
So, Rybaxel just lost to Goldust and his new partner Stardust (Cody Rhodes).

Honestly, it seemed like a joke but seeing as how they put the effort into a new outfit and entrance, do you think the gimmick is going to stick for a while?

Personally, I think this storyline will pan out with Cody turning on Goldust but who knows.

Let me know what you guys think about it.

I could see it stick through Battleground. If Rowan and Harper win the tag team titles or the Usos retain their titles at MITB, they face the champs at Battleground and lose. Cody turns on Goldust, leading to the long-awaited one on one match at Summerslam.

I wish the breakup would have occurred earlier so Cody would have had a shot to finally win MITB. His record is horrible, 0-4 I believe.
I absolutely love the Stardust character, and I honestly hope it's permanent. Cody has always been a huge comic book fan and Stardust really comes across like a comic book character. I loved that his wrestling style and mannerisms seem to be different and it helps him stand out more.

I can see him as an awesome heel!!
That ring gear, though. He looks like a walking can of Rock Star energy drink. I'm pretty sure that the font is even the same.
The only thing I would have done differently here is to give Stardust a Silver and Black color scheme, instead of the same Gold & Black as Goldust.

Other than that, I'm a fan of the gimmick.
I don't see him going to the expense of the gear etc unless it's gonna fly for a while... I can see the Wyatts winning at MITB, Dust's feuding with them till at least Summerslam and even into Survivor Series....

Why rush the split if it's gonna happen, why not for the match at Mania? If nothing else this can keep the team together till Survivor Series because the team itself is one of the best WWE has had in a long time. It works and it's got a new shot in the arm. Everyone is intent on seeing them fight each other and they might enjoy it too... but this was ALWAYS about a big Mania match, not Summerslam... they might have just found the way to make it work as that big Mania worthy feud and with Mania 32 being in Texas, the explosion of the Rhodes boys is a BIG potential match there... if they've teamed as Star and Gold for a whole 18 months then it works...
My first thought was "Starman!" My second thought, I think this will work for him. Cody Rhodes is a talented performer, he really got into that persona. I bet he's having fun with it.
For the longest time even before WM 30 i have been hearing people talk about the Rhodes brothers feuding. It was even a rumored match for WM 30, I'm glad that didnt happen, because in all reality that feud would have lost steam in say like 2 ppv's afterwards. They are better as a tag team, the WWE didnt drop the ball on this one, I'm mighty thankful for that, the Rhodes brothers were losing their steam before they lost the belts, then they started plummeting even more after that. Making Cody Stardust pumpled life once again into the Rhodes group and a little light at the end of the tag team divsion tunnel. The best thing is to keep this gimmick running and put the belts back on them, this team now has exactly what the E in the WWE stands for, ENTERTAINMENT!!!!!
I really like this. This reminds me of the 80's tag team on how the teams use to look a lot more a like. I really think this is pushed more by triple h. You can tell that he likes the history of the wwe and really wants to continue to grow from that as he wants to a HOF building. I see the tag team improving a lot and I like how the teams look like they belong together.
I can tell cody enjoys his character and I think he going to pull this off great. Cody and hsi brother look even more like a tag team then they did before and I'm looking forward to hear a promo from Stardust. His contact lenses give out that extra for his out fit as well:)
I guess I was so distracted by Cody's actual LOOK as Stardust, that I didn't really pay that much attention to the MATCH.

But I just watched some highlights from RAW Fallout, and he's really mixing it up and doing things that he never did before in order to make it more than just dressing up in a costume.

However, I hate the finishing move. It's like a "forward blockbuster". Stardust gets on the 2nd turnbuckle, puts Axel in a reverse headlock, flips himself over Axel, and lands on his back as he lands a stunner-type move on Axel. He basically bodyslams HIMSELF off the 2nd rope. Which should hurt, and just doesn't make sense. You can see it at the :30 mark of the video below.

Does nobody see this for what it is?

This is the worst possible thing that could happen to Cody Rhodes, it's forcing him to tuck his tail between his legs and take on a gimmick that was meant to be an insult in the first place.

Do people on here not know the McMahon/Rhodes real life storyline? The quick version:

1. Dusty Rhodes was a larger than life icon in the wrestling business in many southern promotions back in the 70's and 80's. This was before Vince blantantly broke Vince McMahon Sr.'s promise and stabbed all the other promoters in the back.

2. Once all of the options didn't exist anymore, Rhodes was brought in to the WWF, pumped up as soon to be a major star, and given a ridiculous gimmick, feeding off of his rather flamboyent and outspoken personality. This was done knowing it would fail, as a way to mock a major non-WWF legend in the wrestling business. Unfortunately, Dusty Rhodes went along with it, and the video proof is out there to this day. Dusty was image-raped on camera week-in and week-out, and Vince and the boys laughed up every second of it.

3. Next came Dusty's Son, Dustin. A solid wrestling performer, they dolled him up as "Golddust", a transvestite/gay/freakshow, meant to further demean the Rhodes name.

4. Now, Cody Rhodes was out to finally be a serious WWE Rhodes wrestler. While his career had hit a plateau, he now joins his father and brother as a laughing stock. I'm sure HHH and the boys are laughing at them.

WWE is a messed up place backstage.
I would like him to go full psycho heel
make him as creepy and scary as possible
he already looks the part
I can see this playing out in a number of ways

1: Cody plays along for a while eventually turning on his brother leading to a 3 ppv fued

2: Vida versa with Golddust turning

3: Cody being stuck with gimmick for remainder of his career

4: creative losing interest and he comes back after a few months with something different.

it will be the first one I'm sure but all the others are possibilities. If they did go with the first option I would have the turn take place during the Rumble leading to a Match at Mania with Dusty as guest ref... I can dream can't I :)
I don't know why you guys are expecting a feud to happen so soon between Cody and Goldust. This faction just got started and it looks like they will likely become the next tag team champions. That's the next logical step for these guys as a tag team.
I still can't decide if I like Stardust or not. Part of me thinks it corny, and part of me thinks its cool. Either way I'm interested in seeing where it goes. A lot of people expect Cody to turn on Golddust. But here's an idea, What if Golddust turned on Stardust? He could say that Cody ripped him off and tried to steal the spotlight from him, or something along those lines. We haven't seen a heel Golddust in forever and I think it would be a cool swerve to help get Cody some momentum.
I loved it. Cody should remain silent though, as he just can't talk the talk like Goldust does. Goldusts backstage promo's have been brilliant.

But Stardusts in ring persona is fantastic! I hope this goes on for quite a while though, and WWE don't pull the plug on them until the time is right. Or they have plans to push Cody.
Kind of a strange way to build a new program. Watching the "bizarre" guys get a bit of mic time on this week's Raw and Smackdown remind me of performers who have yet to show us their stuff in the ring, yet Cody & Dustin already made their debut in a match. It seems that keeping them out of action these past two shows is a strange way of building their push.

And yes, I used the word "strange" twice in the previous paragraph.... that's the word we're supposed to use when talking about these guys, right?

Go get 'em, Cody. I'll bet every non-main eventer on the roster secretly wishes they'd had as many gimmicks written for them as have been provided you. Hope this one gets you over.

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