"Don't Ever Call me Cody Again"


King Of The Ring
The word's uttered by Stardust last night after Goldust called him Cody for the first time in a whilllle. I would assume that this means the "Goldust retiring" rumors may be true, and as a result we may see the return of Cody Rhodes and possibly even a Goldust/Cody match at Wrestlemania... than again I may be jumping the gun, but all that flew across my mind with just that one quote.

What I found odd was how Stardust reacted after being called Cody, and I'm interested to see how exactly WWE goes about getting rid of Stardust and bringing Cody Rhodes back in the fold, if that is indeed the plan.

Opinions on where this is going, and what's next for Cody Rhodes?
I'd predict Goldust vs. Stardust for WrestleMania if it was the mid-90s and I didn't understand how Mania was booked.

People think Cody has star potential but they're wrong. He's at his most popular now in a lower card comedy act. He's had plenty of gimmicks that internet nerds enjoy but never one that makes him connect with the audience in attendance. He's been given his shot and he basically never got over as much as people would hope.

In conclusion, Goldust shouldn't retire if he wants his brother to remain semi relevant.
The word's uttered by Stardust last night after Goldust called him Cody for the first time in a whilllle. I would assume that this means the "Goldust retiring" rumors may be true, and as a result we may see the return of Cody Rhodes and possibly even a Goldust/Cody match at Wrestlemania... than again I may be jumping the gun, but all that flew across my mind with just that one quote.

What I found odd was how Stardust reacted after being called Cody, and I'm interested to see how exactly WWE goes about getting rid of Stardust and bringing Cody Rhodes back in the fold, if that is indeed the plan.

Opinions on where this is going, and what's next for Cody Rhodes?

That was a cool segment

I kinda of expect we'll see something along the line of Cody going "too deep" into his gimmick with goldust trying to "save him" climaxing into Dustin Rhodes vs Stardust at mania.

Nevertheless I adhore Stardust's comic book villain-style character, and really hope that he'll finally get a nice single push after the tag break out.
In another post about Stardust I said the same that I'm gonna quote now. I just want Cody to return and run wild through the midcard. I want him to grab the precious intercontinental title again sometime sooner.

But with the segment last night things are getting more serious and I'm just waiting to see what's gonna happen next!!

People think Cody has star potential but they're wrong. He's at his most popular now in a lower card comedy act. He's had plenty of gimmicks that internet nerds enjoy but never one that makes him connect with the audience in attendance. He's been given his shot and he basically never got over as much as people would hope.

Can't say it any better than that, and one really has to wonder what Cody Rhodes is thinking now that his brother is (apparently) retiring from active competition.

I've never seen a performer with as bland a personality and vanilla a ring style get as many chances to succeed as Cody....and I continually wondered whether his relationship with a legend like Dusty Rhodes was somehow giving Cody "favorite son" status. But from "disfigured" to "dashing" they gave him chance after chance, with none of his routines working for long.

No, I never had anything against Cody, yet I thought of the poor guys & gals who sat in the back waiting for Creative to find something for them to do, while watching Cody get gimmick after gimmick.

Actually, I'm looking forward to the resolution of the apparent break-up of the Dust Brothers.....but what happens to little brother after that?

I see Cody as a useful midcard performer.......but let's see how the company views him after his run as Stardust is over.:shrug:
I've never seen a performer with as bland a personality and vanilla a ring style get as many chances to succeed as Cody...

This coming from a Drew McIntyre groupie ;)

Stardust fails to connect in the big arenas with the wide camera shots. It is a good character for someone who is comparatively dangly like Cody but doesn't work in WWE's big world (except in backstage stuff). It also hurts that he still has kept the same hair style and color.

That all being said this break up is not doing much for me. It is still early so I want to give it a chance but what little I've cared about the Dust Brothers over the past few months is making it hard for me to get emotionally invested. And I want to be emotionally invested. I like the idea of brothers feuding, two odd characters, a retirement, and evolution of a character but I'm afraid WWE won't give this enough time, effort, or good ideas to make this work.

I still would rather watch them then The Ascension.
I wish Cody Rhodes would come back, this Stardust gimmick scares the hell out of me for some stupid reason. The other day I was reading something online when a GIF popped up and it was Stardust jumping at the camera, nearly fell off my chair. Jesus it was awful. I don't like this channeling of Jim Carey's Joker character.

But it will probably keep going until Goldust retires, and then Rhodes can get back to normal. Whatever normal is in this industry.
I wish Cody Rhodes would come back, this Stardust gimmick scares the hell out of me for some stupid reason. The other day I was reading something online when a GIF popped up and it was Stardust jumping at the camera, nearly fell off my chair. Jesus it was awful. I don't like this channeling of Jim Carey's Joker character.

But it will probably keep going until Goldust retires, and then Rhodes can get back to normal. Whatever normal is in this industry.

I think you mean Jim Carrey's Riddler.

And Stardust is supposed to be off-putting, but I think the "getting too into character" is only partially in storyline. I was at an autograph signing in October which included the Dust Brothers, and there was a little girl about 6 years old in line for their autograph. Dustin was in a t-shirt and jeans (with facepaint though), and Cody was in full costume. This little girl seemed scared of Stardust, so Dustin waved her over and smiled, and she started to approach them, then Stardust practically threw himself over the table to jump in front of her and did that hissing thing, and the little girl literally SCREAMED and ran to her father. I was next in line after her, and I watched as Dustin grabbed Cody by the arm and brought him back to the table, and said something to the effect of (I was too far away to hear every word), "Dude, calm the hell down. You are WAY too into the gimmick." I never forgot that, and I thought that when they did eventually split, it would be cool if the reason was that Goldust started to think Stardust was forgetting where "real life" ended, and "Stardust" began, and stepped in to stop his brother from crossing the line.

My other idea for their split was for Stardust to viciously attack Goldust, and say that he proved he could be a better Goldust than Goldust himself, then transition to a darker version of his "regular" gimmick, calling himself "The Fallen Star" Cody Rhodes, and beat Goldust at WrestleMania. It sounds like my first idea is closer to what WWE has in mind.
People think Cody has star potential but they're wrong. He's at his most popular now in a lower card comedy act. He's had plenty of gimmicks that internet nerds enjoy but never one that makes him connect with the audience in attendance.

That's an opinion, not a fact. I've always thought Cody was an amazing performer in the ring. In terms of wrestling ability, I think he's better than his father and brother COMBINED. His weakness is the microphone, but he's been given very few opportunities to have any real promo time, and he can't improve without practice. Cody is one of the guys WWE should be focusing on for the future.
That's an opinion, not a fact. I've always thought Cody was an amazing performer in the ring. In terms of wrestling ability, I think he's better than his father and brother COMBINED. His weakness is the microphone, but he's been given very few opportunities to have any real promo time, and he can't improve without practice. Cody is one of the guys WWE should be focusing on for the future.

It's your opinion that in terms of wrestling ability he's better than his brother and father. Hey, he might be able to perform a smoother dropkick than his brother and father, but he doesn't have anything else that separates him from anybody else in his position.

Is Cody Rhodes vastly superior to The Miz? Does Jimmy Uso worry about whether he can keep up with wrestling god Stardust?

WWE wanted to push Cody. It's why he was given three fairly well booked Mania mid-card feuds in a row. He didn't work out, that's why he's currently aping his more successful brother.
It's your opinion that in terms of wrestling ability he's better than his brother and father. Hey, he might be able to perform a smoother dropkick than his brother and father, but he doesn't have anything else that separates him from anybody else in his position.

Is Cody Rhodes vastly superior to The Miz? Does Jimmy Uso worry about whether he can keep up with wrestling god Stardust?

WWE wanted to push Cody. It's why he was given three fairly well booked Mania mid-card feuds in a row. He didn't work out, that's why he's currently aping his more successful brother.

Yes, those are my opinions. Hence the terms, "I thought" and "I think". You presented your opinions as if they were simply facts. "People think Cody has star potential but they're WRONG."

And no, I don't think he's better than The Miz. I think The Miz is one of the best and criminally underrated wrestlers on the roster. Jimmy Uso? I think Cody is much better than him individually, but Jimmy is a strictly tag team wrestler. And he's better that way.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Stardust is going to be a MEGA-Superstar once his singles career kicks off. The tension between Stardust and Goldust at Raw had my eyes glued to the screen! There's something about Stardust that screams multi-dimensional character, which you don't see a lot nowadays. Its like he's not even human, rather he's some sort of psychotic side gone too far or a symbiote consuming a disfigured wrestler who's intoxicated from the darkness within. He's an intriguing character along with being a phenomal talent that entertains the audience with a unique moveset, excellent wrestling, and innovative theatrics. He's the quintessence of what a WWE Superstar should be! That's why Stardust is a top merchandise seller. His merch, from the gloves to the mask, is seen all over the crowd at Raw, Main Event, Smackdown, and all the major PPVs. When Stardust speaks we listen because he's like a comic book character brought to life. The antics are mind-blowing! Stardust is a MEGA-Superstar who will blow the roof off as a singles competitor. KHEEE!!!!!

Yes, those are my opinions. Hence the terms, "I thought" and "I think". You presented your opinions as if they were simply facts. "People think Cody has star potential but they're WRONG."

And no, I don't think he's better than The Miz. I think The Miz is one of the best and criminally underrated wrestlers on the roster. Jimmy Uso? I think Cody is much better than him individually, but Jimmy is a strictly tag team wrestler. And he's better that way.

You can call it opinion if you want to, but here are some facts - this is his what, 4th? 5th? gimmick in the WWE. Several of them were pretty high profile, like Legacy. At no time was Cody Rhodes ever more popular than he is now.
The break up of the Rhodes brothers is no where near as interesting as the tension between Miz/Mizdow. This is evident by crowd reaction. Miz vs. Mizdow is barley Pre Show WM material. Unless something drastically changes Star vs. Gold will not be going down at 31.
I like both guys well enough but the thought that these two would get a one on one match at Mania is fucking hysterical. Fast Lane maybe, but Wrestlemania has way too much going on.

The split should be intriguing. The matches will probably be awesome, actually. Ultimately, It will amount to nothing.
People think Cody has star potential but they're wrong. He's at his most popular now in a lower card comedy act. He's had plenty of gimmicks that internet nerds enjoy but never one that makes him connect with the audience in attendance. He's been given his shot and he basically never got over as much as people would hope.

I think this is incredibly off base and flat out wrong.

Cody has gotten over with every ridiculous gimmick they've slapped on him, he's made shit into gold. He's also carried guys like Sandow and Dibiase, who are atrocious in ring workers, to being competent tag teams just on the strength of his own phenomenal workrate.

And since Cody threads are all the rage lately, I'm gonna quote myself from a recent conversation:
And if anyone questions Cody's ability to perform at a main event level, or to be over at a main event level, go back and watch MITB 2013, and the aftermath. He was red hot both in the ring and with the crowd. That is until the WWE killed his push in favor of a stupid "firing" angle. Who would've thought that a fake firing angle could be so stupid, help no one, and do such damage to a wrestler's momentum? :icon_rolleyes: At least the WWE learned to drop those pointless firing angles. :icon_rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes: :icon_rolleyes:
He was BY FAR the most over guy in a match that included guys like Cesaro, Barrett, and Ambrose. Cody was the clear star of that MITB match and that building was about to blow its lid when he nearly pulled down the case.

The only thing that has kept Cody from getting the same push as Orton is about three or four inches and twenty or thirty pounds- period. He is every bit as talented, and if the WWE embraced him he would be every bit as over, and there have been flashes of that everytime he has gotten a short run of strong babyface booking.
The reality is that Cody has worked out his place in WWE now... it isn't to main event or be "the guy" it's gonna be midcard4life... but there's a sweetener.

He has the living example as his brother and partner... Dustin also had chances before... but the Goldust character, love it or hate it will be 20 YEARS OLD any time now... from when he was first pitched the idea and signed his deal... If you told Dustin then that "you'll never be World champ like your dad, you'll have some gaps to rest the character... but in 20 years you'll still be here, still be over and still earning good money with this gimmick" he'd have snapped Vince's hand off. Goldust was ahead of its time by a few years, took some time to bed in but once up and running it has always worked for Dustin, he's always delivered under it as well and Cody has upped his game immensely under the paint too.

Cody sees the niche, he can be that guy now Dustin is hanging it up... he can be the kooky Stardust for years to come, face and heel, partners will come and go just as they did for his brother. When Goldust wasn't around Shane Helms was with his comic gimmick, so there might be times we do see Cody for a while... but Stardust can sell merch, be a colourful kid friendly character and be someone the adults can say "ok, he's a little crazy, but fun". It's worked for Dustin all this time, why not Cody?

And remember this if nothing else...

It removes the Rhodes legacy from the shoulders of both guys... Goldust meant Dustin never had to be like his dad or live up to his legacy, he could forge his own. Cody has the same chance with Stardust...
It's been said already in this thread, but Cody just doesn't have "it". Which is kind of a shame, considering he comes from such a talented family.

But they've tried everything with him. They made him Orton's protegé and it didn't work. They gave him a feud with Mysterio and a dark, serious gimmick and it didn't work. They booked him like a fucking star a couple of years ago at Money in the Bank and it didn't work. Now they're giving him a feud with Goldust and it won't work.

It sucks, but he's like less talented version of Owen Hart. A career midcarder overshadowed by more talented family members.
Dustin didn't either as himself, but in Goldust he found something he could build a career on... Cody is good a gimmicks, it's the best part of his game.. and Stardust is the best gimmick he's had since the "masked" Cody...

The reason he's mainly bombed is cos they have not "gone dark"... I can actually see him with Wyatt very soon indeed.
I speculate that they will continue to try to milk the Stardust character after Goldusts retirement. Not really interested in seeing a match between these two, but better than a Batista match.
This feud doesn't really make any sense. The dissent came out of nowhere, when at least the previous years tease of a feud seemed to have a more natural flow to it. I honestly think the only reason WWE is doing this is because neither Gold or Star are really over with the crowd right now. Although this certainly will continue to drag down the tag team division.

I like the idea of Stardust kind of going insane, but the problem is...who will take Stardust seriously? It's a comedic gimmick and honestly, I don't think he himself is that funny. When I laugh at their segments, it's usually Goldusts' reactions to Stardust's wackiness that are funny.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Stardust is going to be a MEGA-Superstar once his singles career kicks off. The tension between Stardust and Goldust at Raw had my eyes glued to the screen! There's something about Stardust that screams multi-dimensional character, which you don't see a lot nowadays. Its like he's not even human, rather he's some sort of psychotic side gone too far or a symbiote consuming a disfigured wrestler who's intoxicated from the darkness within. He's an intriguing character along with being a phenomal talent that entertains the audience with a unique moveset, excellent wrestling, and innovative theatrics. He's the quintessence of what a WWE Superstar should be! That's why Stardust is a top merchandise seller. His merch, from the gloves to the mask, is seen all over the crowd at Raw, Main Event, Smackdown, and all the major PPVs. When Stardust speaks we listen because he's like a comic book character brought to life. The antics are mind-blowing! Stardust is a MEGA-Superstar who will blow the roof off as a singles competitor. KHEEE!!!!!


I've NEVER been a fan of Cody's, but I love Stardust. His backstage interviews are always hilarious, and I love the different attires every now and again.
Cody Rhodes has never been the best superstar in anything, but there's no denying that he works hard to get what-ever he does over. His "dashing", "dis-figured", and "Stardust" gimmicks are all perfect examples of how Cody tries his best to excell in what ever he does. (Heck he even changed his move-set a little as Stardust)
I know that Cody will never be a World champion as Stardust, but this is the best shot he has of becoming relevant again. "Cody Rhodes" has always been bland and boring to me, but as Stardust he has really caught my attention. If WWE doesnt have any plans of pushing Cody to the Main Event, I would love for him to become a Mid-card attraction. I could really see stardust in a similar role to Mysterio as this likeable face, that's used to put over future Main Event Heels like Wyatt.
This feud definately needs to happen , one way or another . It is universally accepted by the IWC , but this WM card is way too cramped. Sting vs Triple H , Reigns vs Lesnar (assuming WWE doesn't change it's plans), Bryan vs Ziggler and Taker vs Wyatt .We still don't know anything about Orton ,Sheamus ,Ryback ,Cena,Rusev . Dean Ambrose and BNB are still in limbo . A Battle Royal is still expected to happen as well as a Divas and Tag Team Bout . I thing they should postpone a Cody - Goldust program for Summerslam . Maybe let Cody injure Goldust in the coming weeks , leading to a redemption storyline down the line .
The word's uttered by Stardust last night after Goldust called him Cody for the first time in a whilllle. I would assume that this means the "Goldust retiring" rumors may be true, and as a result we may see the return of Cody Rhodes and possibly even a Goldust/Cody match at Wrestlemania... than again I may be jumping the gun, but all that flew across my mind with just that one quote.

What I found odd was how Stardust reacted after being called Cody, and I'm interested to see how exactly WWE goes about getting rid of Stardust and bringing Cody Rhodes back in the fold, if that is indeed the plan.

Opinions on where this is going, and what's next for Cody Rhodes?

I think he'll remain as Stardust. I wouldn't be surprised if WWE rushes the feud so they have a match at Fast Lane. I don't think WWE cares too much about this feud, especially when there's a possible Miz and Mizdow break up. It'd be great to see the Rhodes Scholars reunite.
I'd predict Goldust vs. Stardust for WrestleMania if it was the mid-90s and I didn't understand how Mania was booked.

People think Cody has star potential but they're wrong. He's at his most popular now in a lower card comedy act. He's had plenty of gimmicks that internet nerds enjoy but never one that makes him connect with the audience in attendance. He's been given his shot and he basically never got over as much as people would hope.

In conclusion, Goldust shouldn't retire if he wants his brother to remain semi relevant.

lol you say To-may-to I say TO-mawt-O.

I think Cody has been a great worker for the WWE. He has had arguably more gimmicks (most of them horrible) than anyone on the roster currently. He has made each and every one of them work. Remember that stupid one when he broke his nose and had to wear the mask? KILLED IT. He was always the better lacky for Orton as far back as the Legacy days. He is a consummate professional and will be a mainstay in the WWE mid-card probably for another 5 to 10 years.

My prediction is they keep him as Stardust for a while after he ends his brothers career at Mania. Turn him heel and give him a short lived rub from that.

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