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Does Christian Need A Sidekick/Enforcer?


Occasional Pre-Show
Now that Christian has the belt again, do you think it would be a good time to align an up and coming talent with him like we've seen in the past (most recently Miz & Riley). If creative has any plans to keep the belt on Christian past the next ppv, they have to come up with a way for the heel to get over the face and a sidekick has always been one of wwe's go to techniques of helping heels become victorious. It seems that wwe wants both Johnny Curtis and Tyson Kidd to get over with their recent manager and gimmic angles, so why not put one them with Christian, it would give both either one of them time to develope in front of the camera. They could also go with more of the enforcer rout and have him teamed up with a returning sheffield or Brodus Clay. I think any for of those guys would be great, but Brodus Clay might be able to pull it off the best. We know he works good in that role with his time working with Del Rio and he would really add some muscle to Christians title run.
I think Christian should get a bodyguard type charecter, simaler to Tomko a few years ago. Someone like Sheffield or even Andrew Jackson would fit the bill. Then again, now that he's finally champ, I don't actually think he needs anyone, but one thing he don't need is a protige.
Either sheffield or mason ryan would do...christian needs to bring back his captain charisma character and a problem solver....he should bring back his hoodie entrance attire back.
Yes, it could work. I love heel Christian becaus of his unashamedly cowardly tendencies. No one in WWE - dare I say, no one in wrestling - does or have done it better. He was hiding behind lawyers and stipulations in the lead-up to the MITB match, so why not have him hide behind a bigger guy instead? Christian isn't a big man, and I've always loved that small guy/big guy combination. Off the top of my head, it worked with Shawn Michaels and Diesel and it worked with Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson.

Does he need it though? Absolutely not. Christian is over without an enforcer or bodyguard and certainly doesn't need it.
I actually really like this idea. I don't really like Christian in the heel role. I actually would of much rather have seen Orton turn heel and Christian stay face for this whole feud but it is what it is. Christian's character however has just gone flat. Giving him a body guard/enforcer/maybe even making him in charge of a stable, might be something really good for him.

Here are a few guys I think might work for working under Christian.

-Heath Slater - I am not crazy about the guy but he has good ring ability and Christian might be a good person to teach him a thing or two about some mic skills.

-Johnny Curtis
-Brodus Clay
-Curt Hawkins
-Skip Sheffield
I'm not sure Christian NEEDS an enforcer/sidekick, but a new problem-solver or two certainly wouldn't hurt.

Having an enforcer or lackeys expands the "surface area" of a heel champion. Even if the champion is not wrestling or not cutting a promo if someone in their entourage is on TV you still think of the champion. It also helps to have some cannon fodder to throw at a challenger to stretch out and keep heat on a feud.

- Brodus Clay could be a "hired gun" for Christian. They have history in their feud involving Del Rio and Edge. They could acknowledge that or they could just skip it completely knowing the long-term memory problems WWE storylines tend to have. I think Clay would fit much better aesthetically with Christian than he did with Del Rio.

- Since CM Punk is AWOL, I think Christian would be a good candidate to adopt the (New) Nexus members of McGillicutty and Otunga. They are WWE Tag Champions and as I understand are still able to appear on both shows. So, you wouldn't really have to do any creative trading or storylines to make that work. I could see Christian leading a successful stable. McGillicutty and Otunga are floundering otherwise.

- There are several other candidates of a "muscle guy": Mason Ryan, Skip Sheffield, and Tyler Reks but I don't really see any of them fitting with Christian.
I would like to see Jackson Andrews or maybe even D.H. Smith play the body guard type for Christian.

I think he needs to add some kind of new dynamic to his character, and I think a body guard could help. It would play into his sneaky heel character, and I always loved his stuff with Tomko. Actually, I wouldn't mind if they brought Tomko back. I would probably prefer him to anyone else on the current roster.
I think Jackson Andrews playing the bodyguard type a la Tomko would def work and make it believable tjat Christian could maintain a lengthy title reign....lets face it as good as Christian is in the ring he is no Randy Orton when it comes to a total package.....maybe even let Christian bully his bodyguard after a while and let him break off like A Ry did Miz and cost him the title.....
I was just thinking the other day about good old Tyson Tomko and how great of a pair him and Christian were back in the day....

However I don't think at this point in Christian career he needs a sidekick/bodyguard/enforcer to help him out.

All Christian or any heel champion/contender needs is a clean pin or submission victory over Randy Orton/the face their feuding with. Clean victories do so much for a heels character, they help them get over with the fans as a heel, the fans begin to hate them more and more, and they help them become more credible in general.

Christian is the best part of this feud with Orton, because outside of actually wrestling in ring Orton never really brings much to a feud...
If Christian were to have an enforcer, why not use someone we already have on the roster at current? Someone who has nothing to do anyway.

Wade Barrett.

Now I know, Barrett should be doing something solo. However, with seemingly nothing to do for him right now, why not use him like an angle I saw him do in FCW with Alex Riley. In that angle, A-Ry 'paid' Wade to help him win the championship. (See below)


We can certainly take Barrett as a credible threat were Christian 'paying' wade to help him elongate his championship reign, and we already have bad blood between Barrett and Orton. In adittion, we could also get Barrett on commentary, a role which again in FCW, he did with excellence. (See below)


Can't see it happening, but I think it would work out well.
i agree that Christian dosnt NEED a bodyguard/lacky but it would fit perfectly into his character right now - the way he got the title was pricless! i cant recall a title change quite like that!

Brodus Clay is my only pick that could fit in with Christian
IMO i think Clay should have won nxt - he has the size and look to do wonders

BTW dear Christian - Bring back the hood! i loved that attire!
Christian does not need an enforcer or a sidekick. Generally the guys who are given one will get one due to WWE needing a way to get the face a win without making the heel look worse in the process. Christian needs no bodyguards because he is in a spot where he can take a few losses without looking bad and unlike many other heels he can back up his words in the ring without acting too cowardly.
No Christian doesnt need an enforcer because it makes him look weak. Hes now a two time world champion and an established main eventer on Smackdown. Giving him a sidekick such as Tyson Kidd means he needs outside help to win his matches and doesnt do Christian any favours in the long run. Its ok to give a someone in the midcard a sidekick as they both benefit from the pairing.

Look at The Miz last year with Alex Riley and Cody Rhodes with Ted are perfect examples of that. The Miz and Rhodes use the sidekicks to get from midcard to main event and then when they are established the sidekick leaves and goes into the midcard with both wrestlers better off then they were before the pairing.

Kiss and Curtis could both do with being somebodys sidekick but Christian isnt the right guy for the job. Wade Barret could work but hes spent his whole time in stables i would rather see him on his own first for a while. I would like to see one of them paired with either Justin Gabriel or Heath Slater, they both need something to make them relevant and a lackey could work for either of them seing as they are heels.
I don't know about a permanent bodyguard, but in terms of furthering his storyline, I could see him approaching Jinder Mahal and making an arrangement with him and Khali. Like have Khali soften up or take out Randy Orton so he can keep his title a bit longer. Stuff like that.
I'd take a slightly different tack - I don't think Christian needs a bodyguard, yet there are a lot of big bodies in the WWE desperate for something to do at the moment, so partnering him up with someone like Reks, Ryan, Clay, Sheffield or anyone else could be a good way to use Christian to shine more light on them, rather than the other way round as this thread seems to be generally saying. Nexus seems to be up in the air as well, so while Christian doesn't need a big thug type character, there's plenty of big thug characters that could use him right now, so I would be behind that idea. Mason Ryan seems the natural choice as he has the look that should be on TV, yet limited ability in the ring or on the mic, so the strong silent type who doesn't wrestle as such seems a perfect fit.
Christian has had the bodyguard/sidekick/enforcer thing before, and he, one doesn't need it, and two, the Bodyguard/sidekick/enforcer thing shouldn't really work on a couple of levels. These guys are supposed to be top of the heap and be able to win fights, if they need an enforcer why doesn't he turn on the "employer" and take the belt? The enforcer should only be used by a manager rather than an active wrestler that is in the main event.

Logic kicks in if you follow that reasoning and applying it to Christian. He has done this in the past, it didn't put him over the top, there is a logical fallacy to having active wrestlers having enforcers. Thereby meaning that Christian doesn't need a sidekick/enforcer.
Christian does not need a sidekick/enforcer. Nor should he have one. A large portion of his career has been relegated to the tag team/sidekick-enforcer angle. Now that he is a two time champion, he needs to roll solo. A sidekick will only drag him back down to the days of the Brood, E & C, and Tomko. As good-great at times-as those days were, he is the two-time WHC. He needs go it alone, whether by hook, or by crook.
I don't think Christian needs a bodyguard/sidekick at all. Like Shadowmancer said he has had it in the past and right now he is the top guy and is expected to win the big fights. All this would lead to was that guy either getting fired by Christian or him turning on Christian cause he thinks he is better off without him. It all really ends the same. Christian right now is doing fine work by himself and plays the cowardly role to the t. It would seem to Miz/Riley like to me if Christian were to pick up a lackey. He can do it on his own and if they want to give him a legitimate title reign they will let him do it on his own.
Yes, it could work. I love heel Christian becaus of his unashamedly cowardly tendencies. No one in WWE - dare I say, no one in wrestling - does or have done it better. He was hiding behind lawyers and stipulations in the lead-up to the MITB match, so why not have him hide behind a bigger guy instead? Christian isn't a big man, and I've always loved that small guy/big guy combination. Off the top of my head, it worked with Shawn Michaels and Diesel and it worked with Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson.

Does he need it though? Absolutely not. Christian is over without an enforcer or bodyguard and certainly doesn't need it.

I don't think Christian needs an enforcer, but I think having one again would be pretty cool to see. However, would WWE want to re-do something that has been done both by them and by TNA?

Christian is an excellent "cowardly" character, and hiding behind another big enforcer in order to remain as the Champion, having had such a short reign before could be something that works. I would like to see him playing that role again, as he doesnt have the size or look to be a really "dominant" champion who can destroy his challengers.

It could be a decent way of bringing Skip Sheffield back to the roster if he is healthy enough. He certainly has the look, and eventually could turn on Christian after being treated badly by him and move into the singles ranks. Working with a veteran like Christian, and also the World Champion would only be a positive move for Sheffield, who hadnt even had time to really establish himself on the roster before his injury.
I dont think cristian needs it like many have said hes been there done that. But a younger monster heel may really benifit. Clay and Skip seem to be the most popular choice. maybe throw the hart dynesty back together and with cristian may work. Although I would still have cristian get clean/cleanish wins but have the enforcer to demolish after or before the match.
If Christian were to have an enforcer, why not use someone we already have on the roster at current? Someone who has nothing to do anyway.

Wade Barrett.

Now I know, Barrett should be doing something solo. However, with seemingly nothing to do for him right now, why not use him like an angle I saw him do in FCW with Alex Riley. In that angle, A-Ry 'paid' Wade to help him win the championship. (See below)

Barret doesn't fit that role too well. He's currently feuding with Sheamus.
I'd say Mason Ryan, some guy that has muscle. They could bring in Jackson Andrews as many other have said, but I believe he needs more work. Brodus Clay wouldn't work, he feuded with Christian for most of early 2011. Best bet is Mason Ryan, or Skip Sheffield.
What Christian needs is to be a face. But that's a different discussion entirely.

No, I don't think Christian needs any type of sidekick or enforcer, at least not as long as he's running in the main event. His heel character is much more serious than previous incarnations. When he was a heel back in his pre-TNA days, Tomko helped because Christian was more of a chickenshit type. Furthermore he was comedic, and Tomko provided the straight man. The new heel Christian is, as I said, no longer a comedy man and less cowardly (though, since every heel these days is a coward, he still has a bit of it). But his current character just doesn't really need it. I can't see how a bodyguard, enforcer, or whatever, would help him out. It'd feel tacked on. For example, imagine if Christian had Alex Riley running around with him. It just wouldn't work like it did with the Miz.

Keep him solo. He's playing a pretty straightforward heel and he's doing just fine by himself. Now, suppose he transitions out of the main event, then I could see him partnering up, forming a tag team, what have you. But in his current capacity, no, I don't think it's at all necessary.
does he need it no, Christain is by far my favorite wwe wrestler, i dont think he would need a enforcer but i do have a idea, its summer slam Orton is so close to beating Christain, Christain accidently hits the ref then gets RKO'D and who comes out to save Christain.. Tomko, Orton the good guy is in shock (like usual when someone returns) Christain comes from behind with the killswitch 1 2 3
Good thread. Christian needs an enforcer to keep him going. His character is getting a little stale, unless there's dramatic twist for him to turn face.

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I think Brodus Clay would be a great bodyguard for Christian. He was pretty good as ADR's and hasn't been doing anything lately so putting him as Christian's enforcer will give him something to do.

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