Do WWE need "The Attitude era" back?

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The attitude era went from 1998-2002. The era created stars such as Stone Cold, The Rock, Chris Jericho and Kane. Do WWE need to go back to that sort of environment and try and create more stars like they did when the attitude era was around? Do they need more intense matches and speciality matches? Do they need to act like dumbasses but make people laughso much?

The Main Eventers were Rock, Austin, HHH, HBK (early attitude) Undertaker, Rikishi, Kurt Angle, Kane, Jericho, Benoit, Big Show, Mick Foley, and even then the IC title was quite big, not just a way to get a push.

The Tag Teams were DX, New Age Outlaws, Right to Censor, Hardyz, Dudleyz, Edge + Christian w/Angle, Benoit + Jericho, B.O.D, A.P.A, Two Man Power Trip


Main eventers...Batista, HHH, Taker, Kane, Big Show, HBK, Randy Orton, Cena, Edge, Mysterio, Booker T, Benoit (this list is no way near as good as the one above, you'd rather watch attitude and some here are past their primes in people's booker t (said he may retire in next couple of years) kane (disgraceful that he's only got 1 24 hour title reign) Taker, HHH, HBK

Tag Team Division....becoming non-existant.
sachintendulkar said:

The Main Eventers were Rock, Austin, HHH, HBK (early attitude) Undertaker, Rikishi, Kurt Angle, Kane, Jericho, Benoit, Big Show, Mick Foley, and even then the IC title was quite big, not just a way to get a push.

The Tag Teams were DX, New Age Outlaws, Right to Censor, Hardyz, Dudleyz, Edge + Christian w/Angle, Benoit + Jericho, B.O.D, A.P.A, Two Man Power Trip


Main eventers...Batista, HHH, Taker, Kane, Big Show, HBK, Randy Orton, Cena, Edge, Mysterio, Booker T, Benoit (this list is no way near as good as the one above, you'd rather watch attitude and some here are past their primes in people's booker t (said he may retire in next couple of years) kane (disgraceful that he's only got 1 24 hour title reign) Taker, HHH, HBK

Tag Team Division....becoming non-existant.

perfectly put but you forgot a few things. In the Attitude Era it was more edgier and that attarct more people like me. Also they had better match types (if that's even makes sense) like in Raw there was Hell in a Cell matches and SmackDown there was TLC matches etc
deadmanwalking2006 said:
The attitude era went from 1998-2002. The era created stars such as Stone Cold, The Rock, Chris Jericho and Kane. Do WWE need to go back to that sort of environment and try and create more stars like they did when the attitude era was around? Do they need more intense matches and speciality matches? Do they need to act like dumbasses but make people laughso much?

It's not easy to duplicate something like that, especially in this day and age where everything comes under scrutiny. When the couple of HIAC matches happened for example, they set high standards. From that point on fans expected the next match to top that standard cause anything less was a dissapointment on certain levels. Once something huge happens it's hard to meet expectations and that can apply to the entire attitude era. When the era was first beginning forums weren't as prevelant so people didn't nitpcik as much. Chances are that if forums were as popular in that era as now, some of the things highly regarded Austin, Kane, DX, etc and the nWo in WCW would be trashed just like everything else today.

As far as creating more stars? They've been doing that ever since the attitude era so that's not exactly a problem. The problem is that fans have become conditioned to expect just about everyone to reach the top. Someone debuts and there are almost instant threads about when they'll win this title and that title. As for tag teams? Yes it sucks that WWE doesnt' do much with the division, but again look at what happens when a team is formed. A lot of fans immediately start discussing how the two members of the team can feud as if they can't wait for the teams that they yearn for to break up.

With all of that in mind I think that fans need to start taking resopnsibility for the fact that some of the things wrong with WWE today exist because fans can't make up their minds on what they want to see, and therefore WWE can't always make up their minds on what to show us.

. WWE has it's faults, that's hard to deny, but so do the fans that pinpoint things on everyone but themselves. With that in mind the attitude era was great, but really, if WWE attempted to duplicate that, how many people can honestly say that they wouldn't find reasons to nitpick?
i don't think we need to bring that era back, i think that Smackdown and Raw need combined and just smart invovative wrestling. The wrestling is so bland, predictable and boring. There is no high risk moves, new moves or anything. You can predict entire matches and its sad. The storylines are so repetitive. Theres nothing that suprises the fans nemore. There isn't even anything that would suprise me personally. The only slight suprise would be an Undertaker Heel Turn but what would the point be?
how can they bring back the attitude era? the top main eventers during the period don't even wrestle anymore. and you have to realize that was during the monday night war, and of course it was going to be better than
dude, it's "DOES wwe need the attitude era" get it right. anyway i think that they need something like it, but i doubt that they can do anything like the attitude era for quite a while.
The Attitude Era is over and rightfully so, wrestling needs to evolve. Personally I dont want to see the same old gimmick matches and wrestlers over again.
newsboy_88 said:
dude, it's "DOES wwe need the attitude era" get it right. anyway i think that they need something like it, but i doubt that they can do anything like the attitude era for quite a while.

if you have the option would youbring it back and sorry mr perfecto but i just put tht title like that if thats ok?

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