Stop the Stardust gimmick now

Cody had the potential to become a good contender but he doesn't seem to connect with the crowd as expected.

That's for sure. It's a quandary, isn't it? On the one hand, the Stardust gimmick is ridiculous......yet it's the only semi-interesting personality ever displayed by Cody Rhodes.

Yes, his ring skills are good, but his personality is so bland and uninspiring that he's never been able to build any momentum toward advancement, although they used to give him gimmick after gimmick in an effort to get him over. In Stardust, he's been able to give us not portraying himself.

Is he connecting with the crowd by acting like a total weirdo?

It's hard to say, but while it's obvious WWE wants to keep him on the roster, it's entirely possible that there will be NO way to ever get him truly over.

I'd keep Cody as Stardust; at least it's something to distinguish him from everyone else.
I quite like Stardust character if I'm honest. It's somthing different from everything else on the roster, and I like how much Cody has embraced it. He seems totally comfortable with the character, and I think it's great when he reacts and gets angry to being called "Cody".

As much I've always rated Cody, he is quite bland just being himself. His personality only realy comes out when playing a more "gimmick" persona like "Dashing" or "Disfigured" Cody Rhodes, and especially Stardust. However, I don't think the character has a long lifespan without being alongside Goldust.
As much as I want Cody Rhodes to return to his old self, that's probably not going to happen anytime soon IMO simply because I heard rumors that both Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn are huge fans of the character (after all, they love comedy gimmicks).

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