Does Batista love the wrestling business?

Great post Adam08, but you have to take into account that the Batista DVD (I assume, I Walk Alone, but you didn't specify and I know no others) is based out of Batista's point of view and how WWE wants him to be portrayed.

I know plenty of "quiet and shy people" and my knowledge of every introvert I've ever met, in any fathomable spectrum of socialization, has been one of "polite submissiveness" which none of Batista's track record vis-a-vis fan interaction has come anywhere close to. Again, I'm looking for an argument no one's given me yet; if it isn't about his constant dismissal of fans, what is it about professional wrestling that we can attribute a measure of love for the business in Batista's favor? I need something, from someone, I've already offered his last PPV match against Cena which I think he did an admirable bump for, his praise for Christian, I've offered more against my OWN argument than anybody but Batistrio has. Give me something.

Thanks and yeah I did mean the Batista I walk alone dvd. While yes that is true thats how wwe wanted to potray him. But still its his life story sure he was portraying a character through out it and its not like what he said on the dvd he didn't mean it. Beside it isn't the case that he doesn't like or love his fans. Its just that some wrestlers just don't like to be bother when they are outside the ring. I mean its probably frustrating dealing with all these fans once or twice a week asking for autographs or take a picture and not get frustrated or not come off as a dick to people. I pretty sure he doesn't mean to come off as a dick its just the case were the man just wants his space.
Got it-- BatistrioFlyPunt--, Got it now, means you like three wrestlers I don't hate, and one of whom I really like (Mysterio). Super bonus points. A cool, intelligent girl who likes wrestling who isn't old enough to drink beer? Hmm, kind of glad I'm married and don't have to think anymore about that.

You said something about someone being injured which I assume is in response to Adam's post. I'm already a touched messed up, and I don't want anybody to get too mixed up so I'll hit the involved parties real-quick here: HHH practically made Orton and Batista vis-a-vis Evolution. Edge made himself through real-life antagonisms from Matt Hardy. None of these people referenced did Batista help along, nor did any of them really help him along and I'm not saying Batista didn't help anybody along, I'm just waiting for a justifiable answer that he did so.
I wouldn't go as far as to say Batista is an asshole. If anything, Batista is human just like the rest of us.

I always laugh my ass off whenever someone talks about meeting a favorite celebrity of theirs and finding themselves disappointed when the celebrity in question pretty much douches them out. I mean what? Just because they come across it on television, do you honestly expect these people to be nice 24/7? If you do, you need some help.

This is why I don't get so overly excited when I met someone famous because I don't know how they'll react if I start acting like a rabid fan. If they do act dickish towards me, I can say I didn't get my hopes up.

Last year, I was working at a newspaper in Central Florida when I did a story about Florida Championship Wrestling doing a show at a county fair. I interviewed Steve Keirn on the phone and he pretty much invited me down to see the show. On the day of the show, I went down to the fair where it was being held and met with Keirn. I also met "The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, who was signing autographs at the show. I also met Billy Kidman, Ricky Ortiz, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus and Brett DiBiase and they were all really cool to me. Aside from the surprise of seeing Sheamus being whiter than sour cream, I didn't act like some of hyperactive, child-like fan hopping up and down on each foot begging for an autograph and bugging the shit out of them with stupid questions.

But back to the forum topic, I say Batista is human in the sense that he has off-days just like we do. Some people on this post have said good things while others have said bad things. It's just like us. For example, I can say that I'm a dick most of the time. But that doesn't mean I'm not a nice guy the other half of the time. There are some days when I can be jovial and jolly with people I come across, while other times I feel as though I could someone's head off if they make my mood worse. We're all assholes, dicks and bitches at heart, people. It's just a matter to what degree.

Now, as far as Batista goes, I never met the man so I can't personally say for myself. But if you're being hounded by fans constantly, most of them pretty much tearing him a new one, than you might be agitated too when all you want is to be left alone. I'm sure even the all-around good guy John Cena has had some off-days once in a while.

But does Batista love the business? I think he does to a point. I remember after watching him cry after he won the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 21 and again when the news of Eddie Guerrero's death broke out. That was genuine emotion right there. So he might not LOVE the business to the extent that Triple H, Undertaker or John Cena do, but I do think he has respect for the business.
Adam, let's be honest, by your sig, me and you should really be friends despite anything else that happens to transpire between us in this conversation.

I understand the idea of a man wanting his space, but like my good friend Wushady has said and like countless others I know have said, he neglects fans, particularly young, impressionable fans. And still, none of it even regarding any of that feasible introversion, is a solid justifiable argument that he loves the business. To me, loving the business should encompass all of these aspects, but even one sound one would have some solid credibility to it. But, yet, I stand here with nothing but a few Batistrio outlooks on various fan exchanges. I'm saying, name another wrestler he helped put over if any, any feud, any gimmick, what has he done for WWE or wrestling in general? I'll put this out here as an example with a guy we've all been morally-trained to hate. Benoit fought MVP for the US title at MW23, a match I came out to my friends as being MVP's first big thing; I knew before it even happened that it would be MVP's first big hurrah in wrestling, sleeper match of the night, and I was right. It was an awesome match that solidified MVP into being the future go-to-guy which I still believe he will be.
What has Batista offered in this court? What has he done?
Adam, let's be honest, by your sig, me and you should really be friends despite anything else that happens to transpire between us in this conversation.

I understand the idea of a man wanting his space, but like my good friend Wushady has said and like countless others I know have said, he neglects fans, particularly young, impressionable fans. And still, none of it even regarding any of that feasible introversion, is a solid justifiable argument that he loves the business. To me, loving the business should encompass all of these aspects, but even one sound one would have some solid credibility to it. But, yet, I stand here with nothing but a few Batistrio outlooks on various fan exchanges. I'm saying, name another wrestler he helped put over if any, any feud, any gimmick, what has he done for WWE or wrestling in general? I'll put this out here as an example with a guy we've all been morally-trained to hate. Benoit fought MVP for the US title at MW23, a match I came out to my friends as being MVP's first big thing; I knew before it even happened that it would be MVP's first big hurrah in wrestling, sleeper match of the night, and I was right. It was an awesome match that solidified MVP into being the future go-to-guy which I still believe he will be.
What has Batista offered in this court? What has he done?

He helped Edge solidify himself as a true main-eventer. The feud they had back in 2007 helped establish the Rated-R Superstar as one of the top guys in the eyes of fans. Before that, I felt Edge was more of a upper mid-carder who had a couple of runs as WWE but was not at the level that he was following his feud with Batista.
Good topic here.

I think Batista is simply tired and burned out right now. At the same time I think he feels he's at a crossroads at this moment. Thinking whether he should continue wrestling, or move on to the next chapter in his life. He is 41 years old.

I believe deep down inside he is a good man. And feels eternally grateful for this business of wrestling. This is the business that made him rich and famous, plus he was taken under the wing of Triple H and Flair, and I cant think of 2 better people that can teach you to love and respect this business like Flair and Triple H can.

Batista is smart enough to never become a Jake Roberts or Scott Hall, and by that I mean a drugged up alcoholic. Doing movies is a good idea because he'll still make good money and wont punish his body like he does in the ring.

Good luck Batista.
To think Batista doesn't love the business based on how he behaves in his regular life outside the ring and the promotions is kind of ridiculous if you ask me. The two don't necessarily go hand in hand.

Hulk Hogan, an icon in his day, loved the spotlight and the fans. He knew the key to success for him was to engage the fans at every opportunity. It worked for him.

Batista, I believe, truly loves the business: Performing, working the crowd, selling merchandise, selling tickets, main eventing, etc. I think, if anything, his success went to his head and he felt he deserved more from the company he helped profit so much.

If, when he's not working, he doesn't want to engage a young fan, sign an autograph or he's a prick to people in general, that just says he's a jerk as a person. It shouldn't reflect on his love of the business of professional wrestling. How many doctors do you think get fed up with their friends, neighbors and newly met acquaintances asking them for free medical advice? Maybe the guy just wants to do his job and live his life separately from the spotlight. That's not too hard to comprehend.

So yes, I enjoyed Batista as a performer (probably more than most of the IWC ever did) but if I were to happen across him out in public, I wouldn't even try to talk to him, I don't care that he's famous and I'm not. At the end of the day, we're all just people. Some are more financially successful, some are more famous, but we're all basically the same. I'm a man, just like he is. And I don't care to meet him, it's not like we'd become lifelong buddies, hanging out at each other's house and sharing a few beers.

Batista the performer - loves the business.

Dave Bautista the man - sounds like he's a prick.

The two do not go hand in hand.
I agree I don't believe who loves the business like most wrestlers, he loves the fact he had size and a different look, and he was luckily enough to be brought in at a time WWE NEEDED bigger guys (April-June 2002) he loved the money that came along with it.

I've read he's a decent guy back stage with wrestlers but over all with fans he's got little time for them, unless it's at an autograph session.

Look at his career, he's been injury prone, yet he's been given oprtunity after oportunity maybe he positioned himself very well with HHH so being released wouldn't be an option I don't know.

Like I said I don't believe he loves the wrestling buisness as a wrestler as a fan I believe he does, see Batista didn't really do the indies, and work his way up the ladder liek Daniel Bryan's. The way Batista bailed out last week? makes me believe it's all about the money and that fact he wants extended time period.
This might sound a bit off topic but I dont understand why some people compare Batista to the Ultimate Warrior. To me its because they both are overly-muscular and shake the ropes.

Batista was employed by the WWE for 8 straight years, the most Warrior did in a row was like 5 years. Warrior was fired from WWE 3 times, Batista fired- 0 times.

Warrior held up Vince for money in Summerslam 1991, drugged up in 1992, and No-Showed several times in 1996, Batista never did none of that.

Batista had on camera alliances, (Evolution, Rey Misterio) Warrior was a loner. Plus Warrior was a dick to everyone and their mother. Batista understands the business better and acknowledges respect when he has to. Warrior liked and respected no one but himself.
heres the problem I have. I read the op as well as a few other responses. You guys need to realize that how someone feels about fans or signing autographs doesnt reflect on how they feel about their job. All it means is they are an ass. A small list of people either me or a close friend hv met that dont sign autographs-travis hafner grady sizemore. jerry rice and ken griffey jr only would sign if you paid for it. All of those guys love playing baseball/football. Ive heard of countless actors that dont sign autographs and generally treat their fans like shit. Making movies is a profession that just like wrestling is about entertaining fans. Im willing to bet those actors love what they do. To me batista does love the business if he didnt he wouldnt put himself through all the punishment and even embarrassmnet that a pro wrestler has to endure. He wouldnt have continued to rehab and work hard to come back from injuries if he didnt want to be in the ring. Lesnar didnt love the business so he left same goes for bobby lashley. Batista spent what about 10years or so with the wwe? If he didnt love wrestling he woulda left a long time ago. There have been talks of batista going into acting or mma. If he didnt love the business he woulda left years ago instead of waiting until he was in his 40s to try and pursue a career in something else. Is batista a good guy? Fro what Ive heard no. Does he love the business? I think so.
I met Batista a few years ago too. I have to agree, he's definitely a huge DB(and I don't mean a Defensive Back, though, he'd be a huge one of those too). Anyways, this was when Evolution was still around. He was a douche back then too. I remember before the show him and Edge were supposed to be at Toys-R-Us signing autographs. Batista didn't show and Edge was the only one there. Edge was a nice guy. He was funny and he really connected with the fans. Me being a huge Edge fanboy, I was la-la land the whole time.

Anyways, back to Batista. The show I was at was just like a pointless show. One of those shows that don't mean anything at all. Anyways, during the show Batista was talking after his match(total squash match btw). I remember him saying something that he would never give us, the fans, an autograph as long as we lived in this city. The funny thing is, I remember him having an "injured" angle shortly after this so yeah. That's kinda funny.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying this 'cause I hate Batista. I've always been a pretty huge fan of his. I can honestly say that I miss him being the World Champ on Smackdown.
Let this post get away from me with my internet shutting down. I don't want to come off as annoyed or irritated, because I'm not, but many people have come out saying that just because Batista treats his fans like crap doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't love the business and have even made comparisons to sports figures which I thought I tried to nip in the bud in my initial post. My thought is that, this isn't a real sport, it's a fiction for the fans, so, in my opinion, the fans ARE the business. No one is telling me how they aren't yet.

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