Do you think we'll ever see another straightedge superstar in the WWE?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Being straightedge is definitely not an easy task for most. I am 15 years old, and I am actually considering being straightedge along with one of my best friends. Anyway, as of right now, C.M. Punk is the only straightedge World Champion in WWE history and he is also the only straightedge WWE superstar... that we know of anyway.

Do you think that we will have any more straightedge superstars in the WWE? It can be any time. Whether or not they co-exist with C.M. Punk is remained to be seen. How likely do you this is? I know how a lot of WWE superstars love to go partying with alcohol and whatnot, so do you think we will ever see another straightedge superstar in the WWE? I mean, how many straightedge people are there in the world. Let alone want to become WWE superstars.

Thoughts? Opinions? Anything at all.
Jake Roberts is a little old now, but back in the day, he'd pull of the straight-edge character perfectly. He had such an aura of purity and strength about himself.
yeah i think jeff hardy could pull the gimmick off he has the look and the strength of character to do well in the role.

Was that a serious post? Nothing against Jeff, and what he does is his business, but he is kind of the opposite of Straight Edge. I mean he just got busted with drugs. Aside from that, i dunno if anyone could pull it off without being a carbon-copy of punk. He does the gimmick so well as a heel or face. THere might be more straight edge wrestlers, but i don't think it would be as much a part of their characters as punk's.
Actually I am straight-edge. I didnt start using the term till i heard CM Punk use it but i have always been straight-edge. I have had examples in my family & through friends that were loud enough to never do drugs or drink or smoke at all.

I never wanted to be addicted to that stuff. It surprises me that ppl actually delve into that KNOWING what will happen

I am strong like CM Punk. I dont look down on those who arent straight-edge but I'm simply sayin when I look at CM Punk & Chris Jericho speak I see something I can relate to and my own personality in certain ways and it would seem that they're like me (even if in character on certain levels) in real life

I'm straight-edge and i go beyond that by never giving in to "peer presure" on any level. I know what it is but I dont believe in it. I cant be pressured into smoking or drinking and it doesnt matter what ppl think of me. I've always found it funny when ppl talked about peer pressure as if someone were gonna come up to me as a kid and put a cigarette in my hand and say SMOKE IT! SMOKE IT NOW!

there was only one time someone repeatedly insisted I smoke something and i said no and he seemed emotional or passionate about getting me to smoke and i didnt even know him, we were at a party i think or outside. i wasnt even with him. i walked by him.

didnt even know what he was smoking

but i look at that as a failed persuading attempt, not pressure

plus the puff puff give, i dont drink after ppl and i definately would never smoke after others (if i did which i dont) i'm just sayin thats a definate disgust

and drinking out the same bottles and what not

i have had funny thoughts of what it would be like to be high, but those are better left what ifs its not worth getting addicted to that mess

taking it up your nose and it probably hurts

and then needles which i hate

and you catch stuff and be unable to control yourself or nodding off, i like to be in complete control of myself

AND YES, If i ever get hired by the WWE I will be your next Straight-edge World Heavyweight Champion & WWE Champion

i wanna get signed by WWE

if Tough Enough comes around or I can get into FCW you'll see the leader of the new generation a few years from now and a new straight-edge superstar!
my answer is yes

i think CM Punk should set the standard
think about it..y r there not many straight edge superstars
i'd like to point out out that some people are discouraged because they dont have bodies like Triple H or Batista
CM Punk i think broke the glass ceiling, if he can do it, others will be encouraged
i know i am
Well Hogan was basically the original charachter although we all no he didnt really live it. Bob Backlund was pretty straight edge as well and it turned him heel just like Punk. With the PG era and the Wellness Policy I think WWE will definately try to build more charachters like this especially with just what happened with Hardy. Anyways I will give Punk a few years I just wonder if he is legit. He is dating Lita and while i dont no for fact I kinda doubt she walks the straight line. It is great that you and your friend are actually using him for a role model though. In this day and age it is very hard to stay away from that stuff and it is good to hear there are still people out there who have the heart to try.
No I hope there will never be. If there'll be ever one it'll kill the speciality of that gimmick. When someone says legend killer you understand it's Orton when someone says ultimate opportunist you understand it's Edge or when somebody says deadman you understand it's Undertaker. What makes straight edge promos so great in everyone's mind is because of it's uniqueness. When we start to talk about straight edge Cm Punk comes into mind. So no that gimmick should be unique to Punk.
The first two posts in this thread were sarcastic.

That being said, I certainly hope there will be more straight-edge superstars in the WWE, just as long as their gimmick has nothing to do with it.

I'm also "straight-edge," and it's not that difficult. You just politely refuse when someone want you to smoke some shit. You don't even have to do anything, whereas someone who picks up a beer and drinks it is taking an action.

I don't have any straight-edge family members, but (much like Punk) I chose not to dabble with getting fucked up because my father was an alcoholic.

Here's something compelling about punk I just noticed: his gimmick inspires serious, intelligent communication. Using the same restrictions with Edge, for example, we'd be going on about being an opportunist, which is less interesting.
I am strong like CM Punk. I dont look down on those who arent straight-edge but I'm simply sayin when I look at CM Punk & Chris Jericho speak I see something I can relate to and my own personality in certain ways and it would seem that they're like me (even if in character on certain levels) in real life

Kudos to you working towards your dream man, but is that supposed to imply that Chris Jericho is straight edge? Because I'm pretty sure in his book, he mentions several times that he's gotten drunk. Just sayin'.

Anyways, I'm sure there have probably some superstars that have been straight edge. I don't think Triple H drinks or does drugs, obviously he's more than likely done steroids.. does that disqualify him? Are steroids considered drugs like alcohol or cocaine is?
God I hope not, CM Punk is doing a good enough job pulling heat for dogging on drinking, smoking and ganja. His promos sounding like a councilor are good enough, 1 or two more are not needed. Although if they could find 1 or 2 more they could do a short term stable if they really want to keep testing the fans patients, it would be funny for awhile, especially if they made a uh "living in the moment" counter team of sorts, it would work.

Just for the record, while I respect your choices in not smoking, drinking and doing drugs, quite frankly no one gives a shit. Being able to "resist peer pressure" is not that fucking hard. If I "peer pressured" you into wrestling a rabid hyena, would you really have to think about it? It makes me laugh how people are so insecure and weak minded that not taking a drag of a cigarette or drinking a beer or trying pot when asked is an epic maneuver. Like there's some organization who goes around castrating those who resist.
I realize that most of you who are "SxE" are in your early to mid teens, if you make a choice like this, do it because it's right for you, not because it's a trend. Follow a trend and you will fail.
The first two posts in this thread were sarcastic.

That being said, I certainly hope there will be more straight-edge superstars in the WWE, just as long as their gimmick has nothing to do with it.

I'm also "straight-edge," and it's not that difficult. You just politely refuse when someone want you to smoke some shit. You don't even have to do anything, whereas someone who picks up a beer and drinks it is taking an action.

I don't have any straight-edge family members, but (much like Punk) I chose not to dabble with getting fucked up because my father was an alcoholic.

Here's something compelling about punk I just noticed: his gimmick inspires serious, intelligent communication. Using the same restrictions with Edge, for example, we'd be going on about being an opportunist, which is less interesting.

Alright, they looked sarcastic, but you never know. I'm straight edge too, but for health reasons, not moral reasons. Those videos in health case scared me shitless with what drugs and alcohol do to your body. I'm not majorly into it, but i chose not to do drugs a long time ago.
I love CM Punk. I love the character...I love everything about the heal that is CM Punk! Unfortunately...I dont buy the Straight Edge stuff! I have one reason and one reason only. His teeth are stained a MAJOR yellow color! The only things I know of that do that are Smoking and drinking coffee. Both considered drugs obviously.

AM I giving him shit for it? HELL-NO Im not. I think it was a gimmick he just ran with a long time ago. Could I be wrong?...Yea, or course I could be. But someone take a look at his chicklets and tell me how they got so yellow, please.

Plus: for a guy that has "no addictions" he sure as hell has ALOT of fuckin tatoos!!

Im not saying he is what Im saying he is...Im just saying: this IS wrestling...And I dont beleive everything I see/hear. Also- I would of never thought a guy that appears to be in as good of shape as Orton is, to smoke cigarettes. I've seen pictures of that...soo....yeah...
Whether or not caffeine is considered a drug for straight-edgers is debatable.

And I think Punk's teeth are stained from too much Pepsi. By the way, Punk has used the drink in his gimmick while simultaneously claiming to be straight-edge, so there you go.
This board has gotten way off topic. It was a question if you could see any other wrestlers being able to keep up a straight edge lifestyle with the average wrestlers lifestyle being opposite. Not wether you are or not straightedge. That kind of topic quite honestly isnt something that belongs in a wrestling forum board. This is to talk about wrestling.

Now back on topic,There are actually a good couple of guys who are straightedge in the biz. Not big times or anything though that i know of. Wrestling is a hard career path to be straightedge in obviously from the lifestyle the average wrestler takes. But Petey Williams is straightedge(Said it on a interview on a podcast i listened to),MDogg 20 or matt cross or whatever you want to call him is,and of course CM Punk is. Probably are more on the indy scene. Besides that there may be a few that are not heavy drinkers or smokers or dont do drugs but do enjoy stuff once and a while so they are not. Like at the huge beer bash thing austin had where everyone except for regal and punk had beers. All of them are probably not heavy drinkers or even go out every night but they wouldnt be straight edge.
Kudos to you working towards your dream man, but is that supposed to imply that Chris Jericho is straight edge? Because I'm pretty sure in his book, he mentions several times that he's gotten drunk. Just sayin'.

Anyways, I'm sure there have probably some superstars that have been straight edge. I don't think Triple H drinks or does drugs, obviously he's more than likely done steroids.. does that disqualify him? Are steroids considered drugs like alcohol or cocaine is?

oh yeah, sorry i didnt finish my thought
i wasnt implying Y2J is straight-edge i just really have always kinda been the way they are on the mic (like CM Punk straight-edge life style except i dont down ppl but i am proud of it) when i brought up Y2J i was only sayin that i look at him as another person who i swear as soon as he tweaked his gimmick as he is today i thought i was looking into a mirror cause i can relate a lot to that character too

i have been preachy like him way before he started doing that gimmick is all i meant, and yes in nearly the exact same way

and i was comparing that to being straight-edge but also not falling into ANY kind of peer pressure

i pride myself on being an individual and being a free thinker not a sheep or a follower but a leader a trend setter
Just for the record, while I respect your choices in not smoking, drinking and doing drugs, quite frankly no one gives a shit. Being able to "resist peer pressure" is not that fucking hard. If I "peer pressured" you into wrestling a rabid hyena, would you really have to think about it? It makes me laugh how people are so insecure and weak minded that not taking a drag of a cigarette or drinking a beer or trying pot when asked is an epic maneuver. Like there's some organization who goes around castrating those who resist.
I realize that most of you who are "SxE" are in your early to mid teens, if you make a choice like this, do it because it's right for you, not because it's a trend. Follow a trend and you will fail.

i know and i said that, but damn that was a funny response

even if not directed at me

i agree with you, i mean straight-edge is rare, but even i hate the way its preached all the time like you said its not being pressured like that
its one thing to warn but another to be over the top
Being straight edge isn't hard. It just takes discipline to not follow the crowd and succumb to peer pressure. I personally have never let alcohol or any form of drugs for that matter enter my system. It has been a personal choice I made and I believe it takes a stronger man to not drink or do drugs than the media's portrayal; that to be tough you have to drink or smoke. It mind boggles me that CM Punk's entire heel gimmick is based around being straight-edge, as if it is a bad thing. Don't give me some bullshit that his gimmick is that his gimmick is that he is arrogant about it or something because bottom line is that he is portrayed as a bitch asshole because he is straight-edge. When really WWE should encourage the straight-edge lifestyle. We need more straight-edge superstars. I wouldn't mind an all straight-edge faction.
Actually I am straight-edge. I didnt start using the term till i heard CM Punk use it but i have always been straight-edge. I have had examples in my family & through friends that were loud enough to never do drugs or drink or smoke at all.

I never wanted to be addicted to that stuff. It surprises me that ppl actually delve into that KNOWING what will happen

I am strong like CM Punk. I dont look down on those who arent straight-edge but I'm simply sayin when I look at CM Punk & Chris Jericho speak I see something I can relate to and my own personality in certain ways and it would seem that they're like me (even if in character on certain levels) in real life

I'm straight-edge and i go beyond that by never giving in to "peer presure" on any level. I know what it is but I dont believe in it. I cant be pressured into smoking or drinking and it doesnt matter what ppl think of me. I've always found it funny when ppl talked about peer pressure as if someone were gonna come up to me as a kid and put a cigarette in my hand and say SMOKE IT! SMOKE IT NOW!

there was only one time someone repeatedly insisted I smoke something and i said no and he seemed emotional or passionate about getting me to smoke and i didnt even know him, we were at a party i think or outside. i wasnt even with him. i walked by him.

didnt even know what he was smoking

but i look at that as a failed persuading attempt, not pressure

plus the puff puff give, i dont drink after ppl and i definately would never smoke after others (if i did which i dont) i'm just sayin thats a definate disgust

and drinking out the same bottles and what not

i have had funny thoughts of what it would be like to be high, but those are better left what ifs its not worth getting addicted to that mess

taking it up your nose and it probably hurts

and then needles which i hate

and you catch stuff and be unable to control yourself or nodding off, i like to be in complete control of myself

AND YES, If i ever get hired by the WWE I will be your next Straight-edge World Heavyweight Champion & WWE Champion

i wanna get signed by WWE

if Tough Enough comes around or I can get into FCW you'll see the leader of the new generation a few years from now and a new straight-edge superstar!

i feel the same way as you im 19 years old and a straight edge and proud of it. i dont care if people smoke or drink just dont try to pass it on to me. i can even stand being around someone who smokes the smell is just horrible. as far as another straighedge superstar i dont think there will be in this generation. give it another 5-10 years and we may see another emerge. hopefully one day the entire business will be straightedge or just a seperate company that only employs people that are straighedge
I realize that most of you who are "SxE" are in your early to mid teens, if you make a choice like this, do it because it's right for you, not because it's a trend. Follow a trend and you will fail.

I agree with this statement 110%. I am 22 years old and am straight edge. I have been claiming the straight edge lifestyle for 7 years now. Ever since I started listening to hardcore music and long before I even knew who CM Punk was. I have seen countless kids in their teens claim edge because they think it's "cool" and then "sell out" soon after. If you're like me, someone who goes to shows week in and week out, seeing this happen is pretty upsetting.

I'm not directing this to just any one person, but if you are going to claim straight edge, claim it for all the right reasons. Not just because your friend is doing it and you think it is cool. Do it for your health, do it for the moral side of things, do it so you able to live long enough to see your future grandchildren grow up, but most importantly, just do it for yourself!

Now, I know that was WAAAAYYYYY off topic, but I had to get that said.

Now, to answer the question, do I think there will be more straight edge wrestlers in the future.

To answer this, gimmick wise, I sure hope not. CM Punk pulls this off perfectly. Straight Edge is a pretty big underground culture and there are many different groups of straight edge kids out there. Some are like me, we don't preach it and shove it down peoples throats. We have the mind set, that if you smoke/drink/do drugs that is your own personal choice. CM Punk was able to pull this aspect of the gimmick off well as a face.

Some straight edge kids will preach the straight edge lifestyle every second they get. They think they are simply better then everyone else and at times will get physical in order to get their "point" across. There are many articles and videos of things like this taking place online.

CM Punk's heel straight edge gimmick is amazing. He does a great job at it and his promos are top notch! Is WWE making straight edge look bad by doing this? I don't think so. Punks promos are really no different then Jerichos promos are. The only difference is Punk preaches about living the straight edge life style.

Now, I do wish and I believe as the years pass by that more drug free wrestlers will be entering the business and will not be using it as their gimmick. This will be a VERY good thing for the wrestling business!
I'm straight edge as well due to seeing how drugs and alcohol can destroy lives first hand I've never even taken a sip of alcohol or taken any pills drugs etc.

It's tough but I respect the hell out of CM Punk for taking this stand it's ridiculous that he's a heel not that he's not great at it he is but he should be sending this message to children worldwide.

Why CM Punk was a heel as a straight edge superstar against a perennial screw up and drug addict Jeff Hardy is beyond me and defies logic.
I think the original poster meant for this discussion to be about the pitfalls of being a professional wrestler and the difficulty to take a lifestyle that isn't easy to begin with and be able to maintain it in the topsy-turvy world of professional wrestling. To be honest, who gives a shit if this lifestyle becomes a gimmick for people. It's completely irrelevant. Many of us, myself included, sometimes let our brains function in kayfabe and it carries out as such in wrong situations, but in this case, you have to pull yourself out, take a step back, and answer the question as asked.

I'm sure you have in the past, and will in the future, see wrestlers that follow the "straight edge" lifestyle. They may not refer to it as such, but they might do it. The title is generally one given to an underground culture into heavy music who build cliques and bond through their common grounds of abstaining from drugs and alcohol. You could have a Tim McGraw lovin', truck drivin', mullet wearin dude who lays off the brewsky's and has never seen a drug, but they wouldn't be a part of the culture, but you could ultimately call them straight edge. CM Punk is actually part of the underground culture and thus is vocal about his lifestyle choice. That's why whether there are others who live similarly, you just don't know about it.

It is difficult for wrestlers, or anyone to choose this lifestyle. That is not to say that everyone who doesn't is a bad person or is a drug addict or anything like that. I can tell you that I am not straight edge, however, that doesn't mean that you will find me with drugs 24/7. I am 24 years old and I have after a long week a beer or 2. I don't smoke or anything like that, but I do indulge in a beer every now and again, in a very responsible manner of course. My life choice is a life of moderation. Overindulgence is what can kill a person, moderation should not. Remembering to make smart decisions is ultimately what matters.

Now, a tough week for me is probably nothing for a wrestler, who's body takes a pounding day after day. Would I fault them for having a couple of drinks after a big show....hell no! Again, as long as it's in moderation, and I'm sure many of the guys do this. In reading wrestling literature, the young guys often must prove themselves in an alcoholic sense and some guys do overindulge. It is a pressure-fillled business in that regard, so to be straight-edge is more difficult than say, being a straight-edge accountant. But I do think every now and again someone will make that choice and stick to it just like Punk. Most guys though, will, on different levels, have their bouts with different types of drugs and alcohol. Our only hope as fans is that they can moderate use and be safe.
i don't think the gimmick could be re-done but i think it could be referenced like someone having the X's on there hands but doesn't really mention it except for occasions but building the gimmick on the straightedge lifestyle would be tough especially if u want originality
what would be funny is if cm punk would end up getting arrested for drugs. Just think of the boos when people would find out he was lying to them the whole time. Prob won,t happen but would be funny if it did.

I'm straight edge as well due to seeing how drugs and alcohol can destroy lives first hand I've never even taken a sip of alcohol or taken any pills drugs etc.

Well considering you're only 19, let's wait until you reach 21 years of age, when you can legally drink. Then it'll be more of a testament of will. Not prosectuing your morals though.

It's tough but I respect the hell out of CM Punk for taking this stand it's ridiculous that he's a heel not that he's not great at it he is but he should be sending this message to children worldwide.

It's professional wrestling. The fact is not what he's preaching, which is all in all a pretty good message, but rather how he is preaching it, being obnoxious and having a holier-than-thou attitude. If Cena had the same messages, he would be flamed to no end for trying to be too "after school special".

With Straight Edge becoming more and more common throughout society these days, it's probably not much of stretch to see another Straight Edge Superstar, or world Champion. however, I don't think they will emphasize that part of his character as much, simply because it will have been done before. Just like there will not be another Deadman or another People Champ.
I'm straight edge as well due to seeing how drugs and alcohol can destroy lives first hand I've never even taken a sip of alcohol or taken any pills drugs etc.

It's tough but I respect the hell out of CM Punk for taking this stand it's ridiculous that he's a heel not that he's not great at it he is but he should be sending this message to children worldwide.

Why CM Punk was a heel as a straight edge superstar against a perennial screw up and drug addict Jeff Hardy is beyond me and defies logic.

World Of Warcraft has destroyed lives too. I am just kidding but seriously. How does the scenario of Punk being heel against Jeff Hardy defy logic? If it happens to be "beyond you" then I could understand but it certainly does not defy logic. Allow me to explain.

The fans love Jeff Hardy, which make them relate to him like he is their friend or they just flat out they love him being the underdog, the man has battled problems with drug addictions, house fires, and being beating up by his older brother. None the less they love him because he appears to be trying but he always ends up falling into the pitfalls of addiction.

He appeared to overcome those issues when he had two strikes and climbed the ranks to become champion.

Along comes Mr. Punk, who does not have any problems but instead of trying to help Jeff Hardy he brags about how he never touched drugs and pokes fun at Jeff Hardy's trials and tribulations. Thus inciting the boo's of the crowd.

Much the way that if you had an old friend or your father, whom you love, who was a recovering alcoholic and was doing really well but then he had a relapse and your straight edge buddies started ripping on him for being weak or assaulting him for his bad choices you would, i am guessing, feel sympathy for your father/friend and tell them to back off (equal to booing their actions).

The fans liked Punk but Jeff is their old "buddy" and they do not appreciate Punk's "better than you" campaign against Jeff Hardy.

The angle could play out the other way too. Punk approaches Jeff and offers him help and appears sincere and Jeff slaps the sh*t out of him, then Punk and Matt Hardy stage an intervention to save Jeff and he blows his top. The fans would relate to Punk's sincere approach to save Jeff Hardy, because they want to save Jeff too.

You can detect a hint of Punk's elite attitude in your own statement. "I'm straight edge as well due to seeing how drugs and alcohol can destroy lives first hand I've never even taken a sip of alcohol or taken any pills drugs etc."

By you defining yourself as "straight edge" we would know that you stay away from drugs (with the exception of caffiene possibly, but I do not know you) but you insist on mentioning that you never even took pills or sipped alcohol. Why is that necessary? That would equate me saying, "I like sweet tea, I drink sweet tea." But maybe it was to point out that there are many straightedgers who have made the choice after experiencing the troubles of drugs but you never even made it there. So I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

With that written may I ask this question? Have you ever eating food made with Pam Non-Stick Cooking Spray which contains alcohol, used a mouthwash that contains alcohol, what about sugar alcohols that appear under different names that are found in processed foods, gums, cookies, and candies? Just wondering.

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