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admin said:
I'm here and I'm open to sugggestions. JP seemed reliable but I guess not?

-The Jackass who owns the site

*cough* bullshit *cough*

You seemed reliable, but I guess not?
LOL! I looked at some post in this thread and most of them are either sucking up to JP or Dysturbed others jus bring up good points.
admin said:
I'm here and I'm open to sugggestions. JP seemed reliable but I guess not?

-The Jackass who owns the site

Wow... this must be the first time I've ever seen you post. Amazing!!!! No disrespect there. Not at all.

On another note, the forum isn't doing that bad. A lot of the new mods are really helping in the wrestling forums.

Flames Out
On another note, the forum isn't doing that bad. A lot of the new mods are really helping in the wrestling forums.

And thats just minor help. The fact remains there still needs to be more staff personel as in like 2 more supermods and 2 more regular mods and atleast 2 admins who are on a lot..

Same goes for the supermods.. They all do there job, but when there not on a lot of spamming builds up, this is why there needs to be 2 more..

Im still sticking with

The only suggestion I believe is really to apoint of member of the forum as an admin that knows how to run a forum, due to the fact that you cant always be on and the board really needs someone with access to the acp to keep this place running nicely... 6 supermods and 2 reg mods really doesnt cut it... 1 supermod is on once in a blue moon and one doesnt kno what hes doing.. Not mentioning names tho.. As for reg mods, there only in the Book this Forum and the GFX Forum, oh and theres one in Bar Room for no apparent reason.. And once again, she never comes on either..

Like I stated there needs to be an admin thats on almost always and another supermod or some reg mods...

I dont beleive you have to worry about an admin "taking over" the site due to almost everyone here being loyal, such as Dysturbed, PC and Kapp and a few others. But its a definant must so people can actually request name changes, new forums, IP Banning etc..

Basically the feedback section is pointless without an admin..
copywrite said:
I still don't understand why you guys even bother trying to help this place out anymore. It's a lost cause.
It maybe a lost cause to some, but to others it might not be. I can see where you're coming from when you say that, but there's always hope (even if its a slim chance). Many people still believe in this place and many don't, but no one can really change anyones opinion on WZ. There's many examples you could use when it comes to still believing in WZ. Here's an example "Say you're 21 and you lived in the same neighborhood for 15 years and over the years your neighborhood just got worse and worse. Most people would say "I'm moving out of here, I can't stand this place anymore, because it just keeps getting worse every day and I can find a better place to live", then on the other hand you have others saying "I'm not moving anywhere. I grew up here why should I be the one to move" Why don't the ones who made this neighborhood bad move?" "And the ones who won't move say "We can make a change for the future people of our neighborhoods by fighting for what we believe in, "We may not see it today or tomorrow, but we might see a difference in the future".

Well, its sort of a similar situation. I know alot of the posters over the years moved on to different forums for obvious reasons, some different than others, but there is still some posters that believe in this place, and hope to see it change some what, even if its only a little bit, atleast there would be a change.

Or you could take a sports team for example. Some sports teams fail for many years. Look at the Red Sox, it took them what 85 years to finally win another World Series, but the hometown fans never gave up on them even if the Owner, GM, Coaches, and Players failed to deliever for those 85 years, but the fans always believed they could do something no matter how long it took.

Why would you give up when there is still a little hope, no matter how bad its gotten? I was around for most of the things that has happened over the years here, and don't blame anyone for there decisions to move on, but resepct the decisions of others who have faith in WZ, just like they respect your decision to move on.

I mean, if you think about where would you all be today, if it wasn't for WZ? I'm sure you gained alot of peoples trust and respect on WZ and even became friends with some of the members on WZ and been friends for years, so there is good things and bad things that comes along the way.

admin said:
I'm here and I'm open to sugggestions. JP seemed reliable but I guess not?

-The Jackass who owns the site
Yeah, you're open to suggestions, but when are you going to act upon them? Also when are you going to start trusting more people?
I think there is only one thing this place needs, and its an Active Administrator, even if its only one, that one thing will lead to other things on this Forum better better. If we have an Admin with the right powers they can then set about the task of helping the owners to re-build this place. They can appoint Moderators as they see fit, personally I think every Forum needs someone looking after it, then with a few Super Moderators, that sort of system works at most of the other big forums around, so I dont see why it wouldnt work here.

I can see why the Site owners would have trouble trusting people with this place, they have been subject to being screwed over a few times, whether it be hackings by Admins or other such things, however this place really needs one person at least running it, and if the owners dont trust anyone enough to do it, maybe they could be around a little more to support the rest of the staff.

There are plenty of people here who care, and would make great Administrators assuming they have the proper knowlege to do so, and there are plenty of good posters to help bring this place to where it once was, but in order for this place to get back to where it was it needs what everything needs, good management, then the rest will come.
kapp said:
It maybe a lost cause to some, but to others it might not be. I can see where you're coming from when you say that, but there's always hope (even if its a slim chance). Many people still believe in this place and many don't, but no one can really change anyones opinion on WZ. There's many examples you could use when it comes to still believing in WZ. Here's an example "Say you're 21 and you lived in the same neighborhood for 15 years and over the years your neighborhood just got worse and worse. Most people would say "I'm moving out of here, I can't stand this place anymore, because it just keeps getting worse every day and I can find a better place to live", then on the other hand you have others saying "I'm not moving anywhere. I grew up here why should I be the one to move" Why don't the ones who made this neighborhood bad move?" "And the ones who won't move say "We can make a change for the future people of our neighborhoods by fighting for what we believe in, "We may not see it today or tomorrow, but we might see a difference in the future".

Well, its sort of a similar situation. I know alot of the posters over the years moved on to different forums for obvious reasons, some different than others, but there is still some posters that believe in this place, and hope to see it change some what, even if its only a little bit, atleast there would be a change.

Or you could take a sports team for example. Some sports teams fail for many years. Look at the Red Sox, it took them what 85 years to finally win another World Series, but the hometown fans never gave up on them even if the Owner, GM, Coaches, and Players failed to deliever for those 85 years, but the fans always believed they could do something no matter how long it took.

Why would you give up when there is still a little hope, no matter how bad its gotten? I was around for most of the things that has happened over the years here, and don't blame anyone for there decisions to move on, but resepct the decisions of others who have faith in WZ, just like they respect your decision to move on.

I mean, if you think about where would you all be today, if it wasn't for WZ? I'm sure you gained alot of peoples trust and respect on WZ and even became friends with some of the members on WZ and been friends for years, so there is good things and bad things that comes along the way.

This is a totally difference scenario. There is only 1 man with the power to do anything to help, but he doesn't give a shit. So unless he decides to give Dysturbed the access he needs to run this site, it is a lost cause.
St Jonny said:
I think there is only one thing this place needs, and its an Active Administrator, even if its only one, that one thing will lead to other things on this Forum better better. If we have an Admin with the right powers they can then set about the task of helping the owners to re-build this place. They can appoint Moderators as they see fit, personally I think every Forum needs someone looking after it, then with a few Super Moderators, that sort of system works at most of the other big forums around, so I dont see why it wouldnt work here.

I can see why the Site owners would have trouble trusting people with this place, they have been subject to being screwed over a few times, whether it be hackings by Admins or other such things, however this place really needs one person at least running it, and if the owners dont trust anyone enough to do it, maybe they could be around a little more to support the rest of the staff.

There are plenty of people here who care, and would make great Administrators assuming they have the proper knowlege to do so, and there are plenty of good posters to help bring this place to where it once was, but in order for this place to get back to where it was it needs what everything needs, good management, then the rest will come.

Dysturbed has been admin here in the past and to my knowledge never did anything to make the owner lose trust in him.
Like alot of people have been saying the only thing needed here is 1 or 2 active admins who have the ability to

- I.p Ban abilities
- respect amoungst most of the posting crew

^^^ Those would be the best start untill that happens people who have been banned wont be able to come back and keep causing shit all the time (Like myself and others in the past) Alot of people have used this forum for many years and its a shame to see something in so unhealthy of a state and we dont say these things as a knock on you were just trying to keep this forum alive because more then likely most of us have fond memories of posting here and meeting new interesting people to debate with.
Just trust in the people who are keeping this place from becoming a war zone ie: Peopleschamp dysturbed and others its the only way this place will become anywhere near GOOD again.
Hey, "jackass who owns the site"- if you were so open to suggestions, why don't you mention anything about Dysturbed and him becoming an Admin?? But, you're probably to busy to read that too.

Flames Out
Hey, "jackass who owns the site"- if you were so open to suggestions, why don't you mention anything about Dysturbed and him becoming an Admin

Probably because him mentioning that wouldnt be a suggestion..

But admin/brian/whatever.. I really hope you read all these messages except for some of the insulting ones cause that really doesnt help.. Let me break it down...

The best thing you can do is hire Dysturbed as an admin and let him choose between the other 5 supermods to help him admin this place (Kapp, PeoplesChamp I believe are the only front runners tho).. All 3 of them would not try to "take over", but they would actually keep this place running smooth.. I have talked to 2 out of the 3 of them and they have said the same things to me. That they would help run this forum, and dont understand why you think they'll just "take it over" I dont understand why you think they would do something like that due to the fact all 3 of them have been loyal to Dysturbed and have been doing there best to run it. Maybe you dont have the time to run everything, and I understand that. But there needs to be an admin.. You wasted your time making this board.. And now all of a sudden you dont care? That just doesnt make sence to me..

You need to understand that those three guys have been doing all they can to keep this place running smoothly and I think they have done a good job. But with all these noobs and spammers and things like that, there neeeeeeds to be an active admin or 2... There also needs to be more mods..

Dysturbed has been loyal to this board through and though, so I dont understand why you dont trust him.. Like I said, he only wants to help this forum instead of kill it.. The same goes for PC and Kapp..

This way, You wont have to have people E-Mail you or IM you about all the problems.. Leave all that on someone elses hands.. As you said Protoman wasnt that reliable, but he was at a time from what I have been told. But either 3 of the people I mentioned would be reliable.

I really hope you read that and think it over, without ignoring it..
Spineshank said:
Like alot of people have been saying the only thing needed here is 1 or 2 active admins who have the ability to

- I.p Ban abilities
- respect amoungst most of the posting crew

^^^ Those would be the best start untill that happens people who have been banned wont be able to come back and keep causing shit all the time (Like myself and others in the past) Alot of people have used this forum for many years and its a shame to see something in so unhealthy of a state and we dont say these things as a knock on you were just trying to keep this forum alive because more then likely most of us have fond memories of posting here and meeting new interesting people to debate with.
Just trust in the people who are keeping this place from becoming a war zone ie: Peopleschamp dysturbed and others its the only way this place will become anywhere near GOOD again.

They've tried multiple times to get those abilities, it's not going to happen.
Well then this place mayas well just close down. Admin. Mate you gotta open your eyes because your killing your own forum it dont matter if its not as big as your others this place has a loyal following of people who posted here throughout the years and im not meaning this to come of bad but you gotta stop dicking around and do something mate simple as that
copywrite said:
Dysturbed has been admin here in the past and to my knowledge never did anything to make the owner lose trust in him.

From what I know, he has absolutely no knowledge of anything good that I've done for the place, at least it's never been acknolwedged to me. I don't even know if he ever read that 10 page thread (possibly longer) at the old WZ where people vouched for me. It's my understanding that his problem with me is the whole ** situaiton, but that of course was NOT a situation of us trying to screw up the site rather a situation of us preserving the same community cause the site was being ruined by the server, neglect, and posters returning 20, 30, 40, etc. times with us having no possibility of ip banning them and our requests being ignored. So really other than the fact that we were somewhat hypocrtiical with our advertising (I say somewhat cause it wasn't done with the usual selfish intentions that other posters use) I haven't ever done anything for him to not trust me. The key is for him to take responsibility for how things were allowed to be back here in the past and realize that we started the other place with good reason. People have sigs to other sites all of the time like I have now, and it's not a crime. It's not saying "leave here go there instead" it's implying "have alternatives." Plenty of people go to several sites. Since when were people obligated to have to be here with every other site being the enemy?
He'll do something I kno he will.. He cant just not really not care abput this place and continue to fix the server if he honestly didnt care.
I rekon the first step too getting this place back on track would be to unban grungy72 that guy brought ratings i tell you. LOL

Nah seriously dysturbed mate you need to hang in there mate surely this PERSON will see the light and wisdom of making you a higher power sooner or later i just hope its not too late.
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