Does Alberto Del Rio need an impact finisher?


Dark Match Jobber
The Cross Armbreaker works as a finisher for him don't get me wrong but I feel he needs an impact finisher to add to his arsenal of weapons. What would work for him? The Cross Armbreaker is effective and can be done out of nowhere but for me, I just can't buy into him making people like Cena, Punk or Orton tap-out to it which is where I feel he needs an impact finisher but what would work for him? A double underhook DDT perhaps? I'd love to hear your suggestions.
I honestly don't think it could ever hurt... the cross armbreaker is great, but we all know he's never going to beat Cena, Punk, Orton, or Taker via submission...

I think ADR could do a type of boot to face move, ala MVP's "Drive By" kick
I think maybe is enziguiri would be pretty sick as a finisher. He does a pretty sick one. It's fast and noticeable.
i believe every superstar needs a impact full finisher and the fact that he has a submisson move even better and yes enziguiri definetly he does them really good and he could do them out of no where
I have always said people who have submissions as their finisher need to add another finisher to their arsenal. For example how Jericho added the codebreaker to get pin fall victories as well. This is for 2 reasons. One being you cant always win a match using submission its nice to have another finisher to hit an opponent with out of the blue. Another being simply not everyone in the WWE is going to tap out. John Cena, Undertaker, Sheamus, ect. I could see Del Rio doing some sort or powerbomb or double arm DDT kind of move since they are few are far between in the WWE now. Also as Dr. Ian said earlier Del Rio could easily use the enziguiri (The kick to the head he does) and start getting pin falls with it. It would automatically become a finisher for him and Cole could even sell it as whatever Del Rio wants to call that move. I think D-Bryan needs a big impact move as well
For me the Enziguiri works great as an occasional finisher but to me seems as more of a set up to a finisher to get the opponent dazed enough for him to hit his finisher. I was thinking that a double underhook powerbomb could work for him or a double underhook DDT?
I think he can use a double kick to the head combo as a finisher. Use the Enziguri to daze the opponent and get them to their knees (or knock them down and let them stumble back up) and follow up by hitting the ropes and bouncing back with a shining wizard Gregory Helms style.
An impact move would definitely be good for him along with the cross armbreaker but I don't agree with giving him a powerbomb as a finisher. It might just be me but I think powerbombs are more suited to bigger guys as a finish rather than the smaller guys (and I know Del Rio isn't small but he isn't a huge guy either).

Although his running enziguri looks great I don't really see it as much of a finisher but as a set up to a finisher as others have said. A shinning wizard can be a great finisher if done correctly.
I don't mean to be negative but No, I wouldn't want to see Del Rio use an impact finisher the same with Daniel Bryan. Both guys use submissions that are believable and if you don't think they hurt you're wrong. I don't see the logic behind them not being able to defeat guys like Cena/Punk with a submission it's very believable thats why Undertaker added the Hells Gate because it's quick and easy to do. I say leave Del Rio as is.
i've always thought that most superstars should have an impact finisher and a submission finisher. even if they are mostly known for one more than the other, i just think it makes them more multi-dimensional. also makes them more dangerous if one of their finishing maneuvers can come out of nowhere, whether that's the impact finisher or the submission maneuver.

as for Del Rio, i don't think he should have the double arm ddt. i know he's not an active wrestler on any active roster, but that's Foley's finisher. also, isn't it Drew McIntyre's finisher? i think so. if it is, then i say no because everyone should have their own finisher that is unique to them. also, i agree with whoever said that the powerbomb is best suited for bigger guys.

if he were to get an impact finisher, i'd suggest something more than just the shining wizard or drive by kick. maybe something like Mr. Anderson's Mic Check. only Del Rio could really emphasize that it's a single arm ddt, something that works the arm that much more. so it could be an impact finisher on its own or it could be a set up for his armbreaker submission.
Alberto could use a new finisher he only uses kicks normally so i would want a kick move or something like the playmaker. or maybe even a chokeslam cause undertaker and kane are slowly losing the chokeslam
What ADR needs is some work on the mic. His finisher is fine just the way it is. The reason he isn't getting over is not because of his mat skills, but his lack of ability to connect with the audience.
if he did have an impact finisher, it should be something like rhodes' beautiful disaster but fixed to fit del rio

but mic skills should be #1 priority
the submission move is a pretty lethal finisher but I don't know what kind of finisher he could do to transition into the submission. maybe slam their head with a devastating DDT and then roll over and try and snap their arm..
Yes. I just don’t like him using the arm bar. This is coming from the mma fan side of me. It just looks ridicules to see him slap it on like that. cause in all honestly if he already has it locked in completely there no way the opponent is like oh I’m reaching for the rope or I’m going to power out of it. Bone through skin would happen. Also the way he slaps it on. And the way he does it takes long and no one would honesty give you 5 sec to slap it on anyway. But to be fair I don’t think Undertaker should use hells gate either for almost the same reasoning. I also have to same problem with the axe kick, no one is going to stay there bent down for you to go to the rope comeback and perform it.

I wouldn’t mind seeing Del Rio do a new submission. Like tequila sunrise or chicken wing. But yes he needs an impact move. And he does have a great kick that could be it or some type of driver or pin, like a falcon driver or, dragon/tiger suplex w/ pin or even a tiger bomb w/pin.

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