Dream Match/Feud?

He's Phenomenal

Getting Noticed By Management
I appreciate this has probably been done hundreds of times before but I haven’t seen anything on here since I started posting. I apologise if I’ve missed it (feel free to merge if needs be). I just thought I would try and find out what matches you guys would like to see most in TNA and also offer my own. When looking at their roster, the possibilities are pretty much endless. You don’t have to book the match/feud to perfection or anything like that, if you would like to book the match/feud then I would be interested in reading it. But otherwise you can just give your opinion on why you would like to see that match/feud. It can even be a match you may have already seen but would really like to see it again.

First on my list would be: AJ Styles vs. Rob Van Dam. Rather than just a match between the two (like we got last year), I would love to see a full blown feud between these two using all types of gimmick matches. I’m convinced they didn’t do themselves justice at Sacrifice, or I was just expecting too much? But I think given the chance, these two guys could produce one of the best series of matches wrestling has seen. Obviously this feud would be blown off in a World Title ladder match. Who wins? I would say AJ could really do with that.

Second would be: Mr Anderson vs. Hulk Hogan. Now I know I’m going to get some stick for this and rightfully so. I’ll admit, Hogan can hardly move. But there’s just something about those two facing off on the mic that has me engrossed. It would obviously be a poor match, due to Hogan’s condition, but just having the mic interaction (as we’ve seen) would be more than enough for me. If Hogan could go one last time, I would have him get the better of the match but Anderson would have to get the pin fall.

So the first two I chose were more ‘dream feuds’ than ‘dream matches’ but third on my list would be a dream match. Full Metal Mayhem: Generation Me vs. The Hardys vs. Motor City Machine Guns. I know Matt and Jeff can’t do the stunts they used to do, but that’s why they are in there with young guys who want to prove themselves. A lot of the big bumps would be left to the Guns and Gen Me. I just think a triple threat between these three teams could be epic and really elevate the Guns and Gen Me. For one of those teams to beat The Hardys, in a TLC match, would be a pretty big deal for them. For a team like Generation Me to win this match, they would be instant threats to the Tag Team Titles.

So that’s my top 3, there are countless more (Crimson/Angle, Pope/Sting, Morgan/Crimson, Morgan/Angle, Bully Ray/RVD etc) but I thought I’d stop at 3. If you want to list more than 3, great, I’m interested in seeing what matches/feuds people want to see.
I want to see Robert Roode feud with James Storm.

I don't want to see it anytime soon, because I love Fortune, but when Fortune splits so should Beer Money Inc. Both men can be main event stars that the fans love to boo or cheer. I think this would be a money feud and would help build a main face and main heel at the same time.

I'd like to see Storm go over Roode as a face because I think Roode is the better of the two, so I think Storm can use the boost from winning.
I've always wanted to see AJ Styles vs Shalton Benjamin in TNA but because Shalton was ladder match jobber in WWE I lost all faith in it. When he got released I was so excited at the fact he might head to TNA, but he seemed to fall off the radar for a while. Now that he is in ROH, we are one step away from it! I would love to see these guts put on a 10 star match, fuck you WWE with your 5 star system!

Another match that I would really would've loved to have seen would've been Samoa Joe vs Chris Bennoit. This match would've been a text book display of strong style, hard hitting pro wrestling.
I would love to see an AJ Styles vs Kazarian in an hour long Iron man match. I think it would be a fast paced, epic match with some sick spots.
I like the idea of an Anderson/Hogan feud... with a lot more talk than actual in-ring competition obviously. The direction they've gone in now with these two can stay on course, culminating in "Anderson vs. Immortal" at a PPV. That is, a bigger/better version of the gauntlet we saw a few weeks ago but with Ken facing Immortals top tier instead of the bottom rungs. If Anderson beats Immortal, he gets Hogan immediately afterwards. If Ken Anderson will truly be a (if not the) main event player in TNA, this would be a great way to establish that spot.

Another feud I'd like to see is AJ Styles vs. Ric Flair. Again, leaning much more towards psychology and promo work than in-ring competition. Story could go that Flair tried his best to make AJ a main event player, but he just wasn't that kind of material, not cut from the same cloth as legends like Flair, Hogan, etc. AJ has decided to go his own way, away from Flair, and for that he'll never be more than a sideshow. Flair was about to cut AJ loose, but AJ beat him to it. Flair can point to how AJ was main-eventing when the two were connected and now, he barely sees any in-ring time.

AJ will need some behind the scenes "help" with his rebuttals against Flair, but it's definitely something that could be done. AJ would emphasize the reasons why he left Flairs company (he's an old man, washed up, doesn't want to turn bitter like he is, doesn't want to have to bleed buckets through his matches, etc.) I see only one real "match" in this feud, essentially the blow off, but in it Flair does better than even AJ thinks he could. It's a highly competitive match, with moments and spots similar to the Flair/Michaels retirement match from WM years prior. Match ends with an AJ win and after some hesitation, Flair shaking his hand in the middle of the ring and proclaiming that Styles does in fact have "it."
I've always wanted to see an AJ Styles and Mr. Anderson feud, maybe for the World Title or the #1 Contendership. Or maybe a feud with those two and Jeff Hardy.

I'd like to see a Robert/Bobby Roode and Kurt Angle feud.
That might be a good way to get Roode over as a singles wrestler.

Another one is Samoa Joe and Rob Van Dam. They had a good TV match last summer. Maybe they could have a good feud.
Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles one more time.

Something about their feud has always been intense. Joe has to built as a monster of sorts; well, not a monster, but as what he used to be known as. The big guy with the agility to kick you in the head out of nowhere, the guy who can choke you out after catching you mid-air, not some fat asshole whose being booked poorly and is made to look like some Green Hornet rip-off!
Samoa Joe vs. Abyss - these two big guys, beating the hell out of each other. maybe the feud can end in a Monster's Ball match.

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels vs. The Pope D'Angelo Dinero - two guys who can go in the ring, and can work off each other's gimmicks

Desmond Wolfe vs. anybody right now as for a reason that he wont tell anyone, is no longer wrestling. He was absolutely fantatsic in his short time in the ring at TNA and I would love to see him in a feud with Joe, Styles, RVD anyone he is/was just awesome!
Robert/Bobby Roode vs Kurt Angle:
Have these two facing of in a serious of matches, ending with a ladder match (i don't know why but i can imagine an all time classic between these two if put in this kind of match), with Roode going over at with 2 out of a best of three series.

Abyss vs Mr Anderson:
I think this would be a chance to put anderson over as a legit badass tweener. This whinney, comical heel gimmick anderson has going is doing no favours for him. Have some kind of storyline where Abyss injures Anderson in some sort of accident (like rikishi/stone cold in 2000) and wait for the gold promos to come.

Matt Morgan vs Jeff Jarrett:
I have actually really enjoyed double J's heel work since immortal, and coming off a fued with angle would leave him as one of the company's top heels. If kept going for as long as the jarrett/angle fued without burying it into the ground then this could finally propel morgan in the main event scene for the long term.

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