Dixie's Foolishness Never Ceases to Amaze Me

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Now I've been trying my darndest to give TNA a chance and to not rip on them lately but this latest "Major Storyline" debacle just has to be said.

Now TNA has made a lot of dumb decisions over the years (A whole years worth of MEM storylines, constantly pushing veterans past their prime, putting the title on an out of shape, bloated druggie and the whole Immortals thing) but this has to take the cake for me. How can you write a major storyline that depends on guys WHO AREN'T EVEN SIGNED TO YOUR COMPANY.

Nash has been saying for months that he wasn't going back to TNA, Booker has expressed ZERO interest in rejoining TNA, so now they have to re-write a major storyline in less than a day because of their short sightedness and foolishness.

TNA really has no one to blame but themselves, you cannot plan major storylines and feuds in advance with people not signed to your company, that is just stupid business sense in every sense of the word.

I wrote a thread a while ago that they need a leader change in TNA, well that has never been more apparent than now. After this Dixie seriously needs to think about handing the company over to someone who isn't so dumb because frankly the company will never move forward with her at the reigns. Have someone who knows what they're doing run the day to day operations and just sit back from afar and hope for the best. Maybe it was Russo's and idea (who knows?) but with his track record of burying companies you would have to be high on glue to give him that kind of power. She is absolutely clueless.

Frankly, I think she's an embarrassment to pro wrestling and doesn't deserve to be within 500 miles of any wrestling ring.

I think TNA has tons of potential, they have the best roster in wrestling but with the people running it they have no chance in hell.
when did TNA say that MEM was reforming?

maybe it was all planned to make people expect it to be MEM, only the plan never really was to have MEM reformed.

TNA may have hinted at MEM with the guys in suits or wearing the colours, but maybe it was all planned by Russo for a swerve. just wait.
when did TNA say that MEM was reforming?

maybe it was all planned to make people expect it to be MEM, only the plan never really was to have MEM reformed.

TNA may have hinted at MEM with the guys in suits or wearing the colours, but maybe it was all planned by Russo for a swerve. just wait.

It's all I've heard for a while, but with TNA's track record I seriously doubt it. If this whole thing turns out to be something good, this will be the last bad thing I'll ever say about TNA, but from what I've seen with Dixie in the past I just don't see it happening.

I hope your right, I really, really, do. I truly wish for TNA to become as big (if not bigger) than the WWE, but with Dixie's lack of business acumen I just think its impossible for that company to grow. Honestly, I'd rather have Jim Herd run a wrestling company than Dixie.

Also understand that my feelings about dixie go way beyond this last debacle this isn't a one tinme thing for me, this is a feeling I've had for a long, long time, but this when I heard this it was just ridiculous. Seriously I don't think that girl can do anything right.
What ceases to amazing me is the foolishness of posters and people within the IWC like you. No offense but your out of line to criticize her as "clueless" like if you can do remotely better.

The woman may have total flaws but nobody is in ANY position to call her clueless and embarrassment. God knows, If she had a dick it would be different.

Also, Booker was never confirmed to be in the MEM storyline. Get your facts straight with that one. Nash on the on the hand is the guy they did a poor job of negotiating with.

I guess we should all ignore Dixie for signing more X-Division talent, Knockouts, signing deals for the UK, getting TNA on the road with Spike TV.

The IWC is an embarrassment.
Actually this was NOT Dixie Carter's idea the people that work at SPIKE TV wanted to bring back the MEM because doing its initial run drew what Spike executives to be good ratings so they told them to right this angle with "They" and a possible MEM reunion because they felt that would Draw more good ratings. So no I don't think that Dixie is an Embarrassment
BTW Kevin Nash's deal as of right now is only a one time thing. He is on the pro wrestling report tonight to do an interview and WWE doesn't allow their wrestler on that show or anyone who is in talks with them. Here is what happened......

3 weeks ago he was supposed to be on to do an interview and canceled. PWR said it was because of something in legal. They said he would be on the week after. Well that week came and there was no Nash. They said they couldn't talk about it, but they would try to get him for the future. Well after he debuted at the Rumble PWR had their post show and said because he was in talks with WWE they couldn't have in on their show.

So that was at least 3 weeks ago TNA knew he wasn't returning and they didn't even contact Booker T.
What ceases to amazing me is the foolishness of posters and people within the IWC like you. No offense but your out of line to criticize her as "clueless" like if you can do remotely better.

The woman may have total flaws but nobody is in ANY position to call her clueless and embarrassment. God knows, If she had a dick it would be different.

Also, Booker was never confirmed to be in the MEM storyline. Get your facts straight with that one. Nash on the on the hand is the guy they did a poor job of negotiating with.

I guess we should all ignore Dixie for signing more X-Division talent, Knockouts, signing deals for the UK, getting TNA on the road with Spike TV.

The IWC is an embarrassment.

An idiot is an idiot no matter what race or sex they are so don't accuse me on ripping on Dixie because she's a girl, THATS NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT.

You want my honest opinion, half the IWC (including myself) could do a better job with TNA than her and if I had a daddy to lend me endless amounts of money I would but alas it doesn't work out that way.

She is clueless in every sense of the word and the only reason TNA has made it as far as it has is because of certain people holding her little hand. Anyone who thinks Dixie's doing a good job has no business sense whatsoever. Say what you will but if TNA hasn't barely grown in 6 years (despite all the UK deals, X division stars, and big stars from yesteryear) it shows that someone doesn't know what they are doing. It's the facts man and until she can prove otherwise I will not change my stance.
tna had a backup plan so no worries. word is main event mafia was idea of spike execs. don't think tna was was really sure they'd have the full mafia anyway. Booker did do shit the professional way and declined and well nash...well he was nash. He doesn't live the gimmick, he is the gimmick. verbally agreed and didn't follow through. In the end...well...i kinda liked the outcome...woulda preferred the mafia (read spoilers this time, i just had to)
Dude its the iwc remember when they saud rock was coming back for one night late 2010 but yet this was never anywhere wwe related. that was the iwc saying that not rock himself not wwe. like when did dixie say the mem is coming back never. this is the iwc you need to watch the show dont read something and think this is right out the horses mouth because it makes you lok gullable man.
God knows, If she had a dick it would be different.
The IWC is an embarrassment.

Right, because the entire IWC, and some of them WOMEN are sexist. Let me point out three great female legends in wrestling:

Trish Stratus
Stephanie McMahon (Was part of creative)
Vickie Guerrero

Seriously, Dixie's an idiot. If it was Shane McMahon, he'd also be an idiot. If it was Paul Heyman, then we wouldn't have this discussion. If Paul Heyman had a pussy it wouldn't make a difference. Paulina Heyman would still be a wrestling Legend you fuckin' idiot.
Now I've been trying my darndest to give TNA a chance and to not rip on them lately but this latest "Major Storyline" debacle just has to be said.

Now TNA has made a lot of dumb decisions over the years (A whole years worth of MEM storylines, constantly pushing veterans past their prime, putting the title on an out of shape, bloated druggie and the whole Immortals thing) but this has to take the cake for me. How can you write a major storyline that depends on guys WHO AREN'T EVEN SIGNED TO YOUR COMPANY.

Nash has been saying for months that he wasn't going back to TNA, Booker has expressed ZERO interest in rejoining TNA, so now they have to re-write a major storyline in less than a day because of their short sightedness and foolishness.

TNA really has no one to blame but themselves, you cannot plan major storylines and feuds in advance with people not signed to your company, that is just stupid business sense in every sense of the word.

I wrote a thread a while ago that they need a leader change in TNA, well that has never been more apparent than now. After this Dixie seriously needs to think about handing the company over to someone who isn't so dumb because frankly the company will never move forward with her at the reigns. Have someone who knows what they're doing run the day to day operations and just sit back from afar and hope for the best. Maybe it was Russo's and idea (who knows?) but with his track record of burying companies you would have to be high on glue to give him that kind of power. She is absolutely clueless.

Frankly, I think she's an embarrassment to pro wrestling and doesn't deserve to be within 500 miles of any wrestling ring.

I think TNA has tons of potential, they have the best roster in wrestling but with the people running it they have no chance in hell.

To be honest dude I feel your frustrations, but there is so much we don't know about the backstage atmosphere of either WWE or TNA. Granted, I have a feeling TNA has probably dropped the ball on a lot of major storylines in the past, but I think we have to take all this stuff with a grain of salt.

Especially if the rumors are true that this was more Spike TV's idea than Dixie's in the first place. The internet is just a den for speculation and BS that I don't think it's worth getting all up in arms about Dixie Carter's decisions for storylines. I read something in regards to how Nash supposedly did not tell Dixie that he was going back to WWE for the Rumble last night but that Booker T told her what he was doing and declined the offer to rejoin the form the Main Event Mafia.

While, I don't blame you for being frustrated with TNA, I gotta say man that there are worse moves in wrestling's history that have been made than what Dixie Carter has done or hasn't.

Granted, she does not have WWE's track record for success, but there have been plenty of foolish things I've seen WWE do and they only get away it with cause they are WWE, but that doesn't change the fact that they were ridiculous (i.e. Vince's "Death" in the limo explosion and Katie Vick, granted if TNA did any of that stuff who knows how it'd be perceived but WWE in my view spit in the face of wrestling fans for those scenarios).

Bottom line, man, the internet is full of bullcrap plain and simple. It's easier said than done to accept that, don't get me wrong, especially with how the internet has given us such an avenue to talk about wrestling in aspects that are beyond the TV presentation.

But TNA is pushing a decade in age, while it's not groundbreaking stuff, even with their shortcomings compared to WWE in terms of recognition and presentation, I think they are doing well and you are right about their talent, they got plenty of great potential in that department. Time is going to tell of course, but I think even with all this backstage hoopla about the fumbling of the ball with getting the Main Event Mafia back in its original form is very internet speculation-fueled.

However, I respect your motivation for making this thread and can understand your point, no argument there man.
TNA never said they were bringing back MEM. Everyone jumped to that conclusion. Read the Impact spoiler. I actually like the direction they're going. I don't know why they chose that direction, but I think they chose wisely. As for Dixie Carter, do you think she books the show? Seriously, she has no input on the creative direction of TNA. If they were going to bring back MEM, & if the had to change because of Nash/Booker, then you should blame Bischoff, Hogan, & Russo. Those are the guys who book the show.
To be honest dude I feel your frustrations, but there is so much we don't know about the backstage atmosphere of either WWE or TNA. Granted, I have a feeling TNA has probably dropped the ball on a lot of major storylines in the past, but I think we have to take all this stuff with a grain of salt.

Especially if the rumors are true that this was more Spike TV's idea than Dixie's in the first place. The internet is just a den for speculation and BS that I don't think it's worth getting all up in arms about Dixie Carter's decisions for storylines. I read something in regards to how Nash supposedly did not tell Dixie that he was going back to WWE for the Rumble last night but that Booker T told her what he was doing and declined the offer to rejoin the form the Main Event Mafia.

While, I don't blame you for being frustrated with TNA, I gotta say man that there are worse moves in wrestling's history that have been made than what Dixie Carter has done or hasn't.

Granted, she does not have WWE's track record for success, but there have been plenty of foolish things I've seen WWE do and they only get away it with cause they are WWE, but that doesn't change the fact that they were ridiculous (i.e. Vince's "Death" in the limo explosion and Katie Vick, granted if TNA did any of that stuff who knows how it'd be perceived but WWE in my view spit in the face of wrestling fans for those scenarios).

Bottom line, man, the internet is full of bullcrap plain and simple. It's easier said than done to accept that, don't get me wrong, especially with how the internet has given us such an avenue to talk about wrestling in aspects that are beyond the TV presentation.

But TNA is pushing a decade in age, while it's not groundbreaking stuff, even with their shortcomings compared to WWE in terms of recognition and presentation, I think they are doing well and you are right about their talent, they got plenty of great potential in that department. Time is going to tell of course, but I think even with all this backstage hoopla about the fumbling of the ball with getting the Main Event Mafia back in its original form is very internet speculation-fueled.

However, I respect your motivation for making this thread and can understand your point, no argument there man.

First off I gotta say I always liked you man and this is post is a perfect example of why.

I understand that internet is full of bs and shit, and of course you can't believe everything you here, but at the same time I always have to look at all variables and one of those is track records. Of course this is my opinion on the subject and I totally agree with you about the internet BS because we don't really know, no one does except for the people in TNA. IMO it just sounds like something TNA and Dixie would do, I just have no faith in her, but its true that TNA gets a much worse rep than WWE when it comes to bad storylines just for the fact its TNA which isn't fair at all if you ask me (I don't think TNA ever did anything quite as bad as Katie Vick honestly).
TNA never said they were bringing back MEM. Everyone jumped to that conclusion. Read the Impact spoiler. I actually like the direction they're going. I don't know why they chose that direction, but I think they chose wisely. As for Dixie Carter, do you think she books the show? Seriously, she has no input on the creative direction of TNA. If they were going to bring back MEM, & if the had to change because of Nash/Booker, then you should blame Bischoff, Hogan, & Russo. Those are the guys who book the show.

Respectfully, of course. If I asked you to invest and kept telling you profilt will be huge be huge and you keep throwing money at me, you'd probably wanna know where it's going. You'd also want to start making decisions on where to invest just to be safe.
While I'd normally agree with you, in this case it appears that you are wrong. Check the spoilers. I'm not sure if it's what TNA were planning all along, but I'm glad they went this route, in any case.
I know TNA has disappointed us, but seriously? After a 1.28 rating last week that went up over .10 points from the week before, why in the world can you complain? It was not truly confirmed MEM was coming back, otherwise why do you push for Steiner to be there the week before? To throw people off guard. As soon as we found it was Steiner (spoilers or no spoilers, we started coming up with possible scenarios just like we did with the first 'They' until everybody figured it out and knew the first 'They' would be a disappointment. So everyone assumed we'd have Nash and Booker there and it won't happen now. We can't blame Dixie or any other creative for pushing this cause we don't know what their motive was, and even if it was for Nash and Booker to return to MEM and TNA dropped the ball, I can tell you something that WWE has dropped the ball on since before the summer: An anonymous GM
I know TNA has disappointed us, but seriously? After a 1.28 rating last week that went up over .10 points from the week before, why in the world can you complain? It was not truly confirmed MEM was coming back, otherwise why do you push for Steiner to be there the week before? To throw people off guard. As soon as we found it was Steiner (spoilers or no spoilers, we started coming up with possible scenarios just like we did with the first 'They' until everybody figured it out and knew the first 'They' would be a disappointment. So everyone assumed we'd have Nash and Booker there and it won't happen now. We can't blame Dixie or any other creative for pushing this cause we don't know what their motive was, and even if it was for Nash and Booker to return to MEM and TNA dropped the ball, I can tell you something that WWE has dropped the ball on since before the summer: An anonymous GM

Sure, I'd agree with that, but at least it still gets a reaction Y'know? I mean it'd be considered a failure if it got no reaction and they just instated a Manager to replace. And that's not to say WWE didn't fuck up this past summer, but TNA's ratings have been in free fall ever since this whole Russo business. I mean THEY had me interested, it was a very nice mysterious stable and they just did a carbon copy of Hogan heel turn.
TNA never said they were bringing back MEM. Everyone jumped to that conclusion. Read the Impact spoiler. I actually like the direction they're going. I don't know why they chose that direction, but I think they chose wisely. As for Dixie Carter, do you think she books the show? Seriously, she has no input on the creative direction of TNA. If they were going to bring back MEM, & if the had to change because of Nash/Booker, then you should blame Bischoff, Hogan, & Russo. Those are the guys who book the show.

I understand Dixie doesn't book the shows but you gotta understand like how everything falls on Vince everything falls on Dixie because she's the one in charge there is no denying that. That means it was HER fault to put those people in charge (even given their past track records, especially Russo) no one made her hire Hogan, Bischoff and Russo. Personally I think TNA was much better when Cornette and D'amore were booking the show, TNA was pretty good back then. TNA has lost their vision and lost what they're about, and once again thats because Dixie decided to go in that direction. I know it was a more independent feel, but I truly believe TNA would be much further along if they kept in that direction, that got them the deal on spike tv, that is what got them noticed. TNA used to be a breath of fresh air, but now its not.
Why is it that each and every time TNA gets egg all over their face, the marks come running to their defense by saying the swerve was on? Give me a break. TNA f***ed up, end of story.
when did TNA say that MEM was reforming maybe it was all planned to make people expect it to be MEM, only the plan never really was to have MEM reformed.TNA may have hinted at MEM with the guys in suits or wearing the colours, but maybe it was all planned by Russo for a swerve. just wait.
Agreed, TNA didnt say the Mafia was returning, that was us (wrestling fans) guessing that it could be the Mafia returning. I could be right and i could be wrong, but that's what happens when you go to message board. You either predict what will happen (like with who THEY are) or who you think goes to Wrestlemania.
Sure, I'd agree with that, but at least it still gets a reaction Y'know? I mean it'd be considered a failure if it got no reaction and they just instated a Manager to replace. And that's not to say WWE didn't fuck up this past summer, but TNA's ratings have been in free fall ever since this whole Russo business. I mean THEY had me interested, it was a very nice mysterious stable and they just did a carbon copy of Hogan heel turn.

And I can agree with that. I think ratings plummeted after the first THEY but I'm glad they are going up. TNA is starting to show some originality now. I think they're Immortal screw-up is finally getting some kinks worked out and they are starting to utilize talent a little more even if it's talent they already had. I think we could all book it different. Trust me, I love writing e-fed/g-fed shows and developing storylines for fantasy wrestling, I could come up with several storylines that I'd think would make TNA work.

I've said before that wrestling has went through so much time that we are not really seeing originality before cause somehow, every angle has been done, problem is. We are seeing some of these angles copied more than once during our generation.
Deanerandterry, it seems like you blame everything on Dixie because she is the head of TNA. I am not a TNA mark, but I remember a year ago when everybody marked the fuck out when she brought in Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Hardy(at the height of his popularity), RVD, Anderson, etc. You can't tell me these were bad moves. The only other thing that people would have loved more is if she had got Heyman as well.

This whole TNA thing feels like the Yankees. Dixie hires a GM. The GM makes all the decisions and she gets the blame because she owns the team, in this case TNA. I don't think she deserves a free pass, but there is plenty of blame to go around. Hogan and Bischoff were the ones forcing the Monday Night Wars when TNA was nowhere ready. She signed off on it, but are you going to doubt 2 legendary promoters like them?
deanerandterry I could not agree with you more! She is totally incompetent in the wrestling business! Time after time she proves to be more Ditzy than Dixie (as I write on Facebook). Where do we start? Hiring Hogan, Bischoff, Hardys, Nash, Hall, Waltman, and Steiner? What does that prove for teh last year? NO improvement in ratings & buyrates!

And.... she has people like Awesome Kong, Low Ki, and Chris Daniels leave who are people who can WORK! Oh, and let's not forget, she keeps Vince Russo. She's a fucking idiot. And I haven't even gotten to her NOT hiring Paul Heyman. I'm finished rooting for TNA but I'll watch it from time to time. If she hires Heyman, it could be a different story! Until then, it's Ditzy Carter's suck-ass show that will produce a 1.2 rating.
You want my honest opinion, half the IWC (including myself) could do a better job with TNA than her and if I had a daddy to lend me endless amounts of money I would but alas it doesn't work out that way.

You are outta your god damn mind to even think that. Tell me what the fuck do you know about finances, booking events, paying wrestlers, keeping headquarters in Nashvile up and running, making sure the formats are TV ready? What does the IWC know about paying and selecting cameramen and crew works for Tours? Name me 5 people who are going to work the creative department?

Her daddy? You act like she's some 17 year old brat. The woman has a company INVESTED within a company. Her dad OWNS TNA, she keeps it running the way she sees fit.

Money is given because it's an Investment. Not because she asks for it. I guess you would need to brush up on your education to figure that one out.
Hold on, douchebag. Do you KNOW who "they" are going to be? Maybe TNA didn't even plan on reforming the M.E.M Mafia with all of its original members, but instead add some new faces, i.e Crimson. Did that ever cross your smarky IWC mind? When Ric Flair said that they're reforming the Four Horsemen, he didn't bring Tully Branchard and the rest of the group, no, he formed Fourtune.


God damn the IWC is fucking moronic. Go fuck yourself. I can't possibly believe some can be that stupid. You read the dirt-sheets, you pull some fabricated bullshit out of your ass and you shit on both TNA and WWE without having ANY SOLID PROOF!

Show me, fucking show me TNA's plans for a Main Event Mafia return, where they want to bring in Booker and Nash. If you can't do that, then do me a favor and don't post here anymore. No proof - no argument. Period.

This is not a fact, this is all you fucking idiots GUESSING! Nothing's for sure, nothing's set in stone.

Besides, EVEN IF they had plans for Nash and Booker, how the fuck is this storyline going to be worse if they're not in the Main EVent Mafia (we suppose they are "they"?). How? We'll get some young guys in that stable in their place ( you know, the young guys YOU ALL BITCH ABOUT), they'll get a rub, and take out Immortal.

How can such fucking dumbasses exist? Did someone even say they can run TNA better than its current management? What the fuck has happened to the WrestleZone forums? Is there an invasion of imbeciles? God damn it, go eat shit whoever said that. You probably can't even sneeze at your workplace without asking for permission. Pieces of shit ...

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