Does WWE care too much for the kids?

First of all, WWE is a FAMILY show! You wouldn't want to sit next to YOUR future kid watching The Kat strip nude! You people REALLY need to mature and grow up because when I get my kids I wouldn't want them to see the Attitude Era as it pertains to strictly sex and violence! The reason why TNA isn't making business besides some booking defect is that they're not helping it build and grow!

They also need to think about the younger audience because todays kids are tomorrow's adults.
WWE cares more for than the kids than they should. So Vince is marketing to little kids because that brings in so much merchandis sales revenue.(Or maybe to create a better image for his wife's campaign. I dont know I haven't asked Vince)

But creating a better product for WWE's older fans would bring him even more money than that, from ticket sales, ppv buys, and eventually tshirts and other shit too. Because remember during the attitude era fans would line up outside box offices for hours and sell out pay per view events in hours, even minutes. Jim Ross would always announce on Raw that a ppv sold out in a day or so.

They are not gonna go back to know attitude era, that was too good to be repeated. But the least Vince could do is create a better show for us, while still appealing to kids a little too. Come on, does anybody rreally need this much fucking Super Cena. I have heard so much talk about HHH keeping down young talent, but what about Cena? He killed all Nexus' momentum last night. Ijust hope they can rebound somehow.

Although Undertaker And Danielson returned Ithink it was a pretty shitty SummerSlam. Two bad endings to the Raw main events: a DQ(just like Orton's WWE title match last year where he saved his title from Cena by DQ) and SuperCena beating Gabriel and Barrett in a matter of minutes.
I Just wanted to say that ive been a lurker for a few years but decided to join because i remember a few months ago when alot of people were bitching how cena was champ again and that hes always in the title picture but if he wasnt you wouldnt mind so much. Well I mean you got what you wanted hes not holding the title and hes not about to win it so whats the problem? I watched summerslam last night and it had its usual boobirds for cena but your kidding yourself if you think 90% of that arena didnt go nuts when cena got the pin last night.
I don't know about you guys but I was under the impression that most of us became fans when we were kids. It's only smart business to focus on the kids, it's like McDonald's if they get us hooked young we're generally hooked for life. As much as we complain about the product they're putting out there now we're still watching.

EDIT: I just wanted to add that those of you calling for Cena to die because he wins a few matches and calling 12 year olds ********s really need to re-evaluate things. You're just embarassing yourselves and should try acting like the adults you claim to be.
For those of you defending this and saying that they must be doing something right because people are still watching, I'd like to remind you of this news article that came out a few weeks ago:

Over The Limit drew 197,000 buys, Extreme Rules drew 182,000 buys and Fatal Four Way drew 143,000 buys.

The 143,000 buys for the Fatal Four Way show is the second lowest PPV buyrate in company history, trailing only the infamous December To Dismember show.

I can't wait to see how many people bought Summerslam - I didn't because I had that gut feeling that Supercena was going to show up and save the day for WWE, as corny and overdone as that is. I knew that a non-title match would be the main event. I knew that a bunch of rookies were going to be headlining because they had a rivalry with Supercena. It's old. It's worn out. People ARE NOT watching!
WWE is a child orented show. When you watch any WWE programming, you are watching a childrens show. Get over it. The WWE is a show for children. Thats why its rated G. Don't like the fact that your watching a childs show? Go watch TNA ( which isnt bad by the way )
First of all, WWE is a FAMILY show! You wouldn't want to sit next to YOUR future kid watching The Kat strip nude! You people REALLY need to mature and grow up because when I get my kids I wouldn't want them to see the Attitude Era as it pertains to strictly sex and violence! The reason why TNA isn't making business besides some booking defect is that they're not helping it build and grow!

They also need to think about the younger audience because todays kids are tomorrow's adults.

I am not even asking for the attitude era, I didn't even watch during the attitude era(not because my parents wouldn't let me), but because I had no idea about when wrestling was on TV and stuff. I came in post attitude era. I just want to go back to 2004-2007, where we had some awesome storylines. I am just looking for storylines that make sense. And I also want decent faces pushed. Besides having a terrible personality, Cena is a terrible personality. Last night, a terrible wrestler came back against unrealistic odds to kill what could have been a great storyline and kill the careers of a couple young guys(Gabriel, Slater, and Sheffield come to mind) who needed this storyline to go on for a month or to more to get over. Now they will be midcarders and probably only Gabriel will stay for a decent amount of time.
I think the ppv was pretty good and had that suprise factor play in a few times...

I mean did anyone have Bryan in their minds? did ANYONE think team WWE would win??

WWE must have done some last minute changes to this!!

Also the ending was decent and never killed the ppv IMO..

To the person a few posts up, how did Cena kill Skip Shefffield's career? He didn't even enter the match until Skip was eliminated. Also If Nexus is done now because they lost, does that mean Hitman, JoMo, Truth, Bryan, Edge, and Jericho should all retire too? Beacuse if Nexus 'are a bunch of midcarders who will be fired soon' then what are they? It is possible to look strong and still lose, that's what people don't seem to realize.
come on? no one should say this ppv was good. maybe besides undertaker returning. john cena after all the hell he went through and guess what? the superman showed up. his gimmick is utter disbelief and completely shit. and he takes down nexus. that just ruined that story line time to have barret on his own because if they cant even beat this shitty cena there done. so yeah there done. lets just keep this stale cena for the 12 year olds who suck his dick. give me your thoughts on this shitty night?

but i tip my hat for wwe getting rid of the ugly orange shit he always wore :lol:

I'm not even going to break this down, too stupid to do it. First off, it wasn't their best PPV, but it wasn't their worse either. SS was good all around. Undertaker returning was awesome, sad though in a way to know this is likely the beginning to his last feud. Of course Cena was gonna 'superman' up, it's what he does and he does it well. So yeah you're an idiot, it's not just for the kiddies, Cena moves a lot of damn merchandise... period. He is the face of the WWE... period, so yeah he's staying a good guy for a while.

They got rid of the orange outfit for one simple reason, purple and gold are the L.A. Lakers colors dude.
WWE is a child orented show. When you watch any WWE programming, you are watching a childrens show. Get over it. The WWE is a show for children. Thats why its rated G. Don't like the fact that your watching a childs show? Go watch TNA ( which isnt bad by the way )

Thats so insulting on so many different levels

WWE isn't a kids show it is for everyone old or young. What you said is just a piss take out of any adult who watches WWE television. Yes it does focus on kids, with the hope they get hooked and stay with it for life like many of the posters on here including myself. Of course some things piss me off about WWE but it is doing well at the moment. I'm glad it's nothing like TNA.

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