The best roh wrestler to go to wwe or tna

LOL, you think Petey Williams is a good wrestler, and you're calling me a mark? Seriously?

The main event of the current ECW is bigger than the old one. And Christian was never a main-event player in the WWE in his first run, outside of a brief moment in 2005.

That doesn't even begin to make sense. AJ is not a good wrestler because he uses certain moves that I like. AJ is a good worker because of the way he works a match, draws in the audience, works differently as face and heel, and the way he sells opponent offense. When AJ worked as a heel, what moves did he use that Punk doesn't get to use?

Hell, look at the moves Punk DOES use. Does he have an original move in his repertoire, or did he just rip them all off from various Japanese wrestlers? Moveset is nothing. Being able to actually work is.

Petey is better than all the name I mentioned with Henry, so on and so forth.

If Christian wasn't a main event player why would he of gotten a WWE title shot it the first place, like you said. He was getting built into a main event wrestler until he left.

And are you serious on that. ECW is more know now than the original was, but it is popular. The original ECW is and always will be more popular, unlike the new one. This ECW lost all credit along time ago. Punk was the only one keeping the spirit of the old ECW alive.

You are calling AJ a worker, not a wrestler.

If he could use his entire moveset, maybe he might entertain you.:schild13:
I narrowed it down to 2 wrestlers, one is AJ Styles, and the other one is Punk. AJ was given the ball in TNA several years ago and ran with it. He put TNA on the map along with the help of others. Punk couldn't say that. He was given the ball in the WWE and he failed miserably. I am not a Punk supporter but he has room to improve. AJ already has a nice character and proved that he can play a good face or a good heel.

AJ is a more sounded wrestler because he's maintained his ME status in TNA for years, while CM Punk is battling over a mid card title or a middle card MITB match at Mania, just months removed after his first heavyweight title run.

So, the obvious answer is AJ Styles.

I get what you are saying, but in WWE their are more ME players than in TNA. AJ would have it more difficult to shine in WWE.

Also AJ hasn't been the same with the new way of guys in TNA. No one remembers him chasing Karen for all those months.

SIXBURGH nice one with that AJ
Petey is better than all the name I mentioned with Henry, so on and so forth.
I disagree. I'd take Henry over Petey. What good is Petey? He can do a flipping piledriver. Big deal, that is more to do with his opponent than him. Other than that, what has Petey ever done that's been impressive.

At least Henry plays the "monster heel" character well.

If Christian wasn't a main event player why would he of gotten a WWE title shot it the first place, like you said. He was getting built into a main event wrestler until he left.
Because it was part of the storyline between Jericho and Cena.

He was NEVER a main-event player before...goes to TNA, and then comes back a main-eventer.

And are you serious on that. ECW is more know now than the original was, but it is popular. The original ECW is and always will be more popular, unlike the new one. This ECW lost all credit along time ago. Punk was the only one keeping the spirit of the old ECW alive.

First of all, the new ECW does better ratings than the original did, and does it with a MUCH lower potential audience. Second of all, how was Punk keeping the spirit of old ECW alive? He never worked there, and didn't even come close to working the style. That makes ZERO sense.

You are calling AJ a worker, not a wrestler.
Yes, because that is what professional wrestling is. It is a bunch of actors "working" the crowd into believing what they see in the ring is real.

If he could use his entire moveset, maybe he might entertain you.:schild13:
I've seen his entire moveset, and it doesn't make him a good wrestler. Are you not paying attention? Wrestling has nothing to do with movesets. If moves are what gets you off, then go buy some wrestling training videos and watch all the moves you want.

I'll be busy watching the drama and stories that are going on in wrestling. You know, the thing that wrestling is actually about.
AJ's style wouldn't translate well in the WWE. Well, it could but he has it great in TNA. He is a main event caliber wrestler there, and if he were to go to the E he would have to work his way up. Vince wouldn't hand him his spot. AJ Styles is the perfect wrestler for TNA, he is flashy, has above average mic skills, and he can play the role of a heel and a lovable face.

The question of this thread asked the best, which I believe is Styles. Punk is in a more marketable program, but that doesn't mean he is better.

Punk has improved greatly, but I don't think he is on par with AJ Styles. Only time will tell but for now the answer is the phenomenal one.

Sly, didn't Punk use the top rope pedigree or some shit? That move owned, but it doesn't mean his whole move set is entertaining.
I disagree. I'd take Henry over Petey. What good is Petey? He can do a flipping piledriver. Big deal, that is more to do with his opponent than him. Other than that, what has Petey ever done that's been impressive.

At least Henry plays the "monster heel" character well.

Because it was part of the storyline between Jericho and Cena.

He was NEVER a main-event player before...goes to TNA, and then comes back a main-eventer.


First of all, the new ECW does better ratings than the original did, and does it with a MUCH lower potential audience. Second of all, how was Punk keeping the spirit of old ECW alive? He never worked there, and didn't even come close to working the style. That makes ZERO sense.

Yes, because that is what professional wrestling is. It is a bunch of actors "working" the crowd into believing what they see in the ring is real.

I've seen his entire moveset, and it doesn't make him a good wrestler. Are you not paying attention? Wrestling has nothing to do with movesets. If moves are what gets you off, then go buy some wrestling training videos and watch all the moves you want.

I'll be busy watching the drama and stories that are going on in wrestling. You know, the thing that wrestling is actually about.

You are speaking as far as entertainment, than yes it is Henry over Williams.
But as far as actually wrestling it is Petey

At least Christian was in the match, more than what aj can say.
WWE is great than TNA

I get what you mean, but what i meant was with him it somewhat felt like old ECW. He put on great matches with everyone. He was the only reason to watch ECW

I know it is acting, but you still cant tell me that Petey is better than Henry, Henry can't even talk well on the mic, you why Tony Atlas, even though he sucks too

THis is about most talented, not best actor. Thats why his moveset counts:smashfreakB:
AJ's style wouldn't translate well in the WWE. Well, it could but he has it great in TNA. He is a main event caliber wrestler there, and if he were to go to the E he would have to work his way up. Vince wouldn't hand him his spot. AJ Styles is the perfect wrestler for TNA, he is flashy, has above average mic skills, and he can play the role of a heel and a lovable face.

The question of this thread asked the best, which I believe is Styles. Punk is in a more marketable program, but that doesn't mean he is better.

Punk has improved greatly, but I don't think he is on par with AJ Styles. Only time will tell but for now the answer is the phenomenal one.

Sly, didn't Punk use the top rope pedigree or some shit? That move owned, but it doesn't mean his whole move set is entertaining.

Punk wasn't handed his spot either. He worked his way to the top.

They are equally, but Punk is limited on what he can do because he is in WWE. The fact that he was world champ in WWE was a miracle, he wasn't even a homegrown talent or a guy on roid's but still won it.

Say what you want to say that if it wasn't for the suspension of Jeff he wouldn't of won, well he won.
Sly, didn't Punk use the top rope pedigree or some shit? That move owned, but it doesn't mean his whole move set is entertaining.
The Pepsi Plunge, yes. But he quit using it because he said it was teraing up his knees. And yes, he quit using it before he even went to the WWE, so Triple H had nothing to do with it.

You are speaking as far as entertainment, than yes it is Henry over Williams.
But as far as actually wrestling it is Petey
What's the difference? Wrestling is all about the story being told. Petey is terrible in the ring. At least Henry can work the Monster Heel match.

At least Christian was in the match, more than what aj can say.
That may be, but we're not comparing AJ and Christian, we're comparing AJ and Punk. Try and keep up. The point is that saying TNA doesn't matter is silly, and Christian's rise from midcard to main-event via TNA is proof.

I get what you mean, but what i meant was with him it somewhat felt like old ECW. He put on great matches with everyone. He was the only reason to watch ECW
While he didn't put on great matches with anyone, even if he had, that would make him the OPPOSITE of the original ECW, which had ZERO great matches.

I know it is acting, but you still cant tell me that Petey is better than Henry, Henry can't even talk well on the mic, you why Tony Atlas, even though he sucks too
There's more to the acting than mic work. It's about playing a character, and Henry plays his very well. What character has Petey ever played well? He was horrible as the heel Canadian because fans loved him. He was terrible as Big Petey Pump. Hell, he's been fired now.

Petey sucks.

THis is about most talented, not best actor. Thats why his moveset counts:smashfreakB:
But doing arbitrary moves has nothing to do with talent. I can go out in my backyard right now and do every move that CM Punk has ever done in his life. I can do every move that HBK has ever done, and I can do every move Hulk Hogan has ever done. Does that make me a talented worker? Of course not. Because no one cares about me doing it.

The talent in wrestling is being able to work a match in a manner that makes people care about what you are doing. It's about working to certain spots with good transitions. It's about playing your character properly and doing the things your character would do in the ring. It's about using moves that make sense, in the course of the match that they occur. It's about making the match seem realistic.

And AJ does this far better than Punk.

Punk wasn't handed his spot either. He worked his way to the top.
LOL :lmao:

Please tell me you're joking.
I want to start this off by saying, I had the best first day possible.

Now on to business.

It seems you are more interested in the acting than actually wrestling. That's fine.

Second off, the original ECW did have great matches, you probably never watched

He wasn't handed his spot. How many ROH guys won the a World title before Punk, not counting Foley.

Lastly Punk works with worst wrestler and puts on great matches. TNA in general does put on better matches than WWE, thats because for the most part they have better wrestlers.

I am done for the night. I can't wait for RAW tonight to watch Punk beat someone.
Goodnight for you man.
It seems you are more interested in the acting than actually wrestling. That's fine.
Wrestling IS acting. That's the whole point. You have two guys pretending to fight each other, using characters dreamed up by writers.

Second off, the original ECW did have great matches, you probably never watched
I've seen many of the "great matches" that ECW blowhards always talk about. And they suck.

He wasn't handed his spot. How many ROH guys won the a World title before Punk, not counting Foley.
How did he earn his spot? He was debuted in the best possible place, was put into a match teaming with DX, was given a World Title in under a year, and another World title in less than two yeras, all the while dropping ratings during his reigns, and never putting on any kind of high quality matches, or engaging in any kind of memorable fued.

How did he earn his spot?

Lastly Punk works with worst wrestler and puts on great matches. TNA in general does put on better matches than WWE, thats because for the most part they have better wrestlers.
This is wrong in so many ways. Punk has worked with guys like Jericho and Regal, and you say he works with bad wrestlers? And Punk has NEVER had a great match.

And TNA DOESN'T have better wrestlers than the WWE. The WWE has the best workers in the world.
It's very close for me between CM Punk and AJ Styles, I think both are ridiculosuly talented, but in the end AJ wins for me. Just by a bit. I might have said CM, but Sly did bring up some goiod points about AJ being able to have a better match with a bad opponent than Punk. Not taking anything away from Punk, but AJ is Phenominal.
Well if you really want to get into semantics about this the best RoH wrestler to go to WWE or TNA is easily Eddie Guerrero. Using the criteria that has been set to include AJ. Then Eddie easily falls in this. He was cared about and put on many entertaining matches in the WWE and he also won a world title and retained at Wrestlemania XX, so if that isn't big than I don't know what is.
It's very close for me between CM Punk and AJ Styles, I think both are ridiculosuly talented, but in the end AJ wins for me. Just by a bit. I might have said CM, but Sly did bring up some goiod points about AJ being able to have a better match with a bad opponent than Punk. Not taking anything away from Punk, but AJ is Phenominal.

The reason AJ puts up better matches are b/c he has better wrestlers to work with and has matches that fit his style. Yet again he can basically do anything he wants, unlike Punk. You guys are going on acting, not wrestling, there is a difference, Henry plays a better character than Williams, but he isn't better wrestler. Put Punk in TNA and put AJ in WWE, now who looks like the better talent.

Well if you really want to get into semantics about this the best RoH wrestler to go to WWE or TNA is easily Eddie Guerrero. Using the criteria that has been set to include AJ. Then Eddie easily falls in this. He was cared about and put on many entertaining matches in the WWE and he also won a world title and retained at Wrestlemania XX, so if that isn't big than I don't know what is.

I get what you are saying, but this is about full time wrestlers, who then left to WWE or TNA. So he won't count.
The 5 star match was Joe vs. Punk 2, but the match is, at best, average. Meltzer is a known sucker for Samoa Joe, and for trying to make his followers believe he is "smart" to the business. His ratings are so ridiculous that no objective person would ever use them to make a point.

I agree that Punk vs. Joe 2 gets over hyped, but I always thought their 3rd match in the Trilogy was worthy of being *****'s. That match was fantastic.

Styles plays a heel,

Punk knows how to play a heel, too. He got all kinds of heat in ROH and on other indy shows, and it's because he knew how to piss the people off with a character created by himself. I’m sure he would get good heel heat in WWE if they ever decide to go that route with him.

and a face very well.

Punk doesn't? I guess I'm going deaf, because I swear week in and week out I hear THOUSANDS of WWE fans chant his name every time he comes out on Raw. I'm also pretty sure I see quite a few CM Punk signs in the audience every week as well.

He has believable offense

Punk doesn't? What's so 'unbelievable' about his offense? And also, I'm a huge AJ fan so I don't mean to dog him here, but the springboard flip into the reverse DDT is nowhere near being believable, especially since he overshoots his opponent half of the time.

can sell like a fiend,

Punk is one of the best sellers in WWE, and far better at it then AJ, in my opinion.

understands the psychology of a match,

Punk does as well. His matches in WWE, more often then not, get great responses from the crowd, which means people buy into the story he's trying to tell.

is entertaining.

Punk is as well, when given a chance. In WWE though, he has hardly been given any mic time, and every time he has been given mic time, he had to say generic shit.

Punk's been a bust in the WWE, been given some of the best booking in the history of the company, all of which amounted to a midcard status.

Best booking in the history of the company? I don't think so. He debuted defeating guys like Justin Credible and CW Anderson for weeks, before starting a feud with Mike Knox over Kelly, which didn't even have an ending. He gets put in the Elimination Chamber and gets eliminated after just a couple of minutes a little while after that. Gets in a feud with Hardcore Holly and loses that. Loses MITB after that. Goes on doing nothing for a while, then starts a feud with Morrison over the ECW Title. In the match he wins the title, it ends up being one of the best matches of the year. After he wins the belt, he does basically nothing with it besides being put in generic match after generic match (a lot of those he loses, btw, in non-title matches), having nearly zero mic time in the process. He then drops the belt to Chavo Guerrero, a guy who becomes a jobber soon after that. He then wins MITB, beats Edge in fluke fashion, and then goes on to look like the weakest World Champion in history BECAUSE OF THE WAY HE WAS BOOKED. No doubt you'll deny that last sentence, but show me one other wrestler who lost as much as Punk lost during his reign as Champ? And after that, he hasn't been booked to do shit, except have these five minutes matches every week and be apart of random tag matches. Whenever he did get some time to work with, however, I feel that he has delivered. I thought he and Jericho had some TREMENDOUS matches against one another.

But the bottom line is the guy has still yet to be in a feud that lasted over a month, and all the feuds he has been in, he always ended up getting the short end of the stick, with the exception of Morrison. That is no where near having the 'best booking in the history of the company', Sly. If AJ had debuted in 2006 and been given the exact same feuds and matches.... it'd be the same exact result as Punk. He'd be floating around on the mid-card right now.

Anyway, to answer the question asked, Punk would be my answer. AJ and Punk are tied as far as I'm concerned when it comes to in-ring ability, but Punk takes this because he has far better mic skills then AJ. I'm a huge AJ Styles fan, but Punk is a better professional wrestler in the overall picture, in my opinion. And at the end of the day, his legacy will completely out shine AJ’s if AJ doesn’t ever leave TNA. And even if he does, I’m not so sure AJ would fair out well in WWE. But it’s something I would still love to see AJ go for sometime in the future.
My vote would be Samoa Joe, he has had the most success in TNA over everyone who has left ROH to wrestle elsewhere and he has also gained a huge ammount of popularity as well. Up until early 2006 TNA was cool with letting their talent go "all out" but has since limited their move set much like WWE does, so other talent that has moved to WWE or TNA we may have not gotten the best of since their ROH departure, that should always be taken under consideration as well.

My vote, Joe.
I get what you are saying, but this is about full time wrestlers, who then left to WWE or TNA. So he won't count.

so that automatically excludes AJ from this discussion, you can't allow AJ and not allow Eddie, they both wrestled there, AJ has been more of a TNA wrestler in his career since WCW than an RoH wrestler. So simply put you can't have one and ignore the other.
It has to be CM PUNK. it has to be him. His skill set is restricted down in WWE, but he still has great moves. Also he is kind of unique as far as the fact that when he came to WWE their really wasn't anyone like him their, that was getting the push he received. I still don't understand why he didn't make it in TNA, seems like their kind of wrestler, more so than WWE.

Also, he won the triple crown in a calender year. He won the Money in the bank, carried ECW for a couple of months. And competed in two, now heading into his third Mania.

I know it doesn't count for his actual talent, but it is still pretty impressive.:icon_smile:

CM Punk is my favorite, and one would say (maybe I wouldn't say...) that the TNA titles mean less than WWE titles. In that case you gotta go with Punk. My question is: was Bryan Danielson even in TNA or WWE??

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