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Do You Want to See the Hardy Boyz in TNA's Tag Team Division?


With Matt Hardy debuting last night at Genesis, we now have both of the Hardys in TNA. Now my question to you is, do you want to see The Hardy Boyz in the tag team division?

I think a run for the two of them in the tag team division eventually would be cool, but not right now with Jeff being very much in the World Heavyweight Championship picture right. Down the road I would like to see that though.

A few matches I would like to see: The Hardys vs MCMG
The Hardys vs Beer Money
The Hardys vs Gen Me
what would be interesting, once immortal is no more of course, is if the hardys did become a full tag team again and had a fued going with Gen Me who started using chairs, and a fued going with the reuniting team 3d. we can have tlc all over again from back in the day. now i know Gen Me is not edge and christain and nowhere near as talented as them but they can be one day. these kids are talented and have great ring presence.
if this were even just 5 or 6 years ago, then yes...i would absolutely love to see the hardyz vs beer money. if it were 10 years ago i would pay good money to see the hardyz vs gen me or the mcmg...

but unfortunately, it's not. i hope that matt is reinvigorated in the new environment, but injuries have taken their toll on his speed an moveset, just as they have with jeff. i think that the hardyz as a tag team now would lack the dynamism that we all would want to see.

not that i think the matches would be worthless, just diminished from what the longtime fans would be expecting, and not nearly exciting enough for the younger fans to understand why their dads thought the hardyz were so great.
They'll do it eventually, and they'll do it sooner rather than later. However if TNA was smart about it, they would not make them a regular tag team as before. Jeff is already a main eventer and a World Champion and is technically way past his tag team days, and Matt could become a World Champion eventually in TNA (I can almost feel it coming).

Perhaps for a few one offs it'll be cool, like the sample matches Macho said, but seeing them as a permanent tag team again is just something I can't stomach once more.
You want to totally expose the age, rust, fatness, and overall deterioration of the Hardyz? Throw them out there with the likes of any of TNA's top three teams. At least Team 3D never relied too much on speed so that they could still look decent as they got older. You'd be disgusted by how out of it Matt and Jeff would look if they tried to go against those guys.

Matt needs to form a tag team with Scott Hall called "The Biggest Losers" where they wrestle and work on their weight loss goals together.
With Matt Hardy debuting last night at Genesis, we now have both of the Hardys in TNA. Now my question to you is, do you want to see The Hardy Boyz in the tag team division?

I think a run for the two of them in the tag team division eventually would be cool, but not right now with Jeff being very much in the World Heavyweight Championship picture right. Down the road I would like to see that though.

A few matches I would like to see: The Hardys vs MCMG
The Hardys vs Beer Money
The Hardys vs Gen Me

K, its sad to say it but right now lets look at it. In Tna, we have The Mcmg, Gen me, Inc Inc., Beer money, and Oj and Ey. You have three stellar tag teams, and two that can wrestle but not up to the ability of what the others are. All five teams are good teams, but how do you match up a former world champ and a former Ecw champ against the other teams. If they were to lose that’s like slapping each high level star that they've wrestled against in the face, because no one in the tag division in tna has been a world champ I believe as of now.

Now lets say if Aj styles and Daniels were still in tagging together, and Rvd and Tommy Dreamer were tagging with each other. Or any other combo of big names, I would say hell yeah. Lets bring in the hardy boys to rub a few wrestlers. Or to battle some big names in the tag division.

But that’s not what we have, We have great wrestlers in the tag division. But they aren't up to the level of former world champions. *even if some can wrestle better than most in the main event in tna at the moment*

It just doesn’t come off looking good if you have Matt and Jeff just stomping the shit outta the other teams burring them. Or getting beat time and time again.

I would say yes if the Dudlys were still in the division to one more match, but even that wouldn't be up to par with the matches they put on in the early 2000's.

So as of right now with the level of talent in the Tna tag division I will say no to a total tag team run. I will say yes if Tna brings in a few higher level tag teams or even a few more up and comers to get a rub from the hardy boys. But not right now.
No, simply because Matt's too slow.
It would be awesome for them to tag a few times, but TNA has plenty of tag teams that are already amazing, and I feel that the Hardys would only detract from that.
I would love to see the Hardy Boyz again. TNA lucked out. Think about how dominant TNA's tag division has become vs WWE.....unreal. The fact you are even posting about this is a great thing for TNA. I love the changes...Anderson as champ and some havoc about to erupt!! I can't wait to watch TNA.
i would love to see it...later on. As some one said with jeff being in the world title scene, and matt, well doing whatever there goning to do with him. but right now yes i would like to see them team up like once, but not on impact, thats a pretty stellar returm"The Hardy Boysz Return!" thats an almost "main event' match, please dont slam me for saying that, but a quick match versus Ink inc, Gen Me, beer money, MCMG would be amazing, so in the future a full time team, but for now just sporadic appearences
Hell yeah i would love to see the hardys team up ( lol marked out they that my favorite tag team of all time ) I do agree that the Business have taken a toll on they body but at the same time to see them recreate some magic one more time ( or a few to be more right ) sure why not .... GO FOR IT TNA !!!
I actually see the point that was made about the Hardy Boyz team needing to go over given their history, but perhaps not deserving it because other teams in TNA may be better in terms of ability. At this point, I'm not really that excited about the Hardy Boyz teaming up as a tag-team per se...but as allies, I can dig it.

The two of them need to wrestle singles matches, but perhaps with the other playing manager during such matches, and (since they're heels right now) cheating for them. The Hardys have great potential as bitter anti-social (excuse me, misunderstood) misfits and therefore great potential as teammates for immortal, but I don't see a lot of future for them in and of themselves yet. I say, have Matt kick around the midcard for a little while, maybe develop a bit more depth to his character than simply being "Jeff's brother", and help Jeff out a bit here and there as he attempts to get the Heavyweight title back. Maybe later rejoin the Hardys as a tag team, but not until Matt develops a bit more of an individual persona.
NO!! No one wants to see a coked out junkie and an emo fat-ass team together again. Why TNA even brought in Matt Hardy is a mystery to me. I would like to see both of them out of TNA asap. This is why TNA sucks because they constantly sign scrubs like Matt Hardy.

No one wants to see the heroine addict Hardys face ANYONE, much less other useless turds like team 3d. That happen like 11 years ago.
Dane Cook's story about how he wanted to do a B&E, then he goes on to do it, kicks the door and realizes he simply wanted to kick a door applies here.

NOBODY wants to see The Hardy Boyz as a full-time tag-team again. Let's not lie to ourselves, all we want is to see The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudleys not because it'll be good, but because it's ANOTHER nostalgia act and it'll just be interesting to see how their talent melted over the years, that's it.

Hardys vs 3D - one match. That's it. Nothing more. Please.... please ... nothing more.
I don't want to see the Hardy Gurlz in anything. They're both selfish, whiny little brats. Jeff Hardy is not in character; that's his reality. He's a pompus, self-serving asshole. And Matt... well, Matt is just a fat, whiny kid. An idiot is Jeff for talking that shit knowing that CM Punk would kick his ass in real life. I'm glad that the Hardy "Boys" burned their bridge with WWE; now they will never be in HOF; they never deserved to be, anyway.
How the Hardy's "burned their bridges with WWE" when the fact is that Vince did not want to lose either of them is beyond me. Oh well, you can watch a comedy act in your tag division and someone twice the age of the Hardy's wrestle the WWE champ. I'll take a Hardyz reunion to hit a few interesting and/or nostalgia matches but do not drag it out too long. When are all these 15 year olds going to realize nostalgia sells and indy wrestling nobodies do not?
YES & NO.No i do not want to see them make a run in the division.I would mind them tagging like on IMPACT onece every 4-6 weeks.Like thursday i could see them in the main event tagging against RVD & Mr.Anderson or something like that. TNA always does the double fued tag-team matches on Impact!!!
Honestly, no I don't. Both have lost a step or three and neither is in good enough shape to keep up with the best in the division. MCMG would make them look awful, as would Beer Money, for that matter.

I'd just like to see them both get clean, in better shape and try the singles out. With Jeff, continue to try the singles out.
How the Hardy's "burned their bridges with WWE" when the fact is that Vince did not want to lose either of them is beyond me. Oh well, you can watch a comedy act in your tag division and someone twice the age of the Hardy's wrestle the WWE champ. I'll take a Hardyz reunion to hit a few interesting and/or nostalgia matches but do not drag it out too long. When are all these 15 year olds going to realize nostalgia sells and indy wrestling nobodies do not?

Yeah, Hall and X-Pac returning to TNA for a bit nostalgia was great wasn't it? EV 2.0 was simply amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. Can't forget the Nasty Boyz and Jimmy Hart. Good times man, truly good times.

I don't care if the Hardys form a tag team or not. The tag team division is weak anyway so another team wouldn't hurt if nothing else for freshness.
I was just thinking the same thing and I came across the post. Nice thought and as I would love nothing more than a MotorCityMachineGuns/TheHardyBoyz feud, it would be less-entertaining than it would be booked 10 years ago. They can still have some tag matches of course but I would not make it their main priority. The only way you can play this off is if Jeff & Matt play like real brothers and be the Miz/Riley of TNA.
The best thing to ever happen to TNA is Matt & Jeff Hardy. Hardy boyz reunited, I would pay to see that over & over again. TNA made a big mistake by not confirming Matt Hardy as RVD mystery opponent. The ratings would have gone through the roof.
The best thing to ever happen to TNA is Matt & Jeff Hardy. Hardy boyz reunited, I would pay to see that over & over again. TNA made a big mistake by not confirming Matt Hardy as RVD mystery opponent. The ratings would have gone through the roof.

Pay-Per-Views don't have ratings. They have PPV buys, and as much as I respect what The Hardy Boyz achieved a decade ago, I highly doubt anyone would buy a PPV to see them do what they used to do, but half-assed. If they do, then TNA might as well hire Scotty2Hotty and Grand Master Sexay 'cause those guys were over as hell back in the day. I watched a Hardy Boyz vs someone match from the early 2000's and holy damn, I forgot Jeff could move like that! Matt's still a slowpoke, though.
I would have bought the ppv just to see exactly that. Please dont slam me 4 that. I have been a TeamXtreme, Hardyboyz fan 4 eva I cant help it
Yeah, Hall and X-Pac returning to TNA for a bit nostalgia was great wasn't it? EV 2.0 was simply amazing and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. Can't forget the Nasty Boyz and Jimmy Hart. Good times man, truly good times.

All of those things were part of a short term ratings bump which is all I am claiming. Jeff Hardy moves a ton of merch this is just another way to give the marks some more stuff to buy. If you cannot tell the difference between what the Hardys are now and what Hall/x-pac and the nastys are now then you are quite odd.
no the Lardyz don't need another tag team run cause all the Tag Teams in TNA would make them look like a couple of dumbasses even Eric Young and Orlando Jordan.

Here's TNA's Tag Team Divison:
Beer Money, Inc (Robert Roode & James Storm)
The Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)
Ink' Inc (Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal)
Generation Me (Max and Jeremy Buck)
Eric Young and Orlando Jordan
Gunner and Murphy
London Brawling (Desmond Wolfe and Brutus Magnus)
The Reds (Amazing and Big)

All of them teams except Gunner and Murphy would make them look like tools. Fatt has no excuse to blame a medical condition for his size and Beff needs rehab bad and I hope he goes to jail cause he doesn't need to be treated differently than Lindsay Lohan or any body else for drugs.

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