Drew McIntyre is an Epic Failure


Dark Match Jobber
That's right I said it ! here is why I feel this way, WWE has a storyline where he was "hand picked" by Vince himself. Well big whoopty doo. I just was watching Smackdown to see Drew McIntyre beat a nameless guy from Seattle to be entered to the MITB match.

(Face Palm) he has what a 0-3 record as a IC champion, OH Wait that was officially stricken from the record. He is still undefeated. Now let's go back to his "Title" Win. how did that happen ? He poked Morrison in the eye to win the belt.

Now up to date, again tonight he had to beat some NO NAME rookie to be entered into MITB match & parades around like he beat someone worth mentioning.

I predict in six months he will be jobbing and lost in the shuffle as they say.
Why again do I feel this way, His accent for one thing will get VERY stale very fast.

and like what has become of the IC title nothing will happen with it until the belt changes hands. this has been going on for years now with the IC title.

and lastly why is Drew McIntyre a Epic Failure here is undeniable proof

He looks like Emily Osment I rest my case
i do disagree with the way he is being booked, but besides that he is great in the ring, his mic work is getting better, he has an epic enterance, and to top it all off he's banging tiffany
I can't say I don't agree with most of your post, but I have no idea who Emily Osment is. So far McIntyre's reign has been boring, and he's been useless. All he has is a cool entrance, cool finisher, and a domestic partnership with Triple H. I mean, if he weren't tight with Triple H, he would be going nowhere. He hasn't impressed me, and he can't win a non-jobber match cleanly. I like how they build up the jobber as someone who is "impressive" just so McIntyre winning in 20 seconds makes people care more. Hey Drew, you get no reaction. NONE! He can't even get Tiffany to make noise when he's banging her. Drew won't be jobbing though. If you are cool with Trips, you will stay around and stay around a title.
Honestly. This guy impresses me. The way he's booked isn't his fault, but I like him. I don't see him jobbing out, ever. I honestly think this guy is going to slowly rise until he hits a world title and I believe he'll stay there. And if he's really banging tiffany, this guy does epic shit. Total ownage.\

PS. She's an actor on Hannah Montana. Now, everyone go after me for knowing that. =)
I can't say I don't agree with most of your post, but I have no idea who Emily Osment is. So far McIntyre's reign has been boring, and he's been useless. All he has is a cool entrance, cool finisher, and a domestic partnership with Triple H. I mean, if he weren't tight with Triple H, he would be going nowhere. He hasn't impressed me, and he can't win a non-jobber match cleanly. I like how they build up the jobber as someone who is "impressive" just so McIntyre winning in 20 seconds makes people care more. Hey Drew, you get no reaction. NONE! He can't even get Tiffany to make noise when he's banging her. Drew won't be jobbing though. If you are cool with Trips, you will stay around and stay around a title.

Wait, when did he become tight with HHH? I thought that was the excuse for Sheamus' push? Is everyone behind the stage HHH's buddy?

Anyway, he's booked badly, and I haven't seen enough of him in the ring. I don't get where they're going with this. Does he look like he deserves a MitB win, and a world title shot? I don't think so. He needs more seasoning.

Also, the new entrance sucks. What a cheap verison of Bob Seger for a tune.
I'm a big fan of DrewMc. I really think this kid is going places and I really find him more entertaining than Sheamus and I'm glad his push is going slower than that of Sheamus'. I believe DrewMc is close to Shawn Michaels, not Triple H.

Either way, McIntyre's only fault in my opinion is that he isn't very muscular. He is rather wirey. He needs to bulk up, or how Norcal would say it "PUMP IRON BITCH". DrewMc is going to be hanging around the midcard for the rest of this year and I think he could be an early favorite for a strong push come 2011 and possibly be the favorite to win the MITB come Wrestlemania XXVII.
That's right I said it ! here is why I feel this way, WWE has a storyline where he was "hand picked" by Vince himself. Well big whoopty doo. I just was watching Smackdown to see Drew McIntyre beat a nameless guy from Seattle to be entered to the MITB match.
What is your point? He is a failure because he is in Money In The Bank? That is just ridiculous. He was handpicked by Vince because Vince likes this kid. How many other wrestlers has Vince "handpicked"?

(Face Palm) he has what a 0-3 record as a IC champion, OH Wait that was officially stricken from the record. He is still undefeated.
Did you really forget about his win against Kane at Elimination Chamber? Sure, it may not have been a great match, but it makes what you said wrong. I can't say about the stricken from the record book thing because I haven't seen this weeks Smackdown.

Now let's go back to his "Title" Win. how did that happen ? He poked Morrison in the eye to win the belt.
Are you actually trying to say that the Intercontinental Championship isn't a title? I also do not see what you are getting at with whole finger poke to Morrison deal. He is a heel, and that is a classic heel move.

Now up to date, again tonight he had to beat some NO NAME rookie to be entered into MITB match & parades around like he beat someone worth mentioning.
You are not doing a good job so far at proving that McIntyre is an epic failure. He was happy because he is off of his losing streak. He is also in Money In The Bank so he also has that to be happy about.

I predict in six months he will be jobbing and lost in the shuffle as they say.
If you really think that then you must be letting a TNA fan cloud your judgment. He will not be jobbing in six months if only for the fact that Triple H and Shawn Michaels are high on him.[/QUOTE]

Why again do I feel this way, His accent for one thing will get VERY stale very fast.
A personal opinion. What may be getting stale for you may not be getting stale for others.

and like what has become of the IC title nothing will happen with it until the belt changes hands. this has been going on for years now with the IC title.
You make this statement only for the fact that he is going to be in Money In The Bank and not defending his title at Wrestlemania? If you haven't noticed being a Intercontinental Champion is not a World Champion and he has stated that is what he wants.

and lastly why is Drew McIntyre a Epic Failure here is undeniable proof

He looks like Emily Osment I rest my case

Really? You are basing that he is a failure do to the fact that you think he looks like a teenage girl? Really? Wow. What is next? Are you gonna state how Kofi Kingston is a failure because he has dreadlocks and so does Whoopi Goldberg? Samoa Joe is an epic failure because he needs to eat more Subway? No you wouldn't say that because you are a TNA fanboy. Why don't you go back to the TNA section and state where Amazing Red is the best wrestler EVER!

He does need to gain some muscle mass though.
Yea I agree. In fact, I hate this guy so much that I would'nt care if he died tomorrow.

I guess I'm old fashioned, meaning I miss the days when wrestlers 'earned' their way to the top and not just because they're buddy buddy with HHH. This is why I hate HHH too. But yea, he is a failure, he really does get ZERO reaction when he's wrestling, and the thing is, it's not that I just hate the guy, but I don't care about him at all.

Heels are supposed to make you hate them, but not this way, people not caring about him. I saw in another post, booing is different from no reaction when it comes to heels, and that's true. And since Drew gets no reaction, he really is a failure.
Wow where to begin with this one. I guess Il start with the fact that you clearly didnt do any research on him at all. Drew has succesfully defended the intercontinental title multiple times I witnessed him beat john morrison in person in a no dq match for the title so no he is not 0-3 since winning the title. Second, what does hhh have to do with anything? O yea absolutely nothing. Personally I like drew he has a good look hes strong on the mic and hes actually prety good in the ring. Him and morrison put on some excellent matches during ther brief feud. Ultimately I think the reason ppl dont like him is because he was handpicked by vince so they feel like hes just being forced down our throats and when that happens wrestling fans have a tendency to overlook talent without giving a guy a shot first.
Beating a jobber is what he was SUPPOSED TO DO!!! It is SCRIPTED you idiot! Beating Morrison the way he did was, again, SCRIPTED! It was meant to draw heat. And it did just that. He is being put over as a heel. While reading your thread, I got the uneasy feeling that you might believe this stuff is real. And that is sad, so let's hope that isn't the case.

But I do have to agree with your general feelings in regards to Drew (unfortunately). I don't think he's anything special. I think he is BEYOND boring on the mic. I don't care about his accent, I care about his completely unemotional, uninteresting promos. I think this guys is going to rise quickly, and drop off even faster. I just don't see him being good enough at any one thing to be a big star in pro wrestling. But, I could be wrong.

It could turn out that they push this guy to the moon for years and years to come, and I just won't like it. Happened with Batista. Happened with Cena. So, I guess maybe I am the one with the problem...but I don't think so.

Oh, and by the way. Even though I am not a fan of Drew, he DOES NOT look like that girl. I am not sure why you think that, but then again, I didn't really understand much of what you said, so I guess it just goes with the territory while reading your threads.
I like Drew. I think his entrance is original and fits the character perfectly. I do agree that he needs draw more heat from the fans, but I don't feel like they are pushing him that hard to be such a huge heel, that's my opinion. I personally would rather see him than have to watch R-Truth or Dolph Ziggler.....yawn.
I agree i have never been really big on McIntyre i don't like his promo's or his work on the Mic i find him a little boring and stale. He's a heel and when i see him on T.V. it doesn't appear as though he get's that much i get the impression the fan's but they just don't care about him enough to even boo him all that hard he also is a little to lean he's needs to buff up. I also hope that he doesn't get a major push to the main event level especially if it's over a guy like Morrison who is better than McIntyre in every single way.
wow im looking at this thread and for those of you who are saying he sucks I think your crazy. the guy is being buily up perfectly he beat kane at elimination chamber, and the key factor to this is that mcintyre is only 24 years old. he needs a better set of moves but he also has great theme music. i truly believe in 2-3 years he will be the next randy orton.
i truly believe in 2-3 years he will be the next randy orton.

That's ridiculous. Drew really isn't that great. I actually think he's pretty sloppy in the ring and doesn't have much of a moveset at all.
What bothers me about Triple H's influence is that it gets they guys he has boner's for INSTANT championships. WTF.
Drew got the IC (he probably would have gotten the world if it weren't around the waist of Taker) and Sheamus got the WWE after doing nothing on ECW.
The fans don't care about these guys and give them no reactions because they haven't even been around for a year.
Randy had to build his way up. He won the IC title at least over a year after his debut.
Plus, Randy can convey emotion and ACT. Sheamus and Drew both have one dimension...Sheamus has powerful brute. Drew has cocky douchebag.

I hope Triple H and Shawn someday understand that their buddies can't have everything...including fan reaction....right off the bat of their career.
Are you aware that wrestling isn't real? Those defeats were all designed to build his character, to make him look more narcissistic, and all of them have been all about him. McIntyre is probably having more invested in him than anybody else in the midcard right now, and I think that he is totally rising to that. He isn't a bad shout to win MITB, which I think might be too soon, but so far he has put on decent promos, had good matches, and has forged a character that operates above him being Scottish as it's only interesting facet.
Well, for the longest time I would have agreed with you that Drew McIntyre was an "epic failure"...but then, several things happened.

1. He got a new entrance.
That entrance is awesome and unique. It really makes you take notice. No longer is it boring and generic (Heck, during the Royal Rumble his music hit and I thought it was Danielson or someone debuting. That's how generic the music was). Now it is totally unlike anything anyone else on the roster has. I love it.

2. The MITB storyline.
This is where he really started to shine in my eyes. They really hammered in the fact that he was Vince's Chosen One, making it more than just a title. I've also started to come to like his in-ring style and his accent is cool. He's also doing very well at developing a character.

So, no, he is not an epic failure. I'm still not totally sold on him ever being world champion, but he's doing very well for himself, and as someone who used to hate him, I can say he's turned me into a semi-believer.
I wouldn't exactly call him an epic failure, hell I wouldn't even call him a small failure.
I think Drew is doing good, I actually like him, I liked him at the very start, he looked interesting the day he debuted against R-Truth, got a little boring after a while of constant beatdowns during interviews etc. but he grew on me rather quickly when he started his thing with John Morrison.

And I can actually imagine seeing him in the main event at one point, seeing him hold a world title even.
so I'm actually quite pleased with hos he's going in WWE right now, and I think it'll be fun seeing him in the MITB match, but I just don't wanna see him win it, I just wanna see him doing some good spots.
I'm really glad that WWE is taking McIntyre's push slowly unlike Sheamus who was pushed into the main event instantly. McIntyre does have a bright future ahead of him and I think having him in the IC & MITB scene is great its filled with Mid Carders who are waiting to be Pushed into the main event. I think thats the perfect spot for Drew at the moment.
That's right I said it ! here is why I feel this way, WWE has a storyline where he was "hand picked" by Vince himself. Well big whoopty doo. I just was watching Smackdown to see Drew McIntyre beat a nameless guy from Seattle to be entered to the MITB match.

(Face Palm) he has what a 0-3 record as a IC champion, OH Wait that was officially stricken from the record. He is still undefeated. Now let's go back to his "Title" Win. how did that happen ? He poked Morrison in the eye to win the belt.

Now up to date, again tonight he had to beat some NO NAME rookie to be entered into MITB match & parades around like he beat someone worth mentioning.

I predict in six months he will be jobbing and lost in the shuffle as they say.
Why again do I feel this way, His accent for one thing will get VERY stale very fast.

and like what has become of the IC title nothing will happen with it until the belt changes hands. this has been going on for years now with the IC title.

and lastly why is Drew McIntyre a Epic Failure here is undeniable proof

He looks like Emily Osment I rest my case

I think what you are failing to realize is that this whole thing helps gain heat for two people here :

- Drew McIntyre
- Vince McMahon

By being "hand picked " by McMahon, first of all, that says something for him, whether it kayfabe or not. Just like McMahon, I feel McIntyre has tons of potential and will someday be a world champion. Actually knowing he got in the Money In The Bank, I have my winner now picked for that match.

Now, I don't see why you are complaining about any of this? He is a heel, and everything has been heelish. Having McIntyre's losses erased by McMahon, parading around after beating a jobber, winning the title with a poke to the eye....it's all heelish characteristics, and McIntyre is a heel, therefore it all works for him. As I said a few lines ago, I have a feeling that McIntyre has a bright future ahead of him and I am very glad that his push is slow and steady, unlike Sheamus who was instantly thrust into the main event after coming to Raw.
anyone who agrees with the OP must be a fucking idiot. Its impossible to fail if your push has been going on for about 6 months so far, dumbass. Fuck, he just moved past the "generic community college commercial" theme music like 6 weeks ago.

Also, getting heat, being LEGITIMATELY hand picked as a future world champion by Vince Mcmahon, and putting on good matches is hardly failing. Way to talk out of your ass.
being LEGITIMATELY hand picked as a future world champion by Vince Mcmahon

Yeah but he's most likely only picked by Vince because of the backup Drew gets from Shawn and Triple H who thinks Drew reminds them of a younger Triple H, I don't see it thou, but I guess if the wrestlers themself see it, there must be something about it.
Personally I wouldn't mind seeing a young Triple H type again all thou, just not the same career, but the tough ass that was Triple H in the late 90's start 00's I sure as hell would like to take a trip back to that.
That's right I said it ! here is why I feel this way, WWE has a storyline where he was "hand picked" by Vince himself. Well big whoopty doo. I just was watching Smackdown to see Drew McIntyre beat a nameless guy from Seattle to be entered to the MITB match.

And.... this aggravated you? Good. That's called heel heat, my friend. Drew McIntyre is doing his job if you don't like him.

(Face Palm) he has what a 0-3 record as a IC champion, OH Wait that was officially stricken from the record. He is still undefeated. Now let's go back to his "Title" Win. how did that happen ? He poked Morrison in the eye to win the belt.

Once again.... heel heat. You're not supposed to like him.

Now up to date, again tonight he had to beat some NO NAME rookie to be entered into MITB match & parades around like he beat someone worth mentioning.

Wow, you just keep proving my point over and over again.

I predict in six months he will be jobbing and lost in the shuffle as they say.
Why again do I feel this way, His accent for one thing will get VERY stale very fast.

Whoa, ok. No. Not gonna happen. McIntyre's going to the top. He got new entrance music, is in the MITB match, and is still (kayfabe) being viewed as Vince's "chosen one" handpicked guy to be the future world champion. None of the above would be happening if he was an "epic failure" as you called him in the thread title. Oh, and his accent won't get stale.

and like what has become of the IC title nothing will happen with it until the belt changes hands. this has been going on for years now with the IC title.

It's Wrestlemania. The midcard titles' prestige is not as important as putting together the best show of the year for the fans. A good series of IC title matches will likely come again this summer just like last year.

and lastly why is Drew McIntyre a Epic Failure here is undeniable proof

He looks like Emily Osment I rest my case

Seriously.... this is your big argument? First of all, they look nothing alike. Secondly, you're basically saying that one of the guys who is being viewed as the future of WWE is an "epic fail" because you think he looks like Emily Osment? Sorry, but I disagree with your post.

Drew McIntyre is NOT an "epic fail" because he was (kayfabe) handpicked by Vince as a future world champion, they gave him awesome new theme music (something that often happens to someone in line for a huge push), and he's going to Wrestlemania's MITB match, which he might win. Drew's the future of WWE, whether some people like it or not.
Um, no, Vince picked him before Shawn and Trips ever even met him. Another wrestler from FCW told a story when Vince showed up unannounced one day, and was watching. he saw Mcyntire and said "this one, right here. This will be my next world champion"

He didnt even start working with Trips and HBK til he got to the main roster. So no, not EVERYTHING in the fucking world is attributable to Triple H and HBK
Um, no, Vince picked him before Shawn and Trips ever even met him. Another wrestler from FCW told a story when Vince showed up unannounced one day, and was watching. he saw Mcyntire and said "this one, right here. This will be my next world champion"

Ah, I see, my bad!

Anyway, Vince might've seen the younger Triple H himself, but I guess we won't know what it was that Vince truly saw in Drew McIntyre back in FCW.
But no matter what, Drew is no failure, and he certainly won't be going anywhere but up in the nearest future.
I like Drew and would no way call him a failure. He is getting some good heat, he looks like a complete prick and looks like someone who you just want to punch in the face which is why he is a good heel. He has got some awesome entrance music to go with a pretty cool entrance. He is having some pretty good matches and has shown me he isn't bad in the ring. He can cut some pretty good promo's, he seems comfortable when speaking so Drew has a lot of things going for him, plus it helps that he is Vince McMahon's "chosen one" so NO! He is nowhere near a failure.

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