Does Abyss need a new gimmick?

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I dont think Abyss needs a new Gimmick he plays the gimmick well and a gimmick change may kill his career(kane?). I think they just need to book him right and turn him into a monster heel again...instead of being a jobber to the stars.
I don't think Abyss needs a new gimmick.Since Judas is back he's going to have a great feud with him.As other's have said I don't see what other gimmick would fit him.Abyss is a great wrestler for his size and stature and he's had some great gimmick matches.I think he should stay the way he is, I mean he's had this gimmick since he entered TNA and it's worked for him the whole time.So no I don't think he needs a new gimmick,he's great the way he is.
I really like Abyss hes one of my TNA favourites but hes getting killed at the moment and his character is decllining. I dont think he needs new gimmick just needs to stop bleeding to Black Riegn and Rellik (Don West: "thats killer spelt backwards") once this feud is over with Judas i hope Abyss can get back on track to becming either a monster heel or a main eventer.
To start, Abyss cannot lose the mask and when or if he ever does, he needs to contend for or be around the World Title on a consistant basis as his character will need to become more serious. Next, I would very much like to see abyss tag team and feud with some non-monsters. One on One there is only so much to do but him in a tag situation could allow for some different options. A feud with daniels or top X division stars could be great and feature great in ring skill of two totally different styles. I also read many times that Abyss is immature when it comes to being behind the scenes - if this is the case perhaps that is why they keep him in this role where he plays the monster very well. The Mitchell storyline is not terrible as long as they keep it evolving and fresh (and realistic). Did I already say DO NOT lose the mask unless they are ready to completely revamp him?
I think he is a fine wrestler and a above average 'big man' but i have lost any interest in his character.

He has flipped around in story-line limbo with Mitchell for too long. Dragging it out with new characters and countless gimmick matches.

A new gimmick...No

A new direct feud with one person for a long amount of time - Yes.
Please no, I've been watching TNA since I first heard about it, maybe 4 to 5 years ago, so I've pretty much have seen it all. I hope they never change Abyss's gimmick ever, he was, is, and always will be the monster under the mask, he won't turn into some friendly Kane. So no abyss doesn't need a new gimmick, I love all his matches and they're entertaining, anyways mesias is here, time for some bloody brawls, no more black reign (he can feud with Kaz now). If Abyss went to WWE I can't imagine what they'd do to him.

ABYSS and AJ forever
If Any Thing Tna Needs To Push Abyss And Yes, There Are Alot Of Things Tna Can Do For It. But, Abyss Is The One That Needs To Get Up And Go For The Gold. And As Far As Loseing His Mask, It Not A Big Deal. Abyss Can And Will Rise To The Moment When He Needs To He Is A Sleeping Monster And You All Know All To Well What Happens When You Wake A Sleeping Monster, Total Mayhem.
They should make him take of his mask and tell the fans "SOMETIMES..........I...........JUST............WANT...............TO......................................
He would then proceed to remove his shirt and start dancing to house music in the ring. This would mark the beginning of the Metro-sexual Abyss. He would then dress like the Rock used to and have an attractive Colombian woman named Muchacha be his valet. He would wear his hair in corn rows from then on. He would be the coolest thing EVER!! His ring attire would be similar to John Morrison's and his entrance music would be house music.
Abyss's gimmick is just fine, he play the monster role very well wether he's playing it heel or face, the only thing that needs to change is they need to allow him to start talking more, and get him away from James Mitchell, as this whole feud with Mitchell is getting stale, though I would like to see the storyline with Judies Mesis play out first, but after that I think it would be good to distance Mitchell and Abyss from each other, have Abyss go on to feud with someone like Christopher Daniels, James Storm, or even Robert Roode, they could also have him join forces with Raven, I think that could lead into some great storylines/feuds

I also want to see how the Judas Mesias storyline goes. I'm just afraid of it turning into something really lame and predictable, like having Father James Mitchell come in and cheap-shot Abyss at the end of every "Abyss vs. Mesias" match.

Also, I like how you're thinkin'. Robert Roode vs. Abyss could be the most awesome thing ever, if they can come up with a good storyline for it. Also, teaming up with Raven is probably the best thing Abyss can do at this point. That definitely WOULD lead to some great storylines.
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