Dixie Careter wants to start hiring only "beautiful women who can wrestle"...wtf??

Should TNA only hire "models who can wrestle"?

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History beckons the Macho Man!
It's being said that TNA President Dixie Carter issued a statement to TNA officials ordering that only "beautiful women" be brought into the company, but she did stress that they must be able to wrestle as well.

:wtf: Is anyone else kind of pissed about this? The diversity of the knockouts is part of what has made them so successful, opossed to the current WWE divas. They have diffrent sizes and shapes, from Amsome Kong and Hamada to Christy Hemme and Velvet Sky to Sarita and Daffney. They all have a diffrent look/style/shape.

Now, while TNA does have a lack of BEAUTIFUL women besides Christy Hemme and Velvet Sky(I find other knockouts sexy like Daffney but I guess they arent coventionally beautiful), I still think people like Hamada and Awsome Kong are amazing and something diffrent that WWE doesnt do. So why is Dixie now trying to look like a WWE rip off by hiring only models? I can only hope that she really sticks to the fact that they HAVE to be able to wrestle, and I am not talking Kelly Kelly wrestle I mean Angleina Love wrestle. I wouldn't mind a few more sexy women in TNA, but I still want the Hamadas and the Awsome Kongs who can kick some serious ass.

I also hope that this doesn't mean that the ones who don't look like "models" don't get weeded out from the company and are eventually released like Daffney, Sarita, Hamada, Awsome Kong, and Taylor Wilde.

Diva-Dirt.com is reporting that TNA has an interest in signing Kristal Marshall and Candice Michelle, who are both former WWE Divas.

I don't really remember Krystal wrestling, since I have never really watched smackdown all that much since 2001, so I won't prejudge her, but Candice sucks! If that's Dixie's idea of a model who can wrestle I am worried.

What do you all think about this?? is this good or bad?
I believe you're looking too much into this. I'm sure Dixie wants to hire all women of all shapes and sizes no matter what they look like. I think what Dixie said is that she wants beautiful women that can wrestle, which means no models or dancers but trained professionals. I don't think she meant she only wants beautiful women wrestlers.
I hope she does indeed mean that the only beautiful people that will be joining are ones that can wrestle and are trained not models like WWE does and trains them to mixed results.

Daffney is super gorgeous so Id be mad if she left.
I believe you're looking too much into this. I'm sure Dixie wants to hire all women of all shapes and sizes no matter what they look like. I think what Dixie said is that she wants beautiful women that can wrestle, which means no models or dancers but trained professionals. I don't think she meant she only wants beautiful women wrestlers.

I hope I am. It's just Dixie is making alot of changes as of late, so you can't be sure whats a rumor and what has truth to it.

If it is just the case of her just wanting to brining in some hot girls, but not having them all be like that, then i'm all for it.
There is also a rumor that TNA might sign pornstar Trina Michaels. It's not like she only posed nude. No. She makes actual porn and she claimed she loves it. Not really the type of person I would find suitable on television nor would it be someone I'd want to financially support. Even when she isn't screwing guys for internet porn videos she still portrays herself as a complete **** whether it's her videos she uploads on YouTube or the way she portrays her character in the indy scene. She makes Karen Angle look like a complete saint, literally. Signing her would really hurt the reputation of the Knockouts. I was happy about TNA signing actual female performers; girls with a character and a good style rather than signing any ****s who knows how to take some bumps. IMO the Knockouts are what makes TNA stands out and if Dixie is going to take the direction of the knockouts like it sounds then I will be very disappointed. Way to go.
The One thing that TNA keeps stressing about its Knockouts compared to other womens wrestling products, is the size, shape and different wrestling abilities of the Knockouts hired.

If TNA attempts to take that away and be like everyone else (I think you know what i'm getting at here), then their division will lose what makes it special, the talent will slowly die and what would be left will be just women in tight clothes and virtually no underwear wrestling, its not a bad thing for every red blooded male out there but for fans of actual womens wrestling and for the people who busted their asses for the knockouts division this is damn near insulting.

Thats if any of these rumors are true, if TNA was interested in hiring women who cant wrestle then why invest in the division as a whole?, why invest in a knockouts tag team division and eventually their own show?.

it just makes no sense.

As for hiring Candice and Krystal, their was a reason they are former WWE womens wrestlers, the fact is they cant wrestle, havent braught anything to the product, havent helped WWE's womens division at all, from what i remembered the biggest thing Krystal had was being involved with a teddy long storyline involving a heart attack due to taking viagra (oh joys), seriously Dixie needs to actually start watching tapes of the people she wants to hire otherwise they will be left with a division full of crap.

Thats my two cence on the matter
Well, let's see:

Krystal- I guess you could say she is beautiful, but she can't wrestle
Candice- Neither

Does this mean ODB will get fired or is she grandfathered in? haha
I thought it was about seeking out talent who got skill. It seems like TNA wants to be like WWE with the divas. TNA needs to stick with women who can wrestle instead trying to look good. Don't be like your competition. BE ORIGINAL!!!!
Problem is, they just lost their best Mic girl in Angelina Love who may NEVER come back based on reports, there's the rumor of Kong retiring, among other things. I've been thinking about this for a while and I have come to a conclusion that no one on here will like. Many of you, and I've been guilty of it in the past, but I think I'm over it, are sexist. I remember 2 weeks ago reading about Hamada's moonsault and how amazing it was. I watched it thinking it was rushed. The good workers sell it to the crowd before going, she was literally jumping before she got to the top. Why is this relevant? If a guy did that move, it would be an ok spot in a match, but because it was a woman, everyone was wowed. I hate to break it to you, but that's sexist in that you have grown to expect inferior ability from women.

I digress as I can be guilty in that I am not always so into women's matches, but in that, it is because I believe many of these women are capable of a lot more than they are allowed to showcase. As for Dixie's statement, it's alway a help to be beautiful in this business. Wanna test this theory.........how many of you have said that any male wrestler has "the look" of a champion (tall, chiseled body, attractive face). I can remember as far back as Randy Orton's debut and people seeing it had "it" due to his size and good boy looks. Why is it ok to brand male wrestlers as such but not women? I mean sure, everyone needs an ogre champion like a Kong from time to time (remember WWE had Chyna at one point as women's champion) because beating such "women" gives credibility to that person......at least for the time being. I have no problem with Dixie wanting people of a certain attraction level because it is a draw. Who among us wasn't into the skin exposure during the attitude era. Yes, we loved the Rock and Stone Cold among other things, but if you can see the Rock cut a promo and then see Lita's ass popping out, what could be better? Wrestling has always been about appeal and thus, unfortunately, uglier people have a shorter shelf life. It sounds bad, but it's true.

Just some last points - Kristal is being considered because she is married to Bobby Lashley, simple as that. Candice I couldn't explain to you. As for attractive Knockouts, I like class over trash so I don't go for girls like Daffney or Velvet, but I do like Taylor Wilde, she's pretty cute. Madison Rayne has a nice face and for some weird reason I think Sarita is sort of attractive. So I think there's an OK base for looks but a couple of more pretty faces couldn't hurt. Just as long as they dont' get Mickie James back, I'd miss her on Monday nights!
lmao Man, why do you say Sarita is hot so apprehensively? :D

She's gorgeous!!!

Anyway, I think people are overreacting quite frankly. I think it's one of these quotes that have been completely blown out of proportion.

And what's the problem if they can wrestle....?

Tbh, I don't care for Candice and Krystal... What's the point? They're not well known enough for people to give a toss anyway. Just create new stars. If Angle and Foley barely make a difference to the ratings, why on earth would Krystal?

Ditch those ideas; make news stars.

I'm really bored of this double standart. In male's division when someone judges a wrestler they want him to have look and charisma with in ring skills. Thats why people don't like Shelton Benjamin,William Regal or Dean Malenko so much. Because people don't only want to see pure technical abilites. But when it comes to female league everyone complains about how they don't give a shit about beautiful wrestlers and want to see wrestlers that can put on a technical masterpiece. Really why ?

Women wrestlers has to have every talent that male wrestlers need. For example Maryse is without a doubt the best female wrestler in WWE right now. Maybe her in ring skills don't match with Natalya or Phoenix but she entertains me more than those two combined. She has tons of charisma,probably the sexiest talent on roster and actually the only superstar that can carry herself like a star. I'm not telling people like Kelly Kelly who is just an eye candy and people only care herself when she's doing such things as stripping.

Yes Dixie Carter is right women wrestlers also should have great look like male wrestlers need. If you want to see another example just look at Angelina Love. She was hot as hell had charisma and actually someone people cared. Female wrestler has also have to have a look it does not always mean being beautiful but they need it so Dixie Carter is right.
The fact the knockouts can actually put on decent matches keeps me entertained. If I only want to see super hot girls roll around i can watch playboy tv or surf the net. If its true that tna is trying to sign candice, well, that would suck. She can't wrestle, isn't very hot, and injury prone. Kristal marshall is a super smokin chick but she can't wrestle either. I think maybe she could be signed cuz of her ties to lashley. If theyre still together. Not sure there. Anyway, tna should stick with what has made the knockouts different from the divas. The knockouts are unique and got skillz in the ring.
Many of you, and I've been guilty of it in the past, but I think I'm over it, are sexist. I remember 2 weeks ago reading about Hamada's moonsault and how amazing it was. I watched it thinking it was rushed. The good workers sell it to the crowd before going, she was literally jumping before she got to the top. Why is this relevant? If a guy did that move, it would be an ok spot in a match, but because it was a woman, everyone was wowed. I hate to break it to you, but that's sexist in that you have grown to expect inferior ability from women.

I myself was amazed at the moonsault, and yes I will admit it was far from the best moonsault I've seen, but myself and many others were appreciative at a female wrestler taking that kind of risk. Besides, I have yet to see a wrestler hit a move perfectly EVERY SINGLE TIME. Plus she was likely used to a square ring and was doing the moonsault from a position that might have felt weird. It certainly beats the cartwheel back elbow move or some sexual version of the hurricana. We were not being sexist, just appreciative.
I honestly don’t see what the big deal is about Dixie wanting to hire beautiful women that know how to wrestle is. I don’t mind this idea as long as they keep some of the better wrestlers that don’t really look the best, like Awesome Kong for example. I mean…she is still going to apparently be hiring women that know how to wrestle.

Anyways, I think there might be more to this than some of us are thinking about. Maybe she feels that beautiful women are more marketable and it would be a wise business decision to hire them. But in order to not make some people stop watching the knockouts…she wants to make sure they know how to wrestle so that people who watch for the wrestling continue watching them.

So…if the beautiful women can still entertain me and are good wrestlers…then what’s the big deal if we are still going to be getting what we like the knockouts for except with beautiful women doing it?
As much as people say they don't care about looks and want women with in-ring talent, I very much doubt that half of you out there want to see a women on the level of Chris "Cyborg" Santos rolling around week after week. This is wrestlings double standard, get used to it. At least as far as wrestling goes Candice isn't entirely the worse, at least she likes techno!
I agree 100% with Dixie. Why hire ugly women to wrestle when you can hire girls who are prettier and can wrestle? It's just like in acting or any other show business type of thing. If two actors go for the same role, both are great actors but one is a beast and the other is hot, 90% of the time the one who looks good will get the job.

Society is shallow, and must guys want to see hot chicks, it's as simple as that. Dixie is aware of this, and she's following through. I think people should just be happy that she is actually putting some emphasize on actual skill and not just looks(like the WWE).

I mean it sucks that an unatractive women's wrestler might be passed over(especially when you have girls like Kong & ODB who are over, great wrestlers even though they are ugly)but it's just the kind of image Dixie want's to potray and I have no qualms about it, personally.
I don't know why people get so worked up about this. If you want pure wrestling at its finest, you go for the male's division. If you want to see great wrestling where you don't have to feel ashamed as a male to see two wrestlers groping & feeling each others sweaty bodies, you go to the womens division. If you like the second option, you need to employ females whom can wrestle & are beautiful in their appearances. If they aren't good looking, give them a monster heel role to satisfy that part of the roster. Quite simple logic that Dixie is using & should be encouraged.

If you have beautiful woman to the same standards as the WWE Diva's whom are much better overall in wrestling than the Diva's, then you are completely draining away what makes the competition's division so great. This will finally be the wake-up call to Vince to start doing the same thing TNA is doing with their womens division.
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