Do Stephanie's promos serve any purpose other than horrific ego massage on TV?

Well she is better on the mic than 90% of the active roster and I'm likely being pretty generous to the active roster. Steph is a natural in front of the crowd and every bit the villain as her old man. I think the biggest problem is she's a woman so nobody but other women can knock the sh@t out of her. So the only payoff is seeing her pawns humiliated.
I don't think I said anything to disagree with you lol.

I'd very much prefer it if wrestlers were the ones allowed to give those ridiculous long-winded promos instead of Stephanie or HHH. I'd like an end to heel authority figures in general.

No actually you didn't and it's all good. What does piss me off though is it's not needed now. When Vince and Austin were going at it it was hilarious, cause you always knew Vince was going to the shitty end of the stick. That was a classic feud, and I'll never forget the scene in the hospital when Austin hit him on the head with the bedpan. Just the noise it made, I still laugh today about it.

Stephanie is on another level entirely. She comes across as a supreme bitch, and there is no excuse for half of what she says out there. And say it she will because she knows no man will touch her in the ring. I'm just waiting for Lana to haul off and belt her one of these days.
Why does she always have to come out and give a useless promo? Because she gave herself a contract as a performer so every time she's out there she's getting paid very well instead of just when she sells her stock or collects her salary from whatever corporate position she has that week.
Nope. Next question?

Steph is on tv to show a woman in a position of power, that is all. wwe keeps talking about how she is one of the most influential women in business so they need to have her on tv using that power. They just neglect to mention that she is in power not because of her skills or abilities but because of her name. If she was Stephanie Jones who applied to wwe, she would not be in the position she is now and we would not see her on tv. So it is an ego stroke to show how important she is. She adds nothing to the show - you cannot even say she helps get talent over as talent is never allows to win or one-up her.

Well that's fucking obvious isn't it. The fact of the matter is that Stephanie McMahon is going to inherit the WWE. She is, for all intents and purposes, the real future of the WWE and there is nothing we can do about it. I'd get used to seeing her on a WWE screen because she is going absolutely nowhere.

Still, her comeuppance is on the way. Triple H is the wrestling legend in the Authority and he is going to be taken to task at WrestleMania and he is very likely going to get an ass kicking. The WWE are slowly going to start taking apart The Authority now and Stephanie getting what's coming to her is going to be a massive part of that. Yes, she's buried people in the past but that's what good authority figure does. In regards to Cena, she was only saying whatever was thinking. Everyone gets upset that the WWE seems to ignore us and when they don't, we always seem to have a problem with that too.

Mark my words, someone is taking her down in the next few weeks or months.
The male wrestlers are very limited in what they can do to her and the current divas aren't really worthy imo. They got to eventually bring in a big name female like a Ronda Rousey for Steph to finally get what she deserves.
The male wrestlers are very limited in what they can do to her and the current divas aren't really worthy imo. They got to eventually bring in a big name female like a Ronda Rousey for Steph to finally get what she deserves.

Okay that would work for me. Let Stephanie drone on and have Rousey come out, let Stephanie talk some smack to her, and the fight is on. It would have to be someone who doesn't work for WWE and is tougher in more ways than one than Stephanie. Brilliant suggestion.
She helped get Bryan over to a level not seen since the Attitude Era.

Amazing how that is overlooked.

If she takes L's every few weeks, then it's no big deal and ultimately no one cares. I guess y'all are all brainwashed by the constant 50-50 booking most of the roster has gotten for a long time where nobody ever establishes any real momentum.

Stephanie is the evil owner who is incredibly hard to get the best of......that's a GOOD thing! Because when someone actually does finally get the best of her, it's a big deal! See Daniel Bryan.
And the reality is, if some indy darling said what she said to Cena, most of you would be going absolutely nuts over it.

But since it's Stephanie, you're mad.

Sounds like a good heel to me. Usually the internet fans love heels. Stephanie even figured out how to make most of them hate her!

I recall Jericho saying how him hitting Michaels' wife really struck a nerve with people. "Like yeah it's all a show, but if someone did that to my wife I'd kill him!"

I think Stephanie being the evil, demeaning, talk down to you boss, who gets away with it and can do whatever she wants......that has really struck a nerve with many. And I do think it strikes even harder because she's a women. That just doesn't sit well with most.
She helped get Bryan over to a level not seen since the Attitude Era.

No she fucking didn't. I'm tired of people saying this ridiculous shit. She was barely on TV during the summer of 2013 when he blew up and afterwards, when they were working diligently to shove him back down the card where they thought he belonged, his fans spoke out. They shoehorned Steph and Hunter into a program with Daniel after Punk left, which has been confirmed by Punk saying that he and Hunter were going to face each other at Mania on Cabana's Podcast and Daniel himself confirmed it on Jericho's Podcast. He was already over despite her.

Amazing how that is overlooked.

Because it's not true.
No she fucking didn't. I'm tired of people saying this ridiculous shit. She was barely on TV during the summer of 2013 when he blew up and afterwards, when they were working diligently to shove him back down the card where they thought he belonged, his fans spoke out. They shoehorned Steph and Hunter into a program with Daniel after Punk left, which has been confirmed by Punk saying that he and Hunter were going to face each other at Mania on Cabana's Podcast and Daniel himself confirmed it on Jericho's Podcast. He was already over despite her.

Because it's not true.

I never said he wasn't over on his own, or that she was the only reason he was over.

I just said that she helped and played a role. If you're arguing that, you're just in denial. The whole "B+ player", the constant condescending talking down to him, the constant beatdowns of Bryan to end the show(ordered by Stephanie and HHH), etc. All of that played a role.

Bryan was loved and doing great.....and he had a despicable foe that it seemed he was not going to be able to beat, and the lines were blurred with the B+ player were legitimately mad. Looks like you still are.
I never said he wasn't over on his own, or that she was the only reason he was over.

If you imply that she had even a minor role in his getting over, you're lying.

I just said that she helped and played a role. If you're arguing that, you're just in denial. The whole "B+ player", the constant condescending talking down to him, the constant beatdowns of Bryan to end the show(ordered by Stephanie and HHH), etc. All of that played a role.

It did, and all of it could have and should have been done without Stephanie.

Bryan was loved and doing great.....and he had a despicable foe that it seemed he was not going to be able to beat, and the lines were blurred with the B+ player were legitimately mad. Looks like you still are.

You're missing the point.

Stephanie added NOTHING to that program but time wasted. You take her completely out of the equation, literally nothing about that feud changes. Triple H and Daniel Bryan, much like Triple H and Sting, are great professional wrestlers. Stephanie McMahon has no business inserting herself into those feuds especially since she isn't good enough to do so. Doing your best Vince McMahon impression is not cutting a good promo and that is literally ALL that she does.

Besides, SHE WON THAT FUCKING FEUD! Sure Daniel won the title at Mania but when Triple moved on to The Shield and Steph focused on Daniel, Kane injured him and he was stripped of the title. Where was her come uppance for that? There was none. Losing one battle but ultimately coming out on top in a program featuring someone that actually makes the company MONEY? That is a bad business move.

Now what did she do by coming out and trashing Cena a few weeks ago? Did she add any heat to the program? Not. At. All.

What did she accomplish Monday by interrupting Sting? Not a single fucking thing.

If people want to argue that she's entertaining and/or good as an on-screen character, fine. Who am I to judge your awful taste? But if you're saying that her promos aren't just an "Ego Massage" as the OP put it, you're wrong. She's only there because at the moment, females in power are "in." Not saying there's anything wrong with that, just that I'd prefer the woman in question to actually be good at her job.

I realize that I'm coming off as an asshole here but I'm fine with that. There is nothing more irritating to me than illogical television and bad acting. I suppose I have my own problems to worry about.
It's an intriguing possibility. I think Steph can cut amazing promos, but it seems like they're repeating the same thing on a weekly basis.

"You stayed with WcW till the end, which is admirable, but we were the ones that destroyed WcW". Does anyone point out that Triple H was 'one of the rats'? Does anyone point out that Sting has had a career since WcW died?
And that segment tonight is EXACTLY WHY it's a good thing that Stephanie runs wild most of the time. Because it sets up classic moments like that.

Some of y'all want her to take L's every week or something. Way to see the big picture.

Stephanie stays strong all year, that way it's a big deal when THE ROCK AND RONDA ROUSEY hand her an L at Mania. Classic segment.

Just like Bryan winning the title last year was a classic moment. Yes, it would've been great enough on it's own but it was made even better at him overcoming the seemingly unbeatable Authority to do so.
And that segment tonight is EXACTLY WHY it's a good thing that Stephanie runs wild most of the time. Because it sets up classic moments like that.
You mean moment where she insults and smacks one of top 3 names of the industry ever only to get him go away like a pussy and get one of the most strongest female fighters in the world to armbar Steph? :rolleyes:

Lets forget the fact that Rock hitted women in WWE before. Lets forget the fact that hitting someone(even if its a women) after that someone insults you and atacks you is normal thing to react. But no, you cant hit someone who insults you and hits you because she is a girl? If a girl pulls a knife on you you are just gona stand there and take it? Thats not gender equality, its stupidity. But lets forget that too...

Real problem is that ultimatly it doesnt do a thing. Even if you can count that moment as some kind of humiliation to Steph(oh, wow, an armbar), it doesnt do a thing for anyone. Steph is great heel and she does her role perfectly but Ronda freaking Rousey isnt WWE. Tommorow, next week and week after that she is gona insult another superstar. And another. And another. And so long and so long. And Ronda freaking Rousey isnt there to take her. So, she creates heat, but what good is that heat if nobody takes payoff from it. As I said in Stings case(even predicted that he loses in all that WCW vs WWE feud) he might win HHH but that would be HHH lose and HHH would have to deal with it. Steph has nothing to do with it because there is no payoff from her heat other then seeing her husband lose(she wasnt even at ringside of the match). As Nate said HHH lost to Bryan but she won. Maked him submit title, won feud with his wife and continue. So unless that insulting and hitting superstars under excuse that she is a boss and a girl(probably makes feminazis everywhere proud for that) produces some kind of payoff its freakin useless. Because it doesnt benefit anyone but her "heel bitch" persona. :)
No actually you didn't and it's all good. What does piss me off though is it's not needed now. When Vince and Austin were going at it it was hilarious, cause you always knew Vince was going to the shitty end of the stick. That was a classic feud, and I'll never forget the scene in the hospital when Austin hit him on the head with the bedpan. Just the noise it made, I still laugh today about it.

Stephanie is on another level entirely. She comes across as a supreme bitch, and there is no excuse for half of what she says out there. And say it she will because she knows no man will touch her in the ring. I'm just waiting for Lana to haul off and belt her one of these days.

How'd I disagree? Maybe I'm missing something. were taking what I said at first in a straight way. It was tongue firmly in cheek. I was being sarcastic.

For sure, Stephanie and HHH's egos are out of control.

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