't thats fine with me as well.
Okay here is the Jonny B quick guide to E-Fedding with references from several sources... but before I start, I dont want anyone to think I am the be all and end all of E-Fedding, I have done this a while and I guess I do it well, so I figured that I'd try and explain it to everyone.

Wikipedia.org said:
Fantasy wrestling (also referred to as "e-wrestling") is an umbrella term representing the genre of role-playing and statistics-based games which are set in professional wrestling companies. Several variants of Fantasy Wrestling exist: segregated both by the way they are transmitted (through websites, message boards, e-mail, postal mail, or face-to-face), the method in which the storyline is determined (via roleplay, "angles", strategy- or statistics-based systems, etc.) and how the roster was composed ("real" wrestlers or original characters created by the players.)

Fantasy wrestling's roots lie in the play-by-mail wrestling games that became prominent in the mid-to-late 1980s during one of professional wrestling's boom periods. In the early 1990s, the advent of national bulletin board services like Prodigy, AOL, and Compuserve allowed players to use e-mail and bulletin board to more easily trade information and post roleplay. As technology progressed and the internet evolved, fantasy wrestling enthusiasts took advantage, using websites and newsgroups to connect and build broader communities for gameplay.

So thats a quick Intro to the game.

The Basic concept behind E-Wrestling or E-Fedding is that you create a character (completely original, this means no WWE Gimmicks, or even Entrance Music) you decide everything about them, not just their move sets, but you in a way create a fictional person with a real life and a believable back story. Then the people that run the E-Fed (often referred to Creative Control or Booking Team) decide on who should go up against who in matches.

I just wanted to give you all an example of what I consider a Good Character Profile, its one of my characters currently in use in another Fed...

Real Name: Gabriel Jason Michaels
Name: Jay Michaels
Nickname(s): The Angel
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Date of Birth: 4/4/1979
Height (Feet & Inches): 6’4”
Weight (Pounds): 294lbs
Alignment: Face

Look: (Brock Lesnar) He is pretty much the spitting image of Michaels. Michaels has a lot less tattoos, only having one on his Right Arm, which some suggest has something to do with his US Army Heritage.

Gimmick: Jay is fresh out of a US Army Prison. After not only being dishonourably discharged from the Army Jay also spent six months in Prison no one is really sure why he spent time in Prison and he is not forthcoming with information. He has through his life had a huge problem with Anger, which often leads him to lose it. Jay is now a very religious person, fighting to keep his rage bottled up inside of him, he isn’t afraid of preaching the word of God to his opponent.

Ring Attire: Michaels is very much a Black Boots and Black trunks kind of Guy. He wears Black Wrist Bands, Black Trunks, Black Knee Pads (on both Knees) and Black Boots that come half way between his Pads and his Ankles. On the back of his trunks he has the Word Angel is white writing, with two Angel like wings on either side of the writing.

Outside Ring Attire: Jay dresses usually in a very casual way, Jeans and a T-Shirt, but will dress up if the occasion warrants it.

Entrance Theme: Summer Shudder - AFI
Entrance Description:

[b]The Arena goes completely dark apart from a spotlight in the Entrance Ramp where Jay will come out. Summer Shudder by AFI begins to play, during the initial instrumental the arena has a very eerie feel to it, but then as it kick in two huge whire Fireworks go off either side of the Entrance way, and Jay comes storming through the curtain.[/b]

[i]Listen when I say,
When I say it's real.
Real life goes undefined,
Why must you be so missable?[/i]

[b]The arena light stay down, but as Jay power walks to the ring the spotlight follows him. Fans hang over the rails but Jay pays absolutely no attention to them at all.[/b]

[i]Everything you take,
Makes me more unreal.
Real lines are undefined.
How can this be so miserable?[/i]

[b]Jay stops at the bottom of the ramp, and the lights go back up, he takes a look around the arena, before slowly walking around the ring and up the ring steps.[/b]

[i]Under the summer rain, I burnt away.
Under the summer rain, (Burn!)
You turned away.

Listen I can't make.
Make a sound or feel.
Feel fine I kissed the lies,
Why must they be so kissable?
Listen as I break.
Break the fourth wall's seal.
Gorgeous eyes shine suicide
When will we be invisible?[/i]

[b]Jay goes through the middle ropes and starts pacing around the ring for a few seconds, then he reaches the middle, and he raises his hands above his head and the same fireworks go off once more at the top of the ramp.[/b]

[i]Under the summer rain, I burnt away.
Under the summer rain, (Burn!)
We find a way.
Under the summer rain, I burnt away.
Under the summer rain, (Burn!)
You turned away.[/i]

[b]Jay stands there taking in the atmosphere as the Music dies down into the background until it is gone, and Jay is ready for his Match to begin.[/b]

Wrestling Style: Jay is a complete powerhouse, so that’s usually his first Call, to use his Power moves to take his opponent apart. However he adds an element of Psychology to his Wrestling, using moves designed to wear down the arm and back of an opponent setting up for either the Angels Wings or the Halo Bomb.

Match Tactics: Jay will do anything for a win, lets just leave it at that.

Regular Moves:
Running Shoulder Block
STO Takedown
Arm Bar
Jumping Arm Bar
Arm Wrench
Press Slam Gutbuster
Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
High Angle Back Drop
Snap Suplex
Power Slam
Shoulder Breaker

Signature Moves:
Fall from Grace (Superplex – Can be done on two people if necessary)
Gabriel’s Will (STF – Is done usually to set up for Angels Wings, not to win Matches.)
Heavens Brass (Cross between a Liontamer and Boston Crab, Lesnar used it, can win matches with the right build up.)

Primary Finishing Move: Angel Drop (Firemans Carry Arm Breaker - The attacker lifts the victim up so they are laying stomach first across the attacker's shoulders (a standing fireman's carry). The attacker releases the victim's legs and throws them towards the attacker's back. The attacker grabs on the victim's arms and holds it across their should. The attacker sits down as the victim falls to the mat and impacts the victim's arm on their shoulder.)

Speciality Finisher: Triple-Halo Bomb (Triple Powerbomb, releasing on the last one into a Sit-Down Powerbomb and straight into a Pin.)

Hardcore Finisher: Halo Bomb (Performed through a Table, usually the Announcers Table, when he loses his temper)

Personal Info:

Gabriel Jason Michaels (or Jay as he prefers to be called) born April 4th 1979. Unlike most troubled men, his childhood was a weld adjusted one, his father didn’t beat him, and his mother never touched a drop of alcohol. In fact his parent were avid Christians and forced Jay to attend Church every Sunday, maybe believe his Parents religion is what led to him being names Gabriel. But when Jay hit his early teens he began to rebel against his parents and the religion they tried to force upon him, which is why as soon as he was old enough he left home and started using his middle name Jason, which he later shortened to Jay. While going through his Teens he developed a huge anger against the world, his temper became too hard to manage for his parents, he would regularly destroy parts of the house in a blind rage for what seemed like no reason. Jay had caring parents, but for some reason he never seemed quite happy.

Jay left home as soon as he could, and went to college, he got in on an Amateur Wrestling scholarship, however he would have been able to get in on his grades alone he was never a stupid person. While at college Jay’s anger seemed to grow in leaps and bounds, almost being expelled for a drunken fight in which he nearly killed someone. And his Wrestling which had been one of his many outlets for his anger no longer seemed to serve the purpose it once did, he began to lose interest and coasted he way through the rest of college. He graduated with a Major in Psychology and then against his Parents wishes he joined the army.

The army seemed exactly what Jay needed to curb his enormous temper, and with a college education he went in at officer level. It was in the Army that Jay coined the nickname Angel. This came about when he was sent to Afghanistan with his Unit, details are rather sketchy, however it is well known that Jay saved several of his Unit’s lives in a brutal gun battle, and thus his nickname was born. Jay’s life then took a turn for the worse, big time. Again details are sketchy, but Jay managed to screw up in the worst possible way, he was discharged from the Army, and even sent to an Army Prison for six months, it was here that Jay realised his life was in a tail spin. Jay began finding religion, something he had always rejected, he saw a new meaning in it, and he realised that using it he could become a better person. The next of his realisations was that he needed to let his anger out in a constructive way, and with his amateur wrestling background, he thought Pro Wrestling was the logical step, so while in Prison he began plotting the rest of his life, and now he is looking to make his way to a Wrestling Promotion to finally put his life straight.

Past Achievements:

Now then - Matches... when you are put in a match you don't write that match (you can, but I'll get to that later) you instead write Promo's or "Role Plays" that involve your character. This is what determines the outcomes of matches. The Creative Control will each have a vote on who they think put out the best written stuff during the time frame to Role Play. Then matches will be written often by the Creative Control, however in alot of Feds I am in, the members are also allowed to write matches... but how exactly would they write matches when they dont know the outcome you ask? Simple you write two endings (or three/four depending on the amount of participants.) this is so that the match quality is much higher. Think about it, if the Role Play deadline is say a Friday, people vote on the Saturday and the show does up on the Sunday that leaves only a day to write matches, so by writing Multiple endings people can be match writing all week and simply send them in when they are done.

Now Role Playing, I'll throw in some tips here as well. The first thing I will say is there are two general types of Role Plays...

Shoots: This is basically a Role Play directed straight at your opponent, talking down to them, ripping on them... that sort of stuff.

Example, again some of my stuff...

Jay should have listened. “He” told Jay that he needed to be more aggressive, needed to let the anger out, but Jay thought he knew better. But it was after his latest dressing down from his “Mentor” that Jay realised, the whole reason he got into professional wrestling. Redemption was only half of it; the ring was a place where Jay could let out his frustration and anger in a controlled manner, while he took care of the sinners that inhabited the wrestling world.

The camera pans out from Jay’s face, showing him once again in his dirty New York apartment, it was where he spent the majority of his time when he wasn’t either wrestling or training to wrestle. In fact Jay had not had a single visitor at his apartment since he moved in, the only people he had seen were those at the Wrestling shows, his parents, Tom and of course “Him”. Jay enjoyed the solitude, being able to reflect on his life for a few months it helped him get some perspective being away from the constant hordes of people in the world.

Jay sat once again on his couch, but this time with a pen and paper in hand. The television was on, and it was showing him the latest “Starxxxx Entertainment” Promo. As he watched it he began to scoff at certain things, taking down notes as it ran through the tape. He regularly had tapes delivered to his house from EWA.com so he could see what exactly was going on, unfortunately Jay was still not earning enough money to actually visit the website itself. The tape finished and Jay made a few more notes before looking up into the camera.

Jay Michaels: So you believe by using the words “Minister”, and “Boring” in a negative manner towards me will make my words stick any less? You believe that by attempting to twist my words they will mean nothing now? How naïve you really are. You may well have not been entertained by my little rant earlier in the week, but it sure must have you scared in order for you to respond to them in such a defensive manner. If there is one thing I have learnt over the last few months it’s that when someone responds in the manner you have for your client they are scared of the other person. That’s what I think you are, you are scared that your client is going to be shown up by a rookie, it must be every seasoned professional’s worst nightmare to go up against someone like me. Someone with a point to prove and absolutely nothing to lose. I think that sticks with you, and your so-called insults are your way of dealing with the threat I pose.

Jeff, I think you underestimate the human race. There may well be people that like to see people mangled into bloody wrecks in the ring, but there are those that appreciate the sport of professional wrestling, and don’t need to see stunt men falling from the ceiling going through five tables. Is that what your client is, a stunt man? A glorified actor? Or is he like me a sports man and a professional wrestler? You see through trying to show me as an impostor who pretends to be a changed man and someone that has deeply spiritual beliefs you have shown your client up to be what he really is… a money grabbing piece of garbage.

The anger once again begins to quell in Jay’s stomach, building into his face. He takes a few seconds to once again compose himself.

Jay Michaels: But you know what, you were spot on with one observation I do still have issues. I will not hide them from anyone; I do still have trouble controlling the anger inside of me, but unlike you I do not hide behind a cocky demeanour and try to hide it. It is there for the whole world to see, and if you had done your homework as I pointed out to you in my last little rant you would know I have made no secret that Wrestling will be my outlet for this anger. So by questioning me on how valid my rehabilitation is, you have merely shown how little you are taking me seriously and the severe lack of scouting on your part.

And this leads me to my next point. You claim I ran away to the army to get away from my rage. Well once again if you had done your homework, used all the valuable resources that your fame appears to have granted you then you would know I did not run to the army to get away from my anger, I joined the army in order to get away from my suffocating parents and their constant religious lectures. However after the incident in Afghanistan I realised the error of my ways, and I realised that instead of running away from God, I should embrace him. I know faith may be a foreign concept to people like you, but let me attempt to explain it to you. God has offered me something that the world could not, forgiveness. I still cannot forgive myself but that is the beauty of the Lord Almighty if you ask for his forgiveness he will give it to you. That and that alone gives me faith in my religion.

Jay sits back in his couch, appearing to become more comfortable in this situation as he continues.

Jay Michaels: How scared you both must be to stoop to the utter stupidity of calling me boring. This is not some childish argument where name calling will get you ahead, in fact more than anything I pity you both for the amount of intelligence God has given you. I mean on the one hand you have Marcus Bulldog, a man that is do devoid of intelligence that he must have his friend do his talking for him. I’m not one for making fun of this fact, but it strikes me as strange that Marcus is the one in the match with me, not the both of you as you so claimed Mr. Starxxxx, and yet he can barely string together a sentence, and when he does speak… oh boy. The man talks about hurting me, which is all well and good, I am sure he will attempt to hurt me after all isn’t that the name of the game? Then he feels the need to talk about surviving, which of course I have already touched on. So let me ask you something Marcus, why is it that you must have someone speak for you? Someone who even has hinted that he will try to fight for you. A man with the physical presence that you have must be able to really talk for themselves right?

Jay leans forward again and looks deep into the camera.

Jay Michaels: You both have felt the need to question my religion, my ability and my motives for wrestling and I have even given you two the common courtesy of responding with something I like to call the truth, but then Marcus sees fit to question something that I cannot imagine he would be serious, he basically said I was hoping God would protect me from these two. And I ask the question have I ever given any indication that I want God to fight my battles? Have I ever given any indication that I want help from anyone but myself? The answer to both is no, and you know it, and it was utterly stupid of you to even bring the concept up. You both sit in a world where violence is the norm, not only inside the ring. You are both cowardly human begins, and I would like to think that my own good guy stance would be enough for me to triumph, but as the saying goes, nice guys finish last. It is not only my morals that will bring me to victory; it is plainly obvious to me that I am far more confident in my abilities than Marcus. I mean to have someone do all the talking for you and then have them say that this match is not only against you Marcus, but against him as well shows me something. It shows me you are scared, that you don’t quite know if you are a match for me. At this point my own beliefs put at quite an advantage. Being a rookie who has nothing to lose, going up against a more seasoned competitor like yourself it is only you that can come out looking bad. People expect me to lose, people expect you to win… but what if Marcus… what if I managed to prove them all wrong, how stupid you would look.

Jay flashes an almost evil grin as he continues.

Jay Michaels: You two believe that the world has persecuted you because of the color of your skin, when it you that have persecuted yourselves for this very same reason. You single yourselves out because you are “black” and you say that you are different, so what would you expect? People will treat you differently if you segregate yourself away from them, its simple human behaviour. You did not realise that God loves all of creatures equally and that had you asked him, he would have helped you in your time of need.

Jay pauses for a moment.

Jay Michaels: Thank You… both of you. You see before this I wasn’t sure of the purpose of our match this Monday, but now it is plain to me, you have both sinned against the human race, and against God and for that you must be punished. But also thank you for the confidence boost as I said earlier it is plain to me you are both scared, scared of what might be, and that is more than enough for me to take into our match. I’m not going to rabble on about hurting you, because that’s what Wrestling is all about. You tried to make this personal and through doing that you have both made yourselves look weak and stupid.

I can see my day for Redemption is finally near, and you will beg God for forgiveness. Oh and one final note, the real Jay Michaels will be coming out to play when we go to Breakdown… don’t you worry.


Just a quick note, the Bold stuff is Actions or Directions...

And the second type of Role Play is...

Character Development: This is where the real creative juices get flowing, this is exactly what is says on the tin its a way to Develop the character of the wrestler in a Non-Wrestling area. I've seen people do all kinds of stories with CD's I've seen people having custody battles over children, being haunted by their dead mother and much more out there stuff. Character Development Rp's are often "Off Camera" which means they are not seen by your opponent.

Once again an example from the same character...

Off Camera

The Following takes place on December 26th 2006 and follows on from this.

Jay’s eyes opened promptly, he had gone from and instant sleep to being wide-awake. Sweat engulfed his face and his body; he’d had another nightmare. He quickly sat up in his bed and wiped the sweat from his brow, looking around from side to side trying to remember where he was, then it hit him, he was still at his parent’s house. Jay jumped out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom to was away the sweat that drenched him. After a few minutes Jay emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around him, he quickly dried himself and got dressed to join the rest of his family for breakfast downstairs.

As Jay slowly walked down the stairs he couldn’t help but think about the nightmares he was having, were they some sort of punishment that God had sent him to punish him for what he did in Afghanistan, that’s what he thought anyway. People had been telling Jay for months that it was time to sit down with a professional, a quack as Jay liked to call them. He didn’t believe in any form of therapy it didn’t mix well with his beliefs, he believed that he merely had to accept what God had given him, and deal with it the best he could at least that’s what he told himself, but really to him it was more like he felt he deserved the punishment and he was more than willing to take it.

Jay got the bottom of the stairs, and instantly the smell of Bacon was in the air. He never ate this well at his apartment, it was usually some cereal and coffee if he was lucky, but this of course was how parents did things. He made his way down the hall through to the dining room, taking a seat at the table, where a huge array of breakfast food had been laid out surely too much for three people Jay thought, but of course to Jay’s mother he was still a growing boy. Shortly after Jay sat down his father made his way into the room and sat down at the head of the table. Silence filled the air for a few moments before Jay’s father began to speak.

Jim Michaels: So how’d you sleep son?

Jay glared over at his father, he could sense the tone in his voice, he’d obviously heard Jay in the night, tossing and turning but didn’t actually want to say anything, instead like a father would he would make Jay say something to him about it.

[color= darkred]Jay Michaels:[/color] I slept fine actually dad, was nice to sleep in my old bed again.

They both knew Jay was lying, Jay’s father reached across the table to grab some food.

Jim Michaels: Really? Only I thought I heard you tossing and turning in the night.

Maybe his father had changed, before he would never have been so straight up with Jay, before he probably wouldn’t have mentioned a thing about it, he would have made Jay go to him.

[color= darkred]Jay Michaels:[/color] Honestly Dad I slept fine, like I said it was good to sleep in my own bed for a change.

Jay was still lying, it was like an impulse for him, he hadn’t let anyone in for so long that it was like second nature for him to keep everything bottled up inside. Jay took a few moments and began eating, trying to decide if he should confide in his father, or keep living with the burden that God had “given” him.

Jim Michaels: You know… you can talk to me son.

Jay slammed down his cutlery and glared over at his father.

[color= darkred]Jay Michaels:[/color] It was just a bad dream Dad, honestly. Now can we please just drop it?

Jay was still lying, and his father knew it. Nonetheless he nodded at Jay and continued eating. The pair ate in silence for a few minutes until Jay’s mother entered the room. She bought in yet another plate of food, and then herself sat down and began eating. All three of them ate in silence for a few more moments before Jay’s mother looked up at him.

Helen Michaels: So Gabriel, will you be going to see Tom today?

Jay finished the huge mouthful of food he had before responding to his mother.

[color= darkred]Jay Michaels:[/color] Yeah, I spoke to him last night on the phone and he said I should come by, apparently he knows someone who might be able to help me train a little better. He also said something about me helping them, although I really don’t have a clue what he meant by that.

Jay’s parents look at each other and smirk.

[color= darkred]Jay Michaels:[/color] You two already spoke to him didn’t you?

They look at each other again and then Jay’s mother turns to him.

Helen Michaels: Well we gave him a call yesterday for you, we weren’t sure that he would want to help you without us going to him first.

Jay slammed his cutlery down once more and stood up.

[color= darkred]Jay Michaels:[/color] Honestly? What did I tell you about sticking your nose into my life? You’ve been doing it since I was a kid, despite me telling you not to and yet here you are again interfering in my life like you always do.

With that Jay stormed out of the room b-lining for the door, as he walked he picked his jacket and his keys up and slammed the door shut behind him.

Jay made a hard left at the bottom of the front yard and began a to walk at an almost frantic pace putting his jacket on as he walked. Jay always preferred to walk, it was only when he realised that the army would require him to be able to drive that he decided to get his drivers license, he felt it always helped him clear his mind and this time was no different. As he walked he started to think why his parents would once again go against his wishes and interfere in his life once again, but then again why would he expect any less they had never listened to him, his mother still called him Gabriel a name he had been trying to forget his entire life. He went over things in his mind as he walked, did he over react again? Should he go back and apologise? No Jay was far too stubborn for that.

Then before he knew it he was at the Door of the church. Jay tugged at the huge wooden doors and slowly walked into the church, he walked through a main foyer and into the main part of the church. His foot steps echoed throughout the structure anyone in the building would have been able to hear him, he got to the front row pews, then bend down to his knees and did a cross sign across his body, he then stood up and looked to his left, and there was Tom.

Tom, or rather Reverend Thomas Harris was a very old friend of Jays, although probably 30 Years older than him (Jay never actually asked him his age) and of course a man of the cloth he always supported Jay. When his parents virtually disowned him for joining the army, Tom was there to help. Tom although had been a Reverend for most of life had connections to several sporting agents, and had befriended a fair amount of sporting talent through his life, he was well liked by nearly everyone that met him, Christian or not. It was not however his Religious orientation that Jay was interested in today, it was his Sporting connections. One of the sports Tom was a huge fan of was the world of Professional Wrestling; it’s the reason Jay got into Amateur Wrestling as a Teenager and was now venturing into Pro Wrestling.

Jay slowly walked up to Tom, the two men embraced in a hug.

Tom Harris: So Jay my friend, how have you been?

Jay smirked at Tom before responding.

[color= darkred]Jay Michaels:[/color] Yeah you know… not too bad I guess.

Tom goes to speak again, but is quickly interrupted by Jay.

[color= darkred]Jay Michaels:[/color] Sorry Tom, but I have to get back to New York tonight, so I really don’t have time to catch up. Did you manage to speak to him at all?

Tom looks slightly taken back by this, but obliges Jay with the answer anyway.

Tom Harris: Yeah I spoke to him

Jay Michaels: And…

Tom smirks at Jay.

Tom Harris: He said he’d take you.

Jay cant hide the delight on his face.

Jay Michaels: That’s great news, did you get his number for me?

Tom hands Jay a piece of paper, Jay glances at it quickly and puts it safely in his pocket, he goes to turn around to walk out, but Tom stops him.

Tom Harris: I have to warn you thought Jay, this man is lost… spiritually. Be careful with him because I’ve seen what he has done to people in the past, the best thing you can do is try and bestow some of your new found Faith on him, because if you don’t manage to see the real person beneath the hard shell then he will use you until he has no further use for you and then kick you to the curb.

Jay smiles, and goes to turn around again, but Tom stops him once again.

Tom Harris: I’m serious Jay, I’m surprised he even agreed to help you.

The smile disappears from Jay’s face as he shrugs Tom’s hand from his arm.

Jay Michaels: Don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself.

With that Jay does this time turn around and walk away, he walks up through the church, the last thing we see is the worried looks that has appeared on Tom’s face.


When it comes to judging matches, Shoots always count for more, I always say on a 70-30 Scale.

Here are a few tips on what not to do...

DO NOT ever under any circumstances write a shoot in an arena full of fans unless its intended to be put in with the show. I mean why are those fans there? Does the Fed hold shows every day of the week? Be creative with your setting, think as if your Wrestler is recording these and your opponent would watch them on say the website of the Fed or something.

NEVER use someone else's character in a Role Play without their permission. You could easily make them look bad, and its cheap and pointless.

Thats about all I have for now, I'm sure there is much more I could go into, I would recommend that people check out this site, its the site I mostly Fed at, and the people that do these Feds are fucking amazing. I know its slightly Advertising, but I think our people need to know what a great Fed looks like before they go ahead and open one up themselves...

If thats roleplaying than I can do that, easy.

Except I have another request, if their is going to be a womens division, maybe there can be a rule that a writer can have two profiles, one for the mens division, and one for the womens division.
Will this be an e-fed with actual wrestlers, CAWs or a hybrid? I'm currently a very succesful fedder so yea, I'd like to take part. But first, answer my question! :)

P.S. I was on WZCW as Sammy Orwell and Bryan Payne a while ago, when I was a fedding n00b.

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