Does ECW Need More Divas?


Championship Contender
Week after week, you can only have Kelly Kelly vs Layla so many different ways.

They have a normal match, they each have a partner and make it a tag-team match, and they had the Best Body Contest and Diva Dance Off.

I they they could do with a few more up-coming Divas. Or they could take more advantage of the talent switch from SmackDown!.

So my question, does ECW need more Divas?
Agreed, ECW doesn't have a big enough time slot for more divas, two is okay. But I also agree, just seeing them each ECW is pretty repetitive though. Maybe 2 more wouldn't hurt... maybe, but who to consider? Either way, their match is usually my piss break...
NO. Kelly and Layla should just be a part of Smackdown's roster in my opinion. I don't think it should be a necessity that at least one Divas segment has to show up on every single one of the shows per week, especially when ECW is only one hour as opposed to Raw and Smackdown with 2.

Frankly, I'd rather have them all on Smackdown and not on Raw or ECW at all. That way we don't get "Michelle vs. Victoria" a billion times in a row.
Agreed, ECW doesn't have a big enough time slot for more divas, two is okay. But I also agree, just seeing them each ECW is pretty repetitive though. Maybe 2 more wouldn't hurt... maybe, but who to consider? Either way, their match is usually my piss break...

Who to consider? Well, in terms of wrestling, Victoria springs to mind. That would be another heel. Im pretty sure Jillian would also like to move to ECW, just to get more time wrestling, allthough she seems to have a little stable with herself and Melina, so that may not happen.

Maria could go to ECW, but I know Vince is apparently very high on Maria (no jokes), so that would be another one gone. Plus, she is a huge babyface, which ECW already has in Kelly, so another one wouldn't be worth it.

If ECW wern't going to be touring with RAW soon then the SmackDown!/ECW talent exchange could be used more, but as I said, it won't happen very soon.
No. ECW shouldn't have diva matches at all in my opinion. Divas should only be on Raw and Smackdown. However, due to the Smackdown/ECW talent exchange, I think that ECW should have a bikini contest or something like that once every 2 to 3 months but not matches involving divas.

However, I'm not against divas as managers on ECW as I think that is a great idea. But due to ECW being a one hour show, there is no time for a divas match as ECW struggles to fit all of its superstars on the show despite the roster being ridiculously thin.
I think that ECW should have a bikini contest or something like that once every 2 to 3 months but not matches involving divas.

Why should they only have bikini contests? Sure, they are hot as holy hell, but everyone wants to see them wrestle. End of. ECW is a good place to build up a good fanbase, which could be essential in the success of the Diva. Look at Kelly Kelly, she is super over. If she got good in the ring then she would easily be the fans choice for Women's Champion. She wouldn't have had that strong fanbase without wrestling every week.
In my view, ECW needs more wrestlers so that we don't have to see diva matches each week. I mean of all the guys on RAW and SD, surely some of them could make the trip to ECW and bulk out the roster a little.
Deep down, who really cares about the Divas at all. They can't actually wrestle so why bother having them just show up, botch some moves when other guys are being kept off tv for it
Probably be a better idea if the WWE lets the talent from RAW appear on ECW, that way their i more room for storyline development if talent from RAW is wrestling on both shows. It would probably help with the ratings too. I would say just get rid of both Kelly and Layla, both of them are worthless anyway. Either that or move them both into a permanent valet position.
I would say just get rid of both Kelly and Layla, both of them are worthless anyway.

Never. They are too fit. Seriously lmao. Spech Layla, fuck!

And in wrestling ability wise, they aren't worthless because Kelly is showing improvement lately like Candice was last year. So, give her a year or two and she would become watchable in wrestling terms.

Layla is athletic, which is more than you can say for someone like Maryse. So, give her a personal trainer (a wrestling one), so she can learn new moves and so on. Give her a year, and fans will see how much she can improved.
Improvement doesn't equal good. Candice improved...but she's still not great in the ring. add to that, she's had a trainer. She's been training and is still poor in the ring.
Add to that, she might look good, but both have the personality of a wet sponge. they offer nothing but T&A and there are more talented women out there WWE have released with the same qualities only the ability to wrestle as well
ECW need rotating Divas. I mean to the hell with Kelly and Layla only. Let ECW have one match with two divas everyweek. But keep switching them out. One week make Mickie James vs Melina. Next week Jillian vs Maria. That way it doesn't get quite as boring. Every diva will get a chance to wrestle instead of pillow fights and 12 diva matches.
I like Layla right now so i say bring some face Divas over to ECW to help her get better. I'm hoping that she goes to Smackdown when the draft happens so she can have Michelle and Cherry to help her with her in-ring game. The only reason I like Layla is cause when Extreme Expose ended and Brooke got released, it was really only a matter of time before she got released so she went into training to keep her job and to me that shows just how much she wants to be in WWE and i like that. Oh and who really thinks that Brooke will show her face in TNA as she has said she will? Not me.
In my view, if she'd wanted to keep her job she should have trained BEFORE brooke got released. In other words she wants the lifestyle, but wasn't prepared to work for it before it looked like she'd lose it.

As for Brooke, she'd die in TNA. Kong would squash her so badly she'd never turn up in a ring again
And in wrestling ability wise, they aren't worthless because Kelly is showing improvement lately like Candice was last year.

Dude, they both suck, if you actually think that Kelly and Layla are good wrestlers then I feel sorry for you. Why should the WWE keep them around when neither of them are even properly trained? Both of them are easily replaceable, in fact, the WWE would probably save money by just firing these two and replacing them with women that can actually work a match, instead of paying for wrestling lessons that these two should have already been well versed in before even being hired to the roster.

Layla is athletic, which is more than you can say for someone like Maryse.

they both suck in the ring, it would be in WWE's best interest to either fire them both and replace them with better talent, for stick them both in permanent valet positions.

So, give her a personal trainer (a wrestling one), so she can learn new moves and so on.

Why? Why should the WWE continue to waste money on Layla when it would be so much easier just to replace her? If the WWE spent as much time trying to look at unused talent on the Indy circuit, as they did trying to utilize glorified models like Ashley, Kelly, and Layla among others (that have no clue what the fuck they are doing inside the ring), they'd probably find that not only would they save time and money, but they'd also find a whole hoard of Trish and Lita's to choose from.

Give her a year, and fans will see how much she can improved.

Why should fans have to wait for Layla to learn a craft that she should have already been quite skilled at before she was ever hired to the roster? Your logic of perform and learn as you go does not make any sense.

People complain about how shitty the Diva Division is, but yet those same people that bitch and moan are generally accepting of the roster. People look at women like Ashley, Kelly, Maria, Candice, and Layla - none of whom are skilled at all, and they see no problems with the quality of their matches. As if the small improvements these girls make every year should be considered good enough for the fans, but what makes it even worse is that some fans actually have no problem digesting the slop the WWE spoons feeds to them through their Diva's Division.

OrtonIsLegend, if you enjoy eating shit and calling it ice cream I have no problem with that, but don't kid yourself, or me. Layla is a replaceable talent, if the WWE would come to their senses and realize they had the opportunity to invest in better talent, they would fire Layla quicker than they would fire Chavo Guerrero with a 3rd wellness program violation.
Ech is right on. Seriously, everyone always talks about how Kelly and Candice have "improved" as of late. I have two questions for those people 1. Why is it so great that they improved from total shit to just 99% shit? and 2. Since when do we give points for trying? If other wrestlers are training their asses of but they still suck, everyone calls for them to be fired. When Kelly and Candice embarrass women's wrestling every week with the crap they call a match, everyone says "oh look at how they improved" or "they're trying so hard." This is pro wrestling not the, everyone gets a blue ribbon for effort fifth grade track and field event.

The fact of the matter is Kelly, Candice, Layla, and a few others (especially the diva search contestents) were already in the WWE before they had even the most basic training. Do you see nothing wrong with that? That is no different than you jumping into the ring on RAW next Monday and wrestling Val Venis. These women are easily replaceable, because there are plenty of great looking women in the world. The difference is not all of them can entertain in the world of pro wrestling.

As for ECW having more divas, I say no. The divas don't draw. If they want to make ECW stand out with more females, get ones that deliver like the TNA knockouts. They draw on a wrestling show that consitently gets 1.0 ratings, why would ECW be any different?
Why should they only have bikini contests? Sure, they are hot as holy hell, but everyone wants to see them wrestle. End of. ECW is a good place to build up a good fanbase, which could be essential in the success of the Diva. Look at Kelly Kelly, she is super over. If she got good in the ring then she would easily be the fans choice for Women's Champion. She wouldn't have had that strong fanbase without wrestling every week.

Yea if everyone wants to see them wrestle, then they can watch Raw or Smackdown! Yea sure Kelly Kelly might be super over, but what good is she on ECW? She hasn't done anything good since she debuted but if she was on Raw or maybe even on Smackdown, she could get a chance to wrestle more and possibly get a Womens title shot.

Actually her fan base grew when she performed Kelly's Expose from what I can remember, not because she wrestled. She has only recently started to improve in the ring because in 2006 and for most of 2007 she was nothing more than eye candy.

And to answer your question about bikini contests... What I'm saying that if ECW doesn't have divas, than once every few months they can have a dance off or bikini contest to mix things up a little instead of seeing matches involving men all the time. There is not enough time for a divas match every week on a 1 hour show in my opinion.

Kelly Kelly to Raw and Layla to Smackdown. Enough said.
OrtonIsLegend, if you enjoy eating shit and calling it ice cream I have no problem with that, but don't kid yourself, or me. Layla is a replaceable talent, if the WWE would come to their senses and realize they had the opportunity to invest in better talent, they would fire Layla quicker than they would fire Chavo Guerrero with a 3rd wellness program violation.

Lmao, calm it down lads. Right, I don't think Layla or Kelly are good wrestlers. Never said that. They are a LONG way from being good wrestlers, because they can barely put a good match on together due to their lack of wrestling skills.

Yeah Layla is a replaceable talent, so they could get rid of her. But I don't see them doing it because they wouldn't have had her as the winner of the Diva Search if they didn't see something in her, thats why I think she could stay.
I'm going to be honest...2 yrs to actually bother to undertake training to go into a ring when you're hired as a wrestler is a joke. If I tried that at a job I'd be gone after 2 days skipping training and producing sloppy work. The fact Brooke went was a trigger for them and that just shows no desire.
Like that girl who's now in Booker T's wrestling school who was in the Diva Search showed the right idea...she showed she wanted it enough to work before getting hired, not her friend who was equally 'talented' getting fired.

As for the Diva's not about talented wrestlers being hired, it's about whoever looks best in a bikini and can have ****e themselves out the most to get the fans to like them. The tasks show where WWE's priorities lie, as does Miz and Ashley being involved in picking who gets through. Hell they didn't pick Talia Madison to get through because (and this is a claim she made) she wasn't willing to have a breast enlargement.

If you give me a contest where Dave Finlay and Dean Malenko are involved and the talent has to wrestle, then I'll accept the girl as a legitimate wrestler...but not until then
Are You Kidding Me Rusty1010 With Putting Kelly Kelly on Raw. Thats like putting Beth Phoenix on ECW. It would be a total waste my time to watch Kelly Kelly run around in the ring with Melina, Beth, Jillian, Mickie, and Katie Lea. If WWE has any sense, they would leave Kelly on ECW where she belongs. In about 5 years however I might be able to see Kelly on Smackdown but not on Raw for a very long time. As for Layla, I'm over her now so i don't really care what they do with her. If WWE wants to do something good during this draft they'll put either Victoria or Natalya on Raw since Melina is now a face and they need more heel divas. That would be best since those two actually deserve to be on Raw competing for the Women's title.
What ECW needs is another hour of tv time, not more divas taking up what little tv time there is. I'm not diva bashing, i actually look forward to seeing the Glamazon each week, and really enjoyed the Trish/Lita matches and also loved Victoria when they used to allow her to do what she was good at. Between then and now tho, we've seen a lot of crap from the divas. Torrie Wilson and Stacy Kiebler started a trend for divas who cud do cat fights and pudding matches and nothing more.
Now however, the women's division has suddenly upped its game in the last few weeks. With Beth Phoenix coming along and wrestling better than some of the men, and then Natalya coming up as well having survived the Hart training regimin, it's as if the other women suddenly thought 'Holy crap, if ever want to be treated as more than eye candy, i'm going to have to show i belong here.'
Beth, Melina, Mickie J and Natalya have all shown us that WWE do have credible women's wreslter's either by having the skills when they start, or in Melina's case, developing those skills over time (much like Trish who became one of the most respected women's wrestlers ever), Victoria for some reason has suffered from Shelton syndrome, meaning that no matter how talented she is, she'll b buried forever, and it's now time for divas like Ashley, Michelle, Jillian, Kelly, Cherry and Layla to earn their stripes, which in Michelle and Kelly's case they're actually doing.

Does ECW need more divas? Only if they're going to contribute to the only hour of WWE television that has more wrestling than anything else.
Are You Kidding Me Rusty1010 With Putting Kelly Kelly on Raw. Thats like putting Beth Phoenix on ECW. It would be a total waste my time to watch Kelly Kelly run around in the ring with Melina, Beth, Jillian, Mickie, and Katie Lea. If WWE has any sense, they would leave Kelly on ECW where she belongs. In about 5 years however I might be able to see Kelly on Smackdown but not on Raw for a very long time. As for Layla, I'm over her now so i don't really care what they do with her. If WWE wants to do something good during this draft they'll put either Victoria or Natalya on Raw since Melina is now a face and they need more heel divas. That would be best since those two actually deserve to be on Raw competing for the Women's title.

How would it be a waste? Maria isn't much better than Kelly Kelly but yet she fits fine on Raw, so why can't Kelly Kelly go to Raw? So your saying leave Kelly Kelly on ECW for 5 YEARS!! What the hell is Kelly going to do for 5 years? Also, I don't think Kelly is bad in the ring anymore and I would love to see Kelly vs Beth, Kelly vs Jillian etc. Turning Melina face is a bad move in my opinion. Her character is just too easy to dislike.
With the mergance of the Raw/ECW rosters and the new way they will be booking both those shows together should end all the limted amount of divas on ECW.

The 2 rosters can just use each others divas and mix them. Suck as the ECW and SD! trade was. There is really no problem at all especially with these upcoming changes in the WWE.

Together they should be able to spread the divas around and still put on an entertaining show.
I was being sarcastic with leaving Kelly on ECW for 5 years Rusty and Ill admit that Kelly has gotten better but lets look at the facts. Kelly can't cut a promo to save her life and is horrible in backstage segments. She is still not up to par with the Raw divas and Raw doesn't need another diva that can barely wrestle like Maria and Ashley. I think that Maria will be put on Smackdown and either Victoria, Natalya, or Michelle will be put on Raw during the draft but not Kelly. Let me make a correction to my 5 years statement. I think that Kelly could go to Smackdown during next years draft. She just isn't ready for Smackdown. Victoria and Natalya both squashed Kelly during their matches and she needs more training to keep up with them. Also Beth and Jillian would wipe the floor with Kelly another reason why Kelly couldn't make it on Raw. Her matches would be shorter than they are now. But i do agree with you that Melina was easy to hate and that she was a great heel but I kinda saw this face turn coming. She tries so hard to be hated yet the crowd just loves her kinda like ODB. Maybe a face run will be good for her but I liked her as a heel and her and Beth did great at ONS and the Knockouts better stop talking all that trash cause not all the Divas are just pretty faces as Beth and Melina were great in that match.

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