Does Abyss need a new gimmick?

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Pet Shop Boy

Abyss is a very good wrestler, especially for somebody his size. However recently I am getting bored of him, it isnt because of what he does in-ring, it is because of his gimmick. I am sick of him vs Mitchel, and I am sick of having continous beat downs on him, I mean its a weekly occurence now. I also think he is booked into too many speciality matches which is sorta annoying, specially when hes in the ring with people like Dustin Rhodes. I want to see something different from him, like make him somebodys bodyguard, or something different.

Abyss though I don't think he is the right person for the world title, but he deserves a push. what does everone else think about Abyss? Do you think he deseves a push? And do you like his gimmick, and the storylines at the moment?
Abyss is great. I am not bored bored with his gimmick at all. At first I thought turning him face was a mistake, but now it is fine. As soon as Judas Mesias is healthy, their fued will be insane. I don't mind the specialty matches with him because they fit his character for the most part. Right now he is in a limbo because they were going to have a storyline with Abyss and Judas Mesias, but since Mesias got hurt, there really isn't anything for Abyss to do but fued with Dustin Rhodes.
Honestly, I don't see what other gimmick he could play, especially after all this time. The fans love him as the monster, and he pulls it off perfectly. If it isn't broken, I see no reason TNA should "fix it". I may not be right, but I think behind the ex-WWE guys, Abyss is a big draw for the company and it would be unwise to tamper with him.

Then again, never say never. This is the same company that turned Austin Aries into Austin Starr, Jay Lethal to Black Machismo. Don't be surprised to see Abyss as Ronald the Rabidly Ridiculous ******.
Does he need a new gimmick?I mean come on......what can you give him?He is a monster and that his gimmick for life.
No I'm fine with his gimmick and like Sam said I can't see him doing anything else. I do agree that since Judas Mesisas is injured his feuds are limited. Sadly he'll probably in a feud with Dustin Rhodes until Mesias is back. I'm fine with him being in alot of specialty matches because he does them well. He should be a main eventer, but he doesn't have world title material. So he'll be one of those guys that almost wins the title, but doesn't.
I agree with what some of you are saying about Abyss's monster gimmick and i know it is very much releated to him as a wrestler. But do none of you think that Abyss could be so much more than just your average Mankind or Kane rip off?

I just think he needs a more 'grown up' gimmick is needed to elevate him further in TNA, and I just feel as though this gimmick great as it may be has run its course. Like with Umaga in WWE I think he needs to be humanitised sumwhat.

I do see where you are comming from I am finding it quite hard to come up with many alternatives to his current gimmick, only a couple I think would actualy fit his role.
i dont know, abyss has a great gimmick and keeps me very much entertained, and i like his gimmick matches cuz he can take some sick bumps, i do feel bad that hes almost always the only one to get cut up and all that stuff, but with mesias i think both will be very crazy

sometimes i think TNA should maybe do a storyline where he loses the mask, but then i remember what happend to kane after he lost his mask, in other words, DONT LOSE IT.. or he'll lose that ''it'' factor, hes kinda like rhino, he isnt world champ material but hes that mid carder that could pull off a great match with any main eventer.. this is why TNA needs a mid card belt...
was reading down and thinkin only story i could see would be lose the mask. abyss' gimmick is about the only one they can do with him... anything to humanise him and you get a mick foley or kane.
Abyss's gimmick is just fine, he play the monster role very well wether he's playing it heel or face, the only thing that needs to change is they need to allow him to start talking more, and get him away from James Mitchell, as this whole feud with Mitchell is getting stale, though I would like to see the storyline with Judies Mesis play out first, but after that I think it would be good to distance Mitchell and Abyss from each other, have Abyss go on to feud with someone like Christopher Daniels, James Storm, or even Robert Roode, they could also have him join forces with Raven, I think that could lead into some great storylines/feuds
maybe they could stick abyss with mesias after their feud and make a new tag team, TNA doesnt have any monster tag teams, abyss and mesias would be pretty sweet IMO, they wouldnt have to change their gimmicks but it would be something different for abyss...
Its not a new gimmick he needs, he needs to sort out his in ring. Abyss is a good wrestler .. but his continuous overselling of bumps irritates the hell out of me. I have never seen one man bounce around after a move since the rock took to rolling around the ring for 5 minutes after taking a stunner.
TNA should take a leaf out of WWE's book. They should constantly give Abyss time off. The Undertaker couldn't have survived as long as he has were it not for his constant breaks. Be it from injury & storylines.

It's one of those gimmicks that needs a break on occasion.

As for gimmick change I'd say no. But I do think his gimmick needs to evolve a little. Getting rid of the mask would be a start. Abyss is no longer a Kane rip off, he's past that. But the whole look and feel of him is still like a tribute to me.
I really like Abyss. Although I do think he needs a push. I loved him as the Champ but I think with the star power they have now he could be bigger in a feud with Angle. I don't think the storyline they have him in right now is that good, but thats just because I'm always hoping for him to just go nuts and rip everyones face off or something. So I guess the storyline isn't too bad because it's keeping me interested.
I think at the moment hes ok no need for a change its just because mesias is injured so the continued beat downs each week is a way to pass time and build up tension for when mesias gets back i do however feel TNA could have written that whole thing better they could have had Mitchell kidnap Abyss with help of Black Reign and each week cut a promo on it and try to get the crowd fired up for escape and then when he did he could have gone after mesiais but obviously that hasnt happend so we have to make do with what we have!
If anything Abyss needs to be pushed as more of a monster. Really he blades himself bad every match and rarely wins, esp. on PPV's.
New Gimmick? No way.. He needs a new profession. Ha.. Just kidding. But I'm not much of an Abyss fan. They need to come up with a different outfit for him. He looks like a Biker slash Dominatrix. And Rellik?? Hahaha. I'm supposed to believe Johnny Stamboli is a monster? Johnny, calm it with the Monty Brown style energy. But no.. Abyss is good with the gimmick.. Just a reimagining could be in order.
I actually think Abyss needs to update his gimmick. Maybe the American Badass gimmick. Obviously he should still get to be Abyss, a monster, but maybe evolve his look to have greater similiarities to that, and write the change off as something Sting helped Abyss to accomplish his face turn.
WOAH i cant believe people seriously think he needs a change hes great in ring and he plays the monster character well. He needs a better STORYLINE not a gimmick. Think about it sick of having Abyss getting 3/2 on 1 beatdowns me too but i like his in ring skills and character. I like his face change i think he should get a partner and become Tag Champion really havnt seem him do much of that at all that would be a change.

Really tho he has to do his feud with Messias and then see what happens

Dosnt anyone just think aw awesome when Abyss music hits and he does the x with his arms and his pyro hits. It allways makes me think yas Abyss is gonna beat the hell outta someone with his cool powermoves and devastating finishers and because some of the other big men in wrestling suck it makes him seem even more impressive! Just seeing Abyss in his mask and bringing chains to the ring adds to the effect he brings, think who would want to see Abyss in wrestling trunks not me fuck sake.

Abyss deserves better for all those brutal matches and spilt blood!

Isnt the Rellik character sorta like a Warrior type person with the Spartan type costume.Yeah like barbarian warrior, dunno if i like the rellik and black reign tag team action but hes more interesting character than Reign.
The Abyss gimmick is fine. The monster gets the job done the same way Black Reign is getting the job done as the emergency feud. The one I'm not convinced about is Mesias. They hyped him as the thing to destroy Abyss, but I just can't take him seriously ever since he appeared. He doesn't look intimidating, I can't imagine Abyss being scared of the guy in the neat little wrestling tights. I guess Mesias was supposed to be The Undertaker to Abyss's Kane, but the character just doesn't do it for me. And let's not even talk about Rellik! Hate the character, hate the name, hate the gimmick! Abyss is actually suffering from TNA's biggest shortcoming: storylines! The scripts seem to be written by blind monkeys. Thank you, Vince Russo.
Abyss doesn't need a new gimmick, all he needs is a new storyline. The storyline he's in now where Black Reign, Rellik, and soon Judes Mesies trying to destroy him is just horrible...
I would just like him to fight one person and get away from that black rain idiot. rhodes is just a flop. I wouldnt mind if him and raven would do more. Just the two of them though. and make it deep and wild!! I think they could have some good matches.
I like Abyss alot, his matches are good and he's entertaining. The only thing is that his match endings are more predictible than anything. Every ending is; Black Hole Slam on tacks, Black Hole Slam on barbed wire, or Black Hole Slam on Glass. It gets old.
I agree with pretty much everyone, Abyss is completely fine. And we know reign and rellik are just stalling us till messias returns. However I would like to see less specialty matches. Since October theirs been a Monsters Ball, Shop of Horrors and a 1k tack match on every pay per view.
I think enigma is underrated when it comes to Abyss, they should go more on the undertaker route and give him very low tv time, the curiosity will keep people tuning in every night. In my opinion the whole thing of "humanizing" abyss is bad idea, andm they should really stop with these "dark gimmicks", we already have Abyss, Rellik, Black Reign, Sting, Raven, Chris Daniels and I'm pretty sure I skipped atleast one.
Sorry but he needs to go to wwe to get a decent pay check for all the work he does. Konnan said on WZ that he was offered to go to WWE so i think he could go there, i mean he is a good wrestler has the look WWE want would do a good thing with Undertaker or Kane could mix it up in the main event and because hes a better wrestler than guys like Khali, Henry, Big V and Snitsky i think he would get a good crowd reaction.

Problem is that having a child based audience would only believe me to think theyd have him destroy thier favourite characters so that he gets heel heat from kiddies as kiddies would take Abyss seriously if he just worked his ass of in the main event and made other less talent superstars embarrassed.
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