Does anyone still care about a six sided ring?

Kenny Powers

Bulletproof Tiger
During AJ's speech on Impact the always witty Impact Zone fans chanted "we want six sides". Obviously their views haven't changed, but has yours? I could care less about the size of the ring and I think the traditional ring looks more professional. It's been over a year since the change. Does anyone miss the six sided ring?
If you compare TNA's ring with the WWE's ring, you will see a large difference in size. So lets say TNA make their ring the same size as WWE's, it would not look right, because they are in Such a small arena compared to the WWE's arena. But if TNA brought back the 6 sided ring it would help disguise the smallness of the ring, and give them a unique look. Then you would have 2 different things, you would be unable to compare, in size. Which is why I think TNA should bring back the six sided ring. Now I know a lot of people might think who cares? it's just a wrestling ring. But I think if you add up all the small things TNA could change to make their product look just a bit better it will help overall.
If you compare TNA's ring with the WWE's ring, you will see a large difference in size. So lets say TNA make their ring the same size as WWE's, it would not look right, because they are in Such a small arena compared to the WWE's arena. But if TNA brought back the 6 sided ring it would help disguise the smallness of the ring, and give them a unique look. Then you would have 2 different things, you would be unable to compare, in size. Which is why I think TNA should bring back the six sided ring. Now I know a lot of people might think who cares? it's just a wrestling ring. But I think if you add up all the small things TNA could change to make their product look just a bit better it will help overall.

So TNA should change their going backward? Getting rid of that six-sided piece of junk may just be the only good thing Hogan/Bischoff did. Of course that group of smarky douche-bags will chant for the six-sided ring, they didn't want TNA to change anything in the first place. Those morons were willing to ride it out right up until the doors were shut and locked..for good.
I think going off of what TNA fans chant is possibly the worst idea possible. The should make it a circle ring and elevate it 6 feet off the ground. That way Matt Hardy wont have the strength to climb his ass in.
The only reason plus to the 6 sides was what it added to the gimmick matches. The Ultimate X was pretty much designed for a 6 sided ring and when they did one in a 4 sided ring it really seemed to kill it. It really did make TNA stand out from other wrestling companies but I think the quality of the storyline and wrestling should be more important than "WE WANT 6 SIDES"
TNA fans in the Impact Zone need to focus on the future of their product and less on the past. The six sided ring had it's time.
No it's too late to go back now, just like how switching to Monday and back to Thursday hurt them, switching back rings would look bad and indecisive. They shouldn't have switched in the first place, it was a way of TNA losing some of it's originality like the high-flying X-division, it was another excuse for people to forget who they were.
The six sided ring should only be brought back if the X division is going to be embraced again as that was it's biggest strength. Hogan only did away with it because he couldn't be arsed doing the whole Hulk poses in 6 directions to a smaller crowd.
When I first watched TNA, I thought the six-sided ring was a cool idea. It really helped keep them apart from WWE. I wouldn't mind seeing it come back.
It's not coming back, but when it left it seemed like just another thing TNA got rid of to make the company more like WWE Lite.
It's not coming back, but when it left it seemed like just another thing TNA got rid of to make the company more like WWE Lite.

Originally it came across as older WCW PPV / Japanese supershow lite with the ramp running the whole way to the ring but yes once the went back to the traditional gradient ramp it gave the look of WWe in a very small arena (particularly when they run matches between Entertainer alumni like Flair versus Foley).
Meh. 4 sides, 6 sides, 8 sides, 12 and a half sides, at this point I don't really care. But I wouldn't mind seeing the 6 sided ring back for one night at Destination X.
it was a way of TNA losing some of it's originality like the high-flying X-division, it was another excuse for people to forget who they were.

The six sided ring should only be brought back if the X division is going to be embraced again as that was it's biggest strength.

When I first watched TNA, I thought the six-sided ring was a cool idea. It really helped keep them apart from WWE.

Come on, people! It's a freakin' ring! It doesn't make your brand anymore unique. It doesn't improve match quality. It was a gimmick that was all about style over substance. I'm sick of the argument stating "TNA just wanted to prove it wasn't WWE." I hate to break it to most of you, but just about everybody uses 4-sides. It's wrestling.

Chances are if the Impact Zone crowd likes it, it's shit.

THIS. If TNA starts listening to those morons, in regards to anything, they may as well set fire to the Impact Zone right now, and collect the insurance money.
THIS. If TNA starts listening to those morons, in regards to anything, they may as well set fire to the Impact Zone right now, and collect the insurance money.

They tried that one. It didn't burn much though.
Come on, people! It's a freakin' ring! It doesn't make your brand anymore unique. It doesn't improve match quality. It was a gimmick that was all about style over substance. I'm sick of the argument stating "TNA just wanted to prove it wasn't WWE." I hate to break it to most of you, but just about everybody uses 4-sides. It's wrestling.

Ahem, WWe is the only wrestling most people watch - your average fan probably doesn't know the shape of rings in the indies but they do know that WWe's are square. I stated that it was more conducive to the X Division because over the top rope moves that in the past always head on or in profile. The six sided ring provided us with a new 45degree angle that gave these moves a 'new' look. As someone else pointed out the Ultimate X match has definitely lost out to the 4 sides and the Thunderdome match has been made extinct. The 6 sided ring was more than a different look, it lended itself to new moves and brand new match types - everything TNA has done since it's demise is old hat, despite tweaks to seem innovative (their steel cage still looks more punishing than the Entertainers dog pound style).
Ahem, WWe is the only wrestling most people watch - your average fan probably doesn't know the shape of rings in the indies but they do know that WWe's are square.

WCW. ECW. Square rings are common knowledge. People are familiar with 4-sides because anything involving a real ring almost always has four sides (minus the UFC).

I stated that it was more conducive to the X Division because over the top rope moves that in the past always head on or in profile. The six sided ring provided us with a new 45degree angle that gave these moves a 'new' look. As someone else pointed out the Ultimate X match has definitely lost out to the 4 sides and the Thunderdome match has been made extinct. The 6 sided ring was more than a different look, it lended itself to new moves and brand new match types - everything TNA has done since it's demise is old hat, despite tweaks to seem innovative (their steel cage still looks more punishing than the Entertainers dog pound style).

I'll concede 6-sides being useful for the Ultimate-X Match, but whether the spot-junkies want to admit it or not, it's a very small part of TNA. WCW did a whole hell of a lot with Cruiserweights (minus the commentary guys actually talking about them), and they used a smaller, 4-sided ring.

The six-rided ring, in my view, looked cheap and out of place with anyone outside of the X-Division. If TNA were putting on a quality show, fans might not worry so much about the shape of the stupid ring. I feel it took away from the other 90% of the matches TNA put on year-round.
Come on, people! It's a freakin' ring! It doesn't make your brand anymore unique. It doesn't improve match quality. It was a gimmick that was all about style over substance. I'm sick of the argument stating "TNA just wanted to prove it wasn't WWE." I hate to break it to most of you, but just about everybody uses 4-sides. It's wrestling.

OK it's not a big difference, it still does make the company unique though unless another company has one. And part of changing with the times is about new ideas, WWE is unique because of the brand extension, it was recognized at the time that to stay fresh you have innovate and not duplicate. The closest WWE has gotten since is the guest hosts which was weak but it was an attempt. TNA basically declared themselves a throw-back to WCW by doing it.

TNA went for years with a 6-sided ring to drum in the fact they were TNA and no-one else. It doesn't improve match quality and inch (unless you counter in unique spots for the X division possibly) but the fact of them just discarding the ring after all that time makes you ask what it was all for?
WCW. ECW. Square rings are common knowledge. People are familiar with 4-sides because anything involving a real ring almost always has four sides (minus the UFC).

Both examples now owned by and associated with WWe.

I'll concede 6-sides being useful for the Ultimate-X Match, but whether the spot-junkies want to admit it or not, it's a very small part of TNA. WCW did a whole hell of a lot with Cruiserweights (minus the commentary guys actually talking about them), and they used a smaller, 4-sided ring.

The six-rided ring, in my view, looked cheap and out of place with anyone outside of the X-Division. If TNA were putting on a quality show, fans might not worry so much about the shape of the stupid ring. I feel it took away from the other 90% of the matches TNA put on year-round.

I really didn't notice the shape after a while until it was replaced and the first thing that struck me was that the product didn't have the same 3-D feel. Irish Whips went from 6 potential back & forths to 4. How did it look cheap? If anything I would imagine it would take more work and be more expensive. Match quality? Most people would argue that wrestling quality is lower in TNA than when they had the 6 sided ring so I don't think that is a valid argument either (although I don't blame that on the four sides rather the hit and miss booking).
TNA basically declared themselves a throw-back to WCW by doing it.

TNA declared itself a throwback to WCW the second Hogan hired The Nasty Boys, and Scott Hall/Sean Waltman. That continued with the reforming of "The Band." Immortal=nWo. Jeff Hardy heel turn=Bash at the Beach 1996. I would say changing the ring-style was the least WCW-like move TNA has made.

TNA went for years with a 6-sided ring to drum in the fact they were TNA and no-one else. It doesn't improve match quality and inch (unless you counter in unique spots for the X division possibly) but the fact of them just discarding the ring after all that time makes you ask what it was all for?

Actually, it makes me ask what was the point in the first place? It did nothing to move TNA forward. They had it for six years, and no one cared. It didn't draw ratings, and as you said, it didn't improve match quality. What was the point in having the ridiculous looking thing?
Who cares how many sides a ring has does it really matter TNA has more problems that are more important then how many sides the ring has and also. This, AJ mentioned in an interview in mid 2010 that he feels he will survive longer in a 4-sided ring compared to a 6-sided ring because the 6-sided ring is harder, and I've also read from other TNA originals that the 6 sided ring was harder and has less give which makes injuries more likely
How did it look cheap? If anything I would imagine it would take more work and be more expensive.

When you totally put style over substance, it's cheap. Not "cheap" like inexpensive.

Match quality? Most people would argue that wrestling quality is lower in TNA than when they had the 6 sided ring so I don't think that is a valid argument either (although I don't blame that on the four sides rather the hit and miss booking).

When you totally put style over substance, it's cheap. Not "cheap" like inexpensive.

Trying to be different is 'style over substance'? Hell In A Cell and the Elimination Chamber are glorified cage matches - do they qualify as cheap?

I feel it took away from the other 90% of the matches TNA put on year-round.
Originally Posted by FitFinlay4Life
Match quality? Most people would argue that wrestling quality is lower in TNA than when they had the 6 sided ring so I don't think that is a valid argument either (although I don't blame that on the four sides rather the hit and miss booking).

You agree then that the ring didn't detract from match quality?
Trying to be different is 'style over substance'? Hell In A Cell and the Elimination Chamber are glorified cage matches - do they qualify as cheap?

If they were used every night, yeah, they would be cheap. But seeing they are used on special occasions and have held some great, historic matches, no, they are not cheap. The comparison doesn't hold water.

You agree then that the ring didn't detract from match quality?

No, I agreed with the part I emphasized using the bold option. TNA has only the booking department to blame for low match quality. I figured using the bold tool would have made that clear :shrug:

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