Does TNA need a better timeslot?

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MCMG: 1-696-696-6969
I think needs to change their Timeslot because because I usually miss a lot of TNA because of shows like The Office, 30 Rock and whatever else is on at primetime, what I'm saying is on Mondays Raw has very little competition during primetime, TNA on the othe hand has to compete with some of the best shows on television today. I thikn they should change the day their on I say move to Saturday where unless your schedule is during SNL you have no competition. What do you think?
It would be good for TNA to broadcast where they don't have to compete with the NFL or NBC. I don't think Monday night would be good since Raw and Monday Night Football are on. I wish TNA would branch out to other networks so they can get another show on at a decent time. There really isn't anything on during Wednesday nights, maybe Friday or Saturday would be a good alternative too. I wouldn't recommend TNA competing with Raw on Monday nights just yet, maybe ECW on Tuesday nights would be better.
I think needs to change their Timeslot because because I usually miss a lot of TNA because of shows like The Office, 30 Rock and whatever else is on at primetime, what I'm saying is on Mondays Raw has very little competition during primetime, TNA on the othe hand has to compete with some of the best shows on television today. I thikn they should change the day their on I say move to Saturday where unless your schedule is during SNL you have no competition. What do you think?

Actually, Thursday night isn't a bad time slot at all considering it is traditionally the night that has the most American viewers. That is why they find themselves in such competition because the other networks obviously know that. It's why before Impact went to 2 hours, The Ultimate Fighter was featured on Thursday. I could see, though, where a move to Wednesday would be beneficial. However, Impact on Friday night would be A) in competition with Smackdown and B) on the night with traditionally the least viewers. Saturday night is not much better as far as viewership. Tuesday against ECW could work, but if they were to shift days, Wednesday would be the best option. Hell, it was when the old weekly ppvs aired, so why not.
I agree with FallenAngel on this one. Thursdays are a great time for TNA. It's good because TNA doesn't have to compete with anybody else really, so they have a better shot of getting their product out to a wider audience who wouldn't want to watch on other nights due to other shows. Now, had TNA came about during the height of say, when ER was BIG news and a must-see TV show, then yeah, I'd agree 100% that TNA needs to be moved to say, a Wed. slot, but even still, Weds. normally sees American Idol when they're in season, so Thursday are fine. However, the 9-11pm slot should be tweeked, where they're on Thursdays from 8-10p. I say that because more people are likely to tune into a wrestling show on a Thursday night at 8 as opposed to 9 because since they're a 2 hour show, you'd have more people watching the whole show and not falling alseep due to work. Plus, that way, you still have a tremendous amount of viewers just getting home around 7-7:30pm and the likelihood they'd watch something at 8 instead of 9 is greater.
Impact suffered 2 weeks ago from the start of the college football season and last week with the opening game of the NFL season featuring the Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers, a team that has a national following and are always a huge draw whenever they play a national game. The game drew the biggest tv audience for the NFL's season opener in 7 years, 13.8 overnight rating and a 23 share. So it's no surprise that Impact's ratings dropped.

It will be interesting to see what happens to the ratings once the fall tv season begins. It should go back up next week when it doesn't have the NFL to go against. They should just focus on putting on quality shows and not panic and go back to the Mafia focused episodes.
The timeslot is fine, but I think the only thing that would increase viewers is a different channel. Spike is targeted at a specific demographic, one that most parents would block if they were the type of parents to block channels. Wrestling today is for kids, even if TNA isn't. It got a stigma about it, like a circus. All ages can enjoy, but ultimately it's for the kids. Being on a channel that has UFC (actual violence) and a show that does studies on which girls put out more (blonde, redhead, brunette...answer was blonde obviously) hurts Impact I think. Mynetwork only has SD and then reruns of other shows. USA is all Law and Order and just regular shows as well. These channels go under the radar of parents who want to make sure there kids don't watch any sex or violence, which is pretty much Spike's motto.

I think that if TNA wants to grow, they're going to have to eventually switch to a more neutral channel.

Also, someone mentioned how Raw is on at a perfect time because they don't go up against 30 Rock, but for 17 weeks they go up against the NFL and their most hyped up game of the week, and I'm sure most wrestling fans are also football fans. With tomorrow night's double header, it'll be interesting to see how Raw does (coming off of a PPV no less) in the ratings.
Thursdays are fine. Thunder and Smackdown were on Thursday night for years. Smackdown only had to switch due to a scheduling conflict, which turned out very well for TNA.

I think what TNA to stop reminding me of the horrible last year of WCW (before the sale to WWF)

I try to watch every once in a while, but i just can't make it through an entire show. It's just childish, boring and usually flat out ridiculous. Come up with an angle of your own. Not the 50 that ended WCW.
I think what TNA to stop reminding me of the horrible last year of WCW (before the sale to WWF)

I try to watch every once in a while, but i just can't make it through an entire show. It's just childish, boring and usually flat out ridiculous. Come up with an angle of your own. Not the 50 that ended WCW.

They should just have sophisticated segments like Chavo Guerrero vs Hornswaggle, Santina vs Vicki in a pig sty, and guest hosts who make you want to tear your eyes out (Bob Barker). All angles are pretty much regurgitated, like re-doing the Montreal Screw Job.

I'm not saying TNA doesn't have its flaws, but get over yourself. But, in terms of childishness, boredom, and ridiculousness, WWE is the more guilty party at the moment.
I don’t think they need a new timeslot, what they need to do (and I’ve said this many times in the past) is market and advertise their product better. Once they do that then people will tune in and see if they like what they see. If they like what they see then they’ll continue tuning in no matter what for the most part.

I don’t think the timeslot is that big of deal unless it was like on a weekend or really late at night, like past 11. For now, the timeslot is perfect for me (and probably other people) as I still get to watch them every week. I don’t think they should change unless they found a better one where they wouldn’t have as much competition and wouldn’t have to face things such as the NFL or any other major sport. Instead what they should do is get more people to watch and try to make them long-term fans. So for now…I think the timeslot is okay and they shouldn’t change it unless they found a better one.
I'm not so sure it needs a better timeslot as much as better advertising on the channel its on. In the UK, TNA is as watched as WWE. Partly, that is because it is on a channel that more people have, but the predominant reason is that it is heavily advertised by Bravo, and as a result it is their second most watched programme, and the most watched programme that doesn't have Danny Dyer in it. Seriously, TNA need to get better avdertising on Spike, because the wrestling audience is there for a 2.0 rating, they just need to be reached, otherwise TNA will never grow.
I feel the same way, I quite enjoy the Thursday line up on NBC, so I may miss some of Impact while flipping back and forth. However, I don't think there is anything TNA can do about this. Regardless of the night, there is going to be some sort of competition that takes away audiences. There are good shows on pretty much every channel every week, so there would really be no point in TNA switching its day or time. They should just keep things the way they are and focus on their product while not worrying about others.
I feel the same way, I quite enjoy the Thursday line up on NBC, so I may miss some of Impact while flipping back and forth. However, I don't think there is anything TNA can do about this. Regardless of the night, there is going to be some sort of competition that takes away audiences. There are good shows on pretty much every channel every week, so there would really be no point in TNA switching its day or time. They should just keep things the way they are and focus on their product while not worrying about others.

Agreed, I was going to bring up the line up on NBC on Thursdays as well. The Thursday lineup is great on NBC and I personally enjoy it, but that doesn't even begin to crack the other shows on during the coveted primetime hours on Thursday--- you have Survivor, one of the most popular shows on television, along with a new hit from JJ Abrams on Fox that I personally am a huge fan of in Fringe, I mean, Thursdays are generally one of if not the most coveted weekday for television. Oh, and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is on Thursdays as well during TNA's slot, so that's another show I'll be watching instead of TNA. Seriously, there is so much good stuff on Thursday nights that my DVR can't record Impact, because it's already busy recording two other channels. So honestly, as of right now, it looks like for quite a while I'm going to be recording Impact on the Saturday morning replay.

TNA definitely needs a day if you ask me. Wednesday would be a good choice, and they still wouldn't face much competition (until South Park returns atleast). I think they kind of just got Thursday into their head after the success of Smackdown on Thursdays, and perhaps they decided to take that spot back now that the WWE airs Smackdown on Fridays instead?

Either way, I honestly think a move to Wednesday would be best for TNA. Their ratings are going to continue to peter off from what they were scoring during the summer with all of primetime shows coming back and starting new seasons. But they won't change it, because TNA has this strange habit of completely ignoring problems until it begins to bite them in the ass.
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