Does anyone else miss Damien Sandow?


Savior of Unwashed IWC\\\\
"Mizdow" is awesome, but I really miss the man who would come out every week calling the fans slackjob mouth breathers and ignoramuses, and etc. He was main event material, and Mr money in the bank but boy has he dropped big time to being a comedy jobber. This is really a shame. Who has he pissed off? Things were REALLY going well for him and plus he was still pretty funny. All of those smart things he used to insult people always made me laugh. Does anyone else miss him? Discuss.
Mizdow has won Tag Team gold and a Slammy without taking bumps. The piggyback approach is genius! If anybody looks like a fool, it's the Miz.

Sandow will go on to bigger and better things. For now, he is building a relationship with the audience.
He has a great gimmick going right now, and he's bringing attention back to the Miz. I have always like Sandow, and I just love Mizdow. Find myself watching him standing on the corner more than actually watching the match.

It will wear itself out at some point, and I see him turning face by turning on the Miz. It will be a hoot when it happens and the crowd will be right behind him all the way.
I don't think its that big of an insult to him. It seems that he's a comedy jobber type, but when this role is over, he will probably be getting the biggest pop from the crowd. Everyone now knows how good he is, and are ready for him to be his own star.
I think he will eventually take Lawler's place as an announcer, that's his best talent.
Damien Sandow's original gimmick was always destined for comedy jobber. It has no long term sustainability. If/When he turns face on Miz they can use that transition for him to get away from the "I'm smarter than you" gimmick and give him something better. Whether or not he makes it is up to him and creative. At the very least he's got the ability to be a midcarder.

That said, it's very common for fans to cheer for someone they want pushed that's being used down the card and not give a shit anymore after the initial buzz has worn off. Too many people don't understand that thriving in the mid/lower card is better than failing everywhere else.

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