Why Hulk Hogan chose Abyss...

I'd like to see Abyss act more erratically, forcing Hogan to start confronting him. Abyss could respond with the "He made me do it!" line. You could have Hogan worried that Abyss is mentally unstable as Abyss becomes more vicious in the ring. It could culminate with an in ring confrontation between Hogan and Abyss. Abyss hits the black hole slam on Hogan and out comes Raven with a chair, who hands it to Abyss and shouts him into demolishing Hogan with it. BAM, pretty much a heel turn.

I guess you could do it with Tommy Dreamer, but I think he'd be cheered no matter what he did in TNA simply due to the "underdog of ECW" legacy. Anyway, thats how I'd like him to go.
As I said, I haven't been watching much wrestling lately but it looks like I was the only in this thread that got it right. I'm thinking you guys have to let go of your conspiracy theories. Either that or schizophrenia is running rampant on these boards.

I was saying the same thing, it's actually really smart booking from a long-term perspective, but obviously some people don't have the patience to wait it out. Hogan is obviously a very over baby face, and Abyss' character is a very natural heel. He's been cartoonized, so the only way to make people take him seriously as a heel again is to have him turn on an over person, and HOgan is by far the best candidate.

I also have to say, I'm loving the mirrored angles with Hogan-Abyss and Flair-Styles. Hogan was at his best as a face and Flair as a heel, so why not have Abyss (who you're trying to get over as a heel in the long run) ally and then turn on the biggest face ever, and Styles (a very natural face) gets seduced and betrayed by the biggest heel of all time? Instantly over for both guys.

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