Does the TNA Roster Lack Ambition?


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I have mixed feelings about this topic because I know there are many factors that may play a role whether it's kayfabe, gag orders, the works being put in and going unnoticed etc but I believe there is a lack of ambition in TNA.

If it's about not causing any waves and keeping your job, I can't blame anyone for that. It's not about judging them, but figuring out if the roster were more ambitious/risky, would the product be better and the company more successful?

It might be a lot to ask for in this day and age, but I like a wrestler whose a wrestler 24/7. It use to be a big deal when faces/heels were seen anywhere in the same capacity or went out of character. Now I'm not saying doing this makes them more ambitious, but for some I think it increases their worth, like an Undertaker, for instance.

The point I'm really getting at is that TNA seems to be pretty lax, opposed to other places, and there seems to be a lot of opportunities not being taken advantage by their talent.

Branding seems to be a big problem for TNA, yet this is the social media era. How many TNA wrestler's take advantage of youtube like Zack Ryder? Or Twitter like Ziggler and many others? Or a podcast like Colt Cabana? And how often do they show up on podcasts by Cabana, Steve Austin, Jim Ross?

The reason I mentioned the 24/7 in-character wrestler is because I know some talents use youtube like the Hardy's or twitter like Kurt Angle, but it's for personal gain like getting a reality show or selling Angle foods and usually isn't related to wrestling.

Now I know some guys try, like Rockstar Spud seems fairly active and does a nice job all-around, but on the whole I think there's a lot more wrestlers could be doing themselves, if it is indeed their dream to be a successful professional wrestler.

Like I said earlier, I'm not blaming anyone for not taking that extra step, it takes a different breed, but I think it's that different breed TNA needs to be looking for going forward.

TNA is known for it's light schedule and the schedule is even lighter now and while the big names from WWE are basically part-timers, that part-time mentality seems to be consistent in TNA.

So, do you think there is an ambition problem in TNA?
It might be a lot to ask for in this day and age, but I like a wrestler whose a wrestler 24/7. It use to be a big deal when faces/heels were seen anywhere in the same capacity or went out of character.

Don't TNA done some 24/7 thing with clips of their talent outside of 'work' on youtube?

Commercially, TNA don't do enough with or for their talent, and perhaps the talent should be asking for more.

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