Does Anyone Feel Sorry for Umaga/Edward Fatu?


Dark Match Jobber
Hello. First off, I think that Edward Fatu/Umaga is an above average wrestler. More importantly, probably, he has been in a lot of main events in the last year, as well as being billed was a wrestler who is a headliner. However, I don't see him winning the WWE or World Championship title at anytime unless his gimmick changes. Sure, he has come a long since being Jamal of 3-Minute Warning, but years from now, will anyone remember him the way most other headliners are remembered?
He's just another Kamala...

He's the main event jobber. It's actually interesting to me, that they've worked hard on his character created a character that they try to show as "unstoppable," yet he jobs to just about all the main carders. WWE would rather have guys like him than create a solid mid-card with guys that can put on good matches with the main carders.

As for feeling bad for him, why? He's doing fine, gets plenty of exposure, probably gets paid pretty well, without all the other crap that comes with being a wrestler. I doubt fans stop him and ask for pictures when he's out with his family. He doesn't have to do much PR work. It's like quietly being in the spotlight.
Personally I like Umaga. Someone I would feel sorry for is Jim Ross who was forced to go through many embarrassing moments and was kicked off the announcing table numerous times when Jim Ross did absolutely nothing other than contribute and show his love for the business.

Umaga made his WWE debut (or character debut I should say) the day after WrestleMania 22 in Chicago and after months, he started to main event which was back in mid 2006 and how many people can claim they main evented after a few months? Umaga was only with the WWE for a year and a half and as I recall, no one wins a title that fast (Khali got lucky though). So far he is getting good treatment. Look at his push that gave recognition to his name when he was involved with the Battle Of The Billionaires; the hottest story going around in all of entertainment back in the spring of 2007.
Thanks for putting this in better perspective for me. I guess my only thing is that they bill him as "unstoppable," yet, he has no chance to actually win the WWE championship.

Jim Ross is one of my favorite people in the company. To be honest, one of the biggest reasons I watch RAW is for Jim Ross. One of my currently active favorite WWE star is Edge (he cuts such good promos), but the single reason I don't watch Smackdown more than once every three months or so is because I can't stand Bradshaw's commentary.
At first when I started seeing Umaga, I thought he was awful boring; just another big body. But lately he has really impressed me. He is actually pretty agile. He will never be champion though. First of all, he can't go on the mic, and therefore can never have a great fued. Secondly, he's not champion material. WWE wants guys with a good image, like Cena, or Randy Orton. Guys that people look up too, or want to be like. Unfortualetly, Umaga is just a fat guy
WWE wants guys with a good image, like Cena, or Randy Orton. Guys that people look up too, or want to be like.

Yeah, guys like Randy Orton who almost get arrested for stealing a guys memory card out of his camera because he asked Randy for a picture. Guys like Randy Orton who pay for stolen things by signing the money with "dipshit" on it. Guys like Randy Orton who destroy hotel rooms for no reason. Just because someone is an asshole in the ring, doesn't mean they have to be one outside of it to their fans.

Randy Orton is a complete dipshit in real life, it's not a character for him, he's just being himself. I don't see why anyone would want to be like him and personally, I think anyone who goes AWOL on two separate occasions and gets a dishonorable discharge from the Marines is not someone that people will look up to.

In short, I disagree with your statement. Randy Orton has the belt right now because he brown nosed HHH and got on his good side.
if he ever wants to get back in the main event picture, he needs a handler. the way i c it, estrada has nothin going on at the min...when was the last time he was on tv for any time? bring him back and let him be the mouthpiece and let umaga go back to just being destructive. yeah, he's not in the best shape imaginable... but he looks better with no shirt than certain other larger bodied wrestlers, and he's still agile and fast.
Randy is a talented punk. He definitely got a little taste of booty chocolate on his mouth from kissing HHH's mouth.

Umaga is being underutilized. They need to make his character go another direction than just jobbing.

They should treat Ross like the wrestling genius he is.
I personally feel bad for Umaga. The man is a great wrestler for his size and for a big man pulls off a lot of moves that look good and perfectly executed. Upon his debut, he was facing Flair and by August was on the main events facing Shawn Michaels and Triple H. That is pretty good considering it takes some time to get to the top. He is then given a IC title reign and is involved in the Championship matches against John Cena. Then at Wrestlemania he is involved in one of the main matches of the Battle of the Billionaires. Then he is stuck doing nothing for a couple of months before put into a feud where he jobbed to Triple H for about two months. The man deserves more than what he is given, but he has been given a good career so far.
EtherBoo...if you never were a IWF, you never would know about that. What is the percentage of fans who go online to sites like this? What i was saying is that guys like Randy Orton are guys that can go on posters for PPV. Someone like Umaga doesn't have the look of somebody who could be a title holder over the long run.
Umaga was used on the Wrestle Mania poster. the biggest PPV of the year. It was also the most hyped match. Maybe he was the least important element in that match, but he was still used in the advertising of it. I think Umaga has a look that would attract non fans. It's only long time fans who feel his look is dated.
EtherBoo...if you never were a IWF, you never would know about that. What is the percentage of fans who go online to sites like this? What i was saying is that guys like Randy Orton are guys that can go on posters for PPV. Someone like Umaga doesn't have the look of somebody who could be a title holder over the long run.
As much as I wish your statement weren't true, I must agree. Most fans are oblivious to what wrestlers are like and what they do outside of the wrestling world.
EtherBoo...if you never were a IWF, you never would know about that. What is the percentage of fans who go online to sites like this? What i was saying is that guys like Randy Orton are guys that can go on posters for PPV. Someone like Umaga doesn't have the look of somebody who could be a title holder over the long run.

Point taken... touché.

However, regardless of the fact, Randy Orton is not good PR. Eventually, he's going to snap again, and probably at a fan just asking for a picture or an autograph, and it's going to blow up in the face of the WWE.

Here's what I don't understand (well, I do but it bothers me)...
RVD was busted for carrying pot with him when he was champ. He lost the title and was basically told he'll never get another title again. Randy Orton ruins a hotel room in Europe, is kept under the rug for a while, and comes back later to get the WWE Championship. Not only that, in a more relatable situation, he gets busted for being on the Signature Pharmacy list, and gets off clean because he admitted his mistake to management before it happened? I call bullshit, and you know it has to do with HHH and Randy being friends. Double standard? Absolutely, and Randy Orton gets off clean and a title because he kissed HHH's ass to the point where he is untouchable.

I agree that he doesn't look like someone who could hold a title, but he may not want to. Again, he's a main card jobber. What's so bad about that. It's better than being a Charlie Haas (I'd say Shelton Benjaman also, but I don't watch ECW so I don't know what he's doing there) who has an incredible amount of talent but jobs to mid-carders. What about Kennedy, who DOES have the look of a champion, and does have a generally good PR record (short of the Signature bust, but he had a medical reason to order from them and a doctor written perscription). You can see how miserable he is on Raw. They don't even let him do his signature introduction anymore (only half the time I've noticed). Kennedy has fallen into the politics, which is a shame, because he's got talent, and a great look.

If there is anyone who you/we should feel bad for, I think it's Kennedy.
I agree that he doesn't look like someone who could hold a title, but he may not want to. Again, he's a main card jobber. What's so bad about that. It's better than being a Charlie Haas (I'd say Shelton Benjaman also, but I don't watch ECW so I don't know what he's doing there) who has an incredible amount of talent but jobs to mid-carders. What about Kennedy, who DOES have the look of a champion, and does have a generally good PR record (short of the Signature bust, but he had a medical reason to order from them and a doctor written perscription). You can see how miserable he is on Raw. They don't even let him do his signature introduction anymore (only half the time I've noticed). Kennedy has fallen into the politics, which is a shame, because he's got talent, and a great look.

If there is anyone who you/we should feel bad for, I think it's Kennedy.
Agreed. Thanks for making me feel bad for Kennedy =P

I barely watched Kennedy when he was on Smackdown (mainly because I can't really stand Bradshow's commentary on the show), but the times I did see him, he was very, very good. I was quite excited when he moved to RAW because I thought I'd see the same Kennedy of Smackdown, but with all the stars RAW has now, Kennedy has barely been given any airtime. It's unfortunate, to be honest. Kennedy was in such a good place before that small injury and had to give up his Money in the Bank title.
My point exactly... Kennedy could be huge, but you can see it in his face, he's pissed. I'd even go as far to say that he COULD (with coaching) be the next Rock.

To be honest, I don't think Raw has too many stars. If they had too many stars, then we wouldn't see the same guys all the time. Remember when there was DX (5 Guys, 6 if you count Chyna), The Corporation (I think like 7 or 8 guys), the Ministry (maybe another 7 or 8), plus all the other wrestlers who weren't in a stable at the time. All of these guys got fit into the show, whether it was them coming out and being there for the group shoot, or one of them having a match against someone else, they all fit into the show somehow.

We don't have that anymore. There is no group dynamic, no tag team division, a shitty mid-card division (does anyone even care about the IC belt anymroe?), and a boring set of jobbers/squashers that they're desperately trying to put over (Snitsky, etc).

OK, that was off topic, I need to leave my dorm and get home for the break...
It could always be worse. He could probably still be Jamal stuck on the lower card. Umaga is what it is, a one dimensional character set to destroy. He's a King Kong Bundy, Big Van Vader character, and Vinnie Mac isn't too high on thee guys as far as holding on to major gold. They will always have a spot on the mid to upper card, because Umaga is a measuring stick character, except when he is with Triple H, then he's just a jobber.

If a guy has a good feud with Umaga, chances are he'll be bumped up to the next level. I don't feel sorry for Umaga. As long as the character isn't completely jobbed out, he'll always have a job in the company, and a good job at that. He'll always be a main player. Umaga will never be considered for a world title, it's just simple fact. Unless he gets a very good vocal mouth piece, he'll never be more then what he is. I don't feel sorry for him, I think he's in a great spot.
Umaga is agile for a big man, and a decent wrestler. I also like his gimmick, and I think he's being screwed, just like Kane.

I do not understand why the WWE pushes the HELL out of a guy when he first starts off, and then buries and embarrasses him later on.

Carlito was big when he started, and now he's fighting a midget. Khali was unstoppable, and now he's gotten beat by everyone, and will most likely job to Hogan at WM.

Umaga should have kept being pushed as unstoppable, and I think he could have a title run.

It's funny how now all the heels pick him as a tag partner.

Interviews are a problem, though. He either needs another manager, or they need to make him talk. The screams of rage he does are good, which leads me to believe he could cut a good promo if given the chance.

There have been some great big guys. I used to like Rikishi. He was agile, funny when he danced, and he earned my respect when he jumped off that cage! Big man could rap pretty good, too.

In closing, yeah, I do feel for Umaga, and hope the big guy sticks around for awhile.

i actually agree with most people here.

he if wants to be remember'd and have a good title run he needs to complain to vince and the writers to make a story line he leaves / gets injured and he comes back about 6 or so months later and than he has a totally different look and gimmick ?
I agreee with most people here to. I love Umaga i think hes a very good wrestler. And a agile big man which is rare in the WWE today. He also has that feeling of just being unstopable like Kane and Undertaker were in 1998, which is good. The problem i could see is it would be very hard to market him being the WWE champion, he never talks on the mic. The facepain kind of bugs me, but who knows maybe it could happen. Its ashame to see guys like Umaga, Kennedy, Finlay, being held down by old wrestlers.
The WWE brought him back for a reason with this gimmick. He is the WWE's answer to Samoa Joe this is a fact. Now the fact that he doesn't speak i feel doesn't mean all that much he has intensity in his look and mannerisms that speak volumes. I think he will get his title reign at some point with this gimmick just give him a mouth again like Estrada or someone else and the title is his.
The WWE brought him back for a reason with this gimmick. He is the WWE's answer to Samoa Joe this is a fact. Now the fact that he doesn't speak i feel doesn't mean all that much he has intensity in his look and mannerisms that speak volumes. I think he will get his title reign at some point with this gimmick just give him a mouth again like Estrada or someone else and the title is his.

Ok, now other than that they're both Samoan and started out their current stints in their respective companies with long undefeated streaks, Umaga and Joe have nothing in common as far as their characters go, if anything Umaga is more like a WWE version of Abyss, just without the mask, I mean just look at what Abyss was doing when Umaga came into WWE, Abyss was a monster heel who didn't speak, he had a mouthpiece (Jim Mitchell) who did the doomsday igniter thing when he wanted Abyss to finish his opponent off, now look at Umaga at that time, he was a monster heel who who didn't speak, he had a mouthpiece (Estrada) who broke a cigar when he wanted Umaga to finish off his opponent, so to me Umaga was more like Abyss than Samoa Joe

Do I feel sorry for the guy, no, he's successful, so why should I feel sorry for the guy, not everyone is meant to win the "big one" and Umaga probably never will, and I see nothing wrong with that, he'll still probably be remember for his feuds, and character much like Kane
First of all, I think Umaga is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE right now, but dont think he is being screwed. His matches are usually great, he has tons of high impact moves, he was amazing in the Elimination Chamber, but the truth is there are only two main titles, World Heavyweight and WWE, and there are a lot of stars who deserve to have them. As long as vets like Taker', HHH, HBK are around, and young(er) talent like Edge, Orton, Cena are around, guys like Umaga will not be givin the title. This is very similar to Kane, he has been great for so long, but overshadowed by guys like Taker', which is one reason why he never received a title run. Kennedy is a tougher call, I dont know if I can see him as a main eventer yet, there is something just missing, probably his confidence and a convincing finishing move, in five years I could see Kennedy with the title, but Umaga not so much.
This has nothing to do with what Umaga and Joe have in common. Umaga was brough in by WWE to counter TNA using Joe as an Unstoppable monster that is fact it has nothing to do with their gimmicks. Those are very different but both are meant for the same thing. Also I see no reason why Umaga doesn't have a chance at winning one of the World titles. We have seen guys like him win them in the past namely Yokozuna who held the title for over a year and said one thing all the time. Given his reign was quite a long time ago, but guys like Taker are not going to be around forever. Umaga has made guys like Cena and Lashley look good made the elimination chamber match and it took finishers from four other superstar to take him down. Umaga is the best thing the WWE has right now on any of there shows. He can't be comared to Kane cause Kane isn't anywhere in Umagas league in the ring.

Every week Umaga wrestles he uses the most powerful and devastating moves of any WWE superstar on any brand. He is a beast plain and simple and i believe he will get his due in the WWE since Vince has always had a thing for the Samoans as he has always has them in the WWE in some way.
I don't feel sorry for him. His gimmick is working, well better then some people. He has the IC belt in his resume and maybe he will get some more. I am betting if HHH wins the belt, we will see Umaga facing him after he is done with Orton.
i dont.. he is a pretty good wrestler. but it just seems he just beats the hell out of people.. does some screaming. beats the hell out of them some more jumps of the top rope and makes the person a pancake. then leaves screaming.

he needs a new gimmicks... 3 miunte warning anyone.. lol that was a kewl gimmick

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