Don't blame WWE, blame yourself.


Getting Noticed By Management
It was only 4 years ago Kevin Nash (50) Debuted in TNA, along with Angle, Sting, Big Poppa Pump and more of course the WWE fans blasted TNA for their use of OLD talent.

Now not even 5 years later look at all you marks, Loving the Rock (42) begging for Stone Cold (50) and Hoping to see Sting (55) VS Undertaker (50) at Wrestlemania.

You beg for Zach Ryder and when you get him you realized he is shit and stopped caring. The fans change their opinions so fast and often it has to be hard to keep up with your crying and bitching.

Not to long ago people begged for Orton to become a heel, now your happy he is going face....I mean how can they keep up with the fans bullshit.....

Fans can't just enjoy the show, 40% because the show is bad and 60% because you're to Fing wishy washy.
It was only 4 years ago Kevin Nash (50) Debuted in TNA, along with Angle, Sting, Big Poppa Pump and more of course the WWE fans blasted TNA for their use of OLD talent.

Now not even 5 years later look at all you marks, Loving the Rock (42) begging for Stone Cold (50) and Hoping to see Sting (55) VS Undertaker (50) at Wrestlemania.

You beg for Zach Ryder and when you get him you realized he is shit and stopped caring. The fans change their opinions so fast and often it has to be hard to keep up with your crying and bitching.

Not to long ago people begged for Orton to become a heel, now your happy he is going face....I mean how can they keep up with the fans bullshit.....

Fans can't just enjoy the show, 40% because the show is bad and 60% because you're to Fing wishy washy.
....because every fan on the internet has the same exact sets of opinions.

What you're doing is reading different posts, from different people, and trying to congeal that into one big IWC opinion. Just because one person says something about TNA, and a different person says a different thing about the WWE, doesn't mean fans can't hold a steady opinion, it means that you're reducing things to the point of absurdity. Either that, or focusing on a few specific idiots at the expense of everyone else.
I am not sure what you're trying to say here. So having Nash debut on TNA is similar to an A list Hollywood star in Rock returning to WWE? I haven't heard many people complain about use of Angle in TNA. Do you think the name you mentioned going to TNA (apart from may be Angle) generate any kind of interest compared to a Stone Cold or Rock? Also, I (and I have seen few others) am not really big on having Sting vs Undertaker. That thing is way past its due date.

TBH, I have no idea whom you're trying to blame here. People because they have different opinions?
....because every fan on the internet has the same exact sets of opinions.

What you're doing is reading different posts, from different people, and trying to congeal that into one big IWC opinion. Just because one person says something about TNA, and a different person says a different thing about the WWE, doesn't mean fans can't hold a steady opinion, it means that you're reducing things to the point of absurdity. Either that, or focusing on a few specific idiots at the expense of everyone else.


I'm as annoyed by having to keep seeing The Rock in WWE as I was when TNA became the old people house

The only useful way that Stone Cold could return in WWE is as a commentator.

Lots of people have different opinions, the IWC is a lie.
Yeah there's a big difference between Nash and Rock.

The difference is how good the performers are. Match between Sting and Taker might well be shit, but they are massive draws either way. Rock is also massive draw, being one of the most over stars from the late 90s/turn of the millenium. Nash is moderate draw compared to those guys. He's a Hogan mate, not actual Hogan. That's what his career was for the most part.

You compare with TNA. You're right - both companies have used old ass talent. It's different for WWE because 1) they have built new talent; 2) they're still doing so; 3) they only use the most established and over of older guys, and many of them are part-time which allows the younger ones a look in.
Give specific examples of people who are guilty of hypocrisy. Otherwise you're just making sweeping generalisations.

Many people blast TNA for using old WWE talent. Many people want old-timers back in WWE. You can't just pretend those are the same folks.
Oh boy...

There is a BIG difference between Kevin Nash joining TNA and The Rock making his returns to WWE. Kevin Nash was a "bigger name" than TNA was used to, but a paycheck player making a return for money. The Rock is the biggest name in Hollywood at the present time. He does NOTHING he doesn't want to do, he doesn't need the money with an average of $25m per movie salary at present and that only increasing as his points on films he makes improves. Yet he comes back to wrestling time and again? Perhaps cos Cena's comments of 4 years ago still ring in his ears... Cena told him don't stay away and tell me you love this... well he came back and he hasn't "stayed away since" and his performance 2 weeks ago proves beyond doubt he still "loves this".

WWE of course are happy with that cos it guarantees them Mainstream media exposure every time he comes back, even just for a showdown with Rusev. Most stars who graduate from a TV show into mainstream movie success don't go back to their shows often... but the Rock does and delivers EVERY time he does... not just a phoned in performance but a zinger of a segment like the other week, which was top 5 of ALL TIME for him creatively... so why would any fan NOT want to see him?

TNA were hiring older stars for different reasons, they wanted reflected glory from them, the credibility that those stars brought from their prior WWE and WCW tenures rather than a real strategic thing. To an extent WWE would be getting that from Sting, but they want Sting Taker if it possibly can happen cos it is the last true "money" match out there, the dream match.... If Shawn had aged a little better then sure, he could have perhaps been the back up vs Sting but when WWE uses an older guy now it's not cos they want their reflected glory. It's cos they want to use the resource while it is available to them as "once it's gone, it's gone". Sting may be 55, but has one match in him so they want to use it. Taker may have only one naturally he wants to have it if he can and WWE absolutely want him to...

Austin is different and thankfully honest about his views on it. He doesn't need to wrestle, even if he can and doesn't particularly want to. He is smart enough to know that unlike The Rock or Sting where "one more match" contributes to or cements a legacy in Austin's case it can only hurt it. He couldn't go as he could in 2002 even if he wanted to and even that was nothing to what he could do 5 years earlier... age isn't the factor with him, it's the neck... WWE would love to have that one more match again to exploit and use up that resource but from Austin's personal perspective it's only a lose for him.

The IWC are not clamoring for A, B, C as you are saying, but the whole of wrestling is because in one or two years time, it's too late... and we'd all rather see Sting at Mania than never see it, even if it's not against Taker. In two years Rock's window for being able to do this is gone, everytime he joins a franchise he loses more opportunity to wrestle... like you say he is 42 and once he is Black Adam his time as The Rock will be over... he will have 5 years then of optimal movie making time before he gets to 50... Remember how Arnie started to tank around that age...and Stallone? So he's gonna do as he likes, return when he likes until the point where it's "enough". People saying they don't love it when he returns are deluding themselves.

Someone like Angle is the more interesting question... yes a lot of the IWC are clamoring for him to be back and I can see why. If WWE DO end up using him then that is the equivalent of Nash coming into TNA... a paycheck player hoping for one last run based off of his past exploits. Bear in mind Angle has been in TNA longer than he was in the WWE now. Part of me wants to see it but WWE have made it clear, full time...clean or no deal. Just as TNA made clear to Nash, no politics and if you can't "go" cos of your heart then it's a no. Nash had a little Hollywood career himself that now ironically in his late 50's is taking off a little through being in Magic Mike. Had that movie happened 5 years ago then it would have been a steal for TNA...
I'll guess its mainly young kids and not really true fans who complains about a company using older stars, For me having grown up in the 80s I still enjoy watching all the older stars but even during the 80s I could still appreciate watching all the older stars from before that era, Too use only young wrestlers under 30 would be very boring to watch as would watching only older wrestlers over 40 for example but a good mix of young and old I think makes for a varied and enjoyable show. I do agree in a way as the IWC at times seems to act as one opinion if one member likes or dislike someone then the whole lot appear to follow like sheep. IWC's favourites such as CM Punk, Roman Reigns and Zack Ryder and the IWC's enemies such as Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Bret Hart and anyone who disagrees with them are idiots.
It was only 4 years ago Kevin Nash (50) Debuted in TNA, along with Angle, Sting, Big Poppa Pump and more of course the WWE fans blasted TNA for their use of OLD talent.

Now not even 5 years later look at all you marks, Loving the Rock (42) begging for Stone Cold (50) and Hoping to see Sting (55) VS Undertaker (50) at Wrestlemania.

You beg for Zach Ryder and when you get him you realized he is shit and stopped caring. The fans change their opinions so fast and often it has to be hard to keep up with your crying and bitching.

Not to long ago people begged for Orton to become a heel, now your happy he is going face....I mean how can they keep up with the fans bullshit.....

Fans can't just enjoy the show, 40% because the show is bad and 60% because you're to Fing wishy washy.

Legit question. Who the hell pissed in your conrflakes today? And what the fuck, you're blaming fans for having opinions, likes and dislikes.

Like others have said, there is a huge difference between Nash and the Rock, and it's worlds apart on who TNA and the WWE hire.

Just look at the names that have gone from the WWE to TNA. Dudley Boys, Jeff and Matt Hardy, Kurt Angle, MVP, Bobby Lashley, Mr. Anderson, Tara and Mickie James to name a few. Who went from TNA and were signed with the WWE. I can't think of anyone. So yea they do use a lot of WWE talent, and there is nothing wrong with that. But don't bust someone's balls for telling the truth.

And of course we want the Rock, Stone Cold, Taker and Sting. These guys are the ones that modern day superstars look up too, why shouldn't us fans as well. Are you saying that if all four appeared at a house show, you would stand up and walk out. You'd be the only person who would, don't be ridiculous.

Are we wishy washy, damm right, are we fickle, you betcha, and screw anyone who thinks we should be any other way. We're wrestling fans, we will change our minds on the fly, we will boo and cheer whoever we want. We will chant CM Punk or JBL whenever we feel like it, why cause we want to and that's good enough for us, and it's good enough for you.
Who went from TNA and were signed with the WWE. I can't think of anyone.

I'm assuming you're only counting TNA grown talent? Cuz Jeff Hardy and Christian went to TNA and came back to WWE to become world champions.

The only superstar I can think of is Kharma? She was originally on TNA right? I think she was like Awesome Kong or something? That's all I can come up with in complete seriousness :lmao:
You compare with TNA. You're right - both companies have used old ass talent. It's different for WWE because 1) they have built new talent....

Of course, the irony here should be appreciated. Many folks preferred TNA because they represented the new...... yet they began their January 2010 major campaign by featuring the old talent. Meanwhile, those same folks decried WWE as the old, even as that company spent their time developing new talent.

Naturally, all this was going to conjure up a lot of people expressing a lot of different opinions.....which is fine. Great, actually. Internally, both organizations probably appreciated the fact that getting people talking about them is the best publicity in the world.

Diamond Dallas Page would probably say it best: "All the fan disagreement spurs interest in pro wrestling. That's not a bad thing.....that's a good thing!" :)
^ Of course when I say what I said about TNA, this was relevant to that period in its history. Now many oldies have left TNA so they have been forced to push some newer guys in recent times from what I can understand. Kudos to them, I wish them every success.

Of course it's hard to get past the Cena/Orton glass ceiling if you're a new talent in WWE even now, but look at the progression of Punk, Bryan, the Shield and many among the midcard who could step back up to main event at a moment's notice like Sheamus and the Miz. Their roster is really freaking strong right now, even with notable injuries and absences at the top of the card.

And then the cherry on top is stuff like Lesnar, Rock, Taker ... so further to my point, OP, I'm not really blaming WWE for anything here.
The problem isn't what the fans want and don't want. When we want Ziggler to be a top guy, it doesn't happen, instead we get Swagger who no one likes, now when Swagger is good and we like him, hes buried. Or Cesaro, the fans love him and he gets buried, fans get behind Sandow and he gets buried. Fans cry for ages for Jeff Hardy to finally get a big push and the WWE title, once he does, WWE just lets him go. Fans cry forever about RVD not getting his title run, he finally does way too late in his career, and they get rid of him.

I could keep going on, sum it up, the WWE is always a day late and a dollar short on every single thing the fans want. When the fans want it, and like it, they pay and they watch. There is a reason ratings are bad.

And when fans wanted Orton to be a heel, instead they dragged him on as a useless face for far too long, and even then when they give him the heel role, they put him under Triple H.

And the shows are 90% crap, 10% hate from the fans. 100% of a reason to dislike what they do.
The problem isn't what the fans want and don't want. When we want Ziggler to be a top guy, it doesn't happen, instead we get Swagger who no one likes, now when Swagger is good and we like him, hes buried. Or Cesaro, the fans love him and he gets buried, fans get behind Sandow and he gets buried. Fans cry for ages for Jeff Hardy to finally get a big push and the WWE title, once he does, WWE just lets him go. Fans cry forever about RVD not getting his title run, he finally does way too late in his career, and they get rid of him.

To be fair Ziggler is a former world champ, Swagger deserved a run sooner or later. Maybe Swagger is over now because he's the lovable loser at this point, just like Zack Ryder, Cesaro and Sandow. I think that's what we're missing here. I don't even think people like Swagger, they like the chant(though I'd be happy to be wrong as I do like him).

Cesaro got screwed no argument there, from my understanding he was going to get a push this year but they turned him heel and instead of the fans still caring, they gave up.

Jeff Hardy and RVD both were suspended for drugs right as they got their push right? That's why RVD lost it so suddenly to Big Show. So who's fault is that? Pretty sure that's RVD's. And Jeff Hardy I'm not sure about, but I assume that was part of it...could be wrong.
It was only 4 years ago Kevin Nash (50) Debuted in TNA, along with Angle, Sting, Big Poppa Pump and more of course the WWE fans blasted TNA for their use of OLD talent.

That was totally me, I did that. I sat on the internet and was like, "I can't believe TNA would use a guy like Kevin Nash. He suck monkey balls. TNA is so pathetic, they should kill themselves. I was totally out of line. My bad.

Now not even 5 years later look at all you marks, Loving the Rock (42) begging for Stone Cold (50) and Hoping to see Sting (55) VS Undertaker (50) at Wrestlemania.

Got me there. Guilty as charged.

You beg for Zach Ryder and when you get him you realized he is shit and stopped caring. The fans change their opinions so fast and often it has to be hard to keep up with your crying and bitching.

And I can't believe I bought that Woo! Woo! head band wig thingy. What an idiot I am. I should have listened to you and I would have saved $24.99 + shipping and handling.

Not to long ago people begged for Orton to become a heel, now your happy he is going face....I mean how can they keep up with the fans bullshit.....

Wait! Am I a people? I'm just asking because you say people did one thing and now I am currently happy Orton is going face (over a year later). Please be more clear what my opinions have been, I'm kind of getting lost on what I think.

Fans can't just enjoy the show, 40% because the show is bad and 60% because you're to Fing wishy washy.

Please show your math for full credit.
That was totally me, I did that. I sat on the internet and was like, "I can't believe TNA would use a guy like Kevin Nash. He suck monkey balls. TNA is so pathetic, they should kill themselves. I was totally out of line. My bad.

Got me there. Guilty as charged.

And I can't believe I bought that Woo! Woo! head band wig thingy. What an idiot I am. I should have listened to you and I would have saved $24.99 + shipping and handling.

Wait! Am I a people? I'm just asking because you say people did one thing and now I am currently happy Orton is going face (over a year later). Please be more clear what my opinions have been, I'm kind of getting lost on what I think.

Please show your math for full credit.

Full credit well let's see, 3 out of 4 comments you admitted that I hit the nail on the head, which is't 60/40 but more 75/25 I was giving a little bit of grace space.

But let me say I respect and give you credit for not being the marks that lace these forum, at least you have the sack to admit it. As for everyone else oh no NOOOOO one ever did that. Thanks for keeping it real.

The problem isn't what the fans want and don't want. When we want Ziggler to be a top guy, it doesn't happen, instead we get Swagger who no one likes, now when Swagger is good and we like him, hes buried. Or Cesaro, the fans love him and he gets buried, fans get behind Sandow and he gets buried. Fans cry for ages for Jeff Hardy to finally get a big push and the WWE title, once he does, WWE just lets him go. Fans cry forever about RVD not getting his title run, he finally does way too late in his career, and they get rid of him.

Hey if Ziggler wasn't a broke dick bitch and could stay healthy long enough to hold the title for a little bit of time maybe he would get to become a top guy, as for the Desire you so call claim, Why is he not near the top for sales, why is the crowd so quiet during his matches? So you say people want Ziggler and Cesaro but merch,crowd noise and social media show different. This Hardy you're speaking of was a few steps away from being a strung out clown shoe who cost TNA a large sum of money in refunded PPV's. ( WWE was smart to dump this clown before he crashed)

And when fans wanted Orton to be a heel, instead they dragged him on as a useless face for far too long, and even then when they give him the heel role, they put him under Triple H.

Here I call BULLSHIT....Tons and tons of bullshit, Orton was a heel and was not under Triple H and he was crap and worse, it wasn't til he got under Trips that he finally got the title. He was in Bitch mode, until he got under HHH.
Orton is crap and is more or less done...PEROID.

^ Of course when I say what I said about TNA, this was relevant to that period in its history. Now many oldies have left TNA so they have been forced to push some newer guys in recent times from what I can understand. Kudos to them, I wish them every success.

Yea and all those "OLD GUY" have gone and where is TNA now? Doing weak ass house shows about 5 months from Bankruptcy those old guys I was glad to see return gave TNA a chance and now the young guys are doing nothing more than trying to keep a sinking ship afloat, but they are taking on 100 gallons an hour and only have 1 bucket riddled with holes to dump that water.

And then the cherry on top is stuff like Lesnar, Rock, Taker ... so further to my point, OP, I'm not really blaming WWE for anything here.

There is no cherry on top, it is a money earning stunt. Like shows do by killing off a character in the final episode. These players should be second bananas as WWE is concerned.

People keep saying their lies about how "They don't blame, and they are not flip floppers"..... I am going to prove my point without a doubt.

When Batista returned at the royal rumble the roof nearly exploded, but when he won the Rumble and Daniel "BitchMode" Bryan didn't win the whole entire arena turned on Batista and a good face run was squashed thanks to the fans being little bitches because Bryan was not ready.
But let me say I respect and give you credit for not being the marks that lace these forum, at least you have the sack to admit it. As for everyone else oh no NOOOOO one ever did that. Thanks for keeping it real.
What you're doing is reading different posts, from different people, and trying to congeal that into one big IWC opinion. Just because one person says something about TNA, and a different person says a different thing about the WWE, doesn't mean fans can't hold a steady opinion, it means that you're reducing things to the point of absurdity. Either that, or focusing on a few specific idiots at the expense of everyone else.
There are perhaps a couple of specific names you could come up with; this is a professional wrestling message board, and thus it's a magnet for stupidity- but you seem to be suggesting that this is a pervasive, serious problem in the Internet Wrestling Community.

So you should have no problem proving your point by providing a list of specific names of people who are guilty of this behavior, of course assuming that you aren't taking different opinions from different people and calling it "the IWC opinion". That sounds like a better way of proving your point then saying "look, a crowd at the Rumble popped for an entrant!", since Royal Rumble crowds never do that.
There is no cherry on top, it is a money earning stunt. Like shows do by killing off a character in the final episode. These players should be second bananas as WWE is concerned.

Okay ... so you aren't in the least excited by a possible match between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, or Lesnar and Bryan, or Lesnar and Rock? Not in the least? Cool. That's fine. I don't feel the same way, but that's not my business or problem.

That's up to you if you feel that way, but then of course it begs the question of why you're even spending time posting on a wrestling message board. I'm sure you understand what I'm saying now.

People keep saying their lies about how "They don't blame, and they are not flip floppers"..... I am going to prove my point without a doubt.

This is a rather generalised point. You seem to have taken part of what I was saying and combined it with the opposite of what I said, i.e: fandoms are fickle, or "flip-floppers" if you like. I'm freely admitting that. People change their minds, but this is a good thing because it means they've thought about it more and reconsidered their opinion rather than arrogantly and rigidly holding to the same train of thought, never thinking beyond it.

Also, congratulations on immediately assuming everyone is lying to your face. You see you haven't really backed this up with any specific examples. You could do that by proving that someone is lying about which wrestlers they like, but I don't think anyone here would waste their time doing that.

What I was trying to explain was that these flimsy and changeable attitudes permeate beyond wrestling and is a thing that happens among nerdy fans and actually all humans generally. Therefore, I think you're complaining about nothing, or at least something you can't do anything about.

Now that I have explained myself more clearly I'm sure you will be able to think more carefully on this matter. :)

When Batista returned at the royal rumble the roof nearly exploded, but when he won the Rumble and Daniel "BitchMode" Bryan didn't win the whole entire arena turned on Batista and a good face run was squashed thanks to the fans being little bitches because Bryan was not ready.

"The fans being little bitches"

Since this is another massive generalisation about the wrestling fandom at large, I'm going to ignore it.

And personally, I think Batista's most recent run was shit, but I somewhat agree with you that that was in part down to fan response. But it should be obvious to you by now that yours is not the majority vote, and the audience at large is what will shape future events. You don't matter compared to an arena of thousands.

Nice to hear back from you, although many of your points needed to be much more strongly supported. Try to be happier about trivial shit though, it'll help you IRL too.
There are perhaps a couple of specific names you could come up with; this is a professional wrestling message board, and thus it's a magnet for stupidity- but you seem to be suggesting that this is a pervasive, serious problem in the Internet Wrestling Community.

I am not going to spend hours combing through posts just to call out people in regards to previous posts, the time and effort is not worth it. So I can mark out people and show them how wrong they are is a waste of time.

If you haven't been on the forums that often and you never have seen any posts regards to the wishy washiness then it is pointless. People in general can either take my word for it or have seen it for themselves.

The whole point is becoming worthless, to many are claiming oooo that never happened, to fuck it why waste my time going into depth.

So you are all right, Batista ONLY got a pop because he came back and everyone actually hated him from the start and if Bryan would have won the rumble Batista would still have had a shitty run because he was going to be a heel anyways and a bad one at that....and I am the only person that booed him.
Zach ryder never had a following and then the fans turned on him, I was actually his only fan and when I realized he stunk I turned my back on him....NO ONE else did this.

Okay ... so you aren't in the least excited by a possible match between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, or Lesnar and Bryan, or Lesnar and Rock? Not in the least? Cool. That's fine. I don't feel the same way, but that's not my business or problem.

No, not at all. There is not a single drop of blood in my body that wants to see bitch ass lesnar anywhere near WWE TV. He quit the WWE, Fire from Football, 1/2 assed a MMA career and now has this weak part time wwe career in which I don't get a championship match because, ONCE again ONLY 1 fan said it would be cool to have a gap in titles and that 1 fan ONLY is upset at the fact it is happening. ( if you can't find that one guy we can pretend it was me, I would hate to generalize or take the popular vote)

It wasn't to long ago ONLY 1 fan was saying John Cena only has 5 moves and hated him for it, and now that same fan is cheering Brock Lesnar who has what 3 moves? Damn that 1 fan ( Again I would hate to generalize with the popular vote, so we will pretend there is only 1 fan and HE is controlling the flow of the WWE.)

The rock has mic skills and still look like a pro wrestler everytime he gets in the ring and sure it is nice to seem him come back, But having him come back in the title picture does the same as Brock and takes the title away from the hard working dedicated talent who are striving for the glory the rock gain years and years ago. So yeah I don't mind the Rock coming back for a grudge match.

And personally, I think Batista's most recent run was shit, but I somewhat agree with you that that was in part down to fan response. But it should be obvious to you by now that yours is not the majority vote, and the audience at large is what will shape future events. You don't matter compared to an arena of thousands.

Yeah it was shit, I mean people knew he was coming back as a face until the first two events in which that SINGLE fan boo'ed him so loud and so strong that the WWE's hand was forced. Proof, Every Time the WWE is doing a Movie release push that wrestler gets a good face push...Cena, Kane, Miz, Orton, etc etc, Which leads me to believe Batista was meant for a face run, oh yeah plus the fact it was reported here at WZ.

But I am sure I am wrong ( at least I say it, because being right is far more important than the facts), So I am going to pretend all the fans are right.

So let me re-due my statement, It is all the WWE's fault for bad programing oh and that 1 fan who controls everything. Because one fan booing, one fan bitching will make WWE change their opinions.

So why do I post, I don't think the fans understand the power that they possess. They got Zach Ryder 100% more tv time than he deserved, they turned Batista's guardians of the galaxy promo run into a bad heel run, things that happen in the WWE is based around fan response to different things....I know so many fans don't think they control anything but that is not reality. Talent goes unnoticed due to fan reactions, Ziggler, Sandow, Miz etc etc....If fans ignored certain people guess what they would be removed. Ryder is ignored....where is he? Rose is getting overshadowed by a guy in a bunny suit ( that must be the design) There is no way the fans are playing in part in that RIGHT?
So why do I post, I don't think the fans understand the power that they possess. They got Zach Ryder 100% more tv time than he deserved, they turned Batista's guardians of the galaxy promo run into a bad heel run, things that happen in the WWE is based around fan response to different things....I know so many fans don't think they control anything but that is not reality. Talent goes unnoticed due to fan reactions, Ziggler, Sandow, Miz etc etc....If fans ignored certain people guess what they would be removed. Ryder is ignored....where is he? Rose is getting overshadowed by a guy in a bunny suit ( that must be the design) There is no way the fans are playing in part in that RIGHT?

Ah mate now I finally understand where you're coming from. I guess I can understand this yeah. I agree with you, the audience doesn't necessarily consider the long term effects of its actions in the heat of the moment. Batista's run was crushed because of overwhelmingly negative reaction. That said, we got an awesome Bryan push out of it. Ryder too, got pushed because the fans wanted to see it (Cena backing him most likely helped a lot though).

Then again, pandering to the fanbase is a practical business decision. Whoever's the most over = the most money, so that's the long & short of it. That's Cena in a nutshell. It might not always produce the result you or I want, but it does produce the result a majority of viewers want, and that's what will ensure the company stays alive. And a WWE that is listening to their fans is a lot better than the opposite (which we've also seen).

Ultimately though, I think true talent will shine through (Punk, Bryan, Orton, Cena, The Shield) and fan reactions will generally be appropriate where this is concerned.
I am not going to spend hours combing through posts just to call out people in regards to previous posts, the time and effort is not worth it. So I can mark out people and show them how wrong they are is a waste of time.

If you haven't been on the forums that often and you never have seen any posts regards to the wishy washiness then it is pointless. People in general can either take my word for it or have seen it for themselves.

The whole point is becoming worthless, to many are claiming oooo that never happened, to fuck it why waste my time going into depth.

So you are all right, Batista ONLY got a pop because he came back and everyone actually hated him from the start and if Bryan would have won the rumble Batista would still have had a shitty run because he was going to be a heel anyways and a bad one at that....and I am the only person that booed him.
Zach ryder never had a following and then the fans turned on him, I was actually his only fan and when I realized he stunk I turned my back on him....NO ONE else did this.
No one's asking you to comb through years of old posts. I'm asking you to demonstrate that you aren't taking various opinions of different people, and conglomerating them into one large strawman that you can attack to show off how saavy of a professional wrestling fan you are. I mean, if you aren't simply telling other people what they must think, because you think that's what they're thinking.

Surely, if this was an actual problem and not one that you're inventing because you don't know any better, there are some posters you have in mind who are guilty of this. You've been on the boards for a length of time, surely there are some specific names that jump to mind. If demonstrating that you aren't full of shit is a waste of time, just imagine how much it wastes our time to listen to you talk about how you're full of shit. You could have spared ALL of us a lot of time by not moving your fingers across your keyboard.

I've been on the forums plenty and think you're full of shit, which is why I bring the point up. Different people have different opinions, and it's the biggest cliche on these boards (again, visiting them often) to say "the IWC thinks this stupid thing, but I'm smart, and I think that different thing."
I'll never understand why people don't wanna see the legends around. IDK, maybe most users here are much younger than me?
But stone cold Steve Austin was more entertaining than the entire current WWE roster. I'd rather see a show with just Austin, HHH, HBK, Hogan, Hall, Nash, Rock, Foley, and Mr. Mcmahon, than what I'm seeing now. Those 9 are better than the last 10 years of WWE.

The legends are legends for a reason, they are just better than modern talent. They are more entertaining on the mic and were even more in the ring. People who want to see legends, are the people who want for the good shows to come back.

And those who knock TNA... TNA wrestlers all put on much better in ring performances then modern WWE counterparts. Those guys over there are trying to do a good job, while many WWE guys are just trying to get done.
So why do I post, I don't think the fans understand the power that they possess. They got Zach Ryder 100% more tv time than he deserved, they turned Batista's guardians of the galaxy promo run into a bad heel run, things that happen in the WWE is based around fan response to different things....I know so many fans don't think they control anything but that is not reality. Talent goes unnoticed due to fan reactions, Ziggler, Sandow, Miz etc etc....If fans ignored certain people guess what they would be removed. Ryder is ignored....where is he? Rose is getting overshadowed by a guy in a bunny suit ( that must be the design) There is no way the fans are playing in part in that RIGHT?

We don't possess any power when it comes to the WWE and why did you ever think we did? If we stop going to the shows, then someone else will show up right behind us to buy those tickets. If we don't buy a certain wrestlers merchandise, then someone else will.

You can't lump all fans into the same category. With different tastes, likes, dislikes, age group, genders, years watching, there are tons of demographics that the WWE has to please. Some of it doesn't please you that's fine, find something that does and stick with it. You don't have to like everything that they show on TV, read some of the threads here, others made their displeasure known. The only difference is they blame the WWE not the fans, as you do.

I go to the shows but when the Diva's come out I go for a smoke, when Rusev comes out I go to the washroom, basically the live shows are treated like a televised show cause I do the same things at home during RAW. The WWE doesn't give a shit that one person gets up and leaves, they would if everyone did, but that is never going to happen. So the Diva's will continue to show up, Rusev will continue to show up and I will continue to take my breaks.

Until every single wrestling fan comes from the same demographic you will have to sit and watch stuff you may not like. But just remember while you don't like it, the 200 people sitting around you might. So you have a choice, leave for a few minutes or sit and put up with it, as they might be doing the same thing when someone you like is out there.

Oh and I would say the Bunny has gotten Rose much more noticed. Is that a good thing maybe not but I love the Bunny and hope he sticks around for awhile.
I am not going to spend hours combing through posts just to call out people in regards to previous posts, the time and effort is not worth it. So I can mark out people and show them how wrong they are is a waste of time.

If you haven't been on the forums that often and you never have seen any posts regards to the wishy washiness then it is pointless. People in general can either take my word for it or have seen it for themselves.

The whole point is becoming worthless, to many are claiming oooo that never happened, to fuck it why waste my time going into depth.

Are you sure you're 34? You're not counting dog years, right?

Oddly enough, a fucking FORUM has people who discuss differing opinions but I suppose it does come across as wishy-washy if you think all the posts are generated by one entity that you must stand up against.

Bottom line, people tend to have different viewpoints on things. Why you, as a person in your mid-30s is getting so bent out of shape about it is kinda funny, if it wasn't so depressing. So sad man.


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