Does there have to be a jannetty?


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Hey guys I am new to the forums and obviously this is my first post but after hearing... well reading so many opinions about this i have to ask this question.

Does there have to be a Jannetty?

What I want to know from this is whether or not when a tag teams splits that there has to be a Jannetty.

Personally, from what I have seen the answer is yes but I still have hope that it could be no.

So tell me what you think.
Alot of people consider Morrison the Janetty of the Morrison/Miz team. But I disagree.

Lets take a look at the acheivements of each.

The Miz:
Finalist on Tough Enough Season Four
[3]WWE Tag Team Champion [2][with Morrison] [1][with Big Show] [1][with Cena]
[2]World Tag Team Champion [1][with Morrison] [1][with Big Show]
[2]US Champion
[1]Money in the Bank winner
[1]WWE Champion

John Morrison
Tough Enough Season Three winner
[1]ECW Champion
[1]World Tag Team Champion [with The Miz]
[3]Intercontinental Champion
[4]WWE Tag Team Champion [3][Joey Mercury] [1][The Miz]

Morrison has held more titles than The Miz, but The Miz has held the more prestigious titles, like the WWE Championship.

But there's careers aren't over. Morrison is still young and has alot of time to become World Champion. So, maybe Morrison is considered the Marty Janetty because he wasn't pushed as fast and as much as The Miz?

I think in the future, Morrison is not going to accomplish alot more in the business and prove to the people that there is not Janetty in Morrison/Miz.
I don't think so. What's a Jannetty? Does it only go for a situation where a tag team splits and one is very successful and one fizzles out or what if Stone Cold and Rock were a tag team and they split. Vince Mcmahon would tell you Stone Cold was a bigger wrestling star than The Rock so would that make Rock the Jannetty. That's absurd looking at Rock as a faiure would be stupid.

And in all fairness Jannetty was a former Intercontenal champion and he beat Michaels for that very belt. So I wouldn't see Janetty as a failure on his own personally.

I consider Miz and Morrison to be both successful pro wrestlers. Miz more so. So I guess some would consider him the HBK of the two as of right now.
There doesn't always have to be a Janetty, and I believe we saw this best with The Hardys. Up until Jeff won the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship, him and Matt were both following the same path. They were good, but they were never great. Now, you could make the argument and say that Matt was the "Janetty" of The Hardys, but I don't believe he is. When Jeff had won his world titles, Matt had started his "War Against The Dirtsheets." So I understand WWE's reasoning in not giving him a world title. But when you look at it, Matt and Jeff were both loved by fans, both were fired and brought back. Matt feuded with Edge in one of the WWE's top storylines of that time period, Jeff went to TNA and returned to feud with Edge and then get thrown back into the midcard with his brother.

So as I said, there doesn't really need to be a "Janetty." In fact, I feel that the "Janetty" phrase is overused. When you look at it, Michaels was just better than Janetty was. Of course Michaels would be used better. As stated above, The Hardys were a good example of there not really being a "Janetty" until Jeff started winning world titles.
Of course there doesn't. It is perfectly feasible for two tag partners to go on to individual successes in wrestling, and the fact that it is rare is because it is rare for anyone to succeed far beyond the midcard in wrestling. There's more tag teams where neither member went on to anything noteworthy than there are where one did, but that would be true of any random pairings of wrestlers, and not just tag teams. When you consider that there's more wrestlers employed by WWE now than there ever have been world Champions, it's not hard to see two wrestlers joining the company at the same time alongside each other are unlikely to both succeed in the long run. As a result, there's not many examples at all, but Ultimate Warrior and Sting entered wrestling as a tag team, and I don't think either would be considered the Jannetty there.
There doesn't have to be a Janetty because at times there can't be. When looking at this question, the scenario has to represent the opposite sides of the spectrum: One guy becomes a legend afterwards, the other guy has an ok career afterwards at best.

I think the guy who comes closest to Marty Janetty in terms of career vs career is Jim Neidhart. After the Hart Foundation split, Bret became a legend. Neidhart had an solid career, but nowhere near the accomplishments of Bret Hart. Although Bret Hard had a successful career before the Hart Foundation, he formed a legendary tag-team with Neidhart. After the split, Hart became the Michaels of wrestling while Neidhart became the Janetty, even if his career was far better than Janetty's after their split ups.

There were break ups where partners went in opposite directions and one succeeded more then the other before The Rockers. It isn't like this is something that happened 50 years ago and set a standard.

The whole analogy of this is because The Miz & Morrison were arguing about who was better. So, a comparison was used about the better of the 2 being the Shawn of the team and the other guy would end up being the Jannetty of the team.

Miz and Morrison, neither of them will be Shawn and in my opinion both passed Jannetty, so it isn't even a proper subject regarding their careers and comparisons to each other anymore.

There aren't even any tag teams in WWE anymore to have any Jannetty's anyway.

There aren't any Headbanger Mosh's or Bushwacker Luke's either.

Who will be the next Billy or Chuck? lol

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