Dolph Ziggler - Future World Champion?

Does anybody think Dolph has a chance to win the World Heavyweight Champioship? It doesn't have to be right now, but sometime down the road. Does he possess all the tools that a champion needs? Would it be realistic if Dolph won the championship, would you buy it?

Personally, I don't think he should win the championship. I think he's gonna be a career mid-carder, he doesn't have that "championship quality" that I think every champion needs. If he ever won the belt he would be a transitional champ, and he would not hold it very long.

What are your thoughts?
I think dolph can be a world champ he has all the tools i think he is a good wrestler his mic skills are pretty good. And his matches with guys like rey and kofi prove he can go with the best of the best in the wwe.
I really like Dolph and I can see him being World Champ, he is good on the mic and he's pretty good in the ring. I think he needs a better finisher though, we all know to become a World Champ you have to have a good finisher which Dolph lacks on.
Does anybody think Dolph has a chance to win the World Heavyweight Champioship? It doesn't have to be right now, but sometime down the road. Does he possess all the tools that a champion needs? Would it be realistic if Dolph won the championship, would you buy it?

In theory, with the right booking and within the right time-frame, anyone can be a world champion. Exhibit A: Sheamus. Did anyone really think that the Albino from 'The Da Vinci Code' would one day not only feud with Cena, Orton and HHH but also win Heavyweight gold? Of course there has to be talent there (which i believe Sheamus has) but the world titles don't mean as much as they used to do so many people can have at least one reign. If we were back in the days of one world title, i really do believe people like Khali, JBL and perhaps even Benoit/Guerrero would not have had WWE/World Heavyweight title reigns. But back on topic.

Personally, I don't think he should win the championship. I think he's gonna be a career mid-carder, he doesn't have that "championship quality" that I think every champion needs. If he ever won the belt he would be a transitional champ, and he would not hold it very long.

I'ld have to agree with you there man. I do get kinda pissy when posters on this forum hype up quite mediocre or average wrestlers in the mid-card and say it's the next coming of Perfect/Rude/Piper. I don't think there is any shame in being a 'mid-carder' for life as i think the three guys i mentioned never won a world title but would arguably be considered to be three of the best midcarders of all time. When i look at Ziggler's look and gimmick, nothing really stands out. Arrogant heel? Oh jeez, never seen that before. They had to throw him together with Vicki just to get heat, for christ's sake. What's his finisher... a sleeper?!?! I'm all for submission finishers but why such a boring one that everyone uses as a rest hold? That's why the crowd doesn't pop when he locks it on like Benoit with the crossface or Jericho with the Walls. Even Swagger gets a little pop when he locks the ankle lock on.
I think he deserved an IC run in '09 but obviously there were extenuating circumstances as to why he rightfully shouldn't have won it. He needed to win it off a really over face like Rey to then build on the heat, as opposed JoMo. Overall, i don't think he will ever hold the world title in any capacity, transitional or not. He's not even the best midcard heel on Smackdown as McIntyre and Rhodes are both vastly superior on the mic and in the ring. With a new generation of talent such as Miz, Morrison, DiBiase, Sheamus, McIntyre, Rhodes and Rhodes looking like being the top dogs in the next 3-5 years, i don't see how he can get above them unless his mic skills dramatically improved.
Dolph has always impressed me. When I watch his matches it seems he gives you 110% every time. You can't say that for some other guys. But Dolph puts it all on the line and tries to entertain, tell a story and make for a memorable match.

As for Heavyweight gold? Sure, but not in 2010. Let him hold that IC belt for about 6 months, let him fued with the likes of Kofi, Mysterio (Jericho?) etc. and build his reputation.

As for the sleeper finisher, it used to be devastating back in the 80's. They also used to check the arm 3 times before calling for the bell. With the single check before the bell, it's simply harder to sell. But to see it used effectively on Kane, Khali, etc....I can buy it. I love that move. It's not flashy, but it IS a dominating move. He has the strength to lock it in and put his opponent out cold. The crowd just isn't into it because Dolph hasn't been built up quite right yet.
I'm sure he will win it, but first he has to be a good heel and get heat and have some decent feuds and esPECIALLY MIC TIME.Which he hasnt got.
Hes pretty decent on the Mic,lets see how he can do with an intense promo not just babling in a monotonous voice.He certainly has the wrestling skills and the intensity in his work.I'm mean jesus like blim75 said, that man always and i mean always gives 110% .

But as of right now he needs to get a character.Cause right now hes Vicky's tanned and ripped boy toy.He needs a good feud BADLY and i think his feud with Kofi could be a good one.Ofc if they dont drop the ball like they always do ( Mvpmiz much? etc ).

This week's smackdown has kinda funny.Vicky got booed and it seemed like the roof was going to explode , and when he started talking the crow just went 0,dead,F*N DEAD.And when he gave her the mic back...u can imagine what happened.( but ofc u know u saw the show).
That was mainly due to him never having good mic time or a feud.He was just there putting on good matches for the IC title( which he thankfully won at last).

I hope they give him a lenghty reign and build him up pretty strong.Cause really..because of his intensity in matches I find it hard to believe if they went with the VERY cowardly heel tactics.By that I mean I cant imagine him being cowardly due to his intensity, I feel like he wants to be in the action everysecond and show us what he is about.And thats good.
But allthough i praise him,by his looks alone and size i think a mid card, upper mid card career would suite him well.Cause I'm sure as hell wont go for a transitional reign just so i could get excited for nothing.
I'm not really sure. Dolph Ziggler could very well become a future world champion, at least I would love to see that. He has potential, a great look and he's half decent on the microphone, so there's definitely a bright future ahead of this guy.

However there will be a long time before he will even be considered world champion material. He needs to be build credible in the mid-card, and actually have some championship reigns. This Intercontinental championship reign could go far, and I hope it will. It will show him that he has the ability to carry a championship for the company, and do it good.
I'm with Ferbs on this. Granted, I wasn't always the biggest Dolph supporter until recently. After watching his recent matches, then his appearance on George Lopez (any man who looks like that and sings I'm Too Sexy, plus he answered one of my Tweet I'm starting to see very good potential. I do think he does need some more time in mid-card before getting into the ranks of Mysterio, Taker, Kane, etc in the big leagues. That being said, I think he shouldn't have to rely on having a 'woman' as his crutch. I think if he's 'Perfection' he should be able to do that on his own without Vickie. I'm all for love and stuff, don't get me wrong, but in the end, his 'relationship' or whatever it is with her will only bring him down in credibility. I'd say ditch your manager and that will only get you to where you need to go even faster Dolph. But there is a good future ahead for him, just give it another year, and probably come Summerslam 2011, we probably could see main event for him (hopefully.) :rolleyes:
Its a good thing WWE doesn't recognise him as a former member of Spirit Squad..That would KILL him..

Anyway, on topic, I do see him winning a world title...but in my eyes he has to do something really impressive before I can take him seriously as a world title holder...

He is just turned 30 last month, and who knows how long he wants to remain a wrestler...I like Ziggler and I want him to succeed, he should be at the stage maybe this time next year, ready to become a world champion...then he can make it on Raw...

So to asnswer your question..Yes, hopefully one day when his time comes maybe late next year who knows? He will deservingly become a world champion..
Can you imagine it, the name Dolph Ziggler on a world title. I can't, personally.

Ziggler is probably one of the better mid-carders WWE have at the moment. But he's got the worst name and one of the worst looks in the whole business. He needs to adopt a nickname, or change to Dave Zeigler and get rid of that bleached mop he currently has.

I'd be for Ziggler as a world champ because of his ability (ie, not awful), but I'm against him as a world champion because of the overall package.
I think they should concentrate on making him a successful Intercontinental champion first. On yesterdays show he didn't exactly look strong. He got overpowered by Kofi and lost to Kane, which sure makes sense since they want to make Kane look strong going into Summerslam, but he kind of lost any momentum when little Rey Mysterio managed to get him into a casket.

I think if he can have a long I.C run and put on some exciting matches, whilst maintaining the belt, there would be no choice but to test him at the next level. The Main event. But with Vickie by his side, I imagine his reign isn't going to look too impressive. It's going to be a replica of an Edge title run.

I think Dolph's wrestling ability deserves a main event push, but I just don't think his character is appropriate at the moment. Maybe with a few tweaks he can become a serious threat.

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