Dream Match 4-Way on Impact


Burning Hammaaaaah!!!
On the latest episode of Impact the fans were treated to a possible dream match. RVD vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles.There was some great dicotimies (sp?) in this match. The first thing I thought of when I was watching the match and when it was a tag in style rules, was the similarities between Styles vs. Daniels and RVD vs. Lynn. Lynn and Daniels seemed to throughout their careers sacrificed moving to the top at the sake of their companies to put over the other man who could lead that company to the top. Even though possibly they are better performers... I think Daniels and Lynn are selfless performers and continuosly are giving to other wrestlers but esepcially giving for their opponents at Dest. X.

Onto the match itself, for me I was really looking forward to this "dream match", however I knew it would be a forgone conclusion that RVD would win due to his position in the company, and I was right. I also predicted Daniels would take the pin due to him always giving to others, and Lynn can't be pinned by RVD going inot the ppv. It was very logical booking.

However another prediction of mine would also come true, and that was RVD would be exposed in a match featuring 3 excellent in-ring leaders. Even Lynn although in the mid to late 40s ran rings around RVD, and then there were Daniels and Styles who always perform at a high level. RVD's in ring speed and timing were terrible compared to the others although he persoanlly thinking he is amazing.

Maybe RVD isn't that bad but Daniels, Styles and Lynn really are three of the very best X Div/cruiser style wrestlers in the industry and showed him up..

Also you can see where people in locker rooms complain on the "names" being pushed over home grown talent after how this match played out and how bad RVD's timing was off and how flawless the other three men were.

What are people's thoughts on the match?

Did you enjoy the match? Was it up to your expectations?

How did you see each man's performance?
I loved it and it left me wanting more, which was unfortunately the purpose. I would LOVE to see a full blown, full time full everything PPV match like that.

I thought Lynn was moving pretty darn good for his age. AJ was good as usual. Daniels amped it up, that guy is really trying to prove a point and it's working. RVD was fine, better than usual. We saw some new moves. He needs that. He needs to do more innovative stuff and basically be in the ring what hes always was. I thought he was going to snap some shit up during that rolling thunder, though.

Overall it was awesome but once again I wish we'd get a full match between those four again in the future.
I really thought that the four way match underachieved. It was good yes but nowhere near as good as advertised. I thought the match was a pretty short and it was too similar to the 3 way invitational. Good match just not great as it could of been.
The match was fun while it lasted, but we are only given about 8 minutes to see them wrestle. Mikeytot said it underachieved, and he's right. The match was advertised as a "dream match", but it came across as just 4 guys thrown in there together. I can understand wanting to build towards the PPV, but the 4 guys have seperate matches on Sunday. It wouldn't have hurt them, and perhaps helped the buyrate, had they let the men have the time to put on a classic that they could have potentially delivered. Still, credit for the effort by TNA's bookers.
I was also underwhelmed about it. It seemed really slow paced, especially when RVD was in the ring. The RVD/Lynn exchange where they predicted each others moves also looked slow and a tad botchy. I was expecting something faster.

I was excited when it was announced, but could've been so much better IMO, regardless of how much time they had.
Whenever you hear TNA call something a "dream match" that they're gonna give away on television, be very skeptical. That's not to say that this match wasn't good, but when you hear the term "dream match", I think people are hoping/expecting for something epic and that most certainly did not happen here.

Like virtually every other gimmick matches that you'll see on Impact Wrestling, this one didn't have nearly enough time to get the job done. The match was fun while it lasted and was better than the vast majority of other gimmick matches you'll see on free TNA tv because you had some of better in-ring guys in TNA working the match.
It was fine for a TV match. I thought RVD & Lynn both were a bit slow, especially in that first exchange, where they kept dodging each other's shots. They got better after that...we are not going to see their matches of 13 years ago, but should have a good one on PPV. Honestly, I think RVD has been coasting since he debuted in TNA. Lynn had a good run when he was with the company...we'll see what they can do tonight.
However another prediction of mine would also come true, and that was RVD would be exposed in a match featuring 3 excellent in-ring leaders. Even Lynn although in the mid to late 40s ran rings around RVD, and then there were Daniels and Styles who always perform at a high level. RVD's in ring speed and timing were terrible compared to the others although he persoanlly thinking he is amazing.

Maybe RVD isn't that bad but Daniels, Styles and Lynn really are three of the very best X Div/cruiser style wrestlers in the industry and showed him up..

I completely disagree.

First Rob IS better and always WAS better than Lynn. I am a huge Jerry Lynn mark. I think the guy is incredible, and Thursday was just that much more proof of that- i concur that he moved around the ring well and had a very good showing, but he was not better than Rob.

Lynn was obviously RVD's greatest foil for about 3 years at the turn of the millenium, but RVD was the biggest reason that those matches are historic not the other way around(but also not to discredit Lynn's perfromance in those encounters).

Rob got the least in-ring time in that 4-way, but still looked very good. His brief interaction with Lynn was classic Lynn/RVD and got me even more excited for Dest-X, if that's possible.

Rob did some things in a manner we dont really see much. That Standing Moonsault, that he rolled out of into the ropes to come back with the Rolling Thunder all as one motion was one of the most slick and unique lines we've seen from RVD in a while. And he sold like a champ, as always. No one else can simultaneously make both himself and his opponent(s) look so good, and do it in such a small window of time.

Yes, they didn't want to give away too much of what we'll see tonight. So they kept AJ/Daniels from squaring off and limted RVD/Lynn to about 30 seconds of action together. So, yes it was short, and not what it could've potentially been without the restrictions.

I do, however, feel the match served its purpose, which I believe was two-fold. It whet people's appetite for the PPV, and allowed Lynn the chance to shake any potential ring-rust(which he appeared to have nearly zero of, what a freak that man is).

I really like the idea of Rob facing X-division style foes, due to the fact that it causes him to call on portions of his skill set that get used sparingly now-a-days, and addition it challenges him to come up with a couple of out-of-box lines or spots that we wouldn't typically see him attempt against a different type of competitor. Impact! just further proved RVD can still excel against virtually any opponent wrestling any style.

Despite the short nature of the 4-corners... kudos to all four men.
I think people are too anal when it comes to some guys like RVD and Lynn. They both looked great in their exchanges especially for guys their ages.In fact they they can outmaneuver and outwork some younger guys.A.J and Daniels(who is no youngster himself) were amazing as usual.All in all not a bad match for TV.

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