Dixie Carter YOU SHOOT..


Getting Noticed By Management
Has anyone seen this?


The DVD begins with some of the typical questions such as were you a wrestling fan growing up, how and why did you get into the business, etc. Besides that, as you would expect there is plenty of questions about Vince McMahon, WWE, Vince Russo, Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, and WCW comparisons. Some topics Dixie does well at avoiding while others she gets into.

For example, when asked which 1 WWE star she would want should they ever become available, Dixie basically responds that she is happy with her roster and wouldn't really want any specific star from the WWE roster, and while I understand she wouldn't want to put over a WWE talent and make it seem like she would desperately want a bigger star, we all know that if a Cena, Orton, or whoever were available Dixie would be on the horn immediately trying to sign them up, and for that matter they don't even need to be that big of a name as we've seen in 2010 with the likes of Orlando Jordan.

While on the topic of Vince Russo, Hogan and Bischoff, this DVD does become more insightful. Former TNA employee and Professional Vince Russo hater, Jim Cornette submits a video question asking Dixie about why Vince Russo continues to be employed, to no surprise Carter defends Russo and explains that many times where a Fire Russo chant rang out, whatever was going on in the ring wasn't even written or booked by him, sometimes they were instead booked by Cornette's good friend Dutch Mantell. Dixie reveals that one day she flipped on the creative staff and told them if there is another fire russo chant for something he had nothing to do with someone will lose their job.

The live aspect was a interesting idea, while it could have been epic, it did not necessarily make this edition of You Shoot any better than previous editions. Had their been more knowledgeable fans who were not nervous to ask Dixie questions to her face, it could have been a barn burner of a interview . Nonetheless another solid installment of the you shoot series, and you have to give some props to Dixie for having the sack to sit down and do this with seemingly no pre screening of the questions. Dixie Carter often reminds me of Sarah Palin, you never know what is gonna come out of her mouth, for that reason alone, check out this DVD release.

Who else saw this? any comments?
While I believe that I already answered on a previous Dixie/YouShoot thread, I'll say that this should be something interesting, especially coming from the TNA boss, Dixie Carter. Of course, you had to expect ALOT of flack from the dissatisfied TNA fans going off at Dixie but it should be something for TNA fans, Internet fans, and fans that are just unhappy with TNA in general lol. Jim Cornette's part, to me, is the highlight of this DVD though...:)
What The Hell? Did I hear right when she said.."If Some of her loyal fans chant fire Russo" She was going to fire someone else.. What The Fuck? That makes no sense. What else is their to say about this? Her answers are short and she's just talking a bunch of bullshit.

she actually said that if the Fire Russo chant came about from something that Russo had not booked/written then someone would get fired. not everything that is aired is done by Russo, there is an entire creative staff. like 4 or more people most likely.....not just one person. haven't had the time to watch it all. but from the looks of it, sounds like it is something TNA fans and non fans should watch.
What The Hell? Did I hear right when she said.."If Some of her loyal fans chant fire Russo" She was going to fire someone else.. What The Fuck? That makes no sense. What else is their to say about this? Her answers are short and she's just talking a bunch of bullshit.

You might want to actually watch the interview itself before judging her. Her point was that none of the fire Russo chants happened during Angles/Matches that were ideas of Russo. She felt that the creative team were getting sloppy because they had a scape goat in Russo. She wanted them to step up their game to stop the chants from happening. (As they were clearly not Russo's fault to begin with)

While I don't agree with everything she said during this interview (in fact, I disagree with a lot of it), I actually do respect her opinions. She's not the idiot that everyone makes her out to be. I'm glad I watched it, honestly.
she actually said that if the Fire Russo chant came about from something that Russo had not booked/written then someone would get fired. not everything that is aired is done by Russo, there is an entire creative staff. like 4 or more people most likely.....not just one person. haven't had the time to watch it all. but from the looks of it, sounds like it is something TNA fans and non fans should watch.

Example of why she isn't the kind of individual i want running my company.

The only reason she was in power was because of that source of capital her father built --> Panda Energy.

Her statement on not wanting any WWE stars..lol..but i suppose having a reunion PPV for a defunct company would create more value than any WWE star (not talking about Khali here, but someone of Cena stature). I guess that's why Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson are there... but it appears there capability to draw has shrunk to the likes of TNA drawing power. Maybe they should have spent money on advertising that could build TNA drawing power so when they get someone like Jeff Hardy, it wouldn't go to waste.
I know I'm lame but I've only seen a couple of clips of it. It's interesting to see it happen. In my opinion or IMO for most of you guys that love initials... It's just a cheap way to get there company out. Since WWE hasn't got their lawyers out yet to sue TNA for using ECW, now they are hoping for a solid shoot to get the company over.

Overall, she is very nice, and very attractive. She does a lot... You have to give her that. The bad part is, she answers with buzzwords and cliches. Yes, she has personality, but she has overloaded herself.

It's a small company with too many chiefs not enough Indians. Yea, I know it's a cliche, but a lot of proof to that. So many guys in charge there. So, yea, she is perky, and nice about things. She is professional, but how much more longer will that last? You really still can't be professional when your company keeps on digging a bigger hole.
I tried watching it, but it didn't feel sincere to me. There was a lot of flat, by-the-book BS business answers that skirt answering the actual questions. The same sort that VKM used in his interview with Off the Record. That's just bothersome, to me. I get not burying your own company or admit it looks bad in certain regards, but still. :shrug:
Example of why she isn't the kind of individual i want running my company.

The only reason she was in power was because of that source of capital her father built --> Panda Energy.

Her statement on not wanting any WWE stars..lol..but i suppose having a reunion PPV for a defunct company would create more value than any WWE star (not talking about Khali here, but someone of Cena stature). I guess that's why Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson are there... but it appears there capability to draw has shrunk to the likes of TNA drawing power. Maybe they should have spent money on advertising that could build TNA drawing power so when they get someone like Jeff Hardy, it wouldn't go to waste.

Didn't Vince have a rich daddy? Yeah thought so - its ok for him but not for her? fuck sake.

Didn't say she didn't want WWE stars. You have watched this shoot? Cos if you did then its pretty pathetic to mis-represent what she says just to suit your bias against her. Oliver asked which CURRENT stars she would want - she replied that she has everyone she wants at the moment. again, fuck sake.

Tell the truth - maybe your opinions will gain some validity
Didn't Vince have a rich daddy? Yeah thought so - its ok for him but not for her? fuck sake.

Didn't say she didn't want WWE stars. You have watched this shoot? Cos if you did then its pretty pathetic to mis-represent what she says just to suit your bias against her. Oliver asked which CURRENT stars she would want - she replied that she has everyone she wants at the moment. again, fuck sake.

Tell the truth - maybe your opinions will gain some validity

So Vince dad was a billionaire? How many wrestling promoters became billionaires just from promoting wrestling?

Vince Sr. was running a regional promotion centered in the Northeast for thirty years. What changed after Vince Jr. took over the company in 1980? Hogan signing from AWA. Wait, he was in the WWF before but got released/fired. Was suppose to be AWA World Champion but Gagne refused. (What happened to Gagne? Gagne didn't have a rich daddy but i'm sure he would have had money like Vince Sr since you propose he was rich from promoting wrestling). Expansion to other territories which was unheard of at the time. Signing of talent from other territories. Other promotions tried to form alliances to rival this expansion, only to fail or become property of Ted Turner. Did he not change the wrestling industry in a significant way?

In his seventh (or eight, 1987), the third installment of WrestleMania drew 93k, or actually 78k by the person hired by VKM to run marketing. How many wrestling promotions at that time ever reached such a number (gate $$)? It was Vince Jr. who got everything together, for better or worse (industry speaking). He got the WWF name out there. Advertising. People bought into the idea that Andre The Giant never lost a match, which was a lie... but how much money did that generate? More than any other wrestling promotion at its time. I wonder if he had a Spike TV like company to pay for the big names he obtained...oh wait, maybe his rich daddy supplied him during Vince Jr. success.

Only ten years later where he was challenged by Ted Turner WCW. Look at how that turned out. Did Vince Jr. need his rich father to counter WCW in 1996-1998? Vince Jr. even lost Bret Hart to them and in a matter of six months, began to win the Monday Night War.
Didn't Vince have a rich daddy? Yeah thought so - its ok for him but not for her? fuck sake.

Didn't say she didn't want WWE stars. You have watched this shoot? Cos if you did then its pretty pathetic to mis-represent what she says just to suit your bias against her. Oliver asked which CURRENT stars she would want - she replied that she has everyone she wants at the moment. again, fuck sake.

Tell the truth - maybe your opinions will gain some validity

Vince BOUGHT the WWWF off his father he wasn't handed anything. So maybe you should do your research before mouthing off then your TNA mark comments might have some validity

Dixie Carter hasn't worked for what she has. Vince has.
So Vince dad was a billionaire? How many wrestling promoters became billionaires just from promoting wrestling?

Vince Sr. was running a regional promotion centered in the Northeast for thirty years. What changed after Vince Jr. took over the company in 1980? Hogan signing from AWA. Wait, he was in the WWF before but got released/fired. Was suppose to be AWA World Champion but Gagne refused. (What happened to Gagne? Gagne didn't have a rich daddy but i'm sure he would have had money like Vince Sr since you propose he was rich from promoting wrestling). Expansion to other territories which was unheard of at the time. Signing of talent from other territories. Other promotions tried to form alliances to rival this expansion, only to fail or become property of Ted Turner. Did he not change the wrestling industry in a significant way?

In his seventh (or eight, 1987), the third installment of WrestleMania drew 93k, or actually 78k by the person hired by VKM to run marketing. How many wrestling promotions at that time ever reached such a number (gate $$)? It was Vince Jr. who got everything together, for better or worse (industry speaking). He got the WWF name out there. Advertising. People bought into the idea that Andre The Giant never lost a match, which was a lie... but how much money did that generate? More than any other wrestling promotion at its time. I wonder if he had a Spike TV like company to pay for the big names he obtained...oh wait, maybe his rich daddy supplied him during Vince Jr. success.

Only ten years later where he was challenged by Ted Turner WCW. Look at how that turned out. Did Vince Jr. need his rich father to counter WCW in 1996-1998? Vince Jr. even lost Bret Hart to them and in a matter of six months, began to win the Monday Night War.

This reads like a reply to a post trying to bury Vince? Did I once do that in my post? I simply posed the question; why is it ok for Vince to be handed advantages in the wrestling industry that no ordinary person would have - but its not ok for Dixie? Its too cliche for me, all this, working class people sticking it to the rich kid horseshit. Vince worked for his dad and worked his way up the ladder at WWWF - thus earning his position at the time; Dixie, from what I understand, did the same working for her father. She earned her position. Her father trusted her enough as a business woman to do what was needed to allow to invest in TNA. Vince snr did the same thing - he sold him the promotion. We all know this and I'm well aware of the achievements Vince has. There are striking similarities between both Dixie's and Vince's start in promoting. That was my point - only difference seems to be that Dixie gets it tight from everyone because her dad is rich? Oh, no sorry, there is another difference; Vince jnr openly admits that if his father knew what Vince would do with the company - he wouldn't have sold him it.

Vince BOUGHT the WWWF off his father he wasn't handed anything. So maybe you should do your research before mouthing off then your TNA mark comments might have some validity

Dixie Carter hasn't worked for what she has. Vince has.

As I've said above, I'm well aware of Vince's history. He was handed a start in the business in a position that anyone else, with his lack of experience, wouldn't have got unless they were "connected". Not saying he didn't bust his hump after that - that'd be stupid. You don't become a billionaire from where he started by slacking off. On the flip side its also extremely stupid to claim that being the son of the OWNER wasn't an advantage no-one else would have? You're all willing to believe, without any real tangible proof, that certain guys in the business today get the spots they do, because of who they work out with - but your not willing to buy that Snr maybe gave Jnr a little shuv he wouldn't have for anyone else? There's not much more to discuss if you wanna throw logic and fucking reason out the window.

I also find it laughable that you would, or anybody for that matter, tell me what Dixie Carter has and whether she earned it or not?! We all know how Vince's story goes, how he got to a position where his father trusted him enough as a BUSINESS man to sell him the promotion - not sure Ive heard how Carters goes. You gave us a brief summary - please elaborate and then allow us to look at you source.
Other people were handed the business, like Jim Crockett Sr to Jr in the 1970s-1980s through family ties or Ted Gordon to Paul Heyman through professional relationship, to WCW allowing Eric Bischoff to have their keys since he was able to convince them to promote him. etc. But like those three, they failed to keep their business going into the next century.

I do not believe she is able to run a wrestling promotion effectively because she never came from a wrestling background like Vince Jr, (not so sure i can say the same about) Jim Crockett Jr, Heyman, even Bischoff (who had time with the AWA before running with the ball in WCW). They were apart of the business and learned aspects of it. You notice in the past, most people who run promotions have worked within it. And most of them except for Vince Jr. were successful long-term (since short-term success, WCW 1996-1998, didn't stop them from spiraling downward). So what's the chances someone outside it will be successful?

What did Dixie do before taking over Jeff Jarrett's (self- j/k)promotion? Did she worked as a valet (like Ms. Elizabeth), i meant manager like Paul E. Dangerously for several years? Is her father in the wrestling business and she was able to learn how to run it? No. The only purpose she has served is to have that financial connection from her father (Panda Energy) to keeping Formerly-Jarrett's promotion up the ground (her best decision was relinquishing Jarrett from power; her worse decision wasn't hiring a wrestling individual to run it). Of course, it helps having Spike TV willing to pay for talents like Sting and so on. Maybe she worked that agreement between her company and Spike TV pretty well. But of course, we don't know what goes on behind the scenes.

Take a look at Stephanie McMahon, she had more experience working in the front office (advantage of being a daughter of one of the successful wrestling promoters of her time). Her husband is one of the best draws in wrestling history (there are others above him but i'll take him over Ric Flair, since WWE has drawn more money the last ten years than WCW / NWA in the 1980s and 1990s) and was in a better position than Jeff Jarrett to be a title hog.

But i have more faith in Stephanie than Dixie in that matter of experience. Even though having experience in the business doesn't always lead to success.

Look at her attempts to make a reunion show of a defunct company without even getting the person responsible for it, Paul Heyman. Look at the people working for her. roster who she should be familiar of with World Championship Wrestling. Scott Hall, a guy who would no-show past TNA events only to be brought back in 2010 and awarded a title reign. Signing Hulk Hogan is another aspect. Did that guy promise tripling the TV ratings with his presence alone? He did get half of it in his on-screen debut on January 4th. It pushed house show attendance couple thousands. But what can he deliver now? He can't wrestle. The company behind his Australian tour is bankrupt now. etc.

Oh wait, they got Jeff Hardy, one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWE 2009. Mr. Anderson too, the asshole. Orlando Jordan, R.I.P Kanyon. Nasty Boys and Bubba the Love Sponge, that's Hogan bruthaa. Rob, point at myself, Dam. I wonder if the increase house shows would cover these signings. Because we know the TV ratings are likely a hire hundrendth (0.01 - 0.1) last year to this year.

When i watching WCW back in 1999, their problems were obvious. You didn't need dirt sheets to learn what would happen with them (only took two years, no one can say they didn't see it coming).

Dixie needs to make better decisions and maybe folks like me wouldn't be yapping. She's done a fine job to convince her father not to disown her, i meant to stop investing in her company. How many times you hear stories of rich billionaire father's doing that to their child, especially daddy's little girl?
Other people were handed the business, like Jim Crockett Sr to Jr in the 1970s-1980s through family ties or Ted Gordon to Paul Heyman through professional relationship, to WCW allowing Eric Bischoff to have their keys since he was able to convince them to promote him. etc. But like those three, they failed to keep their business going into the next century.

I do not believe she is able to run a wrestling promotion effectively because she never came from a wrestling background like Vince Jr, (not so sure i can say the same about) Jim Crockett Jr, Heyman, even Bischoff (who had time with the AWA before running with the ball in WCW). They were apart of the business and learned aspects of it. You notice in the past, most people who run promotions have worked within it. And most of them except for Vince Jr. were successful long-term (since short-term success, WCW 1996-1998, didn't stop them from spiraling downward). So what's the chances someone outside it will be successful?

What did Dixie do before taking over Jeff Jarrett's (self- j/k)promotion? Did she worked as a valet (like Ms. Elizabeth), i meant manager like Paul E. Dangerously for several years? Is her father in the wrestling business and she was able to learn how to run it? No. The only purpose she has served is to have that financial connection from her father (Panda Energy) to keeping Formerly-Jarrett's promotion up the ground (her best decision was relinquishing Jarrett from power; her worse decision wasn't hiring a wrestling individual to run it). Of course, it helps having Spike TV willing to pay for talents like Sting and so on. Maybe she worked that agreement between her company and Spike TV pretty well. But of course, we don't know what goes on behind the scenes.

Take a look at Stephanie McMahon, she had more experience working in the front office (advantage of being a daughter of one of the successful wrestling promoters of her time). Her husband is one of the best draws in wrestling history (there are others above him but i'll take him over Ric Flair, since WWE has drawn more money the last ten years than WCW / NWA in the 1980s and 1990s) and was in a better position than Jeff Jarrett to be a title hog.

But i have more faith in Stephanie than Dixie in that matter of experience. Even though having experience in the business doesn't always lead to success.

Look at her attempts to make a reunion show of a defunct company without even getting the person responsible for it, Paul Heyman. Look at the people working for her. roster who she should be familiar of with World Championship Wrestling. Scott Hall, a guy who would no-show past TNA events only to be brought back in 2010 and awarded a title reign. Signing Hulk Hogan is another aspect. Did that guy promise tripling the TV ratings with his presence alone? He did get half of it in his on-screen debut on January 4th. It pushed house show attendance couple thousands. But what can he deliver now? He can't wrestle. The company behind his Australian tour is bankrupt now. etc.

Oh wait, they got Jeff Hardy, one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWE 2009. Mr. Anderson too, the asshole. Orlando Jordan, R.I.P Kanyon. Nasty Boys and Bubba the Love Sponge, that's Hogan bruthaa. Rob, point at myself, Dam. I wonder if the increase house shows would cover these signings. Because we know the TV ratings are likely a hire hundrendth (0.01 - 0.1) last year to this year.

When i watching WCW back in 1999, their problems were obvious. You didn't need dirt sheets to learn what would happen with them (only took two years, no one can say they didn't see it coming).

Dixie needs to make better decisions and maybe folks like me wouldn't be yapping. She's done a fine job to convince her father not to disown her, i meant to stop investing in her company. How many times you hear stories of rich billionaire father's doing that to their child, especially daddy's little girl?

Listen, you wont catch me arguing with you about any of these points regarding both Dixie's and Vince's start as promotion owners. All you've done is show in extreme detail the fact they both have had advantages, not exactly the same granted - but major advantages nonetheless. The only thing that annoys me is that all too often the two individuals as they are now, are always compared. How can you compare two business people when one of them is almost 30 years in and one is 5 or 6 years in. So yeah, Vince had a background in wrestling. It took him almost 20 to make his billion. But my point wasn't about who's the best business person. I simply want to know why her advantages are a bigger issue than Vince's. And like I Said, Vince had 25-30 years before anyone started seriously discussing how good a business man he was - Dixie has been given, a cup of coffee? You could obviously counter and point out all the mistakes she's made in the short time. You can point out that just about anyone in, or out, of the business who has a care is talking about the problems at TNA. Wouldn't you agree its a documented fact the majority of the business at the time strongly opposed the direction Vince was proposing, for not just his company, clearly Vince's plan was always to be number 1, globally. Not a bad dream to have. Dixie doesn't have the luxury of swallowing up her direct competition or more pertinently, her detractors.

All Im saying is that comparing the two is redundant. If you want, talk about Dixie without comparison to anyone who hasn't had roughly the same time in her position. Comparison to someone who has 30 years experience is unfair and completely unbalanced from the start.

I also wanna make it clear that Im not defending the mistakes Dixie has made. I just feel she should be given the time allowed for others before we cast her up and fucking crucify her.

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