Do you think WWE should run the "attitude era" again?

OK, so TNA is a NEW company, with a NEW angle on wrestling promotions. Therefore, WWE should rerun their OLD era (somehow!) with a NEW crapness to it to try and battle this NEW, ORIGINAL promotion? What!? Look, every time WWE runs into competition you can't just compare the competition to WCW. The only comparison between TNA and WCW I can think of is WWE "rejects" and that they're both competition to WWE.

Just remember, at the time Attitude was brand new and shocking, it's not anymore, it can't be, there's no more Rock, no more Austin, no more remnants of the Attitude era to construct a new Attitude with. And even if they did it'd be another WWECW, well more WWE Attitude than WWF Attitude if you know what I'm saying.

Here's what should happen, WWE should stop bending over to let nostalgic fans ass-rape it and do something new that hasn't been done before, it's not hard. For example, a face runs out to attack a heel but gets his ass kicked fair and square, there you go. NEW THINGS. Not old things that sure, were great back in the day but are old and tired now.

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