Dreamer wins the WWe/Ecw Title!


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Jack swagger jumps christian.....
Dreamer pins a downed christian
He beat christian.... :)
He celibrates in the ring..... And you hear CM Punks music go off!
The put on a half hour match...
And Just like his last ecw title reign... it lasted 30 minutes....
Dreamer retires.....

Bet that will happen!
Greatest post of all time, shut down the forums, any further debate is pointless.

No, Tommy Dreamer will not win the ECW title. Probably ever again, especially not off of Christian who just came back to the company and has been going over huge with the ECW crowd despite his heel tactics.

At this point, Tommy Dreamer is simply a jobber to the stars, and that will probably be the title he holds for the rest of his career with the WWE.
Jack swagger jumps christian.....
Dreamer pins a downed christian
He beat christian.... :)
He celibrates in the ring..... And you hear CM Punks music go off!
The put on a half hour match...
And Just like his last ecw title reign... it lasted 30 minutes....
Dreamer retires.....

Bet that will happen!

Worst prediction I have EVER heard. One - It is highly unlikely that Dreamer will win the ECW title. Two - If you think that the WWE would waste CM Punks MITB win to cash in on the ECW title, you are highly dillusional. This will not happen, ever.
I doubt Tommy would even WANT to hold the WWECW title, as it would further diminish the fact that he is the Innovator of Violence. He had a great bunch of Hardcore title matches, which is probably the closest thing WWE has (and will) ever come to an "extreme" championship.
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Once Dreamer's gone will they even have a reason to call it ECW anymore? Nothing about it reflects what those three letters stand for anymore, there is nothing extreme about this show anymore. There's a pretty obvious reason the ECW title is silver, I think they need to do a repackage of the brand, ditch the name and give it some credibility.
As for Dreamer I doubt he will win it, not from Christian anyway as xfearbefore pointed out, it would do Captain Charisma no favours and he's on his way up, Dreamer's on his way out. That being said I would still love to see Dreamer hold the title, just to see the old ECW get some recognition. Half the kids who watch it wouldn't be able to comprehend some of the matches Dreamer put on for the old ECW, hopefully we'll be given a small taste of it at Extreme Rules.
Jack swagger jumps christian.....
Dreamer pins a downed christian
He beat christian.... :)
He celibrates in the ring..... And you hear CM Punks music go off!
The put on a half hour match...
And Just like his last ecw title reign... it lasted 30 minutes....
Dreamer retires.....

Bet that will happen!

I'm gonna be honest. I CAN NOT WAIT for this to happen. It would pretty much sum up C.M Punk's full circle to failure.. to have come full circle back around to the 3rd Brand, and the lowest of the 3 Heavyweight titles. For him to then have to take a huge full advantage of a weakened and tired jobber in Tommy Dreamer. Yes, yes I can fully see that happening. :rolleyes:

Seriously. Why would W.W.E even capitalize on a storyline that's been done before in a similar way, anyways?

E.C.W - 1999, Tommy Dreamer fought Taz. Dreamer defeated Taz, won the Championship - Justin Credible came out, threatened to throw down (or maybe he did) the Tag Team titles if he didn't get a title shot. (Yeah, those Tag belts were the glue that held the Company together back then, apparently)

Long story short.. Dreamer held the title for about roughly 30 minutes, long enough to hug Raven - ending their bitter war, then lose to Justin Credible in an impromptu match.

Let's also not forget, similar to Judgment Day, I doubt Punk will be in any type of shape to attempt cashing in after being beaten around the ring by a guy much larger, more aggressive and powerful, also with a strap none the less as well.

Dreamer won't win. He'll "retire" only to become General Manager, then likely pull a Ric Flair and insert himself in random Wrestling matches when he needs to be useful in that way, again.

I'm more curious as to if Swagger regains the title, giving Dreamer a REASON to be a face G.M.. (you know, cause Swagger could brag he ended Dreamer's hopes of becoming Champion, as well as his career - all in pinning him to regain his title to begin with.. then Dreamer is announced new G.M, makes Swagger's life a living hell.. etc, etc, etc.)
Chrisjeffers, I am fed the fuck up with your signature. Not only is it offensive, and I don't get how it's not flaming and a homophobic comment, it is simply uncreative and childish. But then again, seeing your post, it's not surprising. I think there is a slight possibility that Dreamer will win, but Punk would not be wasted on this. They are clearly pushing him to the moon and making him out to be a main event player. ECW is not where those people go. Simple logic.
In professional wrestling you just don't win your last match if you are going to retire. Dreamer will put those guys over and walk away or be some kind of on screen figure, maybe a GM, maybe have a backstage gig. When you leave the ring you put people over, that's how you go out on top. Swagger gets the pin here and walks away with the strap, so Christian doesn't take the pin and Swagger gets the strap while paying his respects to Dreamer in his last match.
As Much as I would love to see Tommy Dreamer win this sunday, there is no chance in hell of it happening. Think about it, even when WWECW had many ECW wrestlers, Tommy still lost every ECW title match given to him. Back when, we'd at least see one Extreme Rules match weekly, he still couldn't capitalize. I doubt he'll win now, when most of the fan 10 year olds doesn't know what the letters ECW stand for.

P.S. Do Striker and Matthews call it Extreme Championship Wrestling, or plain ECW?
Jack swagger jumps christian.....
Dreamer pins a downed christian
He beat christian.... :)
He celibrates in the ring..... And you hear CM Punks music go off!
The put on a half hour match...
And Just like his last ecw title reign... it lasted 30 minutes....
Dreamer retires.....

Bet that will happen!

CM Punk will not cash in for the ECW title! WWE is trying to make him a SOLID main eventer not a mid-card world champ! And Dreamer is not gonna win the title! He's a jobber now I don't even see why he would or should!
In some ways, I'd kind of like to see the guy win the ECW Championship. Throw the guy a bone. Any remote semblance of a positive legacy Tommy Dreamer may have had at one point has been completely obliterated. Dreamer has been little more than jobber to the stars for a number of years in the WWE and Vince made sure of that. Dreamer has been called the heart and soul of ECW and look what Vince does, he turns him into the company's biggest jobber since Barry Horowitz all because of his ego. Vince McMahon hates the idea of any wrestler in the United States gaining any degree of real notoriety without him having played some part in that notoriety coming about. Look what he did to most of the guys from WCW and ECW. He wound up burying most of them not because it was good business, but because it personally satisifed him to do so.

That being said, I doubt Dreamer will win the ECW Championship but it probably won't give the title any credibility if he does.
This is the thread where everbody either says goodbye or congratualitions (depending on whether he wins or not) to Tommy Dreamer.

For now, let's just start with this question. Do you think that he'll win the triple threat?
No... I think he will "come oh so close" maybe even get screwed out of it, but he will come up short. Christian is on too much of a roll to lose right now, as he is using heelish tactics as a face... Swagger will take some Dreamer punishment and Christian takes advantage...

Dreamer will be missed though, till he joins Taz in TNA...
Id like to see Dreamer get the strap, Its a triple threat hardcore match so they could find a way to have Christian lose the strap without losing credibility. He could hold the title till Night of Champions where he will put the belt and his career on the line against Christian.
I feel sullied for even having known I expressed interest in this thread. Oh well, might as well add my two cents.

I like that Dreamer was somewhat rewarded for all of his hard work and the career he has mad for himself. But I simply can't see where they're taking this.

Well, actually, I can. And I don't like it one little bit. He's Russian. And he has no business even being involved in the main event at this moment.


I mean, really, it seems Vince wants to do something with this guy, and I think he had no interest in making Christian look weak (though I question the concept of having your green rookie, albeit with a lot of potential, take the fall here). So basically, my theory is their going to stick the belt on Dreamer, just so he can pass it off to Kozlov. Sure, it sucks. But I can see Vince doing something along those lines.

I give my congrats out to Tommy. But simply enough, let's not get too excited. I don't think we're going to like where this winds up.
I'm very happy to see the guy win the title. There is no doubt in my mind, that even with this crappy ECW, that title means more to him than winning the WWE title. Back in original ECW, he rejected a position to be in WCW, that show's loyalty. I'm glad Dreamer won the title, no one deserves it more than him. Thank you Tommy.
I am very glad Tommy Dreamer won the ECW title even if it is a watered down version owned by WWE. Like the guy above me said Dreamer bleeds ECW and the fact that he willingly became nothing but a jobber shows his love and dedication to the letters E-C-W if not the brand itself.

Now that he has the title I hope he stays around and defends it for a while before he leaves.
I can't even tell you how happy I am to see Tommy as the ECW Champion. He's only the second ECW Original to win the ECW Title since the brands relaunch and he deserves it more then anyone. Hopefully they can make this title run good with some meaningfull feuds and memorable matches. I think that we'll see the return of Chris Masters very soon on ECW and feud with Dreamer.
Tommy dreamer, world champion. Dreamer ECW champion. Tommy Fucking dreamer Champion. No matter how you say it, it sounds weird. I'm glad he won it, and also knew he would. It was his retirement present. He deserved to win it one more time, for the all the dedication he had put into the WWE. he might of been a jobber, but he did it with a smile on his face. Never once moaning and he made the other person look good.

Good on you Dreamer, you can now Retire happy.
I for one am exstatic Dreamer won, i was a huge fan of the old ECW and was just begging he would win. His dedication to the business you could even say is higher than John Cenas, he is ECW its that simple. This man has sat for the past 2 odd years being a jobber for WWE and finally, finally Tommy Dreamer gets his time.

It was the first time i actually felt real emtions coming from a guy who won a title, u could see it actually did mean alot to him, sure he might not be in the ring what he used to be, but no one on this planet deserves what Tommy got last night and im extremly glad for him.

However i woner, might Tommy Dreamer retire with the title ? Who noes. But i feel we dont praise WWE on there good points and always jump out at there bad ones, well may i say well done on this WWE you did the right thing and congrats Tommy.
That's quite a nice idea. I mean people talk about how ECW wouldn't be ECW without Dreamer, and it's a fair point (whether Vince agrees is quite another thing). The idea of him retiring with the title would be good, because you could then look to rebrand the show a little.

I was shocked that Dreamer won. Everything about what he was doing looked a little bit different, like it was his last time. I genuinely marked out when he hit the DDT. I was thinking "No way... C'mon, something must happen here before the 3 cou... WHAT! YESSS!"

Genuine emotion :)

Meh, Dreamer is a good guy so I'm kinda glad he won. I would've rather seen Christian keep the title though. I very seriously doubt that Tommy will have a reign longer than 2 months. Chances are that he'll defend it at The Bash then lose it to Vladamir Kozlov at Night of Champions in July. I hope he does good in his run though. He's a pretty good veteran wrestler who doesnt get much respect.
Dreamer winning was great, and I think the fans really enjoyed it. Good for them for picking the most exciting outcome out of all the possibilities. I think this is also good in a storyline sense, because now Dreamer can drop the title to a strong heel and set up the other faces for some interesting feuds. Dreamer is a great vehicle to drop the title, and I doubt he'll mind having a short run where he puts guys over. That's what he does.
Holy shit....Tommy really did win. I honestly can't say that I put much hope in a Tommy Dreamer title reign, so I was unbelieveably excited to see it happen. I think the WWE did a good deed, and although he will no doubtedly be a transition champion, it still says a big 'thank you" to Tommy for his loyalty. It was a well done match by all 3 participants and Tommy showed such raw emotion after his win. It really was touching.

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