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Do You Still Have The Christmas Spirit?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
We're in the middle of the holiday season, and Christmas is a few weeks away. Shopping, visits from family, exchanging gifts, or maybe you're just going through the motions, and waiting for everything to pass.

Christmas can be a special day for a number of reasons, or there's a chance it's a chore to get through for others. What I want know is, when you reach a certain age, is it possible to grow out of the Christmas spirit? Is there a chance your feelings towards Christmas changed, as the years passed, when yourself or others made the decision to pull back the curtain for Santa Claus? Or, are you at a point, where you just don't have the same awe-inspired feelings for Christmas anymore?

Whether it's family, co-workers, or friends, I always notice a big difference for how others feel about Christmas. I know some, who cherish the nostalgia from childhood memories of opening their first presents or waiting for Santa with milk and cookies, some could care less about Christmas, others love the chance to spend time with family, or some are just waiting for Christmas to be over, because it's a pain in the ass. Or in some cases, I know people, who are older than me, they're genuinely enthusiastic, they love everything about Christmas, and they can't wait for the 25th.

Personally, I can't say I have the same enthusiastic feelings for Christmas from my younger years. I don't hate Christmas or anything like that, but as the years passed, I don't have the same feelings of genuine excitement, when I used to literally run to the tree on Christmas morning to open my presents as a kid, when I waited for Santa, or when I talked my mother into opening my presents at midnight. I still enjoy the holiday, but for the most part, I don't feel the mystique surrounding Christmas anymore.
As Scrooge-like as it may be to say it, I'll go with the "pain in the ass" contingent.

Not being Christians, my one & only and I were never subject to the religious implications of the holiday....and since we're childless, we don't see the season through the eyes of the children, which is probably what brings out the joy for many folks.

Still, we're involved in the season, if not the holiday, and it's still fun to look at the decorations seen everywhere, although I would say the "good will toward men" espoused in the past seems largely missing today.

It's more of a struggle just to keep your head above water today, which seems to negate a lot of the good feelings we remember from the past. No matter how much things may have improved in the economy, there are tons of folks in politics and the media telling us everything is worse than ever .....the resulting pessimism making it a bit tougher each year to allow us to enjoy what came so easily in years past.

It's up to the individual families and friends to keep the spirit alive. If late December is going to be a festive time, it's those closest to you that are going to make it that way.

It all starts at home.
I have no shame in saying I'm a Christmas fanatic. I watch at least 70 (yes I have a checklist every year) Christmas specials a year, set up a tree, decorate, wear a UK Christmas hat most of the month and hum Christmas carols for weeks leading up to the big day. I've spent the last ten Christmas Eves at my aunt's house (mom's side of the family) and every Christmas Day of my life at my uncle's house (dad's side of the family) with a big dinner, presents, games and a lot of long, interesting chats. It's one of my favorite days of the year and I love it more every time.

I'm very blessed when it comes to family and I'm not sure how much I'd love Christmas if I didn't have them around. I used to wonder how anyone could not love Christmas, but I can't imagine what it's like to ahve to spend it alone or only with people you really don't care that much about. If you don't get to spend it with someone, try to find a place you enjoy being on that day. It's one of the best feelings in the world and someone no one should miss.
It use to be a pain in the ass, but now that my cousin has young children it's made Christmas kinda fun again, to add to it my mom will be out here for Christmas this year, so for the first time in about 5 yrs. I'll be spending Christmas day with somebody instead of by myself watching movies & shit all day. All that aside Christmas has lost some of the magic it had when I was younger & living at home, & surrounded by my family for the entire holiday.
For years I had zero Christmas spirit, it was always nice to see the extended family but other than that I really didn't care for it (although I do enjoy presents) but now that I've spent the last 3 Christmases with a kid in the house (2 of those with my daughter) it brought back some of the Christmas spirit for me. I still don't care much about the day in question but I like watching the kids open their presents, play with all their new stuff, especially since my daughter is still young enough that she doesn't fully understand what Christmas is, she's just so excited to open presents (not necessarily play with the presents, just open them).

Outside of my Mom who I never really lived with Christmas has mostly been treated like just another day, as the years go on the Christmas spirit got less and less until I started spending it with kids again, that in itself help bring it back for me (not to mention that it also signals my 2 week vacation every year). It's still not nearly what it was when I was a kid but its becoming a day I look forward to again.
Logistically and financially, this time of year is a fucking pain in the ass. Christmas Eve is the one night of the year I agree to spend some time with my wife's dreadful extended family. Then afterwards we go to her parent's house. Then Christmas morning we do the traditional family thing with my kids. Afterwards, we go to my parent's house for a while.

I also have 2 nephews who were born on December 30th so I have 2 parties to go to around this time, then my youngest daughter's birthday is January 3rd, then after a 3 week break, my oldest daughter's birthday is on the 24th. Thank fuck tax season is right around the corner to bail us out.

That being said, I love it all. I hate most things and people, but my kids are the shit.
As Scrooge-like as it may be to say it, I'll go with the "pain in the ass" contingent.

Not being Christians, my one & only and I were never subject to the religious implications of the holiday....and since we're childless, we don't see the season through the eyes of the children, which is probably what brings out the joy for many folks.

Still, we're involved in the season, if not the holiday, and it's still fun to look at the decorations seen everywhere, although I would say the "good will toward men" espoused in the past seems largely missing today.

It's more of a struggle just to keep your head above water today, which seems to negate a lot of the good feelings we remember from the past. No matter how much things may have improved in the economy, there are tons of folks in politics and the media telling us everything is worse than ever .....the resulting pessimism making it a bit tougher each year to allow us to enjoy what came so easily in years past.

It's up to the individual families and friends to keep the spirit alive. If late December is going to be a festive time, it's those closest to you that are going to make it that way.

It all starts at home.

I think Mustang hit it right on the head with that last line. Ive notice that as I moved into my own place at 18 I lost the Christmas spirit as it was just me and a few friends as I have a very small family....but fast forward to the next year when I have a girlfriend and I cant wait for Christmas and am feeling festive as santa himself. Now this year I don't have the spirit at all as my girl broke up with me so I don't really have much excitement for it itll just be the same old shit Christmas with the family as my younger years.... but when I find a partner again im sure my spirit will come back for it.

I think its the same for a lot of people. If you have your loved ones around you of course your going to enjoy Christmas as that's what its all about, but for those that don't have loadsa peple around them and gifts to enjoy Christmas can be a time of year when one exudes a lot of jealousy at all the festivities around them.
Of course I still have the Christmas spirit, you just look forward to different aspects of Christmas as you get older.

When you're a little boy, it's all about the presents. I'd wake up at the crack of dawn, and count the seconds until Mum and Dad woke up so we could all go downstairs and start opening the presents. The waiting until Christmas day was agonising, as the day never seemed to get any closer and the most important thing in the world was the new toys you were hoping to unwrap on Christmas day.

Then, as you get older it's other things you look forward to. The meet-ups with old friends in the pub during the holidays, seeing the family, buying presents for other people and seeing the look on their faces when they open them, and of course the presents of your own. The day does become a hassle in some ways- cooking the food (which I'm yet to do), the cost of buying all the presents (which is difficult when you are paying for a mortgage, council tax, bills and petrol on a monthly basis), but it's still fun.

I'm especially looking forward to Christmas this year, as it's the first one I'll be waking up in the same house as my Girlfriend's little daughter, who is 5 and still is in wonder at the magic of Christmas. I can't wait to see her face light up when she wakes up and is so excited at what Santa has brought her. Having a little one in the house makes Christmas that much more special. We are all going round to my parents for Christmas lunch, and I know my Mum and Dad are excited too at having a little child there, as both me and my brother are grown up now.

Hopefully, it will be a memorable Christmas!

Ho Ho Ho!
I'm a Yuletide freak. This time of year I scramble to do all I can to make it a wonderful holiday season from my end. I don't celebrate Christmas, but it's pagan equivalent which is really almost the exact same thing and I love it. We always do "Dirty Santa" and sit around a campfire no matter how cold it is. It's all about family for me around this time. Nice to just spend time with your loved ones for the holidays and watch the kids get excited with their presents.

Can't help but be happy for Yule. I get eggnog, mead, Swiss Colony, and mead.
Yes, I do have the Christmas spirit at the tender age of 20. Don't really have a big family since they're mostly elsewhere but I do have a few that we get together with and it's always a fun time. It's not really about the gifts here but the time spent with the people closest to us is awesome. We don't really get together much except for Christmas, not even on Thanksgiving. So it's really great when family is around.

For gifts, I usually receive cash but when I give, I try to give gifts that my family wants. I'm horrible at surprises so they end up figuring out what their gifts are beforehand. But oh well. The food though. I come from a family that loves to cook and boy, do they cook well. The holidays are always a time that I feel so bloated even when I try not to eat too much. But damn, the food is just so good.

Overall, Christmas is definitely my favorite time of the year. Family is all together. The house is decorated all over. And just the time we spend with our loved ones just means the world to me. Especially with my grandpa who is 91 years old. I tell ya, he's the strongest 91-year old ever and he loves Christmas! So we all feed off of his energy.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. Happy Holidays from my family to yours!
I suppose it's human nature to miss what you've lost. My parents got separated four years ago (and officially divorced last year). I don't have siblings and both parents are in long-distance relationships, so if I don't make sure they're both not too lonely these couple of weeks, who will? At least I still have both of them. They only have one of me.

I can't describe how badly I took the first Christmas, but I'm finally at an emotional state where this is the new normal. Hell, maybe I'll find me a blonde wifey whose folks are also split up and we'll do the whole Four Christmasses deal and I'll wrestle my dad for poops and giggles.
I still have the Christmas Spirit, just not as much as I did as a child or a teenager. When I was younger it was all about getting awesome new stuff and being home from school for several days. Now as an adult Christmas is more about having a couple of days off work, enjoying cool decorations around town, and keeping some of my old traditions alive. No matter what, two traditions will remain intact this year regardless of what else happens. For the 12th Christmas in a row I will listen to the song "The 12 Pains of Christmas" and for the 20th Christmas in a row I will watch the movie "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation". Nothing will ever change either of those traditions at this point. It's not Christmas for me without doing those two things. My family doesn't really do much for Christmas anymore and all I ask for each year now that I'm older is giftcards, so things died down a lot compared to when I was younger. My older sister and her side of the family will be in town though, I'll probably spend some time visiting with them too. As far as "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" is concerned, after watching it every Christmas for the past 2 decades I have it practically memorized at this point. Maybe I'll watch it in Spanish with French subtitles. Or in French with Spanish subtitles.

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