Drew McIntyre is an Epic Failure

I think the thread starter is an example that people still think this is actually 100% REAL ( storlyline wise ).

U hate the dude therefore he succesfuly grew on you.
The fact that Mr.McMahon is "taking care of him", erasing his losses putting him beat a jobber so he can qualify easy for MITB is just to build him up.
Dunno why some people hate his mic work.I find that he is very very confortable on the mic , although maybe yes hes a little unemotional (but not always) , i think it fits his character perfect.Hell look at shelton benjamin when he is on the mic u see him struggling to do a good job.Drew is natural.HEs 24 and he enjoys the spotlight and he fits perfectly.

Did i say hes 24?Hes alreayd with new entrance music beating people up, IC title.Imagine in a few years.This guy is the future and i think when he will be allowed to actually show his arsenal it will be a good showing.
CAuse really how can he make a nice suplex or somewhat of a complex move on KANE hes like 1000 bigger and heavier than him.His match with him was solid and showed he can put ona good match even if he cant execute any move on him.

And your last argument sounds like your Trolling a bit here.I Think u re arguments are there just for you to get heel heat cause everything u said has no sense at all.
Regardless if people consider him an epic failure or not, WWE will continue to push him. They are putting a lot of effort into him by giving him the IC belt, a new cool entrance video and song yet the fans have little to no reaction for him. Granted he's pretty good in the ring and his mic skills are ok at best but the real reason he's being pushed is because he's cool with Triple H and HBK. If only they tried harder at pushing guys like Shelton Benjamin and Matt Hardy who've been with the company longer yet never got past mid-card status. It's a damn shame when guys like Sheamus and Drew get pushed to the moon because of whom they are cool with rather than guys who've busted their ass longer for the company like Hardy and Shelton. I guess it's not about how good you are in the ring or on the mic but it's about whom you are cool with.
To the OP, if you don't care about McIntyre, just change the channel instead of clinging to your source of discomfort.

McIntyre had better hope that he succeeds as a heel because he damn sure won't as a face. As long as he remains on Smackdown, he will be behind Punk and Jericho in the top heel stakes, whether or not Vince is pushing him as the chosen one or not.
People are very quick to judge nowadays. He's been around for less than a year with his new character. And from what i am seeing people don't seem to get that the quiet, reserved, calculating (or as some people say boring) guy is his character. Do you want him going around crotch chopping people or rolling his eyes int eh back of his head? Not every person needs to be a Kingston or Truth to get over. By many people's logic John Morrison is boring as well. He has horrible mic skills (which we've seen Drew destroy him doing) and he's all sizzle. I don't watch a Morrison match and think "that hurt the guy" but I watched Drew's match on Friday agains the Seattle Jobber and when he hit him with the lariat I thought he was trying to break the guy's neck. Drew is very intense. Like I have stated numerous times. Watch his FCW stuff and you will realize that the way his matches and promos are being booked it's not his doing. The guy has much better skills on the mic and in the ring than we are seeing. But I guess asking fans to do research and not just think whatever happens Monday & Fridays is all there is to someone is just too much to ask for.

And to the op. If you are gonna bash someone try to at leas get some valid arguments because "He looks like Emily Osmett" just makes you whole argument look stupid and makes you look childish.
I really don't understand how anyone could consider McIntyre a faiure? He's having a nice reign as IC champ, and is able to get a good amount of heat from a live crowd. At first, I wasn't too crazy about Drew, but overtime he has grown on me. I also don't understand how the thread starter can complain about McIntyre's IC title win? The poke in the eye was something HEELS do. It's nothing unusual.

Give Drew some more time before you call him an "epic failure".
Drew reminds me of Triple H during his Hunter Hearst Helmsley days before he teamed with HBK. He'll be big one day

I agree, he also reminds me of a young Hunter Hearst Helmsley. I may be biased because im Scottish but I think Drew is doing one heck of a good job on Smackdown so far. He has a good look, hes very good on the mic already, hes very good in the ring and has the right kind of cocky attitude that his character requires. He has also shown some of the old Ruthless Agression that was around a few years ago.

This is another classic example of the hypocrites on this forum constantly complaining that Vince needed to start pushing new and younger stars and as soon as he does it they find something else to complain about with the 2 main examples being Sheamus and Drew.

Sounds to me as if most of these morons are probably just unhappy that they are well liked by "The heir to the throne".



Does no one fucking understand the concept of a "slow build"? Sure, the guy is on a bit of a losing streak. I wouldn't be shocked that someone in the locker room spoke up that he was being pushed too fast, without paying his dues, and thus we have this. It isn't an indictment on McIntyre the wrestler, and it surely doesn't make him a failure. Have you considered it possible that this is adding an added depth to his character? Perhaps adding some intensity to an otherwise refined character? I, too, consider the guy a polished version of the Hunter Hearst Helmsley character, and one of the reaons that incarnation of HHH's character wasn't going to make it to the main event was becuase he lacked an intensity. He played his blue blood role too well almost, and it would never be taken seriously in the main event scene. Similar things can be said of Drew right now. He was lacking that intensity, and now he has an added depth to his character. Relax, and let the slow build continue. When the guy is taken off television completely, that will be the time to panic. But as it is, no, Drew's not a failure. I swear to God, some of you fans just really have no sense of patience. Let him become an established character. Then, we'll see how he works.
I don't think it's about patience like Tenta said. The guy just doesn't cut it for me. I don't care if a guy takes 5 years or 2 years to make it to main event level and win the title. I was watching John Cena just since 2002 and I didn't care that he was a midcarder because I thought he was entertaining. Drew is boring to watch. The match he had against Hardy, two of the people that make me switch channels on Smackdown in the same match. At least I saw a one more match without them.

Some of you say that his entrance is cool. His music is cool not his entrance. He just walks slowly to the ring with that weird smile. He doesn't even have the looks. His walking is all crooked. His finisher is a modified DDT that doesn't even look like it hits them.

He is not an epic fail, but he will not succeed or shouldn't succeed IMO.
This dude reminds me of how Y2J used to say he was undefeated against Goldberg, when Goldberg would never show up to the fight. Each time would be a victory. I find this whole McIntyre story thing funny. Anytime he whines he gets his way. This is what I find hilarious. As much a rudy-poo I think this story is...this guy is good.
That guy was an idiot putting town McIntyre like that, but he's a TNA fan so it's whatever LOL. Anyway, yes, Drew is being booked poorly, but his ring skills are pretty good and his mic skills are coming along. Not defending the I.C title at Wrestle Mania does suck but at least he's on the card regardless of who he beat to get on it.
Hoo boy, people are gonna hate me for this.

When it comes to my severe dislike for McIntyre, it all boils down to one huge thing: No moveset. Outside of his finisher, what does he do? I cannot remember him doing one wrestling move besides his finish, which isn't really that interesting to begin with, but I digress. If that in itself isn't bad enough, it's the complete lack of logic behind it that hurts McIntyre, in my opinion. Why would Vince make it so Drew only did punches and kicks, then his finish? To draw heat, particularly from the IWC? If that's the case, that's the cheapest heel heat imaginable. When was the last time a promoter cut down on a wrestler's moveset to draw heat from the fans?

The point of a heel is to draw heat so that fans watch someone else beat the crap out of him. Not so that people stop watching because they're sick of him. You can argue about his character or his promos or what have you, which I find average at best, but for me, his biggest issue will be his lack of a moveset. But maybe that's just me.
Well he is not a failure, and he is a heel so his job is being done correctly, man the the guy is only 24 years old, not everyone is meant to be champion at 24 like Orton or Lesnar (25), and truth be told Orton was only set up as champion to take Lesnar off the books, his real time came in when he was 27 like Cena.

His move set isnot impressive but for a heel he has a good move set and a badass finisher.

He only got two loses off the record since he had 2 succesful tilte defenses against Morrison and Kane.

Also, not everything he has done sis becuase of his buddies Shawn and HHH, If you ever watched his matches on FCW you would undertand why he is in the position he is in right now.

Yes McMahon picked him and there was a reason behind it, he is good at his job, you hate him, good is his job to be hated, his accent does not make any different what so ever for me but his is a good talker and now how to generate heat, He was here in Mexico on a tour and he always got ther crowd to hate him with his promos in spanish to make them more intense.

Will he be a future World Champion? well only time will tell since Creative is changing its mood a lot lately (Ziggler, Morrison, SWagger, Truth, MVP pushes and then depushes), but if they are constant with him, He will be a very good option for a Champion.
It is way too early to judge whether or not he is a failure.Any belief that he is a failure is really just opinion at this point. It takes some guys longer to find their stride. Orton had a long stretch after Evalution where he was crap. I firmly believe that if it wasn't for "his connection with Triple H" than he wouldn't be around either.

Wait these things out before you write them off as a failure

except TNA
How can you call him a failure when he's only been with the business for like 4 months and he's already got a ton of storylines and a championship on his resume? Between his feud with Morrison, being the chosen one that McMahon hand picked to be the future of the company, and having his undefeated streak that McMahon keeps on keeping alive, you really can't call him a failure. A failure is somebody who comes in and gets everything handed to them only to fail, botch something, get hurt, or something like that. Drew is too young/fresh to be considered a failure.
It's waaaaaaay too early to start passing judgment on McIntyre as a failure. I personally find him a bit green but that'll pass as time goes on. He hasn't even been with the company for a year yet. Pushes must be slow and gradual. He's doing fine right now, chill out. At least he's not being shoved into the main event and down our throats a la Sheamus.
I use to Really hate Drew but he's growing on me.I'm mean come on at least when i hated on him i had a stronger argument then comparing him to a girl from Disney channel.I still hate him but he is not a failure yet.wait for awhile then reopen this debate so we all can have a more educated view on the subject.Its just to early to tell with Drew.
I gotta say, it's ridiculous to call any new wrestler a failure within his first full year. Just crazy. Sure, Sheamus and Drew are getting pushed big right now, but that's not all that's on their horizons. They'll be working into new programs that will let them actually build their characters and pay their dues. By paying their dues, I don't mean losing continuosly either. They got their moment in the sun with titles and soon that will pass where they're constantly working to achieve that glory again.

If they're truly the "future" of the business, they'll be given a chance to show it. Giving them the titles this soon was a way to shake things up and put them in your face as soon as possible. It'll balance out and you'll see a more rounded wrestler in Drew.

And honestly, doesn't just about every new wrestler go through a period where the crowd is mostly indifferent to them, whether they're face or heel? Come on, it's the nature of the business. First you have to recognize them, then you have to realize what they're all about, and as they become more recognizable to the fans, the heat or the love starts to creep in.
How can anyone realy think that Drew McIntyre is an Epic Failure when he has had such great matches and fueds with R-Truth, Finaly and John Morrison he was 1 of 3 survivors of Team Miz at Survivor Series and is the intercontinental champion.

I think his promos are excellent he has intensity and a sinister look of disdain for his opponents his in ring skills are good i like The Future Shock as his finisher because it always looks devestating on his opponents and i love his titan tron video and music.

As far as Drew McIntyre becoming a mid card wrestler Triple H and Shawn Micheals are both backing Drew McIntyre as they belive that he reminds them of Triple H in his younger days and personally asked Vince to push him so it seems unlikely that will happen as long as they back him.
I like Drew McIntyre and have ever since he debuted in 2007. I'm enjoying his work in-ring, and he can improve his promo skills. However, I don't understand his current storyline though. "I want to be at WrestleMania!"....ummmm....you're the Intercontinental Champion you dumbass! Feud with someone and defend your title! I hate that so few titles are defended at PPVs in the last few years, especially at WrestleMania. If anything, I would think Vince and the writers would WANT McIntyre defending his championship at this big event, since retaining the Intercontinental Championship is much bigger than just filling a spot in MitB.

Oh and I know this isn't a very popular opinion, but I personally think McIntyre is much better and more deserving of a push than Sheamus. I can't f***ing STAND that guy.
Regardless if people consider him an epic failure or not, WWE will continue to push him. They are putting a lot of effort into him by giving him the IC belt, a new cool entrance video and song yet the fans have little to no reaction for him. Granted he's pretty good in the ring and his mic skills are ok at best but the real reason he's being pushed is because he's cool with Triple H and HBK. If only they tried harder at pushing guys like Shelton Benjamin and Matt Hardy who've been with the company longer yet never got past mid-card status. It's a damn shame when guys like Sheamus and Drew get pushed to the moon because of whom they are cool with rather than guys who've busted their ass longer for the company like Hardy and Shelton. I guess it's not about how good you are in the ring or on the mic but it's about whom you are cool with.

Seriously? If only they tried harder at pushing Shelton and Hardy? Benjamin went over HHH a couple times on Raw when Trips was in mega heel domination mode, has been given all kinds of chances with mid card titles, and given the chance to cut promos. Problem is he sucks. Same with Matt Hardy, just a mid card guy. He went over his brother at Wrestlemania last year(jeff was probably the most over guy on the roster then) and didn't do shit with it. Because, he sucks too. Maybe they don't suck, but theyre just mid card talent at best. Vince chose Drew before HHH or HBK ever saw him. And, why do you discount the fact that those two maybe know talent??? Because its the popular thing to do in the iwc?

No way is McIntyre a failure. The guy is a heel. All these tactics are heelish. Hence, you, the OP, and more of you cant stand him. Mission accomplished. I'd say he's further along than JoMo. JoMo can't cut a convincing promo. McIntyre sure comes off as a cocky, heelish, spoiled, "chosen one". Drew storytells in the ring a bit better too, just because he doesn't do flippy shit doesn't mean he can't work. The slow, steady push he's recieving is going well. Whether anyone likes it or not, it's clear the kid is the future, and i don't think that's a bad thing. Drew McIntyre isn't a failure, he's going to be a star for a long time.
I love the way he's being booked. The fact that he's "handpicked" by McMahon and is losing is awesome.

He claims to be this wrestling phenom and he either cheats his way to wins, or loses and then gets his losses stricken from the record. It's great.

His character is designed to make everyone hate him because he's a pompus ass.

I like his signature moves and his ddt looks pretty cool.

At least he's actually doing something with the IC title. Thats more then we can say about a whole lot of former IC title holders.

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