Do You Miss Kurt Angle in the WWE?

CM Steel

A REAL American
At 40 plus years old, Kurt Angle is the face and backbone of TNA/Impact wrestling. With or without their world title. Kurt Angle has won the TNA/Impact world championship various times ever since signing to TNA wrestling. Almost making him a big fish in a small TNA pond. But do you miss Kurt Angle in the WWE?

Kurt Angle when it's all said and done for his pro wrestling career. Will be remember most by his career in the WWF/E from his matches there. He's wrestled at every Wrestlemania (16-22) while in the WWF/E. But he's only had two standout matches at a Wrestlemania. At WM 19 against Brock Lesnar for the WWE championship. And against Shawn Michaels at WM 21 in the match of the night.

Kurt Angle has just re-signed with TNA/Impact wrestling for three more years, so the question of Kurt Angle returning to the WWE anytime soon is out to lunch.

But Do you miss Kurt Angle in the WWE?
I dont want to see him back in WWE full time or to wrestle. I honestly see nothing left in him and believe his career peaked years ago in WWE. I think his days as a full time pro-wrestler are numbered. He has had problems with drugs and alcohol and that may be due to the toll wrestling is taking on him (he had the same problem before he left WWE). I see a couple of return appearances one day for WWE and a HOF induction but that's all I think we will see - and all I want to see.
I think Kurt in TNA is what is needed. He's the one vet that has shined out. Just look at some of the matches he's had. Him vs AJ usually is an instant classic, and the match last week with James Storm was very well done. The one with Bobby Roode I know will be a classic as well.

So overall do I want him back in WWE? Nope.
I think Kurt in TNA is what is needed. He's the one vet that has shined out. Just look at some of the matches he's had. Him vs AJ usually is an instant classic, and the match last week with James Storm was very well done. The one with Bobby Roode I know will be a classic as well.

So overall do I want him back in WWE? Nope.

Agreed. though i don't think much of anything TNA does. getting Kurt there was one good thing they did, he's a great performer in the ring and not a bad mic worker. Just a pitty he really has few people he can go toe to toe with like he did when he was in WWE.

I would love to see Kurt return to WWE and shake up the competition, go head to head with Swagger, Ziggler to name a few, perhaps become the lockerroom leader he was meant to be b4 he jumped ship to TNA, but he is TNA 4 Life now and really til he stops doing stupid things outside of the ring it's not likely WWE would reach out to him anyway.

TNA were "Foot in mouth disease & Drugs/Drinking matters" :P
I do miss Kurt Angle in the WWE. His character never missed a beat & his time there were great because not only was he great on the mic he was also spectacular in the ring. He left a forever lasting legacy. I loved his feud w/edge started the "You Suck" chants & the iron man match w/HBK will always be one my favs because of the technical backgrounds both showed throughout the 30 mins. Do I see him ever coming back? Unfortunately, no. He knows he's become a big asset to TNA's product and TNA knows that losing a top player like Angle would be damaging blow to their product because of the recognition and hardwork attitude he's given. Angle knows he's the top player @ TNA & its a possibility if he returns to WWE he may have to work extra to keep that main event spot because so many younger stars are fighting to get where he was in 06. I think he should continue w/TNA he's happy there & no matter what nothing will take away from his WWE legacy.
I missed him in WWE in the years following his departure, but that time is now past. It no longer matters if he doesn't come back because he's not the compelling character he used to be; advancing age and injuries will do that to anyone.

The whole thing is a shame, really; the notion of one of the best performers ever wasting his time in a small operation when he could be presenting himself to the greatest number of people at the top of his profession. He used to have such harsh words for WWE, the company that gave him the opportunity to achieve the status he has. It's a shame.

But as I say, it's all in the past now. He's earned less money and gathered less exposure than he would have had he stayed in the big time. Some of the match-ups with the elite of WWE will now never happen because he wouldn't allow it.

He kept announcing he was going to retire; instead, he's signed on for 3 more years with TNA, giving himself an excellent chance of presenting as a "shadow of his former self" type performer in the manner of Ric Flair. No, it shouldn't wind up that extreme, but face it: Kurt isn't going to become more effective in the next 3 years, is he?

I've used an analogy on this forum before: It's as if Derek Jeter decided he didn't want to play for the New York Yankees anymore; he'd rather spend his career in Triple A.

Could Derek do it if he wanted?: Yes

Would it be a huge waste of time, talent and legend?: Yes

Good luck, Kurt. I hope you live long and be well.
At 40 plus years old, Kurt Angle is the face and backbone of TNA/Impact wrestling. With or without their world title. Kurt Angle has won the TNA/Impact world championship various times ever since signing to TNA wrestling. Almost making him a big fish in a small TNA pond. But do you miss Kurt Angle in the WWE?

Kurt Angle when it's all said and done for his pro wrestling career. Will be remember most by his career in the WWF/E from his matches there. He's wrestled at every Wrestlemania (16-22) while in the WWF/E. But he's only had two standout matches at a Wrestlemania. At WM 19 against Brock Lesnar for the WWE championship. And against Shawn Michaels at WM 21 in the match of the night.

Kurt Angle has just re-signed with TNA/Impact wrestling for three more years, so the question of Kurt Angle returning to the WWE anytime soon is out to lunch.

But Do you miss Kurt Angle in the WWE?

I think Kurt had more than 2 standout matches. He had a classic at WM17 against Chris Benoit and then at WM16 he had probably one of the best IC Title Matches ever remembered against Benoit and Jericho. I don't think Kurt ever had a bad Mania match either (Eddie/Kane/Rey&Orton).

I miss Kurt as a performer in WWE but not as a person. I doubt WWE would take him back anyway as a full time performer. The guy is trouble.
I do miss Angle in WWE wrestling great matches, but I respect him for going to TNA and trying to help the wrestling business. Although I think him resigning has more to do with the limited schedule and TNA not being as strict with their Wellness Policy. Plus, TNA hasn't punished Angle for any of his DWI offences, which WWE probably would have fined or punished him for.

I personally think Angle should've took time off from wrestling instead of resigning with TNA. He looks like the walking dead now and it's apparent his years of injuries and prescription abuse has caught up with him. While he can deliver in the ring and on the mic, he isn't nearly the wrestler he used to be. It's ignorant of him to keep going when he could be 100% if he took a few years off. Too bad, cause he could still be relevant now if he did...
I don't miss him in the WWE to be honest. Angle is better than any guy in the WWE right now. I liked him when he was in the WWE as it is how I got to know who he is, but, this is a guy who they wanted to throw onto the ECW brand that later on got fluked and became another joke called NXT. What would that have done for Angle? Everyone would bitch how he isn't a draw and he should be let go as he isn't worth time in the WWE, or this is killing his career why would he do this? Seriously, he has had a pretty good run in TNA since he has been in the company. I want him to retire in TNA not WWE. He has had better matches in TNA with wrestlers at his level of talent vs the WWE trying to make people be him. (Jack Swagger) So no I don't want Angle to be back in the WWE as I want him in TNA.

And for the DWI, DUI chargers he has on him are still yet to be proven so he is innocent until proven guilty. So, for him to be punished of fined by the WWE before truly being charged for them wouldn't be a smart move especially if he was found innocent instead of guilty.
I missed him in WWE in the years following his departure, but that time is now past. It no longer matters if he doesn't come back because he's not the compelling character he used to be; advancing age and injuries will do that to anyone.

The whole thing is a shame, really; the notion of one of the best performers ever wasting his time in a small operation when he could be presenting himself to the greatest number of people at the top of his profession. He used to have such harsh words for WWE, the company that gave him the opportunity to achieve the status he has. It's a shame.

But as I say, it's all in the past now. He's earned less money and gathered less exposure than he would have had he stayed in the big time. Some of the match-ups with the elite of WWE will now never happen because he wouldn't allow it.

He kept announcing he was going to retire; instead, he's signed on for 3 more years with TNA, giving himself an excellent chance of presenting as a "shadow of his former self" type performer in the manner of Ric Flair. No, it shouldn't wind up that extreme, but face it: Kurt isn't going to become more effective in the next 3 years, is he?

I've used an analogy on this forum before: It's as if Derek Jeter decided he didn't want to play for the New York Yankees anymore; he'd rather spend his career in Triple A.

Could Derek do it if he wanted?: Yes

Would it be a huge waste of time, talent and legend?: Yes

Good luck, Kurt. I hope you live long and be well.

And that analogy would have been poor then just as it's poor now seeing as the difference between AAA and the MLB is far more drastic than the difference between TNA and WWE. For starters, (and granted I'm basing this off the NHL since I'm not a baseball fan) minor league games are barely televised, and certainly not done so nationally, where as major league games are and are often picked up by major national networks like NBC, Fox, etc.

TNA is not scrounging to pick up local broadcasting stations. They broadcast on SpikeTV, a nationally televised channel that's picked up across the US. They also have numerous European and foreign deals to air programming there as wel.

At best you could use the analogy of having Jeter step down from the Yankees only to play for the worst team in the league. At best.
I miss Kurt being in 5-star matches in the WWE against better opponents. That's purely because Impact Wrestling has refused to push any original talent in favor of all the WWE rejects that came in. I've also noticed that alot of online fans seem to think Angle was somehow better in WWE than he has been in IW. That's not the case in my view. Angle has been paired with very few memorable opponents in TNA. Jarrett, Anderson, Joe, Sting, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles and now Roode. That match last week with Storm was great too, especially in the limited time they got to work in.

I think Angle is still good[though not great anymore] and does a great job at putting over TNA original talents. He put over Jay Lethal, Joe, AJ Styles, and many others just by being in matches with them. He seems to want to help the younger guys, which only cements his legacy once he retires. The only thing I don't like about Angle in Impact Wrestling is that they tend to keep switching him from heel and face without keeping him consistent. I like him slightly better as a heel, which is why I'm excited about this upcoming feud with Angle & Roode. That match will be the highlight of BFG no doubt.

Angle needs to take time off, though. He has lost a God-awful amount of weight and looks very unhealthy. Vacation would do him a world of good and would make fans wanna see him once he returns. Angle is always entertaining and a great addition to whatever company he is in. I just hope he's not a victim to overworking himself and dying too soon because he's too stubborn to realize he needs time off.
I watch a lot more of WWE than TNA. I absolutely loved Angle in WWE when the storylines were a lot better. I think he could be of remarkable benefit to WWE. SO as a fan of WWE, I would like to see him back. There is very little to be excited in when it comes to the main event on either Raw or SD and his experience could definitely help the people in the company. If he were to say he doesn't want to be a performer he could be a tremendous teacher to the upcoming performers in WWE or any promotion for that matter.

It's not likely to happen. Angle is happy with TNA and TNA is happy with him so it's something that is a distant and unlikely dream for most of us WWE fans.

I do agree with the above poster Storm, Angle doesn't look too great and could use time off.
No, I do not miss Kurt Angle in WWE.

He's better wrestling in a unlimited (A.K.A. doing shit to do shit) capacity and killing somebody's careers (or his own) in TNA than trying to "mat wrestle" John Cena or Randy Orton. The guy's a goon and basically has no change of coming back to WWE anyway, not to add his police record and the fact he in his 40's and probably won't last another 2 year as a in-ring contender.

No, I don't want Kurt back in WWE, and do not miss him in WWE. The guy such a cliche act and persona that him in WWE today would'nt be good for WWE's young star, seeing as though he's probably try to mat wrestle them and make them look like shit to keep himself over.
He is way better suited to TNA. WWE right now are all about the msucle bound meat heads, eg. Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Henry etc. etc. TNA is perfectly suited for Angle style. I just wish he would have more matches with guys like Pope, Shelley and Aries, instead of wrestling the same guys week after week. Atleast he wrestled Storm this past week and Roode at BFG.
No - I'd hate to see Kurt Angle in the WWE again whilst he's still a full time wrestler. Once he's retired I imagine he'll get a Legends contract or wrestle sporadically, but he's much better off in TNA at the moment.

Before Angle left the WWE he was used to put over John Cena, used as a back-up plan transitional champion after Batista was injured and then shovelled off to C show ECW.

In TNA Kurt is in the main event, has had long reigns with the world title and been involved in high level feuds - all he has to put up with is the terrible booking, but once he's in the ring for his matches he's on fire from bell to bell. If he returned to the WWE he'd be used to put over Randy Orton or John Cena. Then he'd probably have a far too short match with either C.M. Punk or Daniel Bryan on PPV.

The only thing I'd like to see in a Kurt Angle WWE return would be the main event of Wrestlemania 28 in a match vs the Undertaker, that would beat the two Undertaker/HBK matches - however as Cena/Rock looks set to headline and Angle is under contract to TNA that will never happen.
I dont want to see him back in WWE full time or to wrestle. I honestly see nothing left in him and believe his career peaked years ago in WWE. I think his days as a full time pro-wrestler are numbered. He has had problems with drugs and alcohol and that may be due to the toll wrestling is taking on him (he had the same problem before he left WWE). I see a couple of return appearances one day for WWE and a HOF induction but that's all I think we will see - and all I want to see.

It sucks to say it but I think you've got it exactly right.

I DO miss Kurt Angle in the WWE. He was one of the very few guys from the attitude era that caught my attention and made me a fan immediately. He was one of the funniest, most entertaining (in the ring or with the mic), and most talented guys I've ever seen in pro-wrestling... but those days are over, and his just headed downhill fast.
He is way better suited to TNA. WWE right now are all about the msucle bound meat heads, eg. Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Henry etc. etc. TNA is perfectly suited for Angle style. I just wish he would have more matches with guys like Pope, Shelley and Aries, instead of wrestling the same guys week after week. Atleast he wrestled Storm this past week and Roode at BFG.

Muscle bound meat heads? :banghead:

Um, how about CM Punk, or Del Rio, or Christian, or Rey Mysterio, or Wade Barret, or Dolph Ziggler, Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, Jack Swagger, R-Truth, The Miz?

And Mark Henry is being pushed because he's fucking awesome, and the ratings show it.
I would KILL to see a double heel feud between Kurt Angle & The Miz, that'd be so epic, better than Rock vs Jericho. Put him in there with R-Truth and holy crap man.

I think one of those moments I'll always remember is when Angle had that triple threat match with The Rock & Undertaker, and The Rock & Undertaker were facing each other off in the ring, and Angle's standing there looking at them and talking smack at them too but they're just ignoring him, and Angle gets more and more upset about being ignored until he's jumping up and down waving his hands in their trying to get their attention just to remind them that he's in the match too.

No matter what he was doing or what persona (heel or face) he had, he always killed me with his fake naivety that he could play off better than anyone I've ever seen.

"You know what would go great with pie? Two great big giant jugs of milk."
Naa the last time he was in the E, everytime he was on tv, he would siwtch channel. He had become an intense crazy version of himself and I didn't like his character. TNA should switch him to face, I think finaly he had struck a great balance as far character and style when he was face and ever since he joined Hogan, he sucks and looks like a psycho.

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