Dream Wrestling Federation

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That Irish Kid

The Phenomenal One
Dream Wrestling Federation
This is exactly that, my dream federation. The name may sound corny (and believe me, it is) but I will not make many references to the name I have above. I plan on sticking to this fed for a long time, mostly because everyone on the roster was hand picked by me. They are my favorites and therefore I will not become bored with them.

On another note, I hope you guys are ready, Wrestlemania 24 will be the biggest PPV ever.

Faces are in blue, heels in red. There will be more debuts soon.:)

Shelton Benjamin

John Cena

Shad Gaspard

Charlie Haas

Jeff Hardy


Brian Kendrick

King Booker

Bobby Lashley

Paul London

Mr. Kennedy

Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels

Triple H




Matt Hardy

Kane (masked)

Rey Mysterio


CM Punk

Monty Brown

Rob Van Dam


Kurt Angle

Bubba Ray Dudley

D-Von Dudley

Christian Cage

Christopher Daniels

Sonjay Dutt

Chris Harris

Jay Lethal (Black Machismo)


Chris Sabin

Samoa Joe


James Storm

Jeff Jarrett

Chris Jericho

Big Show

Brock Lesnar

The Rock

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin


An Extreme title may very well be added soon. I’m considering it.

World Championship

US Championship

Tag Team Championship

X-Division Championship

Even though there are two shows, every wrestler appears on both shows ala the early days of SmackDown!

Monday Night RAW:
Every Monday on USA, uses the current set, 4-sided ring. JR and King announce.

Thursday iMPACT!:
Every Thursday on Spike TV, uses current set as well (except larger), 6-sided ring. Tenay and West announce.

The form of ring is related to what type of PPV it is. Former TNA PPVs have a six-sided ring, former WWE PPVs have a four-sided ring.

Wrestlemania 24
Money in the Bank Ladder Match

All matches are Six Sides of Steel.


Slammiversary VI
King of the Mountain match

Elimination Chamber

Victory Road

Survivor Series
5-on-5 elimination match

Hard Justice

Cyber Sunday
Special fan voting

Turning Point

Royal Rumble
30-man Royal Rumble

Destination X
Ultimate X match​

Please leave comments, I want to know what you think.
Looks sick dude!!!!

This show is going to be razy and amazing!!! You have a smart mind if you ask me!! Not one person that you have chosen sucks!! Great Job!!! I am def. reviewing this!!
You forgot me... Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Kennedyyyy....................................................................Kennedyyyy.
Looks good dude, very good.

I am interested in how you are going to handle so many main eventers on your roster. I would hold off getting another title for a little while to, but thats your choice of course.

Anway I will definately review this show when it comes up, best of luck with it.
if its ok with u irish kid id like to make a rival promotion
Looks good.I will deifentley review as much as possible when your first show comes around.
well i think he meens that since u kinda made a promotion i think he wants to know if he can make one and kinda talk bout ur promo in his sometimes, like TNA does with WWE sometimes
well i think he meens that since u kinda made a promotion i think he wants to know if he can make one and kinda talk bout ur promo in his sometimes, like TNA does with WWE sometimes

Oh, I guess as long as he doesn't use my wrestlers or "invade" my shows or anything. Sure.
well i wont invade ur show but..u got all the best wrestlers
Monday Night RAW preview:

A huge night is planned for Monday Night RAW coming to you live from the U.S. Airways Center in Phoenix, Arizona.

-Shane McMahon will open the show with an announcement regarding the World Title situation.

-The X Division will make its debut on RAW tonight with a showcase match: Chris Sabin vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Paul London

-A Tag Team #1 contenders match will take place.

-The US Title match at Wrestlemania 24 will be determined in an eight-man ladder match with two contracts hanging above the ring.

-Shane MacMahon has also guaranteed a huge signing will make an appearance.

-Jeff Jarrett will have his first match since the death of his wife Jill. (R.I.P)

All that and more Monday Night on RAW!​
well i guess its a stupid idea forget i said anything sry
WOW!!! Is this your very first show you are ever writing? Because if you are new, then for a newbie (some one that is new) your show is a kickass show!!! my favorite has to be in fact that ladder match with 2 contracts hanging!!

Nice i like how Shane McMahon is in charge!!

X Division should be sweet!!

I wanna know who the tag team ppl are lol

and i also mentioned about US Thing

when you say a huge signing does that mean someone knew will come to this show?

and finally, I c an't really comment anything about the Jarrett match because i never liked him lol

i hope it will be an amazing show!!!
It's probably my best show yet. Enjoy! :)


Monday Night RAW begins now!

*RAW logo flash*

“To Be Loved” hits, we get the intro video for RAW.


*Pan across the crowd as everyone cheers for the camera, To Be Loved continues playing*

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night RAW! I’m good ‘ole JR: Jim Ross here as always alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler, and King, tonight we need answers.

We sure do, I mean, we need champions! I wonder what management is going to do about it.

Well we are supposed to get an announcement to kick off the show regarding the World Title situation…..

*If ya smellllllll........what the Rock, is cookin’.*

Is he the one giving the announcement JR?

*The crowd goes nuts for The Rock*

No, I figured a McMahon would be out here. The Rock doesn’t have an appearance scheduled. What’s he doing out here?

*The Rock poses for the crowd in the ring and gets a microphone.*


*The Rock soaks up the praise.*

Finally, the Rock has come…….

*He stops unexpectedly, the crowd continues the line anyway.*

Finally, the Rock has come back, t……

*He stops again. Again, the crowd finishes the saying.*

Are you…. repeating the Rock’s catchphrases? No one, and I mean NO ONE, ever says the Rock’s catchphrases. So know your role and shut your mouth. Let the Great One speak.

*Major heat.*

So if you don’t mind.
If ya smelllllllll….what the….

*Here comes the money….here comes the money!*

Uh-oh, the Rock got interrupted again, why can’t they just let the Great One talk.

C’mon King, the Rock wasn’t even supposed to be here, I bet Shane has the announcement we were hoping for.

*Big pop for Shane and he stops at the top of the ramp.*

Rock, I’m sorry, but I was supposed to be the first one out here tonight, I have a very important announcement to make regarding the World Title.

First of all, don’t ever interrupt the Rock. Second, I can already tell you what your announcement is going to be….


Yeah, you came out here…..to tell The Rock that he’s the World Champion.

*crowd gives more heat*

Sorry Rock, but that’s not it…

Then you must be here to tell me that I have a match for the World Title, that here tonight someone goes One..on One, with the Great One.

*The crowd says the saying with him, he looks pissed.*

No, that’s not it either…

Then what is it?!? What do you have to say?

Well maybe if you’d shut up for a second, I could tell you.

*Crowd pop*

I am out here tonight to announce that this Thursday, on iMPACT!, you Rock, and nine other superstars will compete in an over-the-top-rope battle royal, with the final two competing for the World Title at…..Wrestlemania 24!

*Huge pop for the match announcement and the mention of Wrestlemania.*

*Rock is going crazy in the ring*

And we will reveal those ten men throughout the night. But one of them isn’t even on the roster, and he said he wants to meet you personally, Rock.

Well of course he does, who doesn’t want to meet the Rock face-to-face?

That match on Thursday, but tonight’s in-ring action starts next!

*Commercial Break*

Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, before the break, Shane McMahon had a HUGE announcement to make.

*We get video of what happened before the commercial.*

That battle-royal will be this Thursday, and the Rock will personally greet the tenth man tonight. But right now we will reveal the second superstar in the battle royal.

*Graphic display on screen, sort of like the WWE Draft one. Superstars shuffle around until it stops on………..Kurt Angle!*

Bah gawd! Kurt Angle, the Olympic gold medalist, will compete this Thursday on iMPACT!

That’s all huge news, but I still wonder who this mystery man is.

We’ll find out tonight, but right now is RAW’s first match.

*My World*

What an emotional night for this man, this is his first match since the tragic death of his wife.


Well at least he is getting a warm reception here on RAW.

*Jarrett poses at the top of the ramp with his guitar as his pyros go off.*

What? Wait I’ve just received word that Jeff Jarrett is the third superstar in the World Title match this Thursday, and that his opponent tonight is the fourth!

Wow JR, I wonder who his opponent is, I’m hoping whoever it is has a Diva for a manager.

Can’t you think about anything other than women for one second!

*Wellll……Well it’s the Big Show!*

*Crowd heat*

JR, I’ve officially stopped thinking about the Divas.

Oh my god! Talk about Jarrett’s return to the ring, he might be out again after this one.

Ding, ding, ding: Jeff Jarrett vs. The Big Show

Jarrett jumps right into the action hitting some quick punches and kicks on Show as he was climbing over the top rope. Despite his efforts to take the big man down, Jarrett gets hit with a headbutt and falls to the ground. Show stalks Jarrett and lifts him to his feet, Jarrett explodes again hitting elbows to Show’s stomach, then bounces back off of the ropes to attempt a shoulder-block, Show doesn’t go down. Jarrett tries another one, but it doesn’t affect the Big Show. Jarrett begins running to go off the ropes again, but Show catches him from behind and hits a throwback. Show then lifts Jarrett to his feet again, and bodyslams him to the mat, Show goes and simply steps on Jarrett’s chest, crushing the life out of him, Show poses to the crowd, only to get a lot of heat. Show back off of the ropes and goes for a leg drop……..NO! Jarrett rolled out of the way! Jarrett gets up and dropkicks Show to the canvas. Jarrett quickly grabs Show’s legs and tries to put the figure-four on the Big Show! It’s almost locked, but Show’s legs are just too large to manipulate, so Jarrett gets back up and begins the long climb to the top rope. He get’s up to the top as the crowd rises to their feet, sensing a big move. However Big Show is back to his feet and walks over to Jarrett in the corner, and grabs hold of his throat. In desperation, Jarrett begins digging his nails into Show’s arm, and then starts bringing blows down on the Big Show’s tree limb-like right arm. He get’s Show to let go long enough to catch his breath and readjust himself. Jarrett waits until Show turns around and leaps for a splash! But no, Show catches him and CHOKESLAM! CHOKESLAM OUT OF MID-AIR! Jarrett lies motionless as Show simply covers him with his foot. 1…..2…..3!
Winner: Big Show via Pinfall

What an imposing force is the Big Show!

I think I have my favorite for the battle royal this Thursday.

*Show isn’t done however, he leaves the ring…..*

What is he doing?

*…gets Jarrett’s guitar….*

Oh no, this doesn’t look good.

*…climbs back in the ring…*

Somebody stop him now!

I can’t believe that I agree with you JR.

*…lifts Jarrett’s head up….*

Oh god, don’t do it you monster!

*Smash! Puts the guitar around Jarrett’s head!*

Good gawd! What an impact!

He gave him a guitar neck-tie JR.

*Show poses and receives major heat.*

*Commercial Break*

*Video of Jarrett vs. Big Show plays.*

Well Jeff Jarrett had to be taken out of here by stretcher, on a night that was supposed to be his triumphant return.

Big Show is just not human JR, he must be some kind of mutant.

Well whatever he is, he acts like a class-A jerk while being it. Anyway, I am receiving word that we are getting to know the 5th entrant in the battle royal this Thursday right now.

*The draft-like graphic shows on the screen again, and the superstars begin to flash one-by-one on the titantron.*

*The crowd pops after seeing a Diva show up on screen on accident for a split second*

Who’s it gonna’ be JR?!?!

*The Undertaker shows up.*

Oh my!

I told you JR that The Big Show was my favorite, but I think I might change my mind.

What a main event that is turning out to be for this Thursday on iMPACT!

*What you gon’ do when they come for you?*

*Crowd immediately pops as ‘Booyaka 619’ hits*

Well up next, ladies and gentlemen, the X-Division makes their RAW debut tonight.

Apparently, these guys are “high-flying”.

They’re definitely risk-takers to say the least.

*London Calling*

*Crowd pop as Paul London runs down to the ring.*

Well King, Paul London has certainly proved himself in the tag team ranks with Brian Kendrick, but he definitely fits the bill of the X-Division. It’s not about weight limits, it’s about no limits.

*Nobody’s Listening*
By: Linkin Park

*Crowd pops once they see Sonjay Dutt*

This is our first chance getting to see Sonjay Dutt here on RAW. I wanna know, what country is that name from?

It’s Indian, King.
Dutt is no stranger to the X-Division, but I know that London and Mysterio have both had success with Cruiserweights in the past.

*Hail Sabin…..Hail Sabin*

*Marks give heat, smart marks cheer. Sabin poses and joins the others in the ring.*

Ding Ding Ding: Sabin vs. Mysterio vs. London vs. Dutt

Pretty much what you’d expect from these guys, a lot of chain moves and a couple of dives to the outside in addition to the dropkicks and double-teams. There has been many WWE vs. TNA moments, leaving Dutt on the ropes for a 619, and London and Sabin deuling.

Rey points to the sky and the crowd pops as he goes back off the ropes and hits Dutt with the 619! Dutt falls back as Rey readies himself for a springboard….WEST COAST POP! Rey hooks the leg and the ref counts 1…..2…..NO! Broken up by London who throws Rey out of the ring, he then goes up to the top rope and measures Dutt. Sabin though is back up and goes over to London on the turnbuckle, they begin trading rights and lefts until Sabin falls back, London sets himself…Shooting Star Press! NO! Sabin rolled out of the way. Sabin turns around into a CROSS-BODY from Rey! He goes for the pin 1…..2…..threNO! Sabin kicks out and Rey lifts him to his feet, Sabin rakes his eyes and lifts him onto his shoulders, CRADLE SHOCK! The crowd boos as Sabin goes for the pin 1….2….3!
Winner: Chris Sabin via pinfall.

NO! Sabin just blatantly cheated to win!

Hmm, maybe I like this X-Division after all.

How can you say that? Sabin is a coward, plain and simple!

Hey, he’s willing to do anything to win. I like that.

*We see a split-screen shot of Cryme Tyme and The World’s Greatest Tag Team as they walk, ready for their match next.*

Up next, a number one contender’s match for the tag team titles. But first, time to find out the next competitor in iMPACT’s battle royal.

*The graphic is back up on the screen, it shuffles around and lands on…. Brock Lesnar! Major heat.*

*Commercial Break*

Welcome back to Monday Night RAW, and now, tag team action.


*Big pop for Cryme Tyme*

Hide your wallet JR.

Oh King, c’mon, these boys are very capable athletes, respect them for that.

*World’s Greatest*

*Major heat for Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin.*

Again, this tag team contest is a number one contenders match with the winners competing in the tag title match at Wrestlemania 24.

Ding Ding Ding: Cryme Tyme vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team

The match has been pretty much 2-on-1 as TWGTT has been able to make quick tags and isolate and wear down JTG, despite this, JTG has kicked out of every attempted pin cover. JTG finally got an opening and was able to make a hot tag to Shad, who cleaned house and gave Cryme Tyme a new lease on life in the match-up. After close to ten minutes of back and forth action between Benjamin and Shad, Shad seems about to end it, we join up there.

Shad whips Benjamin into the corner and hits him with a splash, then tags JTG as he lifts Benjamin up and JTG gets in position for the G9, but Haas comes in and breaks it up. Haas throws Shad over the top rope and TWGTT double-team JTG and beat him down. Shad is back up, but Haas runs and hits a SUICIDE SENTON over the tope rope. Benjamin readjusts JTG and hits a T-BONE SUPLEX! Cover 1….2…..3!
Winners: TWGTT via pinfall

Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin are going to Wrestlemania 24!

C’mon JR, call them by their real name, their The World’s Greatest Tag Team.

Are they promising, yes. Are they the greatest, not yet.

Well, they’re going to Wrestlemania now, maybe they can prove it to you.

That remains to be seen, but right now, it’s time to find out the 7th man in the world title battle royal this Thursday on iMPACT!

*Once more, the graphic shows and the faces of many superstars begin to flash on the screen, it eventually lands on………Abyss!*

Wow, the monster Abyss, I’ve never seen him compete personally, but if his name reigns true, this will be interesting.

*We now get a camera view of the backstage interview area where Michael Cole is standing by.*

It’s my pleasure that the man I am interviewing at this time is the eighth entrant in the battle royal this Thursday on iMPACT, he is The Game, Triple H.

*Mixed reaction for HHH*

What are your thoughts about having to face many former TNA superstars, and WWE opponents, in a battle royal, not to mention in a six-sided ring?

My thoughts. My thoughts are that it’s a shame that those scum that used to call themselves “the new face of wrestling” get to compete against superstars such as myself. Not only that, but they get to do it in a match that could possibly give them a World Title match. A match that would take place, at my event, a place for WWE superstars only, Wrestlemania. This much is certain, I will do anything and everything in my power to not only win the battle royal, but make sure that the main event of Wrestlemania is TNA free. And believe me, I have the “tools” to do so.

*He walks off.*

*Commercial Break*

Welcome back to RAW, and ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the main event.

And what a main event it is, we have eight superstars competing for a United States Title match at Wrestlemania!

You could say that this match is modeled after the Money in the Bank ladder match, except there are two contracts hanging over the ring, the two men who retrieve them will be in that match.

*My Time Is Now!*

*Biggest pop of the night so far for the Doctor of Thuganomics, John Cena.*

The former three-time WWE champ John Cena is the most focused man in the business and my pick to win this match.

*Can you dig it? SUCKAAAA*

*Mostly boos for the very arrogant Booker T.*

Look JR, the 5-time champ!

*Hey! ....Hey, nothing you can say!*

*The largest heat of the night hits for Randy Orton*

Perhaps the self-proclaimed “legend killer” can actually put his money where his mouth is tonight.

Don’t say it too loudly, JR, if he hears you, he could kill your legend.


*Huge pop for HBK*

Business has just picked up.

Wow, the Heart Break Kid, he’s had his fair share of ladder matches.

*Slay Me*

*Sting walks out, and everyone continues to go crazy*

Here’s a sight I never thought I’d see, King. STING ON RAW!

*Just Close Your Eyes*

*The tremendous amount of pop quickly changes to heat for ‘Captain Charisma’.”

I can’t say that I’m happy to see Christian Cage back on RAW.

*Crush You Up*

*Tremendous pop from smart marks for Joe, the rest of the crowd follows suit.*

Here’s a sight I thought I’d never see on RAW, Samoa Joe!

*Slow Chemical*


Oh no, Kane is here, this won’t end well.

*The other superstars attack Kane on the ramp.*

Ding Ding Ding: Eight-man two-contract ladder match

There were many quick attempts at climbing the ladders and mostly what you’d expect from a ladder match: amazing spots. Randy Orton hit Cena and Booker with a double-RKO off of the top of the ladder, Joe gave Christian a Muscle-Buster to the out side of the ring, only to be Chokeslammed out on to the floor and a ladder by Kane. However Sting was able to use his baseball bat to level Kane and apply the Scorpion Deathlock long enough to incapacitate Kane and roll him out of the ring. This leaves Sting on the ascent in pursuit of a contract.

First Contract Ending:
Sting climbs the ladder and is the only one in the ring, until Orton climbs in and begins to go up the ladder after Sting. They trade punches and Sting is able to overpower Orton and shove him off of the ladder, he keeps reaching for the contract but Orton is back up and begins to climb again, he is holding something behind his back. Sting goes to punch Orton again, but instead gets hit with THE BASEBALL BAT! Sting appears to be out cold and falls off the ladder, Orton retrieves the first contract.

Summary Part 2:
With Sting seemingly out of the equation, Christian, Cena, Booker, and HBK all set up and climb two ladders and begin brawling on top, when Kane gets back up and climbs into the ring. Kane walks up to the ladders and pushes the one holding Christian and Cena over and both men fall to the outside.

Second Contract Ending:
Kane now focuses on the ladder holding HBK and Booker, he starts trying to pull HBK down, but he comes down anyway and delivers SWEET CHIN MUSIC to Kane who falls out of the ring. HBK then sees Booker going for the contract and climbs the ladder again very quickly to begin trading rights and lefts with Booker. Booker gains control however and sets HBK up for a finisher, BOOKEND!! But they land out of the ring on top of Cena and Christian!!! The ring is completely clear now and one ladder is left standing right underneath the second contract. Everyone is out of the ring, but someone gets back in and begins to climb the ladder to regain the contract as the crowd goes nuts…….STING!

Winners: Randy Orton and Sting retrieve contracts.

Oh my god King! We will see Orton and Sting at Wrestlemania! What a match!

Wow, how did Sting do it?

*Sting poses for the crowd, receiving lots of praise the whole time.*

*Camera switches to backstage where The Rock walks in the back*

Well coming up next, The Rock greets the tenth member in this Thursday’s battle royal, personally.

*Commercial Break*

*If ya smellllll….what the Rock, is cookin’*

*The same amount of heat as earlier for the Rock.*

It’s finally time to find out the final two men in the battle royal set for this Thursday on iMPACT!

Well it doesn’t really matter…

Why is that King?

You heard the Rock, he said that he’s winning the World Title no matter what.

Oh brother.

Alright, apparently some jabroni on the back wants to meet the Rock personally, well the Rock says ‘Just Bring It!’.

*The titantron shows Shane McMahon in his office.*

Hey Rock, I know you’re eager to meet our “guest of honor” but we still have to find out who the ninth man in the battle royal is.

*The Draft-like graphic makes it’s final appearance, with the same superstars shuffling around for what seemed like forever, then it finally stops………on STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!*

*Large pop*


That makes it Angle, HHH, Abyss, Undertaker, Big Show, Jarrett, The Rock, Lesnar, and Stone Cold Steve Austin!

What a match that will be.

You think the Rock is intimidated, you believe that the Rock is somewhat worried about the “Texas Rattlesnake”?

No, but this man, your guest, might have something to say about that.

*The lights go out, and there is absolute silence for what seems like forever.*

*A guitar riff begins.*


*Every person in the arena stands and cheers at the top of their lungs.*

*A.J. Styles, wearing long tights and his vest, emerges from behind a wall of sparks.*

*The largest pop of the night.*

*A.J. poses and begins walking to the ring, the Rock starts talking while he’s coming through the ropes.*

This is it, this is who you bring out? Who in the blue hell are you?

*Before A.J. answers, Rock interrupts.*

No, I know who you are…..with the tights, head covered, from TNA, you’re Shark Boy!


No, but Shark Boy probably could kick your ass as well.

*Pop and laughter, The Rock looks angry.*

The Rock knows who you really are, but I would’ve expected something more from “The Phenomenal One”.

*The two step closer and stare down, the crowd goes nuts seeing the two legends in the ring.*

*A.J. begins stepping away, only to turn around and hit THE PELE!*

Oh my god! We have combustible elements here King.

Yeah! Look at them go!

*A.J. continues to beat down the Rock, hits a standing dropkick, and lifts Rock back to his feet.*

The Rock is getting beat like the proverbial government mule!

Is he ever!

*A.J. lifts him and sets up for the Styles Clash!*

He’s got ‘em JR.

Here it comes!

*The Rock squirms out however, and leaves the ring, going to the back.*

He’s running like a scalded dog!

The Rock isn’t running, he’s saving himself for the battle royal on Thursday.

A battle royal that now contains “The Phenomenal” A.J. Styles!

*AJ poses on the ropes and the crowd cheers as Rock goes to the back holding his jaw.*

That’s this Thursday on iMPACT, tune in folks, because it’s sure to be “Phenomenal”!

*AJ continues posing.*

*Legal stuff in the lower right-hand corner.*

*RAW logo flash*


Quick match results:
Big Show def. Jeff Jarrett.
Chris Sabin def. Mysterio, London, and Dutt.
The World's Greatest Tag Team def. Cryme Tyme.
Randy Orton and Sting retrieve contracts in the ladder match.

Rate and Review please!
I'll try to return, but I'm busy with football.

Irish Kid
Post-RAW future card update:
The following has been confirmed by RAW and iMPACT! management.​

Matches Confirmed for iMPACT!:
10-Man Battle Royal for World Title Match-
Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Triple H, The Undertaker, Jeff Jarrett, The Rock, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Abyss, The Big Show, and "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles

Matches Confirmed for Wrestlemania 24:
United States Title-
Sting vs. Randy Orton

Tag Team Title-
The World's Greatest Tag Team vs. TBA vs. TBA
Hey man I am gonna review your show piece by piece, meaning that as I am reviewing ur show I don’t know what happened after it, (it’s like I am stopping to read it reviewing that part and continuing)

Ok here we go:

The Rock/Shane Segment:

Ok so The Rock is heal, pretty cool lol. Now I got the impression that the Rock isn’t supposed to here there, so how come Shane said that him and 9 other people? If he already had a HUGE announcement, and The Rock wasn’t supposed to be there, then how could Shane’s announcement involve the Rock is he wasn’t supposed to show up that night? Lol, other than that, it was a great segment!

Big Show vs. Jeff Jarrett:

Ok match, you should make ur matches a little longer. The Aftermath was pretty cool, that poor man. Lol

Sabin vs. Mysterio vs. London vs. Dutt:

Again, I see that you are giving a summary and then an ending, just try to make ur endings longer, cool match! I liked it!

Cryme Tyme vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team:

Again man, you need longer matches!!! But overall, this match was cool. Good match!

Nice Segment with HHH!

Eight-man two-contract ladder match:

Ok so far this is my MOTN (Match of the Night) only because it would have been really amazing on TV, and because so far it is the longest match lol. Not so sure you gave Sting and Orton the win though.


Angle, HHH, Abyss, Undertaker, Big Show, Jarrett, The Rock, Lesnar, and Stone Cold Steve Austin!

I love how you did it throughout the night man! Kudos! Umm, so let me get this straight the final 2 men here will face each other at Mania?

Also, dude if you want this show to skyrocket, you just need to write much, much longer matches! That is when your show ill be your best show ever!

Very cool to see Rock and Austin in the same ring, reminds me of my show, Fusion lol!

I don’t get it. Shane says that The Rock’s guest is the ninth man, Austin. So why is Styles there?

And also…

The Rock is getting beat like the proverbial government mule!


Oh I get it, Styles is the 10th man, gotcha!

Ok so overall, pretty decent show, just remember to write LONGER matches and then you are set! I liked this show, very entertaining, if only you wrote longer matches.

I give you: 7/10 only because your matches very very little and you had hardly any promos!

So you just need to work on Longer Shows and More Promo’s!! Both are very important to have!!!
So again great show for your very first time, but there is work to improve on!

Keep writing, you got potential!
Ok Im going to try and review you show dude. I will say I wasnt a big fan of your layout with the segments being centered and such.

You have The Rock has a heel, thats a good call, he can go both ways obviously but was always very entertaining as a heel. First segment wasnt bad.

Kurt Angle as the second man in the Battle Royal, good choice.

Big Show vs. Jeff Jarrett:
I dont mind your match lengths, yes they could be longer, but I think there ok to keep the readers interest and not bore them. Ok first matchup with Show winning and a pretty good aftermath.

Jarrett, Show & Undertaker in the Battle Royale. Looking good but wouldnt mind some newer faces in there.

Sabin vs. Mysterio vs. London vs. Dutt
ok this match definately had to ahve more length, no questions. It was hard to get into what would of been a very good fourway match as it was so short.

Cryme Tyme vs. The World’s Greatest Tag Team
Again I think this should of been longer, or perhaps written in a different way to make use out of the length you gave it. Espcially for a match that you said pushed the 10 minute barrier it was way 2 short. But Im glad that WGTT got the win.

Nice Triple H segment. Good to see Abyss being in the battle royal to adding a new element.

Eight-man two-contract ladder match:
MOTN, but again for what it was you needed a tad bit more length. One of my worries with such a stacked roster was how you would be able to handle everyone. Still ahve some concerns when guys like HBK are in the midcard but I htink you did a good job here. Glad to see Orton get the win and Im looking forward to see him go one on one with Sting!

Austin in the battle royal.. really has an old WWE feel to it.

Aaaah AJ! Good call dude that will bring a lot of new interest from me for the battle royal, just adding one or two guys that havent faced some of the old WWE clan. Reall enjoyed The Rock and AJ's little segment./ Wish it had gone sa little longer before the brawl.

Good first show though dude, watch some of those match lengths. Be careful with your stacked roster. But you have a good thing going here, looking forward to it continuing
Thanks for the reviews, they will be returned when I have a chance.

I'll try to work on the length of everything from now on, I'm going to tweak the layout as I post more shows until I get the right one. More color!:)

Don't worry about HBK wotdoiput, he's got a future ahead of him. :shifty:
iMPACT! Preview:

This week on iMPACT!, the most anticipated show ever to take place in the six-sided ring comes to you LIVE from Denver, Colorado.​

- A ten-man battle royal involving: Kurt Angle, Triple H, Abyss, The Undertaker, Jeff Jarrett, The Big Show, Brock Lesnar, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, The Rock, and A.J. Styles. The last two men remaining will compete for the World Title at Wrestlemania 24.
- Also, a tag team dream match. The Hardyz vs. Team 3D in a number one contenders match.
- All that and more this week on your one-hour adrenaline rush, iMPACT!
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