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Does anyone regret visiting wrestling websites?


You don't want it with me.
Sometimes I feel like I would enjoy wrestling more without wrestling sites. I enjoy coming on here and reading everyone's opinions. I enjoy reading the articles and opinions of the staff. I like the recaps and live discussion.


Everyone's hatred of Mark Henry ruined what was a pretty good moment. Henry has been in the WWE for quite some time. And he has been involved in some pretty crappy angles. When he won the ECW title, my first thought was that he had earned it. He might not be the best in the ring, but that was never his role. He was supposed to be a monster. He was supposed to use power. I liked seeing him get a major title. I did not like coming on here and reading about how everyone thought is political. I hated the bashig of Mark Henry. He's not my favorite, but he paid his dues, and letting him be on top for a while is ok with me.

I fall into the trap sometimes too. I was a downer when CM Punk won the WHC. Now, I am starting to lean the other way. I still think he isn't as great in the ring as everyone else does, but I am starting to like his character. He is booked well as the spunky underdog always looking to prove a point.

The Y2J comeback is another moment that the websites took away from people. People cracking websites and deciphering code was cool. I just imagine how differently the angle would have gone without all the Y2J signs in the audience, and the always cynical IWC waiting to punch on everything from shiny vests to orton's child bearing hips.

Are there other moments that make you regret visiting internet wrestling sites?
I agree. The internet(to me) is "one" of the problems that has made wrestling boring and predictable. People complain how the WWE never surprises them but to "average fans" the WWE does do "unexpecting" things. Jericho return was one of the things internet fans knew because of sites like these. I mean most of us sorta guessed it would be Jericho but we wouldnt have known if we didnt read these different news sites. Also I always wondered what if all IWC fans saw wrestling with "kids eyes". And by that I use the example of my nephew. He's 5 and watches wrestling religiously. The thing is he's kid so he follows the "wrestling rules". He thinks Cena, Batista, Punk, Hardy, ect. are amazing because they are the good guys. He doesn't really care of their lack of wrestling skills he cheers them because their are good. He also hates guys like Edge, Orton, JBL, because they are the bad guys and are the ones who should be hated. I always wondered if wrestling would be better if we saw "with kids" eyes and saw how wrestling is mean to be.
Truth is, if the internet affects your enjoyment, I'd stay off of it. I do watch with 'kids' eyes so to speak.

When I'm watching wrestling, the internet doesn't even come into it. I don't think about what other people on this forum think about a certain wrestler. All I think about is whether this wrestler is entertaining me or not. And very few don't entertain me. Because if I did think about WZ, it suddenly wouldn't be as fun. I've grown up with the WWE surrounding me at every second. Only this year have I even become involved in forums or spoilers etc. And I don't think my view has changed at all.

I'm one of the few wrestling fans who doesn't feel the need to bitch at everything. Plenty of wrestlers still entertain me and I come on here and talk about that. I love hearing certain peoples views of things, and seeing things in a different way. But it doesn't ruin my enjoyment at all, because when I'm watching wrestling, I'm simply doing just that.
I don't really regret coming here. Yes I know a lot more about what's coming than I used to, but its still fun to watch. Yes, knowing what I know for the most part makes Summerslam predictable, but I'm still waiting for it like no other. Wrestling is an escape from reality, like going to a movie. If you watch your favorite movie again even knowing the ending already its still fun. Wrestling sites like these do take away some of the mystery, but none of the fun for me.
That's how I view too, while I'm watching. When it's on, I usually stay off of live chat (except for a couple of time to check it out). I watch with kid's eyes.

This thread was inspired by a post in the retro section about the HHH HBK match when HBK was injured. The poster felt that if he hadn't known HBK was hurt he would have enjoyed the match more.

I've just come to the conclusion that I have to pick and choose what I look at on Monday, Thursday, and Friday afternoons.
I must say, I think wrestling would be less predictable if I didn't look up internet news and rumors. The main reason I look at sites like WZ is to find out about things that are happening backstage and some of the reasons behind what's being done because I find it all very intriguing.

But there's really one occurance that stands out in my mind that makes me wish I hadn't looked at the wrestling news sites that day. And that's Vince McMahon's purchase of WCW.

Really, when I imagine how wild it would have been to turn on Nitro and see Vince McMahon's face, not knowing what was going on...I think it's really a shame I already knew he made the purchase.

I actually made an attempt to not look up internet wrestling news for a while. Didn't work. What can I say, I'm hooked. But I still enjoy wrestling, just because it's fun to watch. I think that's what every fan should do, whether they look at the news or not.
I must say, I think wrestling would be less predictable if I didn't look up internet news and rumors. The main reason I look at sites like WZ is to find out about things that are happening backstage and some of the reasons behind what's being done because I find it all very intriguing.

But there's really one occurance that stands out in my mind that makes me wish I hadn't looked at the wrestling news sites that day. And that's Vince McMahon's purchase of WCW.

Really, when I imagine how wild it would have been to turn on Nitro and see Vince McMahon's face, not knowing what was going on...I think it's really a shame I already knew he made the purchase.

I actually made an attempt to not look up internet wrestling news for a while. Didn't work. What can I say, I'm hooked. But I still enjoy wrestling, just because it's fun to watch. I think that's what every fan should do, whether they look at the news or not.

I am the same way. I come here to look at what is happening backstage and what is going to be done in storylines. I still find wrestling enjoyable but If I didn't look up spoilers and rumor, it would honestly be better, and more unpredicatable.
For me, I dont mind reading the forums as other peoples opinions aren't often likely to change mine, just to open it up to other possibilities. What I really wish I didn't do - and am trying to do less - is to ruin the surprises. Its hard, though, as I enjoy the dialog between wrestling fans. For me its about moderation. I dont want to know everything all the time, but I also like to know what the IWC is thinking some times.
Yes... Sadly I wish I never did, so then things would be a surprise. I usually don't read spoilers and stuff, but the topic makes me want to SOOOOO bad! So, sometimes I do. But I wish I didn't so some stuff would be a surprise. Like the Y2J return. That would've been a great surprise, but I just happened to find out about wrestlezone.com. And then everything was leaked. This is a very interesting topic, though I must say.
Im the same i wish i never read wrestling sites.its just a bad habit i just cant help it.spoilers like smackdown ecw and impact i never watch as i allready know what happens if its pre-tape raw then not likely.that why i think raw the best show cos its live and wwe/tna ppvs cos it kepts me on my seat.i enjoy the forms reading ppls views but im kinda fed up seein smarks just coming up and quoteing ppl and just tryin to impress everyone by their spellin.i understand if they make bring their selfsdown on silly threads or just making up crap.just puts ppl off from typeing on here.but thats just my view.damm curse this net
I dont regret coming here, I love debating with other people about what they think is good or bad in wrestling, thats why I am here because I am the only one in my group of friends and family that still enjoy wrestling, so I cant really talk about it with them.

However I made the decision long ago to not read spoilers, as a result I am still sometimes surprised by what happens on TV. I often get annoyed with other posters on here in the way that they'll shit on an idea before it has even had time to play out, I still maintain that if Kane and The Undertaker debuted today in the same way they did way back then the internet would rip them apart.

I dont think people should regret joining a forum or whatever, you should just have limits, I wont ever get into an argument with anyone over drawing power or buyrates because I just dont care. I like wrestling in TV form, not business form.

Your point about kids eyes is spot on in my opinion (even though as a kid I cheered who I liked, not necessarily the good guys or the bad guys) it doesnt hurt to be a total mark for a character, I am a total mark for Kane and screamed like a little girl when he won the ECW title, sceamed even louder when I thought he was going to put the mask back on.
I sometimes get tired of coming on the Wrestling sites after a pretty good pay per view and soon as i log on all i see is "Damnit that ppv sucked" "WWE sucks now it's all boring" and Etc. I suggest to those miserable humans that if it sucks so bad they should quit watching and and also quit bitching about it.
No offense to anybody offended
Yeah. Even though The undertaker return was obvious, i probably would have cared. but i read the SD tv tapings and screwed that hole show. I try not to but its hard
I dont regret it - honestly its just a wrestling website not that important in my life. A guy railed once when I complained about Adamle - I mean he really went off, I thought it was funny, that he took my words so seriously.

That's how I feel about people who get up in arms when people complain about the WWE or a PPV. Why do their words affect you so much?? If you like it that's what matters, if they don't - good for them.

It does not make them miserable humans because they complain about a wrestling PPV.

I dont read spoilers, if I cared that much I would buy the show.
I agree. The internet(to me) is "one" of the problems that has made wrestling boring and predictable. People complain how the WWE never surprises them but to "average fans" the WWE does do "unexpecting" things. Jericho return was one of the things internet fans knew because of sites like these. I mean most of us sorta guessed it would be Jericho but we wouldnt have known if we didnt read these different news sites.

Actually lots of people apparently knew because of the Y2J chants at every show, AND as soon as the first promo ran MANY people were sure it was Jericho. The average fan does read the sites, I suspect. The Internet is here to stay and fans will always look up the things that interest them. The WWE could have shocked people, if they just had Jericho appear day 1. The company does not shock people because it is in the WWE's best interest to build to a PPV and get your money.
Yes people suspected Jericho, but HBK's name was also on people's mind(after the saviour comment). Cena's Royal Rumble has been the best kept secret in a while, and fans were thrilled. I'm know the WWE likes to "promote" things that are going to happen, but I think in order to keep their current fans happy they need to have some surprises. Take the attitude era, the internet wasn't as huge back than and the WWE always shocked us. I also suspect that it;s the WWE themselves that release certain "rumors" and such to wrestling sites in order to get the fans interested and to get a buzz, so I get that they would want people to sort of know before hands so they can get people to watch that certain, but they also need to keep stuff exciting to keep us watching.
I really did avoid sites like this for a long time, never on purpose, but I never cared enough to. Of course the ONE time that I stumbled upon WZ, I see the announcement about the return of Ric Flair to the WWE. Since then I have checked more frequently because to me not much else will ever compare to that surprise that was ruined for me (by my own fault of course)
I've tried countless times to not come on here and read spoilers and it's so hard.That's the thing that bothers me the most. The spoilers. Why do I bother watching if I already know what happens. I've read 4 spoilers this week Impact,Smackdown,ECW and the Unforgiven Main Event for Smackdown. I hate it because it kinda ruins it. i hate thinking this guy is not over so he instantly sucks. I hate the terms kayfabe,jobber,on-screen. I would so much rather watch say Raw on Monday and then come on here and debate with people I respect like Monkey,Will,and NorCal just to name a few. About how the show went what they enjoyed and what they would like to see next. I'm officially done with spoilers because thats just what they do spoil wrestling.But if it weren't for sites like WZ I'd be really bored at night and have noone to talk to about wrestling so in that sense I'm glad it's around.
Yea I do. I enjoy the backstage news, and the insight, but I especially hate reading what happens in dark matches and house shows, as those are generally practices for TV and PPV, so you can generally tell what will be going on in the future TV from those results. It bothers me becuase the entire point of wrestling is not knowing what will happen when. Im not sure at all as to the reason why people would ever read those spoilers, and try to ruin storylines, as to me, those are the entire fabric of what is good about wrestling. But, I guess the sooner you find out what happens, the sooner you can hop on a forum and say a bunch of negative shit about whats going on...
The more I've thought about this the more I'm starting to miss being a mark. Back during the Attitude Era, no one knew what to expect. Based on sites like these today there's far less mystery to things. With the exception of a few shows a year, the main events are relatively predictable. I still love wrestling and the entertainment that comes with it, but at times I miss the mystery and suspense that made it fun in the first place.
I seldom go on wrestling sites, in fact, I think I would define a fan who has lost their love for wrestling if they go on wrestlezone or any of the other fansites before they go on wwe.com or tna.com, it shows you care more for what other people are telling you as opposed to the WWE.

I honestly read the news stories once every blue moon - They dont interest me, and anything that might spoil something I just steer clear of, im interested in injury updates and the reviews that are on the site, anything with other stuff is boring and just a device that creates the "Wrestling Sucks" mentality.

Another thing I dislike about these sites is all the wrestling vocabulary used, I dont have a goddam clue what any of it means, and simply by learning some of the words, it takes something away from when I watch wrestling, I stretched as far as "face" and "heel" before I saw these sites, not knowing what words like "draw" and "green" meant, and I kind of wish I didnt know them, it makes me feel less of a fan. It's regretful also in the sense I feel like an idiot after reading something, then going "what?".

And finally, the final thing I really hate is how people say "People only like MVP or Edge because they want to act cool" - It's hard to explain why I love such wrestlers, but it isn't because they "play a role" or "because I dislike John Cena", My favorite wrestlers are often the cheating ones, because they are closer to my own personality, I still love seeing Taker and HBK, but wanting Edge to destroy Undertaker is not because I want to smirk and laugh, it's a genuine reaction, which I had before I visited any of these sites.

Oh - And Great Khali is amazing, he is effing huge, I dont give a monkeys about the people who cant "You Cant Wrestle" or say "Khali can't wrestle", I wouldnt think he would need to if he is that big, I dislike the hell out of him (because he beat up Taker), but to hear people calling him rubbish is ludicrous, he is MASSIVE!!!

So, I dont regret going on these sites, but I do have a feeling of "Why do the fans suck so much?" whenever I go on any of these sites, but when I have a spare 20 mins or so, I have little else to do, so it can be nice to view WWE from other peoples view.
I wouldn't say I regret going to wrestling sites and forums, because I enjoy them alot, but I do miss being surprised watching wrestling. Nowadays, every storyline and match is spoiled weeks in advance. The surprise factor is gone, but it doesn't take away from the excitement of watching wrestling, not even close. It's just that sometimes I would like to avoid spoilers so sometimes I could be surprised. But in the end, we don't have to read them do we.
Hm it's a bit difficult for me - since I don't have that pay TV channel that broadcasts both WWE and TNA here, and only get a watered-down version of Smackdown usually about 2 weeks late due to synchronisation work, internet wrestling sites are pretty much my only source of up-to-date wrestling information. I mean of course it's a bit sad that I can't be surprised by wrestling that much anymore, but considering I'm a good deal older now and wrestling by far does not have that emotional impact on me anymore it did when I was younger, it's not that bad really.

I can still mark out at great moments even if I knew beforehand that they were coming, and still can enjoy a great match even if I know the result before the end of the match as well - especially since it's non-competitive.

So for me, Internet Wrestling sites are great and have more positives than negatives to them ;)
I can't say that going on the internet has changed the way I look at wrestling because I still like the good guys, hate the bad guys and go by who is entertaining and who's not. Whether they are good in the ring or not and people's opinions don't really bother me that much unless the wrestler is just plain awful and makes things look so fake. The only thing that does affect me sometimes is returns and storylines because I remember watching wrestling and being totally thrown out of the loop when something happened because it wasn't expected. Nowadays U know who's gonna be champ weeks or months in advance and you know when plans change because of rumors and such. I remember when Vince McMahon bought WCW and I had no idea until I tuned in to watch Nitro and saw Vince on there. It was jaw dropping for me. I think if I would have known ahead of time, it wouldn't have been as surprising when I saw it and the effect of it is totally gone.
For me I see it all as one giant TV show, what happens on screen and what supposedly happends behind the scenes is no different than what a politician says and what supposedly happends behind closed doors. Neither are totally true but it all forms one giant soap opera of a grey area in reality, I form my "real" opinion and theories of it all in my own mind, and every twist and turn, on TV or in the dirt sheets is all part of one giant conspiracy-type theory that is professional wrestling. It's like having a soap opera or reality TV show and then one of those spin-off dicussion/behind the scenes shows that is supposedly impartial and seperate but then really just part of the giant hype machine.

For me personally the golden age was the early DX era, before I suppose I read news gossip weekly, when you'd have Shawn Michaels refusing to go to the back and holding a live TV show hostage over a commerical break and I'd be thinking, "hey, is this really supposed to be happening?". The closest I've got to that recently was Samoa Joe on the PPV when I was thinking "is he really supposed to be saying this?", that's what they should run with to try and suspend the disbelief of people who read such sites as this. Maybe it'll go over the head of the baseline viewer but I'm sure it would gain a few viewers from the internet mark crowd. And they are quite a number looking at the Alexa figures of wrestlezone compared to tna.

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