Does anyone else feel bad for Roman?


Pre-Show Stalwart
As the Shield was nearing an end, Roman was the most over guy in the group. Regardless of in-ring talent, mic work, or any other factor, Roman was getting the biggest cheers. Cheers are what matter in wrestling and no doubt those in the back were feeling very justified in adding him in as the third man in that elite outfit.

Then Roman got on his own and things changed. Not a whole lot of effort was put into a storyline for him, he simply floated around and was treated like he was supposed to be important despite having done nothing of note since leaving the Shield. Ambrose/Rollins were in the midst of an excellent feud, getting people to clamor to see more of them, while a lot of time was being spent trying to hide Roman's weaknesses. Two guys playing to their strengths compared to one guy being hidden in multi-man matches with random other guys, it was fairly clear who the fans would get more attached to.

Then Roman was injured. He returned to a mild pop and continued along the same aimless path that he had been on prior to his time away. His pop grew smaller and smaller each week. Abysmal promos sealed the deal...the Roman train was at a dead stop but the office was insistent that he was the guy.

So at the Royal Rumble, Roman goes out and does his job, to a few cheers covered by drowning levels of hatred. His entrance doesn't feel electric, his moves don't pop the crowd, and he basically blends into the background for nearly the entire Rumble. He looks visibly disheartened, not showing any of the flair that a guy who just won a "life changing" event should have, like he is realizing that the biggest night of his career might be the same night that buries his entire future.

It isn't just the fans who are hurt by the blind eye turned to their demands, the fans WANTED to like Roman, and if he had been built up like it initially seemed like he would be then they might still be behind him. But he wasn't. It is clear he has no input into what he does, otherwise he wouldn't be a badass character dropping groan worthy little kid lines into his promos. The same people trying to build him into a star are the same people whose wrecklessness may very well have destroyed his chance at future success.

Tonight will be a very interesting night, and while I'm one of the many who believed his winning the Rumble was a bad idea, I still feel bad that his career is heading in this direction. He had a spark but too much wind hit that spark too soon and snuffed it out. He had no time to build his fire and now his 'failure' will be saddled fully on his shoulders. Unless there is a miracle over the next two months, Reigns won't be the next John Cena, he'll be the next Miz.
No one deserves to be put in an impossible spot like he has been thrown.
Guys like Wyatt/Ambrose/Rusev/Rollins are all probably thanking their lucky stars it's not them. Reigns has very little chance of actually succeeding now. The fans are going to bury the living shit out of him until a forced heel turn takes place either before or at Mania. I still think the guy has enough talent, looks, and POTENTIAL to be a great monster heel but...they really screwed him.
It's just like when they pushed Sheamus too fast in 2012.
Look at his career before and after. He had all the potential in the world too...until they made him Smackdown's Diet Super Cena. Now he's literally worthless.
I don't hate Reigns, I don't love him either. I think he has potential and if he improves, he might win me over, but right now, I'm neutral and in favor of other guys over him.

That being said, I really feel bad about himi about the way he was treated. It wasn't his call to go out there and win in front of such a crowd and he obviously wouldn't try to pass on such a huge opportunity.
Exactly what you said. They had no thought put into the push for Reigns. There was literally no build up, no storyline and no purpose to what he was doing before his injury and even lesser was done when he came back. On top of that, they tried to make him Cena 2.0 instead of that silent ass kicker that got him noticed in the first place. And then the Rumble turned out to be nightmare for him. He was thrown to the dogs and his big popular cousin couldn't save him last night.

I like Reigns, I really do. But as a character, his progress has been rather limited. And now he has been saddled with a monumental job of getting that goodwill back and make people care about him. I am just hoping he can survive this.
Not at all do I feel sorry for him.

His ultra-push may be getting him some undue backlash right now, but I don't feel sorry for him. . The machine is behind him. We're about to really find out what Roman can and cannot do as a performer, with the fans against him. As many have said before me in various threads and post responses, he speaks much more naturally and convincingly when not scripted. I think Reigns has a really nice opportunity to use his "protected" status as a chance to grow into it some more. Also, as many have said before me, he was a fan-fave until it leaked that he was the new golden boy. Maybe he'll get some of it back, maybe not.

But I do think that in the coming weeks, Roman Reigns will prove whether or not he belongs at the top, or anywhere near the top.
Either way Reigns is getting booed and honestly WWE it is like they are making the same stupid mistakes over and over again, Reigns is bound to turn heel now especially after this reaction and if he keeps getting this reaction on his Road to WrestleMania 31 then you might as well turn him heel, see I knew the fans would do this I knew these idiotic moronic fans would do this, first Batista and now Reigns is getting the same treatment

Just be happy that Bryan was in the Rumble Match I mean honestly? The WWE could have just kept Bryan out of the Rumble again but no he was in and when he doesn't win you guys want to complain, well he was eliminated by Bray Wyatt so what do you expect?
I do not understand why everyone thinks they are pushing Roman to the sky. It to early for him. He is still a rookie. He has been there for 3 plus years. Does he have to be stuck in mid card for 5 or 7 years in order to get his push to the top.

No dought Bryan should have won, but it is what it is. Grow up!
Reigns is going to wrestle mania, but at what cost?

In Batista like fashion, reigns is the fall guy for the worst booked rumble ever. I like reigns, I had no problem with him winning, I just take offence to how he won. Once again, Bryan, Ziggler, BnB, rusev, Bray Wyatt, Ambrose and even Ryback should feel aggrieved because they all looked worse coming out of the rumble than they did going in. We were force fed Kane and Big show, who were perhaps as annoyed as much about the finish as we were. It would explain being shows lack of effort in the match.

The rock looked legitimately angry during last nights broadcast, which seems to back up an earlier wrestlezone report that we was unhappy with the booking of the rumble.

What happens to reigns, does he turn heel? Does he have to now?

Is wwe's relationship with the rock damaged as a result?
I know right, you would think fans would grow up and just accept that Reigns won the Royal Rumble and be done with it but no fans these days in this day and age in this era are so petty in the sense that just because your favorite superstar doesn't win a match like let's say the Royal Rumble Match that it is just acceptable to shit over a superstar who does win the match other than your favorite superstar not only is it not fair to the superstar who wins but at the same time that is what kills a company ultimately in the end when you think about it
I know right, you would think fans would grow up and just accept that Reigns won the Royal Rumble and be done with it but no fans these days in this day and age in this era are so petty in the sense that just because your favorite superstar doesn't win a match like let's say the Royal Rumble Match that it is just acceptable to shit over a superstar who does win the match other than your favorite superstar not only is it not fair to the superstar who wins but at the same time that is what kills a company ultimately in the end when you think about it
And now because of the idiot fans in our WWE today they are the reason why Rock probably will never show his face again in WWE but also they are the reason why Roman will no doubt turn heel
Well it is like the fans are blaming Reigns for that and that in my opinion is just not fair to Reigns it is like you guys are booing him for being in the spot he is in but if you guys want to blame someone for that then blame creative not the superstar
I do. Those fans that boo him fail to realize Reigns is a humble hard working guy. He's never changed.

Reigns did what he's told to do.
Honestly, yeah I do feel bad for the guy. Like I said in a thread addressing the possibility of Reigns winning the Rumble, the guy's in the spot that anyone in the company would want. Like any other member of the roster, Reigns does what he's told by creative, who're ultimately told what to give him by Vince McMahon. Even if Reigns isn't ready for this spot, which I don't think he is, it's not like he's gonna say "Naw man, I don't wanna be in the main event at WrestleMania." I don't believe anybody would.

Reigns has found himself in a horrible position and it's Vince McMahon's fault. Vince is either clueless or defiant in booking Roman Reigns to win the Royal Rumble match, either way people just aren't feeling it. Reigns has come a long way after being in wrestling only a small handful of years. He's worked hard and he's displayed a lot of commitment to getting better. It's obvious to anybody that he's not progressed nearly enough to be ready for this spot, however. I don't know if Reigns will ever have "it" or not, but I don't believe he has "it" right now as we speak. As a result of being in a spot that a huge number of fans don't want him in and don't believe he's ready for, it may very well only hurt Reigns' career in the long run. If Reigns winds up an utter flop during the biggest time of the year, then Vince can simply dust his hands off and say "It's not my fault, the kid just doesn't have it" and let Reigns carry all the blame. You know, passing the buck like he did with his "brass ring" comment in which he buried damn near the entire roster by laying the blame for the various problems plaguing the product all on the shoulders of the talent.
Not at all do I feel sorry for him.

His ultra-push may be getting him some undue backlash right now, but I don't feel sorry for him. . The machine is behind him. We're about to really find out what Roman can and cannot do as a performer, with the fans against him. As many have said before me in various threads and post responses, he speaks much more naturally and convincingly when not scripted. I think Reigns has a really nice opportunity to use his "protected" status as a chance to grow into it some more. Also, as many have said before me, he was a fan-fave until it leaked that he was the new golden boy. Maybe he'll get some of it back, maybe not.

But I do think that in the coming weeks, Roman Reigns will prove whether or not he belongs at the top, or anywhere near the top.

Randy Orton & Batista had the machine behind them last year as well and look how that turned out.

I get that notion of wanting to give someone a chance to really show what they've got. However, you don't use the biggest show of the year as that testing ground. Your biggest show of the year, the show that brings in the most attention and the most money is for guys that you know for certain are able to deliver because they've already proven it. That's like like a 5th Avenue law firm giving a billion dollar lawsuit case to a 1st year associate because they wanna find out whether he's got the stuff. It's a completely illogical way of thinking, so of course it fits Vince McMahon perfectly.
Roman unfortunately for him now we know the reason why he was so popular. Daniel Bryan was on the shelf and we needed someone to cheer for while he was on the mend. Roman was easy to cheer for,very like-able,nice smile,super man punch and devastating spear.

Then for him unfortunately he got injured and was gone like 2 months or so. Not a long time mind you,but damn how quickly we forget about people. When he came back,its like he returned to a hush silence and lost all momentum and came back to a total different response. That should have not have happened. This was before Daniel was cleared to have returned mind you.

Then fast forward to Royal Rumble and Daniel gets eliminated and yes,by proxy of course Roman was going to win the Royal rumble something that was predicted months ago.. None of this is Romans Fault,its not like he's Batista,who's ego is bigger than the universe!

Do I think its too soon for Roman? Yes 1 year too soon Roman is and will be the Man soon enough,but hey i dont blame WWE for wanting to see what they have in him. Hes what 26 27? I knew as soon as Daniel was eliminated the Smarks would shit all over Roman! It isnt right
Yeah, I don't know how you don't feel bad for him. He is in the spot he is in because the top brass want him there, whether he is ready or not. Fact is though, I blame the ADD of the current generation of wrestling fan. Sure, you have the right to cheer and boo whom you want, but it seems like nothing is ever given a chance, and when people get what they want, they turn.

Look at Bryan. He was getting HUGE reactions leading up to WM last year. After he won, he was still getting a good reaction, but nobody can tell me it was the same.

Ziggler; same thing. Get's huge pops as the underdog, then when he wins a belt, the reaction begins to lessen.

Ditto Ambrose. He doesn't get nearly the reaction, consistently, that he got when Seth first stabbed The Shield in the back. It is still good, but not the same.

Only one recently to build well is Rollins. He has been built as the sneaky heel and does it well. His reactions get stronger and stronger.

In general, people seem to get bored or sick of seeing the same thing from the wrestlers. Issue is though, if they are constantly changing, the show would be completely schizophrenic. People complain about it being the same one one hand and complain about random switches on the other. Of course, the writing could be a lot better, but when people flip-flop on what they want I imagine it is pretty tough to put a product people will get behind.
Like I have said repeatedly.....

This time last year y'all were all on his Duck Sick. The Man gets a real life career threatening injury and comes back to the fans hating him for no real reason but they are lames and like to feel cool by destroying the product.

You are saying you should blame the actors if a movie flops.


That's like if I am a waiter at a steakhouse and you throw paint on my car because cows get killed to make filet mignon!

Roman can't help getting promoted. What he SHOULD NOT TAKE HIS OPPORTUNITY FOR SOME REASON?

That's just stupid!
Reigns is now forever cemented as "the guy to boo", along with Batista. He can never be a genuine face for the remainder of his career, and unlike Cena, doesn't have the charisma or verbal skills to convince a large section of the audience to go against the grain and stay with him. He's in limbo forever more.

Yeah, I feel a bit bad for him. But he gets more women in a night than I will in my lifetime, so my sympathy only extends so far.
As a result of being in a spot that a huge number of fans don't want him in and don't believe he's ready for, it may very well only hurt Reigns' career in the long run

This is being widely exaggerated. It isn't a huge number of fans, it's a small minority. They were in Philadelphia, of course he was booed. But it was literally the first time that more than even 5% of the crowd was booing Reigns.

Now if he goes to fucking Lincoln, Nebraska and he gets a negative reaction you may have a point but until then, this was just an isolated incident.

Now do I feel sorry for Reigns? Yeah, kind of. I mean, what should have been a special moment was ruined through absolutely no fault of his own. But at the same time, he's in the main event at Wrestlemania. A pretty sweet spot to be in.

I am one of the harshest critics of this rumble, finding the booking- from the placement, to the order of eliminations to the winner- to be absolutely horrendous. It's not Roman's fault. He's a decent performer who seems to be improving and has to deal with back writing that's designed to "put him over". And he was in the worst state possible for him to come out on top, as Philly prefers 'extreme' performers. He's a victim of incompetence. I hope fans don't boo him when he appears...whenever RAW or Smackdown goes live again. I'd rather this not derail his career.
Sorry, but I have to disagree with the majority here. Yes, Roman Reigns is simply a guy doing his job, and there is no chance anyone would refuse a Wrestlemania shot at the top spot. However, the fact it may or may not kill him as a "pure face"? That's total crap! Nothing says that he has to be a "pure" face; in fact, there have been very few people who have held the world title in the last few decades that have been either "pure" face or heel, and have not changed at some point in their career.

Besides, if I hate a movie, then, yes, I will slag on the actors, as well as the writers & directors. The only difference with the WWE is that the performers can't help but hear the reaction, while those in the movie & TV business couldn't care less. Unfair to Roman Reigns? Possibly, but what is the alternative? Try to fake it and cheer wildly, even if we think it's a piece of crap? Why should we? All that does is reinforce in the minds of the behind-the-scenes idiots that they are "right".

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