Dream Mod Team

Admin 1: Klunderbunker
Admin 2: IC25
Admin 3: HBK-aholic

Because us 3 in the admin room would be amazing.
My serious one now, because I'm bored.

Admin 1: IrishCanadian25
Admin 2: Uncle Sam

G-Mod 1: Shocky
G-mod 2: Slyfox696
G-mod 3: Klunderbunker
G-mod 4: CM
G-Mod 5: Mighty NorCal

Wrestling Mod 1: TheOneBigWill
Wrestling Mod 2: Monkey_Mania
Wrestling Mod 3: Polley

Non-Wrestling Mod 1: HBK-aholic
Non-Wrestling Mod 2: Papa Shango
My list doesn't include most of the current staff because that wouldn't be fun, and it might come off cunt(ish)but my "Dream" team would consist of people I actually like(and Sly) :)

Admin 1: IC(He seems to be doing great and actually tries to help improve postel rs)
Admin 2: Sly(He seems to know alot about computers and what not. His spam experiment seemed to drive discussion(Although some don't like it)and he wouldn't be afraid to try anything new.

Global Mod: KB(great mod, drives discussion, and is always on)
Global Mod: Norcal(all around good poster)
Global Mod: Sam(I enjoy pretty much everything he posts, and his dry, sarcastic humor is great)
Global Mod: CM(From what I hear he is a great Mod. Although I think a mod should do modding and drive discussion, there is no harm in having someone who does alot of the "dirty work".
Global Mod: TM(Give this guy a mod spot already, please! He pretty much posts everywhere and helps get discussion. I think he would be a great mix of behind the scenes stuff and forum discussions.

WS M: Rusty(A solid poster who enjoys posting/debating in the wrestling sections. He doesn't back down on his opinions(Cena)no matter how much it annoys people. He know's his stuff and would be great.

WS M: Nofate(Voted poster of the year and never has a mistep. I think the only thing that hurts Nofates chances is he doesn't post alot in the BR.

WS M: Will(He seems to be a great mod, and countinues to put alot of effort into his sections and all around. Although the you have to be good at the actual "modding" part, if you don;t drive discussion and just stay in the shadows allowing your section crumble than you suck(and Will does not).

NWS Mod: ED(Just because I love her and she would be great. She's on enough and is always lurking around).

NWS Mod: Luther(He seems to be the definition of a bar/fly. Although he doesn't come into the wrestling, cigar, sports, or what not section you can always find him trying to get discussion in the bar/room. Although he will see this as a demotion, I think this would be a great choice for him.

NWS Mod: FTS/NSL/Tdgle/Sparky/48.7(I think any of these people are interchangeble and all have good qualities)
NWS Mod: 48.7

NWS Mod 3: 48.7

Administrator 2:48.7

Global Moderator 3: 48.7

Administrator 1: 48.7
- 48.7 is one of the most impartial and fair people on this forum. He is nearly always the voice of reason and never lets his judgement be affected by anything, including friendships or bribes. Well, maybe bribes.

The people have spoken.

48.7 for mod.
Global Moderator 4: CM

Administrator 2: C.M.

Global Moderator 1:C.M.

Global Moderator 1: The C.M.

Global Moderator 5: C.M

Global Moderator 5: CM
- Hardest working moderator, so I've heard.

G-mod 4: CM

G-Mod 6: C.M.

Global Mod: CM(From what I hear he is a great Mod. Although I think a mod should do modding and drive discussion, there is no harm in having someone who does alot of the "dirty work".

People have spoken ;)
C.M. 4 G-Mod or admin
NWS Mod: FTS/NSL/Tdgle/Sparky/48.7(I think any of these people are interchangeble and all have good qualities)

I appreciate it, but I definitely think tdigle, FTS, and Sparky would all deserve it before me.

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