Dreams thread.

Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
Because I have them and you may have them too. Oh sorry, before we go any further I mean sleep dreams. Not ambitions. Yeah I like to hear about dreams.

Last night's was curious. I always hear that you can't or shouldn't be killed in a dream, or at least that it's a bad omen. Well last night I got killed twice, by the same guy/thing. I was working in the coffee shop that I work in in reality, and it was late evening, at which time I never actually work. The shop is in a train station and in the dream a train had just pulled in and was letting off passengers. They all pass by, but the last passenger stops as he's almost past the doorway before double-backing to come in.

He has a strange face, bald and hateful and just beneath his eyes you can see the red socket like you would if you pull down your eye bags, like he's wearing some sort of flesh mask. Think: bringer, if you watch Buffy. He pulls out a harpoon gun and points it at my head. I start to plead with him but to no avail, the guy was evil. He tells me he's going to rape my sister before shooting me right through the eye. Now that's one thing but shortly after in the dream the exact same thing happens. Not exactly the same build up, different pleading and whatnot but same result, harpoon through the cranium.

So then I start to catch what's going on and the people around me are getting wind of it too. This time he hasn't yet got off the train but I know what's coming. Me and some guys have a plan to catch him in a trap when he starts to chase. I start to run like my life depends on it and so does everybody else around me, we run down side-streets and through back gardens and I'm just thinking of where the best place to hide would be. I try a few places before I realise he's not chasing me, I wait a little longer before going back to the shop.

I find out that he was caught in the trap and he's all wrapped up in a adult-size cloth bag. Me and the guys proceed to beat the shit out of him, torture him and then kill him. Conclusion: I was a bit restless last night.

Do share, I'll be pooling more of my dreams here, if and when I have them.
Thank fuck it's not about ambition.

Sex dream last week with modern-day Barbra Streisand on top.
My sisters boyfriend is doing a PhD in something dream related and has gone on a few 'dream camp' (or something similarly named) weekends where the participants are sleep-deprived for a day then they go to sleep for various times and have to immediately document what they remember. Sounds pretty draining but apparently it wielded some interesting outcomes.

From what I recall, last night I was pretty much breaking into someones house that I knew from school but I looked like someone different, ala Face/Off. I wasn't Cage or Travolta though.
Something I remember from last year which was basically my final year of A-Level.

So some kids in my year climbed into suitcases on top of cars (the emo kids). My mother drove me away from school without noticing and took me to a road I didn't know. There were elephants with extremely long legs, and I recall there was a Voltorb in these massive enclosures at the side of the road. Behind us, cars were wiped out in a big car crash (I think a whale fell from the sky or some shit). My car then changed into a 1980's one (Chevvie I think) and we were on a beach, heading towards some building. Once inside, it was a bit like an airport toilet. On the wall was a little mini game where I had to pay 50p to play. I played it, I was playing with someone the other side of the building a game of Pong. I won, I went into a toilet, and I found my dog and cat there. I went to the toilet, came back and another one of my cats were there. Then, my headteacher and my deputy headteacher burst into the toilet and starting screaming at my pets, without noticing me. Then my vision went blury and the words "LSD is bad!" came up in my field of vision before I woke up from my dream.

Thought I was insane, or I took LSD without noticing.
Man, I hate conversations about dreams. People talk about them like they're the only motherfucker that has fucked up dreams, when EVERYBODY has fucked up dreams.

No offence, like.

None taken. I think I just like hearing what crazy compound thinking shit people get when they doze off. For instance, my Mum's are usually very realistic or based on reality like going to the doctors and waiting a long time, whereas mine are very often apocalyptic or getting killed-y.

I don't know how to feel about that one Mr' Hug, and I feel you 4/10 dowds. I always have the idea of keeping a dream diary but find it hard to remember what I dreamt or remember to record it, so I thought I'd do this in the hope that when I wake up and turn on the PC, I'll come across this while I'm still freshly awoken.
My old roommate and I went through a phase where we would look up the symbolism of dreams we had and then we'd talk about them. My ex girlfriend would either text me or send me messages on Facebook of her's and I would look up the symbolism for her.

They were crazy accurate of things we had going on in life at the time.

For a while the roommate was keeping a journal of both his dreams and the symbolism in them. I'm not sure if he still has the journal anymore or not. A few months ago he had said he was going to start doing it again but he never followed up and said if he did or not.

I don't have a dream to share right now. At least not one with any detail that's worth sharing. The last one I remember was a few days ago and it involved a friend of mine but I can't remember what she and I were "talking" about in the dream or much of what happened.
The only dream I want to have is one where I'm getting blown and I wake up to find my wife taking advantage of me in my sleep in the best way possible. Actually, if I could wake from the most terrifying nightmare ever and remember it vividly, only to bring it to the screen and make everyone who sees it die from a heart attack, shit themselves, or both, that would be pretty awesome too.
Sex dream two months ago with my high-school crush after showing her my Bret Hart action figure.

Things do get better, sixteen-year-old Dirk!
I had a dream a few weeks ago about having a cup of coffee with my sister in law. It was absolutely insane, my brother was late and he is a very punctual person.
Daron Acemoğlu;4658835 said:
The only dream I want to have is one where I'm getting blown and I wake up to find my wife taking advantage of me in my sleep in the best way possible. Actually, if I could wake from the most terrifying nightmare ever and remember it vividly, only to bring it to the screen and make everyone who sees it die from a heart attack, shit themselves, or both, that would be pretty awesome too.

You're married?
I had a dream a few weeks ago about having a cup of coffee with my sister in law. It was absolutely insane, my brother was late and he is a very punctual person.

That's fucked up mayn.

I had this dream last night about playing guitar with a group of friends. Then this girlwalked in with a 12-string and told me to try it. I couldn't work it out, like the strings went all loose and bendy and she got really frustrated with me as she was trying to tell me how it worked. I smashed her over the head and that's all I remember.
I have some pretty fucked up dreams sometimes, but I won't tell you, because I cant remember and fuck off.

Most of my dreams end up with me trying to convince myself that I can fly because gravity and stuff like that doesn't apply. Doesn't work that often, and when it does its quite underwhelming. Bollocks to my rubbish brain.
I don't seem to have dreams often but the most recent I ate a shit load of popcorn beforehand.... anyway in the dream I was at some kind of outside social gathering and there was a big ash tray for everyone smoking. Since I despised the smoke so much I overturned the ash tray which led to me being chased by them all. I was scared shitless :lmao:
Nobody brought up Freud yet? Thank god.

Last night I dreamt I was undergoing some kind of basic training in the military, but it wasn't all strict and in your face. I think it had to do with the Pokémon Wars mentioned vaguely in Gen 1. My ex was in it. She did a nice leg stretch on a table a la Esmeralda from Hunchback Of Notre Dame. Or maybe it reminded me of her because they both have the same complexion.

Anyways yeah. My dreams are like all of yours. Not that special.
Haven't had flying dreams since I was a kid, and I have quite a lot of sex dreams now. Last week I had a dream about having a long lasting, mutually satisfying and fulfilling relationship with someone I haven't thought about for a while. The kind of dream that changes the way you live for the next couple of days and that you don't want to wake up from.
These days I feel generally I always have a vague sense of awareness that I'm in a dream because I don't really have nightmares ie the things that happen don't really scare me into believing their real. I can't say I've ever fully lucid dreamt but I have had the idea of being aware I'm in a dream.

Fuck me, last night was heavy. I was doing some sort of heist I think, blame GTA for that, and guards were running towards me to try to stop us. I was hiding behind a wall and shooting piles of them dead. Then later on, it became like a film. One of the relatives of a guy I'd shot, a niece or daughter, cornered me in a public place with a gun. She gave me tears and a whole emotional speech and told me she was going to kill me and I was just running round in this circular room trying not to get shot. Eventually, she got me. Right in the head, and I had a very surreal moment in my dream like 'this is what it feels like to die'. And I got the sensation of warm blood hurtling out of my skull whilst I lay on the ground, fairly pain-free, slowly losing conciousness and waiting to die. That one shocked me awake, and will stay with me for a while.
Sometimes when I have mundane dreams, they happen a few days later in real life, if not exactly then very similar, like, I'll be having a conversation and suddenly I'll realise I know what everyone is going to say, etc. I thought that was odd but apparently it happens to most people.

Basically I think you're going to get shot in the head soon.
Sometimes when I have mundane dreams, they happen a few days later in real life, if not exactly then very similar, like, I'll be having a conversation and suddenly I'll realise I know what everyone is going to say, etc. I thought that was odd but apparently it happens to most people.

Basically I think you're going to get shot in the head soon.

You could change the future! As long as I get to rob a bank and kill a load of people first I'm cool with going out.
The only thing I remember from a dream since this thread has been posted is last night I dreamed my dog got her nail stuck in my earring and tore my earring out trying to get unstuck.

This is something I worry is going to happen one day. She likes to put her paw on my shoulder and a few times she has actually gotten her paw stuck in one of my earrings It hurts quite a bit and I have to try to calm her down while she's trying to yank her paw out.
I had a strange dream that I cannot explain the other night...I can remember bits and pieces though...

It definitely involved huge boulder sized hailstones falling out of the sky and denting my car roof, while me and my family took shelter in the house of former WCW diva Madusa, who told me she was in her 40s...

Then for some reason I walked into a hospital waiting room and Terry Funk was in there, and in walked Abdullah The Butcher who had a really bad cold.

The receptionist working that night shift was a girl from my work called Cassie, who immediately had sex with me in my car.

Weird as fuck, I had been reading the WWE Enclycopedia before I went to sleep so that's probably why the wrestlers were in my dream!

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