Do you think Paul London should come back to the wwe??

Paul London WWE or Other??

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Dark Match Winner
i don't know why but can someone please tell me why people are saying london will never come back to the wwe???

I think Paul London and Evan Bourne would be an awesome new tag team or have London fued with The Brian Kendrick?? Please tell me your thoughts about/on Paul London
How about he comes back as THE Paul London and they reunite the Hooliganz, this time with a big heel bodyguard (Zeke) and mean streak...something comparable to the Impact Players (Jason...well, sorta) or FBI (Big Guido). Could be interesting...

Of course, this is in a perfect wrestling world where Vince cares about tag team wrestling, doesn't care about weed (sorry Kendrick...I hear RoH has no Wellness policy...), and likes Paul London (that'll teach you to smile about death!).
He probably wouldn't be used properly, but now with Evan Bourne in (and being allowed to do the shooting star press) and Vince seeming to be alright with Cruiserweights in the upper midcard (Punk, Kingston, Jeff Hardy (if he still counts as a CW), Bourne)... He might stand a chance... Especially if on ECW.

But I think that's just me being a mark of his. I loved his work with Jerry Lynn in TNA, but I don't honestly think that he has the mic skills or charisma to make it to the upper-midcard or IC Title status, and guys like Shelton and Kendrick seem to showcase their ability better.
Unless WWE bring's back the Crusierweight champoinship back, Or if they really want to beef up the tag division. No.

He was never going to be above the miscard, As he isn't a really a WWE wrestler. Unless the smaller guy's can really pull in the money (Rey), They will be nothing more than jobbers.
The WWE never capitalized on his talent, and his size hurts him in a WWE ring. He really needs to consider TNA and it's X-Division though. I think he'd find a pretty good home there. And if not, he should stick to the indi's for the time being. He's a great wrestler and putting on great matches with other great wrestlers in various companies will only bode well for him.

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