Does the WWE understand Geography?


Occasional Pre-Show
When WWE venture out into new areas i think they should do slightly better research.

When the WWE came to Manchester England last November to do Raw and Smackdown they show always show where they are during the broadcast. all they did was show London on the screen when they showed where they were!

Now London is 200 miles away and everyone in America seems to think that Manchester is round the corner from London, or everyone from the United Kingdom comes from London?

When the show was on I don't think WWE staff could understand why the crowd was booing when they kept showing places like the London eye and Big Ben whilst it stated United Kingdom rather than Manchester and Manchester's landmarks.

Manchester people in a Manchester Arena should be shown as Manchester, United Kingdom like last night when they displayed it as London, United Kingdom. Why play up to the Capital and not show all of the Country? After all your trying to venture out into new territories. Plus it wouldn't bother me if Manchester wasn't a well known place but common! The MEN Arena has taken the top spot from MSG as the most popular arena in the world taking more concerts and ticket sales than any other arena in the world! (This is a fact!)

This is the equivelant of when they were in Houston, Texas for Wrestlemania and they would just start showing you a picture of San Antonio and putting up on the screen that they are in the USA. It's ridiculous ! Get your locations right WWE !

(and yes its 203 miles from Manchester to London and 197 miles from Houston to San Antonio)

Has anyone else noticed this when WWE have been to other places round the world?

Or does anyone else disagree with my comments?
The MEN Arena has taken the top spot from MSG as the most popular arena in the world taking more concerts and ticket sales than any other arena in the world! (This is a fact!)

Hmm, anyway.

It's not just WWE, it's Americans in general. They call us Brits, they don't even know what makes up Britain.

Fat American: ''Hey! You've got a British accent''
Dapper English Bloke: ''No such thing, cunty''

They're mistakes I'm used to, I don't care. I only found out the other week that Chicago wasn't a state.
I haven't noticed this, but then again, I don't pay attention much to scenery.
However, I 100% agree with you that the WWE should get their locations right.
Yeah, they should totally relise that we are an entire county made up of 4 different countries. England, Scottland, Wales and Rep. of Ireland. Mabye the WWE can take the first step into making Americans understand us better. There are many accents in this coutry. Jordy, Scouser, Welsh, Scottish and just plain normal... NO ACCENT, LOL.

I've been thinking for a while that WWE needs a mute character. It's a gimmick I'm proposing for Stephanie Mcmahon.

I can't say I've noticed if, for example, WWE are in Utah. So either I'm not listening or they just don't mention it. They certainly don't make a big deal of it. They should do the same when they come to England or Europe.

Michael Cole '' Tonight we're in Sunny England'' (Not JOLLY, SUNNY. He's going to be wrong either way so he may as well be sarcastic).
Jerry Lawler ''This show will be exactly the same as any other Raw, but maybe Regal will get a match''
Michael Cole ''Paul Burchill will not, King''
Jerry Lawler ''Burchill is from England?''
Michael Cole ''Finlay is from Ireland, King''
Jerry Lawler ''We're all from islands, Cole''

I've also seen more red telephone boxes and double decker buses on WWE TV than I have in life.
This is the same company that billed Wrestlemania 25 as the 25th anniversary. You're expecting too much, limey.
Haha Chicago isn't a state.

I think it's fair to say that we the people of the United States do not know much about the United Kingdom, but it's also fair to say the UK doesn't know as much about the US. Sure some state names may jump out at you, but I doubt you know THAT much about us. And I think at least some Americans know the UK is England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

I'm not going to say Americans are smart because besides me and a handful of others, Americans are dumbasses.

On the other hand, I would like to state that I at least know quite a good deal about the UK, even if I can't tell you the distance between Manchester and London. WWE should definitely know more about their location, but they shouldn't act like it's just another Raw... It wasn't. No matter how good Jericho is, or how hated Cena is in the states, there would never be a reaction like they had during their match last night if they were wrestling in Cleveland.
Manchester people in a Manchester Arena should be shown as Manchester, United Kingdom like last night when they displayed it as London, United Kingdom. Why play up to the Capital and not show all of the Country? After all your trying to venture out into new territories. Plus it wouldn't bother me if Manchester wasn't a well known place but common! The MEN Arena has taken the top spot from MSG as the most popular arena in the world taking more concerts and ticket sales than any other arena in the world! (This is a fact!)

WWE seems to do this everytime they're when they were in Milan, Italy and showed pictures of the Colisseum in Rome. WWE seems to like to play to American stereotypes of foreigners (such as the double decker bus and Union Jack in the background of RAW yesterday)...however like it was said, there are multiple areas/accents for the United Kingdom...which happens when you unite 4 countries (England/Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland) into one union. Very similar to the United States...50 seperate entities united into one. There are many cultures and accents in the United States. Like there is no definitave "American" culture there is no definitave "British" culture. If WWE truly wants to remain a global culture, they should consult with the locals, get to know the culture, and reflect the culture in the show...not just the American stereotype of a foreign culture. Perhaps simply consulting some local cultural geographers, historians, and sociologists would get WWE more informed to please their local target audience and educate the Americans back home...
I think it's fair to say that we the people of the United States do not know much about the United Kingdom, but it's also fair to say the UK doesn't know as much about the US. Sure some state names may jump out at you, but I doubt you know THAT much about us. And I think at least some Americans know the UK is England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

To be fair to our neighbors across the "pond"...America is a LOT younger than the UK. Americans are taught a lot of British history until 1603 when the British settled in Jamestown (or 1492 when Columbus "discovered" America). While we have four countries to learn for the United learn about us they would have to memorize 50 states (btw how many Americans can name all 50 states?). Because America is one of the dominant world powers, our cultures and history is often shoved down the rest of the world's throats (much like Cena is to all wrestling fans...). UK citizens probably know more about America than we know about the UK...
American product, American wrestling product at that, nobody in America cares, their not watching the WWE for a fucking history or geographical lesson, there watching for the wrestling.

They come out to Oakland here in Cali, and show the Golden gate bridge, everyone knows that's San Francisco? right? .... who gives a shit, its a WWE wrestling program, not fucking history class.

Its not ignorant Americans, its the ignorant WWE, and If American culture is getting shoved down you throats overseas more than your own history it would seem you have more issues to worry about than big red double decker buses being shown when there really 20 miles north of the area, there has to be something better to complain about.!?
Yeah, they should totally relise that we are an entire county made up of 4 different countries. England, Scottland, Wales and Rep. of Ireland. .

I think youll find its Northern Ireland pal, not the Republic!!
Anyway, back to subject, it does p**s me off that WWE dont pay more attention to things like this, it may only seem minor but we WWE fans pick up on things, and dont like it!! :suckit:
It's a universal thing, nobody knows/cares. There's marketable places, and there are not.

For instance, I'm from New Jersey. Nobody in the world, or America, cares much for New Jersey. During the Live Earth concert that spanned across the world, from London, to Hong Kong, to New York City... The concert took place in Giants Stadium (which represents the American football team the New York Giants), but the stadium is in East Rutherford, New Jersey. That's just not a marketable name, nor does anyone care where they actually are. It happens everywhere, in every media outlet.
ok, just thought I'd mention something. last night they were in the O2 arena in London not the manchester evening news arena so when they were showing london it was the correct city and landmarks.

However I think this thread may be a reference to the last time thee wwe visited england.

Off Topic: and while we are on the subject can I just let it be known that if you call a scottish person english they won't be too happy.
^^^Damn right, Scottish people don't like being called English lol.

It seems wrestling companies think that only the capital city of each country is worth showing on TV and they obviously don't do their research.

I'll never forget being at a show a few years ago in Glasgow, SCOTLAND and that idiot Buff Bagwell got on the mic and said "it's great to be here in Glasgow, England", he was supposed to be a babyface at the time, then after that he looked surprised when he got booed out the building, what a dumbass.
"For instance, I'm from New Jersey. Nobody in the world, or America, cares much for New Jersey."

That's true. I hate New Jersey. (Btw, I'm from PA.)

Anyway, it's a seriously minor detail to most. But maybe they should be a little more aware of it. I never really noticed that stuff though.
I agree- I'm from Wales, and god help us on an episode of WWE experience a year back, they actually advertised the live event here as "Cardiff, England". I stopped watching WWE for 8 months out of disgust. It may have been a bit rash, but I dont want to be called English, the same way the Scots do. England are similar to America in a way. Everybody loves America, including themselves, except the people around them- Canada, Mexico, Cuba etc.
With England, Americans love the place. Scotland despise them. Wales despise them. For goodness sake, look at this-
That proves it. We just want to be acknowledged as a seperate entity- we have our own language, we have our own culture, we have our own accent, our own landmarks, our own sports teams, we're practically independent.
Its not like its Americas fault though, because think about it. Say Andy Murray, for instance, goes out in the first round of the US Open. The Sun, Daily Star etc.s headline will be "Brave Scot goes crashing out early".
Say Andy Murray makes it to the final- the headline becomes "Will Andy Murray make Britain proud by winning in the final?"
Its a case of stupidity, and on WWE's part they should avoid that sort of stuff. Know your role.
/Rant over
Typical Eurotrash talking points.....Americans dumbasses?! Thats why we OWN this world, Military and, take your shit somewhers else..BTW, when is the last time you went to the dentist!? Thats right, people like you, and Canada, come to America for medical attention. The EU is as hard as Liberache at the Playboy Mansion...and, the North American Union will dominate this world...Oil from the South, and Natural Gas from the North...Check-mate....BTW, good luck protecting yourself from Russia when American, Dumbasses, leave.
Typical Eurotrash talking points.....Americans dumbasses?! Thats why we OWN this world, Military and, take your shit somewhers else..BTW, when is the last time you went to the dentist!? Thats right, people like you, and Canada, come to America for medical attention. The EU is as hard as Liberache at the Playboy Mansion...and, the North American Union will dominate this world...

Oh your from canada then. cause thats what its like calling anyone who isn't english, english. and as for the little dig about the dentist I was there for my 6 monthly check up yesterday. So as we are rolling out all the stereotypes put down the chesseburger and open a book:schild13:
Oh your from canada then. cause thats what its like calling anyone who isn't english, english. and as for the little dig about the dentist I was there for my 6 monthly check up yesterday. So as we are rolling out all the stereotypes put down the chesseburger and open a book:schild13:

I'm a God loving, American soldier! Leave the Eurotrash to protect themselves from the Russians. They don't respect us, which is funny, since if it wasn't for us, you would be speaking German right now! Let you fight your own wars, you bunch of socialist *****es!
I'm a God loving, American soldier! Leave the Eurotrash to protect themselves from the Russians. They don't respect us, which is funny, since if it wasn't for us, you would be speaking German right now! Let you fight your own wars, you bunch of socialist *****es!
again sweeping generalisations there are alot of right wing conservatives in the uk and by the looks of things they will be back in power soon. And I am a Catholic which means I am also a god loving person just from Scotland.

But anyway back to the topic at hand as someone said previously it is just a tv show and as such they are there for entertainment not education also theres not really that much in the uk outside london that is world famous landmarks. I mean you have edinburgh castle, stonehenge, loch ness, fourth bridge, angle of the north and thats really all I can think of the now
Typical Eurotrash talking points.....Americans dumbasses?! Thats why we OWN this world, Military and, take your shit somewhers else..BTW, when is the last time you went to the dentist!? Thats right, people like you, and Canada, come to America for medical attention. The EU is as hard as Liberache at the Playboy Mansion...and, the North American Union will dominate this world...Oil from the South, and Natural Gas from the North...Check-mate....BTW, good luck protecting yourself from Russia when American, Dumbasses, leave.

I'm going to start by saying I'm from America also.

I don't know what country you're talking about, maybe America 30 years ago (when Russia was an actual threat). America has the worst healthcare system in the modern world. Americans are willing to go to Mexico for organs, and abroad for serious illnesses.

You sound like a complete idiot, and I can't blame you considering our American education system, and that you're in our mindless military. Wouldn't Canada be part of your mythical North American Union, yet you still bash them? This isn't relevant to wrestling, but wake up, seriously, people like you are the reason America is declining and seen negatively to the rest of the world.

I'm glad you're riding your high horse from an event from 1945. If we can back to any time in history, you can say that we'd be nothing had not England set up colonies here. Oh no! We're BRITISH!!!!!!!! We're not living in the 60s anymore where Russia is some evil empire that is a threat to the world. You're living with your head in the past and it's ridiculous.
No they don't. I live in Belfast, Northern Ireland and until recently WWE always said Belfast, Ireland. For those of us who live here, there is a big difference...wee things like that might seem petty but they are annoying 'cos their wrong.
I'm a God loving, American soldier! Leave the Eurotrash to protect themselves from the Russians. They don't respect us, which is funny, since if it wasn't for us, you would be speaking German right now! Let you fight your own wars, you bunch of socialist *****es!

Yeah because we were really struggling before you guys joined the war!!! strollin' in at the last minuite.

I dont wanna cause an argument but this poster is a tool and his comments are borderlin racism. Nobody called anybody a ''Dumbass'' for being American. The guy called Buff Bagwell a ''dumbass'' not because he was American, but because he thought Scottish people were English. So before you start attacking us with your Stereotypes.....learn to Fucking Read
I'm going to start by saying I'm from America also.

I don't know what country you're talking about, maybe America 30 years ago (when Russia was an actual threat). America has the worst healthcare system in the modern world. Americans are willing to go to Mexico for organs, and abroad for serious illnesses.

You sound like a complete idiot, and I can't blame you considering our American education system, and that you're in our mindless military. Wouldn't Canada be part of your mythical North American Union, yet you still bash them? This isn't relevant to wrestling, but wake up, seriously, people like you are the reason America is declining and seen negatively to the rest of the world.

I'm glad you're riding your high horse from an event from 1945. If we can back to any time in history, you can say that we'd be nothing had not England set up colonies here. Oh no! We're BRITISH!!!!!!!! We're not living in the 60s anymore where Russia is some evil empire that is a threat to the world. You're living with your head in the past and it's ridiculous.

Complete idiot!? I served 2 tours in Iraq. Fighting to give you civil liberties to voice your opinion like you just did....god bless our soldiers to give you freedom...and freedom is NOT free! Like Nobama's welfare supporters...How is your gov. handout coming? What are you going to do with your $13, eh!? Also, I am in school to become a stock broker to make millions...while, you play Warcraft and talk to your Internet total douchbag.
Yeah because we were really struggling before you guys joined the war!!! strollin' in at the last minuite.

I dont wanna cause an argument but this poster is a tool and his comments are borderlin racism. Nobody called anybody a ''Dumbass'' for being American. The guy called Buff Bagwell a ''dumbass'' not because he was American, but because he thought Scottish people were English. So before you start attacking us with your Stereotypes.....learn to Fucking Read

You need to learn how to read....he called Americans dumbasses and are fat and eat hamburgers! Your a dick, you are what you eat! It's true, most wrestling fans are ignorant, dumbass, sons-a-bitches.....hmmmm, mabey that's why wrestling will NEVER be mainstream!

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